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Brother cucks brother, then the tables are reversed.
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Really no new ground covered here. I'm sure that someone has written something similar before. If they have, I haven't read it, and maybe I actually created a new twist. If not, then at least it is written a bit differently. Anyway, enjoy. I write these stories for my entertainment. I really have no interest in ratings, so give me all the one-bombs you want. If you are looking for a reconciliation or a cuck-fest, I suggest that you hit the back button NOW.

No real sex here. This isn't a wank story. A bitch and a bastard both get burned. No violence, but justice is served. No real good guys in this one. I know this isn't very realistic, but this is FICTION!

Fuck! What are the odds? I haven't seen or heard from her in 10-years. Of course, that's because I disappeared and did everything I could to not be found by her, her new husband, and his family. I was pretty successful at it too. Yet, there she was. Standing in a booth at the expo for the same convention I was attending. Shit. She even walked right past me without even recognizing me. When that thought struck me, I began to form a plan. Oh yes, I can be a real bastard at times.

I should give you a bit of background here. You may also be wondering why my ex-wife's husband's family would be looking for me. It probably has something to do with the fact that they at one time were also my family. You see, her current husband is biologically my older brother. Of course, his parents are also biologically my parents, and his two younger sisters are my biological sisters as well. When everything blew up, I simply walked away and created a new life for myself.

So, my name is Marvin Anderson. It's been my name for the last 10-years. Marvin, because that was my given middle name, and Anderson because I looked up and saw the sticker for an Anderson Window when I was trying to think of a good last name to use. The slut I've been taking about is Beverly Curtis. She was Beverly Stinson in high school. Long, drawn out high school romance here. Use your imagination. Yes, we were high school sweethearts. Yes, we gave each other our virginities after our senior prom. Yes, I was in love with her. Yes, she was in love with me, well OK, with my family's money. Too bad I didn't know that at the time.

Yeah, my family had money. Mom and dad owned a medium sized manufacturing plant. We manufactured electronic components. We had several standard components, but that wasn't our main source of income. Seriously, the Chinese kicked our asses with their prices. We kept it up with the 'Made in America' requirements. Most of our market was small scale, high value items. It was specialty components that we designed and built based upon the customer's needs. It turned out that it was highly profitable.

OK, so some info on my family. There was mom and dad, of course. They started the business up before I was born. Dad had a degree in Electronic Engineering. His best friend had a degree in Manufacturing Engineering. My great-grandfather on my dad's side had made a ton of money during the Depression by loaning money to people who couldn't afford it to buy houses. When they couldn't make the payments, he foreclosed on the land. He actually 'sold' the same piece of land several times to different people. Maybe that explains where my family got their serious lack of morals from.

So, Brad is my older brother. I told you about mom and dad. I also have twin sisters that are younger than me. Truthfully, they were the babies of the family and the only daughters. Yes, they were spoiled. Their entire outlook on life was that if it didn't directly affect them, they didn't give a rat's ass. If it did somehow affect them, they went with the decision that least affected them. That probably explains their behavior when the shit hit the fan.

So, cliché after cliché. We got married just after our sophomore year in college. We had been married for 5-years when I came home early one day and found her in bed with my older brother. Long story short, I was just a steppingstone to her. Brad would eventually take over the family business, and I would remain a glorified worker bee. Sure, I would be technically second in charge, but it would be Brad with all the power, prestige, and access to society.

Bev and I went to high school together. We had started dating during our senior year. We both went to the local college. She ended up pregnant at the end of our sophomore year, so we got married over the summer. She dropped out to raise the baby while I went on to finish my degree. We had lots of help from my family. We were both 20-years old when we got married. Once Jenny turned two years old, Bev went to work as an administrative assistant at my family's business. They had an onsite daycare for their employees.

I had to wonder how she got pregnant, since we always used condoms. None ever broke as far as I know. She had a bad reaction to the pill, so she wasn't on it. Oh well, shit happens. I did notice that there were a couple weird episodes over the next 5-years. Twice, she had some strange issue that prevented us from having sex for about a week. I didn't really think much of it at the time.

I wanted more children, but it hadn't happened yet. I was hoping that we would have a boy this time. I did love my daughter, but every husband wants at least one boy to carry along the family name. Yes, I hear all you feminists out there who say the woman can keep her married name. I also hear all of you screaming that a father can teach his daughter all the things he can teach a son. Yes, girls can be gearheads and appreciate muscle cars and racing just like boys. Yes, they can become mechanics, get into sports, and everything else. Again, it's one of those things that are programed into men's brain. They want a son as an heir. Don't get me wrong here, I loved my daughter and was happy that we had her. Adding a son to the family would be icing on the cake.

Our 5-year anniversary was coming up at the end of the week. I had ordered her a nice matching set of earrings and necklace from a local jeweler. I snuck out of the office to pick it up, and I was going to sneak home to hide it while Bev was still at work. We both worked at my family's business. They had a daycare for employees, so she didn't need to worry about watching our daughter.

I picked up her gift, then rushed home. As I was approaching the house, I saw Brad's car in the driveway. That was really odd. He was supposed to still be at work, and he had no business being at my house at this time of day. I got a bad feeling about this. I parked on the street, two houses down and walked to the house. The door was unlocked. I quietly followed the sounds and made my way to the Master bedroom. Sure enough, Brad and Bev were both there having a grand old time. To this day, I'm still not sure how I managed to keep my temper in check. Regardless, I managed to get a good 5-minutes of video before sneaking back out of the house.

I had heard some of their talking. It sounded like this had been going on for a few years at least. Despite the rage that I was feeling, I knew that I had to take the time to get all the information and put a plan together. Flying off the handle would only cost me more money and humiliation. The divorce laws in this country fucked over the innocent husbands while rewarding the cheating sluts. That was especially true if there was a child involved. She would get the house, and I would get the mortgage. She would get custody and child support, and I would get missed visitations. She would get alimony (now called Spousal Maintenance), and I would get the honor of paying her to fuck other men. In order to minimize the damage, I had to keep this a secret until I was ready to strike. Oh, and she would not be getting the jewelry I just bought for her.

It took 3-months before I was ready. Now, you may be expecting me to tell you all the clever ways I went about avoiding having sex with the slut, and you would be wrong. Fucking hell! She is a beautiful woman and a fantastic piece of ass. I fucked her as much as I could. Besides, it wasn't like I was really risking getting a disease. She was only fucking my brother, not the whole town. The other thing was that If I tried to suddenly begin avoiding sex, she would get suspicious. No, I did an Emmy Award winning performance of being the loving husband and father.

I didn't mention it before, but I was the IT manager for the company. It became apparent that the rest of the family thought so little of me that they must have never even thought about that little fact. My team was responsible for all the software, hardware, and programing on every computer and machine in the company. I had unlimited access to everything that required any sort of computer code. I am the only one in the company with what I call the God Codes. Those codes give me unlimited access to every machine the company owns. Laptops, desktops, smart phones, CNC Machines, 3D printers, hell, I even reprogramed the coffee makers in the break room. A little piece of advice, if you are going to fuck over the IT guy, don't use company assets to discuss it.

Five minutes after getting to my office, I was reading all their text messages and emails. Yes, I said 'ALL THEIR'. I started with just Bev's and Brad's. From there, I found out that my parents had known about it as well. One text from mom was even discussing it with the twins and cautioned them to make sure that they didn't somehow let me know. Yes, my entire family not only knew that my brother was fucking my wife, but they also seemed to approve of it.

Now, you are probably thinking that I was at the edge of the breaking point. You would be correct. I really didn't see how this could get any worse. That was when it got exponentially worse. Jenny wasn't even my daughter. She was Brad's daughter. Those two episodes that I mentioned earlier that prevented us from having sex for a while? Abortions. She had two abortions because I was the biological father. She had Brad's baby, but she aborted my two children.

They needed to pay. They needed to pay a lot. The more I discovered the more I planned. Don't EVER fuck with the IT guy.

You may be wondering why. I know I was. It turned out it was just plain old greed. Brad was being groomed to take over the company. I was never going to be more than a shareholder (a minor one at that) and kept on as the head of IT. They were going to string me along as long as they could before Bev asked for a divorce so she could marry Brad. His income was going to be much higher than mine ever would. Why the wait? It's simple. They needed me to keep the machines going until they could find someone to replace me if needed. Sure, they hoped I would just accept the situation and stay, but they also wanted a back-up plan in case I left. Besides, I was raising their child and supporting Bev, so Brad had less to pay out. He could build up his finances to better take care of his wife and child later. They were also planning on never telling me about the true parentage of Jenny, thus leaving me on the hook for boatloads of child support payments.

For the next three months, I began to slowly siphon money from our investment accounts to a new account in the Cayman Islands. I sold Bev on the idea of taking out a second mortgage on the house to install a huge swimming pool and entertainment area in the back yard. Of course, she agreed to that. It would make it so she and Brad could do more entertaining, and I would be on the hook to pay for it. It took a full month for the loan to go through. I stashed that money in the offshore account as well. I would bring home some designs about once every two weeks to show her that I was working on it. I did the designs myself while I was supposed to be working. I even put a notice in an online website that we would be taking bids on the work. We ended up interviewing five different contractors.

I hired a PI to place hidden cameras in the house while Bev was at work. They were high definition and also recorded audio. Everything was recorded to a cloud server that could only be accessed by me, the PI, and my divorce lawyer. I continued to copy all their emails and text messages. I also printed out hard copies and kept them in a new safety deposit box I had opened in a different bank. That was under a new name, Marvin Anderson.

I'm not a stupid person. I knew that when the shit hit the fan, every one of them would be pissed beyond belief. They would begin a campaign of harassment and try to recoup the cost for the damage I was about to unleash. I created a couple of online social media profiles. I also created a fake website showing that Marvin Anderson was a very wealthy entrepreneur. He had an MBA as well as two bachelor's degrees. One in Business Administration, the other in International Finances. Neither would hold up to any real scrutiny, but that wasn't really necessary at this point. Forged documents are also fairly easy to obtain, if you know where to look. It only requires an official looking photo or two, some false information (name you want to use, address, and some other info purchased off the dark web), and a transfer of a small amount of cash. About two weeks later, you get an anonymous package delivered to your office.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't simply rely on the words of liars and cheats. I had a DNA test done as well. I swabbed Jenny's cheek as she was sleeping. After I swabbed my own cheek, then managed to get Brad's DNA off a glass he had used during a party, I sealed everything up and shipped it off. I used my company email to get the results. After all, I was the only one in the company that could access anyone else's email, and I was actually looking forward to them finding that email after I left, and they began their own investigation.

OK, so you can pretty much figure out that I was going to burn Bev in the divorce. You can also see that Brad was going to be singed a bit as well. Now to roast Brad and the rest of the family. Brad wasn't going to be too hard. Brad was a bully as well as being an arrogant fool. All I really needed to do was let him be himself. When he took over the company, he would drive it into the ground. It his ineptitude would ensure the company's demise within a couple of years. Not only would the company go bankrupt, but he would become a pariah in the industry for destroying a very profitable business. I figured that I could help him along in that endeavor.

First off, I figured that the family owed me for what they were doing and planned to do to me. I did what I do. Fake accounts, fake invoices, a couple of lines of code in the financial programs, nothing too big that would be noticed, but big enough to hurt when they found out. Also, it was big enough to set me up financially for a long time if I needed it. Marvin Anderson was about to become rather wealthy.

The next thing was to build and set the timer for The Bomb. This took me a week to build. No, it wasn't a literal bomb that would cause physical destruction and injuries. I'm a computer programmer, not a terrorist. This was a software bomb. It would cause havoc, but only in the financial and efficiency of the company. It was set to go off with a specified set of circumstances. I could either set it off by command, or it would go off when certain preprogramed events took place. It would cause every computer and smart phone in the entire company to simultaneously crash. Every computer-controlled machine would suddenly either stop working, or, worse yet, go haywire. For those that went haywire, I had a special plan. Those were the CNC and milling machines.

Finally, the day came. OK, Ok. I know I probably should have done it differently. It probably would have been better, or at least safer, if I would have not actually been there. Me being there gave them the chance to physically confront me. That was a downside. It meant that they could possibly hold me there and physically threaten me. Yes, that was kind of foolish on my part. Still, a train wreck is fascinating. There is a reason people cannot look away when they see one about to happen. It is almost unheard-of to get enough advanced warning of one so you can plan on being there and watching it. I simply couldn't resist. Also, I did have a plan to distract them long enough to make my escape in need be. It wasn't needed.

I was in the main lobby of the offices when I saw her walk in. She was mid-twenties and dressed professionally. I have to say, she was absolutely gorgeous. She was carrying a briefcase and three manila envelopes tucked up under her arm. That was the signal for me to begin. Smiling, I walked into my father's office.

"What's this?" He asked as I tossed a sealed envelope on his desk.

Instead of answering, I held up my hand with all five fingers spread.

"Five, Four, Three, Two, One." I counted as I lowered my fingers individually during the countdown.

"NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Was heard as a loud moaning wail from outside.

Five more fingers were held up, and another countdown.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" A man's voice was heard yelling

One last countdown. The blonde bombshell appeared in my father's doorway.

"Mr. Nathan Curtis?" She asked in a Georgia drawl that sounded like peaches and honey.

"Yes, I am." He replied.

She handed him the last envelope, then stated, "Y'all have been served. Have a nice day." She took a quick photo of him holding the envelope and was out the door.

"That should explain everything." I laughed and quickly made my exit before anyone could get their wits back and make my departure difficult.

The letter that I dropped on my dad's desk was my immediate resignation citing a hostile work environment. This was based upon the company's management and owners accepting as well as encouraging the sexual relationship between the President of the company and the wife of one of their managers. Of course, Bev was served with divorce papers, and Brad was served with a lawsuit for creating a hostile workplace and alienation of affection. I was also suing him for back child support, as well as future child support.

I had removed all of my personal effects from my office a couple days ago. I also had quietly removed everything that I wanted from our house. All the financial stuff had been taken care of as well. The divorce gave Bev the house, and I had cleaned out most of the savings' account. My lawyer had a Power of Attorney, so she could act on my behalf without me actually being present. When the door closed behind me, Michael Curtis died, and Marvin Anderson came to life. That was the last time I saw any of them for the next 10-years.

Counseling was ordered. My lawyer had no idea where I was, and I wasn't telling her. It was dropped. I was ordered to pay child support. My lawyer had all the evidence that she wasn't my child, and that they had deliberately deceived me on that fact. My counter suit against Brad for child support was successful. She tried for alimony. I was no longer employed, and she was now making more money than I was. My lawyer graciously refused any alimony payments from her. As for the house, my lawyer produced a quit-claim and told her she could have it. The rest of the assets that were still there were given to her. Brad was moved in before the week was out. I had relocated to the West Coast.

So, the alienation of affections lawsuit went nowhere, as they usually do. Brad did need to pay me a couple hundred thousand for creating a hostile work environment. He was the boss and fucking an employee's wife did not go over very well with the judge. The company settled for about $2M when the evidence showed that they knew and were actually encouraging the affair. I ended up with just over $4M between the lawsuits and all the money I skimmed, as well as the investments and savings I took. Yes, she should have gotten half the savings and investments, but good luck finding me or the money.