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Home alone with my brother’s gf, she relents to my advances.
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Content Warning: the protagonist is pushy and does not consistently accept No as an answer. If he were real, he'd be guilty of a crime by the end.

* * * * *

Ring. Ring. Ring. "Hello."

"Dude! I just pawned my brother's girlfriend."

"What? Matthew what are you talking about?"

"Sorry, let me start at the beginning. My brother's college girlfriend is visiting us this week because you know it's just so hard for them to be apart the whole summer."

"Shit I didn't think your brother would ever get a girlfriend."

"I know right?"

"How ugly is she?"

"She isn't. I mean it wouldn't kill her to wear some better clothes or put some make-up on, but she's cute, cuter than I'd think he could get. Anyways so my Einstein brother didn't think to call off work this week so it's just her and me alone at the house all day."

"What did you two do?"

"Nothing, I've mostly avoided her, stayed in my room playing video games, but eventually I felt the need to at least get off my ass and take a shower. Afterwards I get distracted by the paused video game, I don't how much time passed but there's a knock at the door and she asks, get this, 'Are you descent?' I'm still wearing only a towel. I drop it and strike a superman pose as she comes in. She screams and said 'I thought you said you were descent' to which I reply, 'I thought I'd let you'd be the judge of that.' "

They were still laughing about it when there was a knock at the door. Startled, I dropped the phone. The handle turned but opened just a crack. "Are you dressed?"

"Yes, come in."

Her straight long brown hair was parted along the center of her head to frame her face. She had a cute small nose and no blemishes or pimples, unlike his brother. She wore a baggy gray Tee-shirt and jeans that would feel tight on him, but not particularly tight compared to what his high school classmates would wear.

She closed the door behind her and then held her hands behind her as she walked towards me. She took a deep breath before saying, "I think we should talk about what happened earlier today."

I was sitting in a gaming chair facing the large TV in my room and just swiveled towards her with my mouth slightly ajar. Shit how much trouble am I going to get for this prank?

She took a seat on my unmade bed. "Your brother and I haven't done anything physical with us entering the Lord's service and all, but I still understand the confusion. You're eighteen and there's a desire to do more. I know there's an attraction between us and I understand if you want to walk in on me after the shower to make things even, but after that we'll have to exhibit more restraint. Not just for your brother, but for the Lord."

"Right, OK." was all I could figure out to say before she left the room. My heart beat heavily as I tried to process her words. There was a muffled noise coming from the floor that I realized was the phone I dropped.

"Dude! She just offered to strip for you."

"Well not exactly."

"Are you going to do it?"

"Shit I don't know man. This is fucking crazy."

"Do it and pics!"

* * * * *

Mid-afternoon it was time to finally wander into the kitchen and get some food. She was sitting at the table eating a piece of toast. I pulled some leftover pasta out of the fridge and placed it in the microwave. The clock on the microwave read 3:23 before I started it.

While my food was cooking I turned to face her and gave her a smile, but she was avoiding my look. "Well we got like an hour until my brother gets home so you want to just show me your body now?"

She dropped her toast as tears welled up in her eyes. "Gosh, I was joking!" and then she ran out of the room.

Well I fucked that up.

* * * * *

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, only to come out for family dinner. If she said anything to anyone they certainly didn't express it to me. I didn't speak much during that meal but I looked into her eyes a lot to see if she had been crying. I saw no redness or puffiness to indicate as such. I hope I'm in the clear.

* * * * *

All night long I went back and forth on what I should do. I was invited to see her naked, but then she started crying when I brought it up. I'd certainly like to see her naked, but she is my brother's girlfriend, and yet somehow that made me want to do it even more. If she's going to cry about it and tell my parents, could be more trouble than it's worth. Although she would never tell she made the offer, which means she couldn't tell them I told her I planned to walk in on her. I'd say it was an accident, I was just bored and asking if she wanted to play a board game, I stupidly forgot to knock. She wouldn't be able to refute that story if it happened only once.

* * * * *

I got up early that morning before anyone had left for work. Mom was impressed and cooked scrambled eggs for me before she left. Dad gave my hair a tussle as he zoomed through the kitchen like I was 8 instead of 18. My brother was last to leave, giving his girlfriend a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I wondered where their line was. What physical acts were permissible and what would make Jesus frown? Had he seen her naked yet?

"I'm going to go take a shower," the girlfriend announced without looking at me. I looked up from my eggs and watched her walk out. She had slept in an oversized shirt that covered her ass and pair of cotton shorts that weren't much longer. Her legs were pale and they didn't look shaved, but I badly wanted to touch them.

I didn't get up from the table when I finished my eggs, didn't even clear the table. I was afraid I wouldn't hear when the water turned off if I made too much noise, so I sat there silently as I scrolled through various sites on my phone.

On instinct I held my breath when I heard the water turn off. After several missed breaths I forced myself to manually intake and release air. My breaths were long as I struggled to keep them quiet.

Finally I heard the bathroom door open followed by footsteps. I hurriedly stood up from the table and followed after her. I placed my hand on the doorknob to the guest room and took a deep breath. Remember, she invited you in.

I barged into the room and she gave a squeal. Her towel was already on the ground and she stood there naked by her suitcase. Instead of proudly taking the superman pose, she instinctively bent down with one arm covering her nipples and the other to cover her crotch. "Jesus, you scared me."

"Sorry, I guess I was just a mixture of excited and nervous."

She stood up straight and dropped her arms. "I guess now we're even."

I didn't respond. My eyes continued to look up and down her body. Her breasts were much larger than I had expected with a huge dark nipples that I wanted to suck. Her tummy was flat but on her sides she had the slight start of a pair of love handles. Her legs had some meat on them and between her legs was a thick dark bush.

"Well," she said after nearly a minute of me just standing there.

My eyes shot up to meet her hazel eyes. A slow smile formed across my lips. I held my ground and folded my arms as my eyes resumed drinking in her pale naked body.

"Whatever." She turned her back to me to look through her suitcase. I enjoyed the view of her backside. She had a real nice bubble butt that especially stuck out as she bent over to rummage through her suitcase. A boring pair of gray cotton panties was the first item to be slipped on. Then she put on a bra that I never got a good look at other than the strap. Then another Tee-shirt, this one black. Finally she stepped into an unflattering pair of shorts. They'd be short and tight if I was to wear a pair like that, but mid thigh wasn't that much leg and they were too baggy to properly show off the shape of her beautiful ass.

"Enjoy the show?"

"Greatest show on Earth, same time tomorrow." I left quickly before she had a chance to respond, but true to my word Wednesday morning I was in her room again. Only I was determined to get a better view this time. Her suitcase was on the floor at the foot of her bed, so while she was in the shower I just laid in her bed. I brought a book with me to read while I waited. I didn't look up from the book when she entered the room either. I waited for her to say something.

"Oh hey," she said casually.

I placed a bookmark in my book and carefully laid it beside me before turning my gaze towards her. "Good morning."

She wore a light blue towel tied around her large breasts that just barely came low enough to conceal her bush. She kept the towel on as she crossed the room towards me. In fact the towel was still on when she had her next pair of panties in hand. "You know the deal was that we'd only see each other once."

"I'll take you clothes shopping if I can get a second view."

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"They're OK, but don't you want clothes that make you feel sexy?" Her lip twitched as she considered my offer so I sweetened the pot, "I'll pay."

She dropped the towel and held out her hand for me to shake. "Deal."

I gave her hand a firm grip. "Maybe a kiss to seal the deal."

"A handshake should be fine." She tried to pull back her hand, but I didn't release. Her breasts jiggled as she twisted her body.

I pulled her hand to my lips and gave her a gentle kiss on the back of the hand. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

She smirked and I knew I was having an effect. The smile stayed on her lips as she got dressed. In short order her bush was covered. Her large breasts danced before him for far longer as she faced him while she put on her bra. It was a full coverage bra with a firm thick beige cup. He made a mental note to get her to try on some better bras while they were out.

Once she was fully dressed I announced, "Alright I'm going to get showered and then we'll go."

While in the shower I jerked off to her and it's a good thing I did because I was still semi-hard afterwards when she walked in on me. I paraded around the room a bit more for her as I took my time getting dressed. She stayed in the doorway, but she watched the entire show with a devilish smile on her lips.

* * * * *

"I don't know this area, so you'll have to pick the store," she said as she climbed into my car.

"We'll just go to the mall and see what we find."

I of course led her in through the entrance by the Victoria Secret's.

"That isn't really my kind of place."

I grabbed her hand as if I needed to stop her from walking away. "Everything they have in there is less revealing than what I've already seen." She giggled and lightly hit me in the side. "No one in there knows us. If they ask we'll just say I'm your boyfriend. I'm confident couples go in there together all the time."

She clutched my hand tighter as we entered the store as if she needed me to protect her from the busty women in their underwear on the poster. I resisted the urge to look at them; instead I focused my gaze on her hand as I pulled it up to my lips, another gentle kiss on the back of her hand. I let my lips linger for a second before looking up at her. She giggled.

It wasn't long before an employee came over to help us. The employee wore a simple black Tee, but it fit her form better than the shirt my "girlfriend" was wearing. It hugged her curves so her breasts were more noticeable despite being smaller in size.

After picking out several different styles the saleswoman talked her into coming in the back for a bra fitting. I didn't attend that session, but the employee sent me back when she was done.

"What do you think?"

She still had her shorts on, but her shirt was hanging on a hook on the wall. She was wearing a pink full-coverage bra with a black laced pattern covering the pink cup. It was incredibly sexy. "You look amazing. Can I see you try on the others you picked out?"

"No, that will spoil the surprise."

"Alright, but you do need to change out of that so I can pay for it."

"And I'm guessing you plan on staying for that?"

"Well there is a chair right here." I took a seat and folded my arms.

She turned her back to me as she undid her bra. Dropping it to the floor, she turned around with her own arms crossed, covering her large nipples.

I dropped one hand to my lap. I didn't unzip or even stroke it, I just applied a little added pressure to my growing cock.

True to my word, I paid for the bras plus some new panties that she didn't try on. On my insistence we also purchased a black thong that I looked forward to seeing later.

We stopped by a second clothing store before leaving the mall to buy her some her some more form fitting clothes that I also paid for. We unfortunately bought those without trying them on nor did we follow through with my fashion show idea when we got back. A couple hours later my brother was home and he held her attention through the evening, not that I tried to compete. I mostly stayed in my room while he was home.

* * * * *

I had trouble sleeping that night. I wondered if I should have been more daring in the dressing room. What would she have done if I just closed the distance and went in to make-out with her? She lived in Alaska and I had doubts that my brother and her would make it long-term. It was already Wednesday. Two days left alone with her followed two more with my brother out for the weekend and then she'll be gone forever.

I tried to play some video games to distract my mind, and it worked while I was playing, but the thoughts of her flooded back every time I tried to return to bed. Lying there it was after one when finally I grew the balls to do something.

I tiptoed out of my room and down the hallway to the guest room. I turned the knob slowly so as to not make any sound and was just as careful closing the door once inside. I walked over to the bed. She was lying on her back. A sweatshirt covered her breasts and the rest of her body was hidden by the bedsheets.

She stirred when I sat on the bed beside her. I rubbed her arm just above her elbow until she was awake. "What are you doing?"

"I had a wonderful time with you today and regretted not doing this." I leaned down and planted my lips on hers. She kissed me back enthusiastically. The kiss was wet and sloppy. My hands gripped her shoulders to stop them from wandering to other parts of her body. I didn't even know if she had kissed my brother yet. I assume they've at least done that, but I haven't seen it.

I sat back up when the kiss finally broke. "Well that was fun," and then I left her room.

* * * * *

The next day I waited for her in her room while she showered. I stayed on the bed while she dressed, but my hand slid inside my pants as I watched her. She put on my favorite of the bras we picked out, the half cup that just barely covered her nipples.

Once she was fully dressed I said, "The new undergarments look amazing on you. I think I'll need to go take a cold shower now to cool off."

She was waiting for me in my room when I got out of the shower. Not lying on the bed, but sitting on the edge. She got up and soon as I entered and crossed the room to me. She grabbed the back of my neck and planted a deep passionate kiss I'm my lips. I dropped my towel and snakes my hands under her shirt, but as soon as I grabbed her magnificent breasts she pulled away.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I can't do this!" Then she ran from the room with tears welling in her eyes.

* * * * *

She convinced my brother to go out for dinner when he got home and they were out until ten. From my room I listened to him say good night to her in the hallway. For hours I just stood there at my door, doing nothing other than listening to sounds of the house, to hear if anyone was awake, if anyone was moving about.

The second the clock struck one in the morning I made the journey over to her room. To my surprise she was awake and sitting in the bed when I opened her bedroom door. She didn't say anything as I approached the bed and sat beside her. I sighed and placed my hands on my knees. Turning towards her I smiled and waited.

She leaned forward and kissed me. They were closed lip kisses this time: quick and short but never-ending in supply. My hand moved to her shoulder and soon I was on top of each other. My hips grinded against hers and she pressed back.

My hands moved to her stomach, sliding just underneath her sweatshirt. I had gone for the breasts too quickly last time, establishing that was too far, but it was not clear where the line was exactly. It appeared this was fine for soon her hands were underneath my shirt as well.

My hands slid up but stayed on the sides so they reached her armpits instead of her breasts. Moments later her shirt was lifted to expose her breasts, but my hands had not yet made contact with them.

I sat up to pull off my own shirt, and then helped her remove her own. We then pressed our bodies close together so her bare tits were pressed against my chest. Our hands stroked each other's backs while pressing each other closer together. My rock hard dick grinded against her groin, but there were still several layers of clothing down there.

I rolled us onto our sides and tilted my body back so that a gap could form between our bodies. My hand passed over her breast as it swing around from her back, along her side and up her front to her shoulder. She made no complaint so after gripping her shoulder for a minute my hand slid back down to more aggressively grab her breast. Her nipple was rock hard pressing against my palm. I squeezed and massaged and soon my other hand was on her other breast.

After the next break in kisses I lowered my head between her breasts. I used my hands to slap me in the face with each of her breasts. Smothered in her large bosom was a great place to be. I sucked on her skin, but not hard enough to leave a mark.

I almost bit her nipple, but then changed course and sucked with all my might as I lifted my head off her body to see for how far I could keep it in my mouth. When at last it fell and jiggled into place, I looked up at her and giggled.

"Does anyone come in your room in the morning to wake you?"

"No, I set an alarm to make sure I'll see them before they go to work."

"So no one would notice if I stayed here the night?"

She took a deep breath. "Look you're sweet and all, but..."

"No, no, not that. I just don't want to be alone tonight. If I go back to my room I'll pleasure myself and I think it'd be better for my soul if I kept it inside my pants and just cuddled with you."

"That would be alright."

We spooned topless that night with me as the big spoon.

* * * * *

Her alarm woke me up first. I started squeezing her tits until she turned it off. "Do you think I could get a job as a professional alarm?"

She smiled at me and gave me a peck on the cheek before putting her sweatshirt back on.

I rolled over and stayed in bed. It wasn't unusual for me to stay in bed until well past everyone else left for work. Plus the risk of someone seeing me walk out of her room was too great.

To my surprise she returned with a plate of eggs for me. I ate while she stripped and wrapped a towel around her body.

"You know it's just us in the house now right?"

"I'm not walking through your house naked. What if your dad forgot his wallet or something?"

I was still in her bed when she returned from the shower. I sat up to enjoy the show and I pulled out my dick when she dropped her towel. "Put the thong on."

"Are you sure you're ready for that one? I have other options you haven't even seen yet?"

"It's Friday. Today is my last day to watch you dress."

"Alright, since it's our last time." She turned her back to me and wiggled her hips as she slid the black thong on. It provided a stark contrast against her creamy white skin. "Now which bra should I put on?" She spun around to face me. She held a bra in either hand with her elbows pushing her breasts to pop out at me.