Innocent Devil’s Harem Ch. 38


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"Don't worry, baby," she whispered seductively, as if we were a couple of horny teenagers sneaking around. "We're almost there."

I tried to catch my breath when we reached one of the many closed doors on the second floor, her thrusting it open with ease, and turning toward me to grab both of my hands as she walked in backwards. Oh fuck, suddenly all I could focus on was her tan skin, her small plump tits, her smooth and slim belly, and her thin thighs so perfectly attached to her shapely bony hips.

"Come, undress and lay down on the bed for me," she whispered, her tone almost husky now, even as she stopped, her hand suddenly on my pants. "Let me help you feel better," she continued as she expertly shoved them down enough so that she could lift her knee and use her foot to do the rest. "There, now doesn't this feel so much better?" she wondered, gently doing the same with my boxers as she wrapped her fingers around my cock.

"Much better," I gasped, the pain I was feeling having been alleviated by her freeing my stiff member.

"Perfect," she cooed. "Now the shirt, please."

I had that sucker off in a second flat, kicking my shoes and socks off too, suddenly completely naked before this short sexy goddess.

She grinned widely up at me, leaning forward to unexpectedly suck my nipple between her lips, hard, before pulling away to laugh again. "So adorable and obedient," she praised, tugging on my hand again. "Come, make yourself comfortable on the bed."

Feeling dizzy as I did as she asked, I grabbed the two pillows on the bed and piled them on top of each other, laying down with my head propped up, unashamed of my cock already leaking as it stuck straight up into the air.

My gaze was then focused intently on the sexy succubus as she slipped off her latex thong, threads of clear fluid briefly remaining connected to her panties and wet snatch, before she climbed onto the bed and stood above me, straddling my hips with her feet. I stared up at her with tunnel vision, not because I was feeling as if I was going to pass out, so much as feeling like there was nothing else in the room except her at this point.

Her tan skin and glowing emerald eyes were all I could see.

Which was why it took me half a second to realize she'd removed her silver tiara too.

My brow furrowed. "Are you sure you're okay doing that?" I asked hesitantly.

She frowned. "You noticed, did you?" She then sighed, carefully lowering herself to her knees, only to gently press her soaking wet pussy against my stomach as she fully sat down, gripping my chest firmly with her small hands like she was trying to hold on. "I hope you accept my offer of goodwill, and don't make me resort to extreme measures for breaking my trust."

"I would never," I promised. "And I'm more than happy to prove you can trust me."

She nodded, her wings unfolding entirely as she began lowering her upper body, until she was tucking her head underneath my chin, her shiny black appendages lying flat on either side.

"Mmm," she mumbled quietly, taking a deep breath of my neck. "I think I'm starting to understand why Rebecca and Gabriella find you so enticing. You feel much nicer than a human, and yet lack all the repulsion that comes with an incubus."

I tried to respond, completely overwhelmed by having her mostly naked body lying on top of mine, the latex bikini top her only garment, feeling weird about the fact that her hot slippery pussy was on my lower stomach now, and yet her head was barely high enough to kiss me.

"I, feel nice too," I finally managed, eliciting another soft giggle from her that sent a rush of euphoria through my mind, as if making her laugh was like taking a shot of a drug.

It made me feel accomplished, even though I hadn't done anything, and I wanted to make her laugh more.

Her tone was suddenly more serious. "Hmm," she unexpectedly began. "Your third-eye truly is closed all the way, and it's almost as if..." Her voice trailed off.

"W-What is it?" I gasped, feeling her press her heated snatch firmly into my gut, her hot breath tickling my neck.

Oh fuck, I so desperately just wanted to grab her thin shoulders and shove her lower. I wanted her on my cock so bad.

"I think..." She paused. "No, that's really what it is. You have a seal on you." She paused again. "A really bizarre seal."

"Is that bad?" I asked seriously.

She frowned then, finally pushing up on her elbows to focus on me, our faces so close together. I couldn't help it. I leaned forward incrementally and pressed my lips to hers, again feeling like my head had been plunged in maple syrup.

And she let me, her lips tender, soft, and juicy, before they pulled into a grin.

"Okay, young man," she said playfully, leaning back her head just a tiny bit. "Let me answer your question first."

"Umm, sure," I agreed, having already forgotten what I'd asked, relaxing my neck so that my head was resting fully on the pillows again.

She grinned even wider, only to roll her emerald eyes. "Oh, okay," she sighed in amusement, as if she was agreeing to give into my desire, leaning forward again to slip her tongue in my mouth, passionately pressing her lips into mine.

I immediately sucked on her warm tongue, my hands carefully resting on her slim waist, feeling her heated smooth skin underneath my grasp, wanting so desperately to be rough, and yet finding such intense arousal in being gentle.

She moaned then, carefully placing one hand on my gray chest as she shifted her weight slightly, only to pull her tongue away and suck hard on my bottom lip, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she bit down gently.

"Oh fuck," she whispered, planting another tender kiss. "Yeah, I could really enjoy spending a few long days with you. It's like you don't have a limit to the amount of lust inside of you."

"Umm, w-what do you mean?" I wondered hesitantly.

She kissed me again, pulling away, only to peck me a second time with a grin on her face, seeming to enjoy our lips being together just as much as I was. "Well, see normal humans have a limit. Their capacity to feel lust and essentially 'burn with passion' fatigues, just like muscles fatigue. And during normal sexual intercourse with another human, they never reach even close to their maximum lust potential, even if they are having sex with that person for the first time. Which means that they could probably have sex several days in a row, possibly even multiple times a day, and be fine...if it's with another human."

I nodded, leaning up again to suck on her bottom lip, prompting her to giggle as she grinded her soaking pussy into my lower stomach, her grin growing as I released her lip and began planting soft kisses on the side of her mouth, followed by her jaw.

She abruptly jerked her head then, intercepting my lips with her own, only to pull away. "But with a succubus," she continued. "We usually maximize the amount of lust they can produce, leaving them fatigued after just one time. Sure, they might be able to be horny again within a few hours, but their capacity to feel lust and 'burn with passion' is just shot, after such an intense experience. However," she said emphatically, leaning down to peck me on the lips again. "Your lust is very...odd."

"That good or bad?" I wondered, deciding to explore a little more with my hands, slowly easing my right hand down to cup her tight ass.

Instantly, the end of her slim tail wrapped around my wrist, squeezing gently, making me hesitate briefly before I saw encouragement in her excited green eyes. Squeezing her ass gently, I noted that the sensation of her tail against my skin was strange, because it didn't feel like normal skin at all. It was much more slick than I was expecting, even despite the shiny surface.

"I'm not sure," she finally admitted honestly. "Hard to say it's bad, but it is very strange. If I compared a normal person's lust to pouring water into a bucket, yours is more like a massive river pouring into the sea. Not only does it seem like it has the capacity to flow quicker, but it's as if there's no upper limit to how high it can climb."

"M-Maybe it's because my body heals so quickly," I considered out loud, feeling like my hand was on fire as I cupped and squeezed her ass.

However, the moment that little comment slipped out, her ass tensed, as did the rest of her.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked seriously.

I gave her a confused look, feeling like rapid regeneration shouldn't be that strange to her...


"How fast?" she prompted. "Like, if someone cut you, how fast would you heal?"

"Umm, does it matter?" I hedged hesitantly.

Unexpectedly, she bent down and sank her teeth into my jaw, attempting to break through my skin even as the sensation sent an overwhelming sense of pleasure throughout my entire body, causing my cock to begin tensing as it prematurely ejaculated precum.

"Fuck," I gasped, feeling my head spin.

And then it was over, and Miriam was gone.

Feeling stunned for a second, the warmth on my body having completely vanished, I just laid there in disbelief, before I abruptly sat up, urgently searching for my sexy lover.

The moment our gaze met, seeing that she was using a dresser to steady herself as she trembled slightly, her hand mere inches from the tiara she'd previously taken off, she spoke up.

"I just fucking bit you as hard as I could, and you didn't even bleed!" she accused, looking sincerely shaken and disturbed.

I was at a complete loss for words. I didn't know what to say.

"How fast do you heal?" she snapped.

"Fast," I admitted. "Although, usually I need to drink..." My voice trailed off.

She abruptly took a step back, crossing one arm over her chest defensively, as her other hand twisted in a weird way at her side, her fingers locked in a strange position.

"Drink what?" she hissed, her emerald gaze beginning to look a little wild.

My eyes widened in surprise, everything about her position making me feel like she was about to attack me. And I realized she must not have picked up on my occasional dietary need from performing her Soul Scrying on me, since that was the nature of one of the memories that came up.

"Fuck," I said under my breath. "Please calm down. I'm not a threat to you. I promise I'm not a threat to you." She didn't relax. "Look, here, I'll lay back down," I continued, slowly doing so, placing my palms upward at my sides as I focused my gaze up at the ceiling. "I'm completely helpless now," I added. "So please, calm down. I don't even understand why you're so worked up."

She didn't respond.

My tone was more pleading. "Please," I begged, suddenly realizing the implications her reaction might have on everything else, including her willingness to help with the stone. "I'm literally all alone in this world, and someone is trying to kill me. You're the only person I have. So please, don't turn on me too. You've seen I can be trusted. You've seen that I mean you no harm. So please."

She didn't respond.


I wasn't even sure if she was gone, since I couldn't even trust my own hearing in this mansion.

Thus, I was surprised when I felt a weight settle on the bed, choosing to continue staring up, so she didn't feel threatened again by my eyes.

I then closed them entirely.

"Please," I repeated, my tone somber.

I flinched when I felt her delicate hand rest on my chest.

Her tone was surprisingly gentle. "Please forgive me," she whispered. "You may not be surprised to learn that I've barely escaped death on several occasions in my long existence, or that I've suffered unimaginable traumas on a number of occasions."

"I'm sorry," I whispered, my eyes still closed, my tone as sincere as it could possibly be.

My heart was racing.

She sighed. "The surprise of what you said, and the shock of me not being able to hurt you with even a bite, unfortunately dredged up some very unpleasant memories." She sighed again, gently rubbing my chest. "I overreacted."

"It's fine," I whispered, my body feeling tense. "And I understand if you're done."

She didn't respond to that at first, her hand growing still, before her fingers left my skin as I felt the bed shift again, feeling like she was standing over me like before, her feet next to my hips.

I then gasped when she abruptly lowered herself back on me, burying her face against my neck, her wet pussy returning to its spot on my lower stomach.

Her heart was pounding.

I could feel it through her chest, beating even faster than mine.

So I was silent, as was she, neither of us budging for what felt like forever.

It was quiet for a long time.

And slowly, her pounding heart slowed, her breathing becoming soft and even.

When she finally spoke again, her tone was soft.

"The purity of your heart is refreshing," she unexpectedly whispered, finally breaking the silence. "Even for your age, your innocence is above average."

I cleared my throat, not fully understanding what she was implying, but ready to address the main issue. "So I guess my regeneration isn't normal."

"No, it is not," she said definitively. "If someone bit me and drew blood, I would have to use a spell to speed up recovery, but what you're suggesting is something else entirely. The fact that I couldn't even draw blood is something else entirely. And your ability to transform doesn't explain it, because other creatures with a similar capacity to shift forms can still become injured."

"Well," I began hesitantly. "I can still get hurt. It's just not super easy."

She paused before responding. "Please believe me when I say I have no intention on harming you. But how?"

I cleared my throat. "The gun. I'm not sure what it would take to kill me, of course, but it would have definitely hurt me." I sighed, feeling her entire body rise with my chest. "And please understand that I'm really trusting you by sharing that information with you."

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Well, you're not wearing your tiara with the mind stone, so it's the least I can do in exchange for that level of trust you're showing me."

She nodded, sucking in a deep breath as if she was inhaling the scent of my neck. "So, are there any other mysteries to solve, or is heat resistance and fast healing everything?"

I grimaced, deciding right away that I wasn't ready to share that I could transform people with my blood. However, I did feel like there was something else she should know. "I, umm...I sort of have wings," I admitted.

She immediately stiffened on top of me. "An illusion spell?" she whispered, almost sounding a bit panicked again.

"No, I can't do magic."

She nodded hesitantly, her face still buried against my throat. "Then?"

" you want me to show you?" I asked tentatively.

"You're making me nervous," she whispered.

"I promise I won't hurt you. And besides you were about to attack me with magic just a little bit ago, weren't you? I strongly doubt I would be any match for whatever you were going to do."

She didn't respond.

Then, she slowly lifted herself up, meeting my gaze as she placed her hands together on my chest, her elbows so close together that it made her small tits, still hidden by the latex bikini top, look much plumper from being squished together. "Okay, show me," she whispered.

I nodded, carefully moving my arms to get my elbows back far enough to start propping myself up fully. The motion caused her to slide down a little as I sat up, until she was sitting just above my cock, my shaft still quite hard and growing even harder when it found itself in her crack, her tail unexpectedly wrapping around the head like it had a mind of its own.

In the meantime, Miriam was now staring up at me, her lips a mere inch from mine, her chin tilted up as if she was ready for me to kiss her.

"Ready?" I asked quietly.

She nodded, her gaze finally shifting to my shoulder when she noticed my muscles were beginning to squirm as they restructured themselves. And then her emerald eyes widened as my coal-gray appendages began growing larger and larger, until I was fanning out my massive wings on either side.

She began trembling in my lap, her breathing picking up again, looking so much smaller than me now that I was fully transformed, simply because my wings alone made me look so much bigger -- so much more than just a humanoid body.

Wanting to ease her tension, I tried to keep my tone lighthearted as I spoke.

"I guess I look like a real incubus now, huh?" I whispered.

She immediately shook her head, her tail tensing on my cock harder as she met my gaze. "No," she whispered, a slight tremble in her voice. "They do look much like the rest of your body, but..." She paused. "But Kai, incubi don't have wings."

"What?" I gasped in shock.

She quickly continued. "They don't have wings," she repeated, only to take a deep breath. "But Archdemons do."


I've recently uploaded some new stories to Literotica, so check them out! They include:

-- Sexy Blonde Becomes a MILF (loving MILF, harem, NO sharing)

-- Naughty Slut Becomes a MILF (slutty MILF, dominating, sharing)

I update my Bio on Literotica frequently to reflect my Release Schedule and what chapters are pending review.

Submitted: February 5, 2022 to Literotica (Copyright Kaizer Wolf)

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Fenris420Fenris420over 1 year ago

Did not see that coming and the mystery deepens. Also, Miriam and Rebecca are going to freak the fuck out when they find out about Kai sharing his blood and turning his women into who knows what. Loving it!!! 5/5*

skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

So that means that his mom is an Archdemon.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 2 years ago

Mesmerising, Kai is an archdeacon.

TalimosinTalimosinabout 2 years ago

Can't wait for the rest, love the storyline, characters are well developed and have great backstories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So is he turning the girls into Vampires, like how in D&D succubi can turn men they love into vampires?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Those stories like Sexy Blond and Naughty Slut are probably nice reads, but after reading this series, every thing else seems so boring. So we got ourselfs an archdemon, looking forward to finding out if that's a good or bad thing...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love the story glad your posting again hope to see more coming soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Would really like for Kai to tell her about transforming others, including what he has done to Gabriella, Avery, Michelle, and Serenity and the circumstances of his turning them.

Then I think Miriam should tell him the only way she won't hurt anyone is if she fucks him in taking the curse off the stone.

Then after the stone's message is safely revealed, I think Miriam should insist that he brings all 4 of Kai's housemates to her home for her to train all five of them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Best active story on the site.

I wish I was able to contribute to your Podia, but my financial situation doesn't currently allow that. Sadly, the best I can do is compliment your writing and let you know that I appreciate all the effort you go to. Thank you.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

Love where this is going but delay between releases is killing me! LOL 5*

GreenmtviewGreenmtviewover 2 years ago

I must say that I have loved reading this story. Great work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Good story as all ways

As always kaizerwolf brings the characters to life, all the while keeping it entertaining. Also i am going to go out on a limb to guess that kai's dad is Asmodeus. Not sure but that would be my guess. Anyway kudos, and keep posting many more in the future.

PS. i am lazy to login to my literotica account, hence anonymous

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