Inseparable Pt. 01


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"There are a lot of beautiful girls out there."

"Why are you the only one I can't stop thinking about?"

"Because of yesterday."


"Maybe we should just blame it on good head and wait for things to feel normal again."

"It wasn't good head, Killie--I mean, it was. It was fucking phenomenal head. But it wasn't because it was good. It was because I'd never thought about you like that before. I never even opened that door of possibilities."

"I think I fucked everything up. Maybe we should think about it more before..."

"We can do whatever you want, Kil."

"We should sleep. Talk about it in the morning."

"We can do that."

Killian closed her laptop and set it on the bedside table. She pulled her shirt on again and lay down next to Jack. He reached over to turn off the beside lamp, but paused when she said, "Jack?"

"Yeah, babe?"

"Can I tell you something?" she asked quietly.


"I know I shouldn't," she looked over her shoulder at him, "but I still want to kiss you."

He couldn't help smiling. "Likewise."

"Make out with me?" she said timidly. "Nothing else--just as friends...or whatever."

"Yeah." He shouldn't have agreed. He knew it. But he couldn't bring himself to say no.

She rolled over to face him, and pulled him to her again. He wondered how he had never thought about how it would feel to be close to Killian like this. Her hands on his face. Soft curves under him. She felt so small compared to him.

Because I'm a good fucking friend. That's why I never thought about it, he reminded himself. Was a good friend. Am a good friend? He couldn't think clearly with her pressed up against him. She was intoxicating.

Finally, she stopped kissing him. She looked up at him, concern in her big blue eyes. "Are you going to be able to sleep, Jack?"

"Course, Kil. I sleep with you all the time."

"Yeah. But he doesn't feel sleepy." She ground her hips against his.

"He'll figure it out." Jack smiled at the earnest look of concern on her face; it was adorable. "If, you know, you stop grinding on me like that."

"Won't it hurt?"

"No. Well..." he thought about it. His cock had been trying to get his attention as soon as he was in the same room as Killian. "Maybe a little. But it's okay."

"You can take care of it, if you need to."

"I'm not going to jerk off in your bathroom," he laughed. "But thanks for the consideration."

"You don't have to go to the bathroom. You could stay here."

"Oh, uh, I-I'm not sure--I'm not going to do that in front of you."

"I could help."

"Huh?" said Jack, now completely unsure of what was going on.

"I could give you another blowie," she said quietly. "If you want. Since I already fucked things up and I think you liked it."

"I don't know, Kil. You said we should talk before things go any further."

"It's not really going any further, is it?" she said sincerely. "Since I already did it yesterday. The only difference is you don't have to pretend not to like it this time."

"You don't have to do that, Killie. You know that, right?" He touched her cheek gently. "You never have to--oh," he stopped short. Killian had reached down and started to rub her hand over the front of his sweatpants.

"I know I don't have to." She kissed him, and murmured in his ear, "I want to do it for you."

"Oh." Jack had no idea what he could say to that--or what he should say. She did have a point. It wasn't really going any further than they already had.

Killian slid down his body before he could think of anything else to say. She slipped her hands under the waistband on his sweats and pulled them down.

"You're really hard, Jack," she said, wrapping her small hand around his engorged member.

"That's all you, Kil," he said, taking in the sight of her. "I told you, you've been driving me crazy."

Her only reply was a smile, before she lowered her head and wrapped her lips around his cock. Jack couldn't take his eyes off her. He didn't bother trying. She bobbed her head up and down, his shaft slick with her saliva.

Her butt. Oh god. That sweet little ass, in those pink panties, was in the air. She had been dressed the night before, but now he got to see that too, wiggling a little with her movements as she pleasured him.

She was perfection.

"God, Killie," he groaned, winding his fingers through her hair as she gracefully took his full length in her throat. "How do you do that?"

She didn't reply. She just kept massaging his shaft with her tongue, somehow managing to suck at the same time. She was an artist with his cock.

Jack noticed one of her hands slide between her own legs. Is she really--Jack couldn't believe his eyes. It was too much. "You're gonna make me cum, Killie," Jack warned her.

She responded with more excited movements. Encouraging his load with her tongue. It didn't need much encouragement. He buried his cock deep in her throat as he came. Killian crawled back up next to him after she was sure she had thoroughly cleaned his cock.

"How the hell did you get so good at that?" he asked. "You sure you haven't done it much?"

"You know me, Jack. I'm just a perfectionist," she smiled. "Hopefully you'll be able to sleep a bit better now."

"I don't doubt that at all." He put his arm around her and she lay her head on his chest. "Hey, Kil?"


"What about you?"

"What about me?" She looked up at him.

"You were touching yourself, weren't you?"

"Oh." Heat rose to her cheeks. "A little."

"Does it turn you on?" he asked. "Sucking dick?"

"Sucking yours did," she said shyly.

"I can return the favor, if you want."

She shook her head. "That would be going farther."

"Okay," said Jack, a little disappointed. He would have been more than happy to help her. Now all he could think about was what it would feel like to have her wrap her legs around his neck while he tasted her. "Hey, Kil?" he asked, after a minute.

"Yes, Jack?"

"Are you wet right now?"

"Jack! You can't say that!" She looked embarrassed, but finally said, "What do you think?"

"Yes?" he asked, hopefully. She nodded. He could only imagine how sweet she must taste. "I don't mind if you want to take care of it, you know."

"In front of you?"

"It's not fair for you to go to bed all hot and bothered, and you won't let me help... Come on, Kil. I won't be able to sleep half as well knowing that you're not taken care of. Then that fantastic blowjob will have gone to waste."

"You're being manipulative."

"Yeah, trying to manipulate you into an orgasm," he grinned.

She smiled and shook her head. "Fine," she gave in. She slipped her hand under the sheet.

"You're not gonna let me see?"


"You're killing me."

"That would be going further, wouldn't it? Since you've never really looked at my pussy before."

"Why do you have to be hot and smart?"

"Shut up, Jack." She smiled and closed her eyes.

He did. He would have done whatever she told him to do. He lay quietly with her, taking in the sight of her as she touched herself in his arms. He noticed every detail. The little smile that played at the corner of her perfect lips. The movements she made under the sheets. The soft sigh she let out. Jack had never seen such a beautiful, alluring creature.


"Yeah?" She opened her eyes.

"Will you tell me when you're gonna cum?"


"And will you tell me how wet you are right now?" he asked quietly.

"Really wet."

"Can I feel?"


"Please?" he begged. "Just once. I just want to know how wet you are. I won't go inside."

"Fine," she said, with an amused smile. "But that's it."

Jack moved his hand down her stomach, across her smooth, bare mound, finally gliding his finger down her lips. "Oh, Killie," Jack moaned. It was soft and warm and so wet. He teased her wet slit, smearing her hot juices around it.

That was really all he was going to do. He had every intention of moving his hand away but Killie let out this soft little noise of pleasure and thrust her hips and his finger slipped into her.

She looked up at him, wide-eyed. "Jack," she gasped.

"I-I didn't mean to," he apologized.

"It feels so good." She thrust against his hand again, letting him feel her most private part.

Jack could hardly believe what was happening. He felt her hand by his as she started to rub her clit. He gently moved his finger deeper, slowly stroking her tight, virgin hole.

"Jack," she moaned.

"Do you like that, Killie?" he asked quietly.

She nodded. "That's gonna make me--Jack, I'm--" She bit her lip.

"Keep going, Killie," he coaxed her. "Cum for me."

"Jack," she whimpered softly, gazing up at him.

Her eyelids fluttered and she gasped. Jack felt her pussy tighten rhythmically on his finger. He held her as she trembled in his arms.

"Thanks," she said, in a small voice, when she finally stilled.

"Do you always cum that fast?"

"No," she admitted.

"It was hot."

He kissed her. She curled up close in his arms.

"Night, Jack."

"Goodnight, Killie."



Everything felt perfect when Killian woke up. She was wrapped up, safe and warm, in Jack's arms. She could stay like that forever. She rolled over so she was facing Jack and put her head on his arm.

"Morning, Kil." Jack hadn't even opened his eyes. Sometimes they just knew.

"Hi," said Killian softly. They lay quietly for a while.

"You want to talk now, don't you?" he asked, finally opening his eyes.

"No. Yes. I wish I didn't."

"What have you been thinking about?"

"You. And me."

"And?" he prompted.

"I feel like I never should have given you that stupid blowjob. Things have never been weird or hard with us before and now I feel like that's all it is. I'm so confused, Jack. I didn't know this would happen."

"I didn't know either."

"Did you feel anything when we kissed?" she asked.

"Did you?"

She touched his cheek and pressed her lips to his softly, as if to remind them both. Briefly. And then it was done. "I didn't not feel anything."

"Me too?" he said, sounding as though he was still trying to figure out what she said.

"But I don't trust that it's not just because we had an Adam and Eve moment and suddenly realized we were hot and naked."

Jack laughed at her words but she thought his eyes looked sad. "What are you saying?" he asked.

"I want to go back to the way things were."

He hesitated, then asked, "Did you not like being close to me like that?"

"I did, Jack."

"Maybe we don't have to go back then?"

"I told you last night. I don't wanna be another of your one-night stands."

"And I told you, you'll never be that to me."

"I think you want me because you never thought you could have me before."

"Yeah, I mean, you're not wrong. Now I can't stop thinking about it."

"Go try to fuck that girl again."

"Excuse me?" Jack sat up, looking taken aback.

"Your plan was to be with another girl so you could stop thinking about me like that, right?"

"Yeah. But I don't think that's gonna work."

"It might."

"And if it does, then how will you feel?"

"I dunno, Jack." Killian sat up too. "But at least we'd know what this was."

"And how will you feel when I'm out and you are alone, thinking I'm fucking another girl?"

Killian looked at Jack blankly. "I'll feel like I've always felt." She didn't think he meant it to sound as cold as it had. But it did. "Nothing."

Jack looked at her disbelievingly. "So, what're you going to do to get over it then?"

"Same as you. Find another guy to fuck around with. Maybe even fuck. Who knows?"

"You're going to go find a guy to fuck," Jack said slowly, processing what she was saying.

"Yeah. Just like you were encouraging me to do the night before last."

"Yeah, but that was before..."

"Does it bother you to think about me losing my virginity now? Because if it does, that's something we should talk about."

"I don't--no. Maybe. No?"

Killian wasn't sure what answer she was hoping for, but it wasn't that one. "Okay then." She crossed her arms. "I guess, do that then, and then see how we feel about it."



J>K: Ride to school?

K>J: Yes

Jack wasn't sure what would happen when he saw Killian. He hadn't texted her since they had spoken the day before. She hadn't reached out either. He had, per her instruction, met up with Bailey the night before. He'd found himself no more interested in her than he had been the first time.

Killian came out of the house when he pulled up on the ATV. He tried not to look at her too much. No more than usual. He wasn't really sure how much was usual anymore. He'd never been aware of it before.

"Hey," she greeted him when she got on.


Neither seemed to want to start a conversation beyond that.

"I'll give you a ride home," said Jack, when they parted ways for first period.

"Cool," she nodded and left without further words.


Killian hated the new plan. She especially hated the idea of her trying to find some other guy to be with. Not only had she not see any one of interest around, now she also had the added challenge that whoever it was would have to compare to Jack. She wasn't sure anyone compared to him. He was such a stud. He was charming. He was smart and sweet. He was her Jack.

He may have been 'her Jack,' but he wasn't hers in that way. And she wasn't even interested in him for that anyway. At least, she had never thought so before.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
MaydaypilotMaydaypilotalmost 2 years ago

Exquisitely delightful heat! A rare 5 star combination of erotic and fun!

ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 2 years ago

You lost my interest as soon as you introduced Marijuana into your story. Scored 1/5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please don’t end it here.

I really care about these two.

MidTownBobMidTownBobabout 2 years ago

Absolutely looking forward to a continuation of this story. Can’t wait!

AlexCastleAlexCastleabout 2 years ago

More, please! That was excellent!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story, believable characters.

Please write more on these two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This was cute while still being a turn on. Pls write the other section!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I hope there is a part 2 in the pipeline.

timmyid2timmyid2about 2 years ago

Wonderful story. I sure hope there are more chapters on the way.

32aa32aaabout 2 years ago


Lovely story of building 'friends' love. I'd really like to see Jack and Kilian take their feelings for each other, which they are trying to deny, to the next level. Although Jack is kind of a jerk trying to get Kilian out of his system through hooking up with other girls, when he knows what he really wants.

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