Intersexed Ch. 02 - Recruitment


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Somehow, one of the militia had ducked out the back door when Tank's men had infiltrated the command centre. Realising the camp was destroyed, the man waited, hoping he could at least eliminate the raid's leader in revenge for the attack. Carrying only a knife, the militia man slipped to the command centre's front and, when Tank stepped out, attacked. Either Angelina or Coltan from their sniper positions had shot him.

"Shit!" Tank muttered as he waved a 'thank you' salute at the centre's top. "Two missions and two almost fatal errors. We must get much better at this if we're to go up against the Aridians."

Tank heard someone vomiting as he walked toward the building housing the imprisoned women, 'Julie,' Tank realised. 'She saved my fat ass, and I'll have to find a way to thank her properly.'

Tank opened the door to find the twelve women cowering together in a rudimentary bedroom. The room was little more than smelly old mattresses thrown on the floor. Each woman showed clear signs of abuse, with several of them missing teeth. Others had dried blood caked between their thighs. All of the women were crying and sobbing, speaking a language Tank didn't understand. He opened his mouth to ask if anyone spoke English when he felt a window open in his mind.

In perfectly Mexican accented Spanish, he said, "Ya no tienes por qué temer porque estoy aquí para rescatarte (You have no more need to fear because I am here to rescue you)."

"¿Verdadero (true)?" One of the women sobbingly asked.

"¡Verdadero!" Tank replied.

"¿Americano?" The woman asked.

"Sí," Tank responded, figuring it was easier than trying to explain. "Ven conmigo y te llevaré a un lugar seguro (Come with me, and I will take you to safety)."

"¿De regreso a México (Back to Mexico)?"

"San Antonio," Tank assured her.


"Sí," Tank answered.

Speaking rapidly, the woman assured the others that Tank could be trusted and chivvied them into finding what clothing they could and dressing.

One of the younger girls approached Tank, "¿Señor Tank Zaffra?" She asked.

"Sí," Tank replied.

That set off another rapid series of exchanges before a much more relaxed group followed Tank from the building. The women disappeared as soon as they stepped outside.

"Spooky," Tank muttered. "That'll take some getting used to!"

"Feds and police on their way," Genet grinningly advised from the invisible re-entry craft circling somewhere overhead. "Three minutes to get out of there."

"Understood," Tank barked. "We'll hide up until tomorrow night before going after the recruits Tenerife wants."

"No need," Captain Genet advised. "We teleported on board the ten most significant ones on our way to your location. Get your asses in the hover and up to here so we can leave Earth's atmosphere. Every spy and military network on the planet will be focussed on here shortly, so let's not take the chance of being detected."

Tank met with his squad as they filed from the building. The hover picked up Julie and Coltan from the roof before dropping to the ground to get the rest. "Spooky," Tank repeated when the craft hit the ground and disappeared.

"You get used to it," Sergeant Anter said as he preceded his men up the ramp. "When you're only a few feet away from the hover, you're inside the bent light and can see it. Outside of ten feet, the hover's invisible to all eyes, human and electronic. However, infrared will pick up the heat signatures from the engines when the engines are on."

Tank took three steps forward, and the hover reappeared. "Spooky," he muttered for the third time.

Tank's hover landed inside the re-entry vehicle, and they dropped the rescued women outside the INS detention centre without incident. Fortunately, the women remained unconscious until they were dropped off. Tank woke the woman who'd recognised him and pointed to the north. "INS, de esa manera. Paseo de quince minutos (INS, that way. Fifteen-minute walk)," he informed her.

"¿Caminata de quince minutos en esa dirección? ("Fifteen minute walk in that direction)?"

"Sí," Tank replied.

"¿segura (safe?)?"

"Sí," Tank assured her.

"Muchas gracias, Señor Zaffra," the woman said as she hugged Tank.

"You are welcome, my dear," Tank replied in English and got back in the hover.

The woman gasped when he disappeared, but Tank figured no one would believe her story. Virtually every person on the planet knew you can't just disappear. Anyone she told her story to would think she was delusional from her treatment by their captors and rapists. There would be a literal shitstorm when the women appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and it would worsen when the authorities realised the women had to have come from the destroyed militia base.

On the Providian ship orbiting Earth later the same day.

The raid leaders, Lieutenants Roque, Envet, and Zaffra, and their sergeants sat in General Zaha's debriefing room with the general, Lieutenant Angelina, and Captain Genet. Angelina was still quite green around the gills, and her eyes red from tears. However, she sucked it up and presented a stoic face.

General Zaha looked at her sympathetically. "The first one's always the hardest, Angelina," he assured her. "From Genet's report, Tank would be dead if you hadn't acted."

"I saw the man sneaking up behind Lieutenant Zaffra, and the training kicked in," Julie admitted. "I simply reacted to the situation and shot the man before I even realised I'd aimed at him."

"That's how it's supposed to work, Lieutenant. You did well." Zaha turned to Genet. "Summary, Captain?" He growled.

"The three raids were almost perfect, General," Captain Genet replied.

"Almost, but not perfect?" General Zaha questioned.

"Lieutenant Roque's raid missed a squad of four militia patrolling outside the fence," Genet explained. "Then their overwatch team had concentrated on events inside the fence, and they, too, missed the militia squad. We suffered two injuries before the snipers took out the men. Fortunately, we could keep our injured soldiers alive long enough to get them back on board the mothership and into the regeneration chambers. They should be coming out soon."

"Why didn't your soldiers monitoring the raids from orbit spot the squad outside the fence?" General Zaha queried.

"We were distracted watching Lieutenant Envet's team eliminate the base up near the border with British Columbia," Captain Genet admitted.

Zaha considered the raids for a time, running through possibilities. Eventually, he shook himself and said, "Zaffra's advice that we practice before we go against the Aridian base has proven to be sage." He thought some more. "Okay, that will do for tonight. Captain Genet, I expect your full report on my desk by 1000 tomorrow. The rest of you, good work, and dismissed."

As they walked from Zaha's office, Genet took Tank and Julie aside, "The first of our new recruits has woken up," she said. "Want to meet him?"

"I need a shower, a change of clothes, and something to eat first," Tank replied after sniffing his armpit and grimacing.

"Good plan," Genet said after copying Tank. "See you at our regular cafeteria in twenty minutes?"

Julie and Tank agreed, and the actors made their way to their rooms. "Want to share a shower?" Julie asked hopefully.

"Sure," Tank agreed, knowing his friend was still affected by having to kill a man. "The one in my room is too small to share, so why don't we use the one near the dojo?"

They unselfconsciously undressed and got in the stingingly hot water. Now they were lovers (finally), Tank felt no compunction in openly admiring Julie's fit, leanly muscled body. "Fuck, you're gorgeous," Tank breathed as Ms Angelina soaped her firm D-cup breasts. Her globes looked enormous on her slender frame, but her nipples stood proudly erect, facing Tank's eyes.

"Hold me?" Julie sniffed. Tank wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "I killed a man, Tank," she sobbed into Tank's chest. "How am I supposed to live with that?"

"I have no idea," Tank confessed. "With the explosives I've set, and the times I've fired into unsuspecting militia soldiers charging to try and save an exploding dump, I must have killed more than ten people by now. But that's always in a group, and any of us could have fired the round that killed them. However, I'm glad you found it within yourself to kill that guy. If you hadn't, I'd have been dead instead of holding my favourite crush, trying to wish my erection away."

Julie moaned and wrapped her hand around Tank's swiftly swelling cock. "Jack me off as I do you," she moaned.

Tank took Julie's already throbbingly erect member in his hand, noticing in passing that not only was Ms Angelina a little longer than him, but thicker, too. Tank stroked up and down a few times before squeezing tighter and adding a wrist twist as he pulled up her shaft.

"Gawd, Tank," Julie groaned. "I'm ready, are you?"

"Yes!" Tank panted.

Putting their foreheads together, the actors pointed their cocks at each other and climaxed. Both dicks spat copious amounts of semen over the other's shaft and balls, and the pair groaned again. Julie slid her right hand off Tank's shaft, over his hefty balls, across his engorged clit, and into his slippery cunt. Tank quickly mimicked Julie's motions and searched for her G-spot as Ms Angelina found his.

"Fuck!" They groaned together as index fingers stroked G-spots and tightly gripping left hands pulled shafts.

"Again?" Julie gasped.

"Yes!" Tank moaned.

Pushing their throbbing shafts together, Tank and Julie pumped against each other before their pussies soaked the other's fingers, and their cocks spat ropes of cum again.

"One more time," Julie demanded as her thumb roughly circled Tank's aching clit.

Tank gripped tighter and pulled harder as he fingered the beautiful actress' pussy. Then, with a final shudder and groan, Tank and Julie orgasmed again. Hugging and kissing, they slowly separated and washed each other.

"Thank you," Julie whispered. "I needed that."

"So did I," Tank admitted, reluctantly letting Julie go before someone came in and saw them.

They rinsed the cum from their bodies before exiting the shower and drying off. A few minutes later, they joined Genet in the cafeteria.

"Relieve each other, did we?" Genet teased. "Don't worry. Before I came here, Anan received a royal rogering, too."

Tank and Julie refused to be embarrassed and ordered their meals and drinks. The trio spoke about anything other than their missions as they ate. They'd have to get together with Major Tenerife, the other lieutenants, and the sergeants to complete the debrief soon, but that was a problem for later. Tank did not envy Genet's task of briefing Colonel Tangran on the three missions and enduring his anger and contempt.

After eating and conversing, Captain Genet said, "The newbie I wanted you to meet is unconscious again. Do you want to meet here for coffee tomorrow and try again?"

"Yes," the actors responded together.

The following morning, after a restful sleep, the trio met in the cafeteria again.

"He's in the room one down from yours, Julie," Genet explained. "No one's been in his room since he was moved there, so he's probably a little freaked out by now. However, he has a problem I think will help convince him to assist us."

"What kind of problem?" Julie queried as the trio stopped outside a hospital room.

"You'll see," Genet replied as she opened the door.

Tank and Ms Angelina joined Genet in the room. They saw an enormous, powerfully muscled African-American man handcuffed to a wheelchair, which was, in turn, cuffed to a rail that ran around the room's wall.

"Tank, Julie, meet Brian Bennett. Ex-US marine and three times Paralympic discus and shot put gold medallist."

"I know Brian!" Julie exclaimed, rushing across to hug the big man. "We met at a fundraiser for the 2016 Paralympics."

"Ms Angelina?" Brian asked confusedly. "What the fuck is happening here?" he spotted Tank and turned to Julie, "Is that Tank Zaffra?" he asked wonderingly. "What's going on? Is this an episode of 'This is Your Life' or something?"

"Or something," Julie replied. She looked at Genet. "Brian's no danger to any of us. The big, old black marine is a pussycat in real life, so please, release him." She turned back to the marine. "We're going to give you a lot of information that you will find unbelievable, Brian. But trust me on this—what we tell you is one hundred per cent real. Currently, you're on an alien spaceship orbiting Earth. Tank and I were taken in the same way you were about six months ago and brought here. Since then, we've discovered many weird and wonderful things. Least of all, we learned the answer to the age-old question: Are we alone in the universe? Well, Brian, the answer to that question is a resounding "No!""

"You're right, Julie," Brian stated flatly. "That is unbelievable. Now, what the fuck is going on?"

"Give me a sec.," Julie asked. She crossed to Genet and whispered, "Can the regen chambers fix Brian's back without fixing anything else?"

"Yes," Genet answered. "But why?"

"Brian was on patrol in Iraq when an IED hit his Hummer. He got flung from the vehicle, landed on his back, and broke his spine," Julie explained. "He's been paralysed from the waist down ever since. Now, everybody on the planet knows spinal injuries cannot be healed. So, if we repair his injury and he can walk again, he has to believe our story."

Meanwhile, as Genet and Ms Angelina talked, Brian quizzed Tank. "I'm a big fan, Mr Zaffra," Brian almost gushed. "Can you give me some idea what's going on here?"

"I was equally as disbelieving as you when I was brought aboard," Tank admitted. "But then some things that I thought were impossible happened, and I had to believe what my eyes and senses were telling me. Unfortunately, or you may shortly think, fortunately, this is real and actually happening to you. It's not a dream or a TV show. Trust me on this."

"I call bullshit, Tank," Brian denied.

"Call what you will," Tank said, knowing he was precisely the same when first confronted with his new reality. "But when Captain Genet orders you into the chamber, remember your training and obey."

"That's not a US military uniform," Brian objected. "I do not have to obey."

"Sergeant Brian Bennett, when Captain Genet gives you an order, you, marine, will obey instantly!" Tank barked as he would have if one of his squad disobeyed a direct order,

"Fuck you!" Brian spat back. "You're not US military either! Playing an army officer in a movie does not qualify you to give me orders."

"It was worth a try," Tank grinned, holding his hand out. "Brian, man-to-man," Tank added as they shook. "Trust me on this; you will be very glad you got into the chamber when they asked you to."

"You're serious?" Brian questioned. "Okay," he grinned. "If you can't trust a pair of Hollywood actors, who can you trust?"

"The man standing for your local electorate, I guess," Tank chuckled.

"Those bastards haven't let us win a war since the big one in 1941," Sergeant Bennett growled. "Okay, Tank, Julie. What do you need me to do?"

"Follow me," Genet instructed.

Brian wheeled his chair after the three officers to Anan's lab. Brian is a huge man. Even with his withered legs, he weighs well north of 240 lbs (110 kg). He was shocked when Tank picked him up out of his wheelchair and laid him gently in the regeneration chamber.

Brian took a deep, calming breath and asked, "What now?"

"You sleep for about fifteen minutes," Researcher Anan replied.

"But I'm not ..." Brian's voice died as the chamber filled with a blue mist and the lid closed.

Time passed, and Sergeant Bennet heard, "Will he have complete control of his legs? Or will he need time to adjust?"

"His legs will work perfectly from the moment the regen chamber completes its work," Anan said. "It might take a few seconds before his brain and balance adjust to standing again."

"What do you mean 'stand'?" Brian growled, holding his hand out to be helped from the chamber. "I'm paralysed, remember?"

"Try," Tank insisted, not offering any help.

"I can't," Brian frustratedly denied. "My fucking legs don't work. Why the fuck are you being so cruel."

"Then lie there like a pussy and feel sorry for yourself then," Tank sneered. "Or, of course, you could leap from that chamber and belt me for belittling you."

Grabbing the chamber's sides, Brian snarled, "Fuck you, Tank fucking Zaffra!" To his surprise, he hauled himself up and leapt nimbly from the tank. Brian stumbled momentarily as his confused brain reminded him he was paralysed, but he quickly realised that he wasn't. Amazed, he took a few steps before trying a jump and skip. "How the fuck is this possible?" Sergeant Bennett joyfully enquired.

"Alien technology," Tank explained. "Now, do you believe Ms Angelina and me?"

"There's still so much you won't believe, Brian," Julie informed him. "Tank and I, in some ways, are still coming to terms with what we've been told. However, we believe what we've been shown and learned, and I hope you will, too." She looked at Tank and Genet. "How about you, Tank, and I get a coffee at the cafeteria and discuss it? We have a proposition for you that you won't believe, but I'm sure you'll accept when you do."

"I've got nothing left," Brian admitted. "My second wife cleaned out my bank accounts and fucked off with my physical therapist, so I guess I have nothing to lose. Plus, you've given me my legs back. Listening don't cost nothing, as my Momma always said, so sure, let's get that coffee."

A few hours of intense conversation and many cups of coffee later, Sergeant Brian Bennett said, "Okay, so if I've got this straight, you're saying all humans are descended from an alien race who came here from a planet named Providia, and that some of us, including we three, have a hefty dollop of Neanderthal DNA mixed within our homo sapiens and Providian genes. Then you say those of us with that combination can become 'super soldiers' and that you are two of them?

"Look, Tank, Julie, I'm trying to accept what you're saying because of my legs, right? But the bullshit's piling pretty high and smelling rank. I don't suppose you're offering any proof for any of this, are you?"

"How about observable proof in Researcher Anan's gym?" Tank queried.

"It'd be better than nothing," Brian stated.

Tank and Julie stood and encouraged the sergeant to follow them. They opened Anan's testing gym and waited for the automated lights to turn on. Then, Tank took a barbell off the rack and began handing Brian weights to put on it.

"I don't suppose you know what the world deadlift record is?" Tank asked as he waited for Brian to load the barbell. Understandably, Brian was hefting and estimating every disc Tank handed him.

"Yeah, I do," Brian replied. "I was looking at attempting the bench press world record for paraplegics, and I checked out all the current records. I don't remember the exact amount, but I believe that for superweight men, it's around 538 kg."

"That's every weight disc in the gym," Tank pointed out, having loaded the bar with every available weight disc. "How much is on that barbell?"

"575 kg," Sergeant Bennett answered. "Well, assuming the weights are legit."

"Let's try this," Julie offered. "What's the best you've bench pressed?"

"250 kg," Brian replied instantly.

"Okay, help me put that much on the bar."

They quickly set the bar at 250 kg, and Brian tried to press it. He couldn't.

"Will you admit there's at least 250 kg on that barbell?" Julie queried.

"I do 100 kg repetitions," Brian mused. "Bring it down to that, and let me test the weight." Julie helped Brian adjust the weighted discs again. He lay on his back and took the weight. "Feels about right," he admitted.
