Intersexed Ch. 02 - Recruitment


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"How do we squeeze twenty people into our landing craft?" Tank queried.

"You don't," Tenerife admitted. "We do what we did when we recruited you and Ms Angelina."

"Which was?" Julie asked wintrily.

"We brought the re-entry ship into low Earth orbit above you and then used the teleportation beam to bring you on board. Travelling via the beam disorients the traveller, and they arrive unconscious. We then put you into our regeneration chambers and used the mutagenic drugs to return what devolution had taken away."

"All I know was that I was in the lady's loos, things go black, and I wake up with Genet riding my cock. My cock, Tenerife!" Julie growled. "I'm a beautiful human woman, Major Tenerife. What the fuck am I supposed to do with a twelve-inch male appendage?"

"Impregnate Providian women," Tenerife answered with a stony face, although a small smile flitted across his face.

"Jokes?" the actress spat. "I'm pissed at you, and you joke?" She gestured towards her groin, "No straight human man will ever be attracted to me again with this monstrosity hanging between my legs."

Tenerife finally showed some embarrassment. "Well, I cannot reverse the changes the drugs have engineered, Ms Angelina," he informed her. "Plus, if you're unwilling to use your genetically enhanced cock to impregnate female presenting Providians, the result will be your death and your DNA being harvested to make clones. So, Lieutenant Angelina, where do we stand?"

"Because you've failed to mention any 'recruits' anywhere other than in Southern Texas, I guess I'm travelling with Tank's team to take out that camp," Julie growled. "If I'm stuck being like this, and if I'm unwilling to die, it seems that I have no choice but to get on with this life."

With the new targets decided, the foursome turned their attention to mundane matters. They ate, and Tenerife left with Genet to select the other two squads. Tank's team from the first attack would remain the same, but one of the other teams would take Ophetia at Tank's request. That meant that Roque and either Envet or Alban would lead the others. Genet would stay in one of the re-entry vehicles on overwatch for the three teams, with the attacks timed to occur consecutively but closely spaced together. Genet would command the attacks with three separate officers to watch the attacks on their monitors and relay information to Captain Genet as required.

After Tenerife and Genet left, Tank and Julie returned to the library. Several computers sat against the library walls, but they'd never previously responded to Tank and Julie's attempts to turn them on. Tank had gone to Tenerife, asking for access, and when he refused, Tank approached General Zaha. The general reluctantly arranged limited access for his lieutenants, and they were keen to see what they could find.

"Worse than the books," Julie frustratedly growled an hour of fruitless searching later. "Virtually every search we make returns 'Authorisation required' to access it, and we don't have the authorisation."

By mutual consent, they made their way to the dojo, changed, and worked off their frustrations. Watching Julie working through her Katas, Tank mused, 'She's already at least a brown belt, and it won't be long before I'd test her for her black.' Thinking some more, he barked. "Hold! Turn to me! Ready to fight? Fight!"

Moving swiftly and seamlessly, Tank attacked Julie. Other than keeping his strikes away from places that could kill and limiting them to Ms Angelina's larger muscle groups, Tank held nothing back. Initially, his strikes thudded into Julie with startling regularity. However, her reactions sped up as Julie grew angry at her inability to avoid being hit, and Tank's strikes began hitting her defences instead of her body.

Faster and faster, the pair spun back and forth until Julie spotted an opening. Then, faking a lower punch, she redirected it and struck at Tank's chin. The punch thundered into Tank's jaw, throwing him across the dojo into the wall. Stunned, Tank slid down the wall before holding and working his jaw.

"Been a long time since anyone was good enough to hit me," Tank mumbled as his head rang. "I don't think anything's broken, but it's going to hurt for a while."

Julie stood over Tank with her hands on her hips, glaring. But when Tank wiped his hand across his mouth, it came away bloody, and Julie's glare turned to concern. "You mean you didn't just let me hit you like you did with Genet?" Julie yelped.

Tank shook his head, "I turned my torso to avoid what I thought was a body blow, and the next thing I know, I'm hitting the wall." He thought for a moment as Julie looked concernedly at him. "I wish we had that on film because no one will believe it."

Tank struggled to his feet. His head still rang, and he felt a little dizzy, but when Julie concernedly held his elbow to support him, Tank turned the beautiful actress into him and kissed her passionately. His hand snaked inside her Gi and pulled her control brief aside. Wrapping his hand around Julie's rapidly inflating pole, he extricated it from her panties and broke their kiss.

"There's at least one straight man that's attracted to you despite you having this," Tank softly said as he masturbated Ms Angelina's enormous cock, then kissed her ferociously again.

"Oh, Gawd, Tank," Julie groaned as her cock spasmed and blasted cum over Tank's hand. She took his hand from her rigidly erect cock and moved it lower. "I don't want you to desire my cock," she despairingly said as she guided his fingers over her button and into her pussy. "I need you to show me that I'm still a woman despite having one."

"Gladly, my beautiful friend," Tank replied, undoing Julie's Gi's ties and undressing her. Tank dropped his clothing beside hers, lifted Julie up and lowered her onto his throbbing member. Turning, he pressed Julie against the dojo wall. "I won't last," Tank gasped as he thrust slowly into her. "I haven't used my dick since we were kidnapped, and you've always been my favourite celebrity crush."

Tank slid around seven of his thick cock's eleven+ inches into Julie before hitting an obstruction, Julie's cervix. Before their mutagenic changes, this would have been as far as he could penetrate her. Despite what various porn writers would have you believe, a human cervix is a one-way canal from the womb to the vagina. However, this was one of the improvements that Tenerife's mutagen experiments had returned to them. Tank held still as Julie ground against him, and then he pushed.

"Oh, my Gawd!" Julie gasped as she felt Tank's oversized cock forcing her cervical canal open and sliding deeper in. She felt Tank's pubic bone press against her clit. He was wholly buried inside her. All of his massively girthed and long cock was inside her. "Oh, my Gaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwdddddddd!" Julie screamed and climaxed.

Tank pulled about half of his cock out of her and rammed it back in. Then, pressing firmly against Ms Angelina's clit, Tank rotated his hips and spat semen directly into her womb. "Oh, my fucking Gaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwdddddddd!!!!" Julie screamed again as she felt Tank's lava-hot sperm boil into her womb. "Oh, my fucking Gaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwdddddddd, I'm cumming!" Julie screeched as her rampantly erect cock spat its juices between them.

Lowering Julie to the mat, Tank proceeded to fuck the beautiful actress into oblivion. They fucked missionary and doggy before changing to female superior. Every climax was shared; as one came, the other quickly followed. "No more," Julie was forced to say more than an hour later. "I can't," she added. "I just can't."

"Come with me, you two," Anan said from the dojo doorway. "You need to get into a regen chamber so we can fix the damage fighting and fucking on the dojo mats has done. If we don't get you in soon, and Major Tenerife notices you've made love, there will be hell to pay."

Julie's head jerked around, "Shit!" She mouthed. "How long have you been watching?"

"The cameras in here feed directly to my lab," Anan sheepishly replied. "I saw you two come in and then the fight. I ran here when I saw you almost knock Lieutenant Zaffra out."

Horrified, Julie gasped, "The whole thing?" before looking at Tank. Then she realised how it sounded. "Shit, Tank!" She said embarrassedly. "I'm glad we finally made love. I've just seen so many careers ruined when sex tapes start appearing."

"I think you're safe," Anan said dryly. "It's not like I can send the recording to a TV station or newspaper without giving away that aliens are circling Earth in a starship." She threw the lieutenants their jumpsuits. "Get dressed, and I'll take you to the regen chambers. No one will question you if I'm taking you there."

Tank woke up alone the following morning. He heard voices, so he put himself back into a calm, meditative state to fool the observers into believing he remained asleep.

"Why were Lieutenants Angelina and Zaffra in regen chambers?" Major Tenerife asked.

"Step over here, and I'll show you," Anan calmly replied. She showed Tenerife the tape from the fight between Tank and Julie.

"Angelina struck Tank?" Tenerife asked dubiously. "You're sure he didn't pull his block as he did with Captain Genet?"

"At the speed they're moving, it's hard to tell," Anan replied. "But it doesn't appear so to me. Tank's jaw wasn't broken, but the regen system found several loose teeth and severe contusions where Julie's fist hit."

"Do you think Lieutenant Angelina's speed will surpass Tank's?"

"I think it already has," Anan shrugged. "Tank will remain stronger, but I think Julie's reactions and speed will outstrip his."

"We need more of these humans," Tenerife mused. "Researcher Anan, can you imagine an army of a hundred thousand of these enhanced humans? Not only will we defeat the Aridian Armada, but we'll also be able to take the battle to Aridia and free our people."

"A worthy cause," Anan agreed as she guided Tenerife from her lab.

Tank waited until he was alone before getting out of the chamber and dressing. Julie wasn't in her room, so Tank went to the cafeteria. There, he found Anter, Genet, Roque, Envet, and Julie pouring over maps of the camps they'd chosen to infiltrate.

"I heard you had your ass handed to you last night?" Genet teased as Tank sat.

"Yup," Tank openly admitted. "Socked me in the jaw so hard that I almost passed out."

"You didn't pull your block like you did in our first fight?" Genet doubtfully asked.

Tank put his breakfast order in before replying, "Lieutenant Angelina aimed a punch at my solar plexus, and I turned my torso to avoid it, but she redirected her punch so quickly that I didn't see it, and it struck me right on the corner of my jaw. Right, here," Tank tapped the spot. "She hit me so hard that it flung me across the mat and into the wall. Anan had to help me into a regen chamber to repair the damage."

"You're not bothered by losing the fight?" Roque questioned.

Tank shrugged, "You can lose every battle until the last and still win the war," he pointed out. "If the fight was to the death, then I was still in it because I wasn't dead yet. There's no shame in being clobbered by a superior opponent as long as you learn from the experience."

"And what did you learn from being knocked on your ass?" Envet asked kiddingly.

"Not to piss off Lieutenant Angelina," Tank deadpanned in response.

"I remember Tank demanding that we fight," Julie explained. "Then he hit seemingly every inch of my body, and I couldn't lay even a finger on him. I got angrier and angrier because, although I could see his strikes or kicks coming, I couldn't move fast enough to block them. I was exhausted and about to give up when my body suddenly froze. Tank's knee crashed into my upper thigh, and the pain was extreme. I was so angry I couldn't avoid his blows that I could have screamed. Then, as my anger peaked, I felt something shift in my mind. Suddenly, not only could I see his strikes coming, but also block or avoid them.

"Then it seemed everything slowed down, and I could predict where Tank's next blow would come from. I knew, and I mean that I 'knew', you know? I knew that Tank would move directly at me, so I faked a punch at his stomach, and when he took the bait, I redirected it onto his jaw. I think I was as surprised as Tank was when I actually hit him. I mean, we're all so used to being unable to get near him, right? So when I not only struck him but threw him across the mat into the wall, I could not believe it!"

"I've got to get me some of this Neanderthal DNA," Roque muttered. "It's like Tank's on double speed, and I'm on half when we fight. I don't think I've seen a single punch or kick coming. All that happens is that I launch an attack and then climb off the mat to try again."

"There might be a hint in there," Tank said dryly.

"What?" Roque asked.

Tank met Roque's glare and shrugged, "There might be a hint in there," he repeated. When Roque continued glaring, Tank added, "You'll either work it out, or you won't. And, until you do work it out, you'll continue climbing off the mat to try again."

Southern Texas in a wilderness area close to the Mexican border.

A week of training on their objective later, Tank's squad was back in the re-entry craft heading for an area barely north of the Texas/Mexico border. Private Artur had been on the ground for two days, scoping the camp. They used the same simple expedient of parking beneath a highway overpass to hide their hover. About an hour after they landed, Artur slipped under the bridge.

"Lieutenant!" He saluted.

"Any problems, Private?" Tank asked.

"No," Artur explained. "These guys' security is so lax that I could probably slip in there myself and blow the whole damned place up. There is a wrinkle, though."

"Such as?" Sergeant Anter growled.

"They're holding a dozen Mexican women in a barracks on the eastern side. They're using them as prostitutes, but, from the screams, they're not being used willingly."

"We're not here to rescue civilians," Anter stated. "We identify the building, destroy the camp except for the one they're in, and disappear into the ether."

"65,000 years of forced slavery, and you have no sympathy for people being used as slaves?" Tank asked quietly. "I assume, from your response, the Aridians don't use and rape your people? In case you haven't noticed, Sergeant Anter, we're virtually in the middle of a desert. If the women are locked into that building, they'll die in there. Do you want that on your conscience? I certainly don't!" Tank glared at his sergeant until Anter acknowledged that he was right. "You getting this, Captain Genet?" Tank queried through his throat mic.

"Yes," Genet responded.


"Hold off your attack until the other two have been completed. Then, I'll bring the re-entry vehicle to your location. We'll teleport the women up to this craft and drop them where you say."

"Is there an INS detention centre near our location?" Tank asked.

"Outside of San Antonio," Captain Genet answered.

"Is there somewhere close we can put them down without being seen?"

"Yes," Genet replied. "There's a valley no more than a fifteen-minute walk from the centre. We can enter there fast enough to use stealth. Then, teleport the women back to the ground and escape without being seen."

"That's the plan, then," Tank said unequivocally.

"What happens when they tell their stories?" Sergeant Anter asked.

"The INS officers will have the reports of our attack on the militia base, so they'll believe the women are from there. But when the women start raving about spaceships and teleportation, who will believe them? Especially when there are no reports of an aircraft in that vicinity," Captain Genet pointed out. "We'll teleport the women into the transportation bay. When they get there, they'll be unconscious and hopefully will remain so until we put them back on the ground."

"Give us a signal when you're ready for us to roll, Captain," Tank growled, overriding any further objections.

"Should be around 0200 at your location," Genet barked. "Assuming no problems at the other two sites."

"Private Artur, show us what you've discovered," Tank commanded.

Spreading out his map of the militia camp, Artur waved his hand over it and said, "What we practised will work. The only change we need to make is that the knoll Lieutenant Angelina was going to use for overwatch is too low to see the entire camp. If anyone in there knows what they're doing, they can use the blind spots to come up on us from behind."

"What do you suggest?" Sergeant Anter asked.

Artur pointed at the flat-roofed command structure in the camp's centre. "That's the tallest building," he explained. 'The lieutenant and Specialist Coltan go in early on the hover and take position on top of there. One can cover north and west, the other south and east. Once we have control of the camp, we can pick them up and make our way to San Antonio."

"Lieutenant? Specialist?" Tank barked. "Happy with that?"

"Can you guarantee we won't be spotted going in?" Julie asked.

They looked at the pilot.

"There's never a one hundred per cent guarantee," he responded. "If someone just happens to look at the right place when we slow to drop you off, and in the brief gap between the stealth technology failing because we're under 60 kph and the light bending technology taking over, we're cooked. But we'll come in at just over 60 kph, use the inertia dampeners to stop us instantaneously and be gone as soon as you drop. I'd guess that we'll be visible for less than three seconds."

"They won't hear the ship?" Tank queried.

"Again, maybe," the pilot replied. "At 60 kph, there'll be a soft whine that might be heard by anyone close enough, and anybody on the roof directly beneath the rotors will feel the wind from them."

"I'm okay with it," Julie said as Coltan nodded.

"We have our plan," Tank stated. "Rest until 0130, then we'll take our positions in the hover and wait for the captain's signal."

Private Artur's assertion that the camp's security was lax was proven true, and Tank's squad moved unseen through the camp, placing explosives. Even the fuel and munitions dumps were unguarded, and Privates Artur and Lunden had no problems rigging their explosives.

Lieutenant Tank and Sergeant Anter led a team of four into the command structure. Masser, Ophetia's replacement, and Niger, the two privates Tank and Anter took into the building, had little to do as their lieutenant and sergeant used their enhanced speed and strength to eliminate the soldiers inside the centre.

When the command post was secured, the squad took their positions on the building's corners and waited for the explosions to go off. As was the case with the first camp, the sleeping militia soldiers woke, poured out of the barracks and ran toward the two dumps to investigate the noise. Their path led them directly into Tank's team's ambush, and more than thirty men were killed in the first volley.

Four squad members dropped their rifles and swapped to RPGs. Two grenades were launched at every building except for the one holding the women prisoners. Another volley of shots took out the men that swarmed out of the flaming buildings.

"One more volley, and we're out of here!" Sergeant Anter vocalised through his throat mic. "Pick your targets, and do not miss!"

After his men had fired, Tank asked Angelina, who was on overwatch, "Clear?"

"Clear!" Julie replied, with Coltan echoing her.

"Captain Genet?"

"Thirty seconds out," Genet growled. "Get those women outside because it'll make it easier for the transporter to focus on them."

Tank decided to enter the building himself, hoping the women would recognise him and be less afraid. He stepped away from the command centre, not expecting any trouble—a move that almost cost him his life. He heard a crack of a rifle above him, and a man fell facedown beside him.
