Intro to Interracial Relations Pt. 01


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Rosemary giggled and wiped her sticky feet on her bestie's shirt. "You know Miles," she said brightly, " Now that we are best friends, I think we should have fun nicknames for each other." Miles's hand dropped to his side limply. He gazed with undiminished love at the cruel girl at his side.

"Why don't you call me "Mistress" from now on," said Rosemary with a smirk.

"And your new name will be 'Pinky'!"


Noah paced his apartment, his heart in his throat as he thought about what the evening would bring. The idea of just sitting down with his girlfriend and playing filthy interracial pornography for her was ludicrous. Like all well-bred boys, Noah knew that his masturbation habits were deeply shameful and to be hidden at all costs. The idea of not only admitting that he jerked off to his sweet innocent girlfriend, but also admitting his filthy perverted kink was so horrifying that it also made him sick. But it had also caused a diamond-hard erection that just wouldn't go down. What if Juno looked at him with disgust and told him she always suspected he was a filthy pervert? Or what if she was into it, eagerly watching his favorite porn with shining eyes. He couldn't decide which would be worse, but his overheated mind kept running over the possibilities.

Juno had been brought up by a strict, deeply religious father. She certainly had no desire to be judgemental like him, but you could still see the deep influences that his parenting had on her. You could see it in the strictly modest style of dress she had worn until recently, as well as the way she sneered at the "sluts" who made out with their boyfriends in public. In other words, Noah couldn't imagine Juno had seen much porn or had a very positive view of people that watch it.

The entire idea was truly insane. Noah should just drop it now. But for some reason, he found he couldn't disobey Dr. Cherry's stern command. Anyway, the therapist was right. His relationship with Juno had too many secrets and hidden feelings right now. It was time to air their dirty laundry, even if that meant exposing his humiliating addiction.

Noah already had one of his favorite videos called up on his computer. It was filthy. He had tried to find a video that was a little more vanilla, but his mind kept coming back to this one, and he knew that it was the only one that would do. Now that somehow Dr. Cherry had bound him to this insane plan, he might as well go all the way and show her his actual favorite. At least it didn't include a dark-haired girl like Juno.

He would show Juno the video, and she would get upset, and he could go back to Dr. Cherry and tell her that it had been a bad idea. Then he would apologize and make it up to Juno. Maybe it really would be good for him. It could inspire him to break his current addiction to interracial porn.

He had no more time to fret. He could hear Juno's key in the door. He threw himself down onto the couch, grabbing a pillow to cover his crotch. He was thinking about how he could broach the tricky subject of the homework for tonight, but when he saw Juno, all his planning flew out of his head. She looked completely different.

He had seen girls wear much more revealing clothes, in fact, he had probably passed a dozen girls on campus just today who were more scantily clad without thinking anything of it. But for his girlfriend, her outfit was incredibly daring. She wore a scoop-necked pink tee that was actually deep enough to show cleavage, and the flouncy skirt she was wearing only came down to her mid-thigh. Her legs looked even more amazing than usual, and Noah noticed with shock that it was because Juno was actually wearing heels. Juno always wore little touches of makeup just to smooth her appearance, but now it was noticeable, with glossy lips and tasteful mascara. And, most bizarrely of all, Juno Evans now had bubblegum pink, shiny fingernails. They were especially shocking because just that past summer Noah had been treated to a annoyed rant from Juno on how stupid painted nails were. She had said forcefully that painted nails were tacky, impractical, and only for vain narcissists on the hunt for men. Clearly, something had changed her mind.

She tossed a few shopping bags onto the counter, seemingly filled with even more new wardrobe choices, then turned and gave him a wicked smile as she saw his mouth agape. "Heyyyy baby!" she said teasingly, walking over with an exaggerated supermodel walk, one food crossing over the other. "Notice anything different about me?" She stopped in front of Noah and leaned way down, bending at the waist. Noah's heart beat like a drum as Juno's shirt fell forward to give him a clear view of her bra-clad tits. Then her beautiful made-up face was there right in front of him, and her glossy pink lips were on his. She smelled fruity and delicious. She was wearing some kind of perfume: another product she used to have no kind words for.

Juno pulled back from her tender kiss, her eyes smokey with desire. "Do you like my new look, baby?" she whispered throatily in her bedroom voice.

"I... Juno, I," stammered Noah, still deep in shock, his eyes darting over his girlfriend's daring new wardrobe.

His girlfriend just smirked and snaked her hand up under the pillow on his lap, running it up his leg until it grasped his hard cock. "Oh my God! You love it!" she giggled. "I'm so glad!"

"Wh- why?" said Noah breathlessly, subtly grinding his hips up into Juno's hand. "I mean, what prompted the change?"

Juno shrugged with a secretive smile. "Dr. Cherry said that now that I was in college, it was time to become my own woman. I've been trying some new things to feel a bit more confident. Not so much of a wallflower."

"Well, I support you babe!" said Noah with a grin. Hell yes he did, especially if it meant he got to see Juno in sexy outfits like this more often.

"Well the best way to support me right now is to tear off all my new clothes and make me feel like the confident, sexy woman I am!" said Juno assertively, squeezing her hand on Noah's cock and drawing a whimper of pleasure from his mouth.

Noah wanted to agree and fuck his girlfriend so badly. But his mind was already nagging him with the knowledge that the porn video was on his computer, called up and ready to go. If he forgot about it now, would he be able to work up the courage to show it to Juno some other night? For some reason the compulsion to show his girlfriend the nasty porno was undeniable.

"Um, actually, Juno, I was hoping we could just get that homework assignment done right now," he said in a wavering, apologetic voice.

Juno stared down at him in disbelief, pausing her rubbing and gripping of his cock. "You don't want to have sex," she said, her eyebrows creasing, "Because you would rather do homework."

"I-I'm sorry babe," said Noah desperately. "I just... I want to show you something." Now he had caught Juno's curiosity, her head tilted to the side. Slowly, she sat on the couch beside him, maintaining her questioning eye contact.

"OK then. Show me."

His mouth dry and his hands shaky, Noah turned on the tv and pressed play on his laptop, passing the point of no return. The video began to play.

It showed a blonde woman in a dark club, lights pulsing and music pounding. She was dressed sluttier than any woman would be caught dead in real life. Her tiny pink skirt was more like a scrap of fabric around her wide hips, almost revealing her pussy and doing nothing to hide the swell of her enormous butt. Her shirt was just as ridiculous, a flimsy thin top that tied in the front, doing nothing to conceal and everything to showcase her big fake tits. The shirt was too small, allowing the underside of her breasts to hang below its lower edge, and so tight that it clearly showed the metal piercings on her nipples pressing through the fabric. A perfect, plastic bimbo slut, dressed up to fuck. She was swinging her hips to the beat, the pink skirt flipping lightly as she moved.

"What the fuck..." said Juno at his side, her mouth open with shock as she watched what could only be a porn playing on the screen. As they watched, the video showed the woman looking into the camera with startling blue eyes, surrounded by heavy eye makeup. The camera cut to what the woman was staring at. An attractive black man in a suit, leaning on the other end of the bar, staring back at her. The blond woman now bit her lip, approaching. One of the reasons that Noah loved this video was the high production values. Many porns just cut directly to the sex, or had a short contrived story first. This one actually raised the sexual tension first in a way he could never bring himself to skip. Something about the way that this slut was all dressed up like that in public, and especially how she seemed magnetically attracted to the black man despite herself resonated with him on a deep level. But this time his eyes were locked on Juno, trying desperately to gauge how she was reacting. She still had a shocked expression on her face, her eyes darting over the screen.

"Uh, babe," said Noah cautiously. "I can explain." He wasn't sure if he actually could, but depending on how angry Juno was, he might have to try.

"Shut up, Noah. Let me think," said Juno distractedly. A smirk was beginning to pull up the corner of her mouth. Noah didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Finally, Juno turned to him with a strange smile on her face, and without a word, she reached down and unbuttoned his pants, pulling them down with his boxers to free his fully erect cock.

"Juno, " spluttered Noah, "What are you doing?!?" but he didn't resist as Juno wrapped her slim, painted fingers around his dick.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" she asked teasingly. "Isn't a little hand action expected when you watch porn? I'm just glad I can be involved in my boyfriend's sex life for once." Her hand began to move with aching slowness up and down his cock. On the screen, the blonde slut was dirty dancing with the black man as shadowy figures swirled around them on the dance floor. He ran his big hands up and down her body, cupping her tits, making her moan audibly, moving his hand between her legs right there on the dance floor as she ground her fat butt back into his cock in front of everyone.

"But I'm glad you are showing this to me, baby, I've wanted to talk to you about some important issues for a long time. The homework assignment is to talk about how the "media" makes us feel, right? So let's talk." She moved her fingers gracefully and lightly, swirling them around the swollen head of his cock as she spoke gently and softly in his ear.

"First, I have some questions," she began in her slightly raspy bedroom voice. "The most obvious one is 'Why did you decide to show your girlfriend filthy interracial porn.' But I actually think I know the answer to that, so I'm going to save that for the end." On the screen, the pretext was over, the scene had shifted to a bedroom. The two pornstars kissed passionately as the black man mauled the blonde's fat ass. The stimulation from Juno's slow handjob, the images from his favorite porn, and his girlfriend's soft teasing words were too much. Noah found it difficult to think straight. "I, Juno... Dr. Cherry, she..."

"Shhhh," said Juno reprovingly. "Don't speak unless you're answering questions right now." She paused as they both watched the huge black man drop his pants, his massive semi-erect black cock swinging into view. The blond's hand immediately gripped it and started jerking.

"How often do you watch stuff like this?" said Juno with amusement.

"Well, um..." said Naoh awkwardly. Although the answer shamed him, he had come too far now to lie. "A-almost every day." Juno giggled, her hand beginning to move faster. On the screen, the blonde was pushing the now fully erect black man back onto the bed. "So he was right! I'll have to apologize for calling him crazy."

"He? Who was right?" said Noah, his stomach twisting.

"Oh, Dominic of course baby," said Juno lightly, as if it wasn't a big deal. "He said you looked like a porn-addicted little bitch. I know it sounds a little harsh, but that's just the way Dominic talks, babe, don't take it personally."

Noah felt a rising tide of humiliation as he absorbed the meaning of Juno's words. Juno had been exchanging texts with a large handsome black man about how her boyfriend was a loser. "He called me a little b-bitch?"

"I'm the one asking questions," said Juno firmly. "Do you compare yourself with the black men when you watch these videos?"

Noah closed his eyes at the shame of his answer, but said "Yes."

"Oh no baby!" said Juno with mocking dismay. "That's probably really bad for your ego! I mean, look at that guy!" Noah opened his eyes to see the camera angle had changed. It was now pointed down into the wide blue eyes of the blonde pornstar as she stuffed her mouth wide with black cock. "He's so much bigger and stronger and more handsome than you. Doesn't it feel humiliating to compare yourself to him?"

"Yes," said Noah miserably as his girlfriend's hand, now slippery with his leaking precum, relentlessly slid up and down his cock. "It's really humiliting."

"And that's the whole fun, isn't it baby?" said Juno, whispering in his ear.

Noah could only mutely nod.

"Thank you for answering honestly baby. It feels good to get this all out in the open," said Juno in a more normal voice, pulling away and slowing down her hand job. "Now it's my turn."

On the screen, the stacked blonde was slavishly sucking and tongue-bathing the black man's balls now. Juno's eyes watched avidly as she began speaking. "My whole life I have been so sheltered. I had never even met a black man until a few weeks ago. It feels like what Professor Greene has been saying is true. I was never really offered the choice between a white man and a black man. And obviously, babe, I chose you. And I don't regret it." She turned and flashed him a warm smile with none of the teasing she had been doing for the rest of the evening. "But I can't help but be curious what it would be like, you know? If I had really been given the full choices available. Black men are just so... naturally dominant. They have this crazy powerful sexual magnetism. I mean look at that," she said, gesturing at the screen with a look of fascinated disgust.

It was a scene that compelled Noah every time. The blonde had moved further down, burying her face between the black man's ass cheeks, busily licking and slurping his asshole while jerking him off. "Obviously that's disgusting and repellant. I would never want to do something like that. But I just get the feeling watching this that the black man was so charismatic he could bend the woman to his will. Get her to do things she never thought she would do. I just wish I had got to feel that once before I, you know, settled down."

Juno was picturing fucking a black man. Was disappointed she had never gotten the chance. Noah tried hard to avoid the images of Juno and Dominic he remembered from that night at the pub. He failed. Those images, and new fabricated, filthy images of his own imagination had been creepy more and more into his masturbation fantasies, despite his terror at the very idea of Juno and Dominic together.

"And... babe," said Juno softly, her hand continuing to gently jerk. "You have been so honest with me that I have to admit that I told a little white lie earlier this evening." On the screen, the blond crawled up the bed, her face wet and her makeup running from her enthusiastic blowjob. She positioned herself above the massive black cock.

"The reason I have been changing my look lately is because of some suggestions from Dominic." Noah put the pieces together. All the more revealing clothes that Juno never would have worn at his suggestion. All of them had been pushed on her by her new friend.

"I told him I wanted to be more comfortable and confident in public and he has been helping me. He has a great sense of style!" Reluctantly, heartbreakingly, Noah had to agree. If the clothes Juno was wearing had been suggested by Dominic, then he had excellent taste.

"He even gave me a picture of a woman to bring to the makeup counter so the lady could teach me the style." Juno snorted a laugh, momentarily pausing her teasing handjob as something occured to her. "Dominic is so funny babe, he plays these little pranks on me. I think the picture he gave me as a makeup example was cropped from a porn." Noah almost exploded at the thought before barely catching himself. The makeup wasn't especially slutty, but the fact remained that Dominic had suggested his girlfriend make herself up like a porn star, she had realized what he was doing but agreed and did it anyway. This man had a deeper hold on his girlfriend than he had realized.

"He's also been giving me little dares to test my new confidence, all harmless stuff. Flirting with a cashier, going braless for a day. But his last one was a little racy..." said Juno, giving Noah a nervous glance. If what she had said before was no problem, then this next thing must be much worse.

"So um, this story is going to sound worse than it is. He was suggesting I should get nail polish, and I was disagreeing. You remember how I used to hate that stuff." Noah watched his girlfriend's pink-nailed hand as it jerked his cock. It seemed like Juno had a hard time saying no to her new friend.

"Well, don't get mad babe, but sometimes we say some dirty stuff to each other. Just as a joke." Noah's cock twitched in her hand, which made her flash Noah a dirty grin. "Ha! I guess I didn't need to worry about you being mad! Anyway, Jokingly, I told him the only reason he liked nail polish is because he liked to see pretty red nails on the hands jerking his dick." Oh Jesus, this dirty talk was so much worse than Noah had assumed. The sound of loud fake moaning came from the tv as the black man ravaged the pornstar's pussy. Juno seemed to either not notice or not care about Noah's expression of horrified shock.

"He said, 'no way, pink nails look better with black dick'. We had a friendly little argument, and made a little bet. Do you know Gabble?" asked Juno abruptly.

"Um, like the University forum?" asked Noah stupidly, his eyebrows drawn together in confusion. It was an app that let local areas set up a discussion board for topics specific to that place. The University's page was semi-famous as an unmoderated hellhole, but was still widely popular with students as a place to get the word on parties and scandalous events.

"Yeah, that's the one. Dominic challenged me to post a poll: which type of nails would look better jerking a black cock, pink or red? If red won, he would have to paint his nails, and if pink won..." Juno wiggled her fingers with a look of chagrin. The whole story made Noah's stomach roil with anxiety. The picture it painted of Juno and Dominic's relationship was extremely worrying.

Suddenly, Juno's hand began to move faster. "Now let me get back to the last question I have for you. Why did you show me this filthy porno tonight?" Her whisper was hot and wet in his ear. The black man on the screen was now railing the blonde woman from behind, pushing her powerfully down into the bed. "Let me see if I can guess the answer. I think you haven't just been comparing yourself with the black men on screen. I think you have been comparing me to the white girls. And I think the idea intrigues you so much that you wanted to test the waters with me. To see if the idea of your girlfriend being with a black man interested her just as much as you. Am I warm?"

Noah wanted to scream, to protest, to deny it firmly. But he couldn't. He realized that in his heart, he had been curious about that exact question. Terrified, but deeply curious. "Yes. I had to know," he moaned as his girlfriend's hand continued to slide and squirm on his cock.
