Irene and Oscar Ch. 1

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Into the fray
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Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/18/2024
Created 04/10/2024
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Authors Note: This story was written upon request by the fella who is at the centre of the "Irene and Oscar" series of stories found throughout this web-site... The Oscar character contacted me and asked if I would like to contribute and I thought, "Sure, okay!"

Being asked to do this was very complimentary but is not something I will often do. You'll find this is more of a straight-up cuckold adventure, which isn't too far outside where my stories usually lean, just without so much of the gay stuff...

Also, I've worded this to sound as if the characters have a Spanish accent even though I do not speak the language... This is a fantasy story therefore any discrepancies should be ignored...

Okay, once again, enough of my babbling... Hope you enjoy, and sorry in advance for finding errors along the way...


Irene and Oscar

Chapter one (of 9)

Barcelona, present day...


"Oscar come, I have news"

Irene called out to her husband, using few words once finding him at the back of their house watering plants in the solarium...

"Yes my love, what is it? Something good I trust?" He replied in question setting down his watering can before following his wife of 12yrs with his eyes trained to the tall, voluptuous woman's curvaceous rear end. Watching her body taper upwards, her trim waist giving her that wasp like appearance Oscar loved so much. Especially so with the tight fitting pencil skit she had worn into work that day. Pulling her knees close and adding to her mature, womanly appeal.

"Yes, it is good news... Perhaps you should open a bottle of wine, hmm?" Irene said to him rather cheerily and smiling as she made her way in, casually turning with a sweep of her long, auburn coloured hair before sitting down on their living room sofa, looking up to her husband with her dark, chocolatey brown eyes...

"Oh my, this does sound good, please, give me a second... I'll be right back" Oscar said with excitement, quite happy to hear and see his wife was pleased with her news as he turned back towards the kitchen, hurriedly untying the bibbed work apron he was wearing.

Today was Oscar's day to water all of the house plants and his apron, or smock, it was nothing too out of the ordinary, just a thin, blue cotton cover that belonged to Irene when she had tried her hand at pottery. But now Oscar was making good second use out it, wearing the apron when doing some of the dirtier chores, like watering the house plants.

Being a stay at home husband, had been Oscars choice... Or rather it was of his choosing once Irene had approached him with the idea. Receiving a very large promotion at work to go along with the substantially larger pay package as an executive with the Martinenc Foot ball club, Irene had put it to Oscar one night that her new, higher position was much more important than his current employment working as a printer for a local newspaper.

With her executive status keeping her away a good deal of the day, she had come to him with the suggestion. Asking would he prefer to stay home tending to the house with Irene as the sole bread winner, their only source of income...

"What do you think Oscar?" She asked at the time, nearly two years back...

"You are always saying how much you would love to give up your job and take care of me, and now is your chance... Besides, I know how you like when I am 'in-charge' shall we say? Why not, hmm? Maybe I will be your boss from now on"

This was a turning point for the couple with Oscar finally feeling what he had always wanted from his somewhat older wife, for her to openly take over, be the lead...

8yrs his senior Irene was in her 48th year compared to Oscar's turning 40 a few months prior. In the 12yrs of being together, this was the second marriage for both, with Irene having two daughters from her previous relationship.

However with both girls grown up and out of the house attending university abroad, one in London, the other in Montreal, the couple found themselves alone and able to take on new opportunities...

With Irene's age, stature and success, not to mention having raised two bright, beautiful and well educated children. Oscar had always believed she was his superior in most regards. Holding her in the highest of esteem, he treated her with utmost respect from the very beginning.

Oscar adored Irene on every level...

Not just because she was a woman and his wife, but as well, because she was his elder... He supposed this had to do with Nona, his incredibly strict Grandmother... Both she and her long switches made from tied bundles of birch strands had long ago taught Oscar a strong respect for his female elders.

Being raised with Nona in the house had instilled in Oscar the belief that he should be willing to give of himself when it came to the women in his life... He was taught to be giving, much more so than he should expect to receive...

Jumping at the chance to stay at home in this custodial capacity, Oscar couldn't have smiled any brighter as he greed... Becoming his wife's cook, cleaner and general repairman all in one, he vowed his servitude and obedience.

Letting Irene know he would love to be her house-husband as he would call himself, Oscar fell at her feet. Taking and kissing the backs of her two hands, first one, then the other in a show of his gratitude, his devotion...

"Oh Oscar, always so dramatic... You don't have to go that far... Come, stand up... You are my husband and I will consider you as my equal. But as I have agreed to take this role you know I will become more assertive and I must warn you my darling... You may not like some of the choices I make... You are aware of this, yes? My being in charge, it is not meant to be about satisfying your desires, sexual or otherwise... You will do as I say, regardless if you like it or not... You agree to this?"

Wanting to be clear, Irene was being direct with him, but Oscar, he knew what he wanted... He had for a long time...


A little more back story...

This event, or crossroads Irene and Oscar had come to, it happened two years back with Irene giving in to his persistence. But now, and as she was seeing things? At nearly 10yrs into their marriage, perhaps this would be the change she felt they needed...

Not that their marriage was failing, but rather now, she had to look at this as an opportunity to further themselves, evolve as a couple...

Having long wanted his wife to take over, Oscar had felt it was only right... Even finding the courage to ask on several occasion, approaching Irene and wanting her to become his dominant. The female lead in his life and their marriage...

Yet to no avail, she had always dismissed his wants as mere folly and not to be taken seriously. Laughing off his request as being sexual, temporary and no way to operate in their daily lives.

But as well, and under it all? She did know... Irene already knew she was the leading force between the two, and even if Oscar may not have known, she too had wanted their relationship to head in this direction... Maybe just not on the same level...

Out of her league in just about every way, Irene was two inches taller than her slight husband, who in a pair of Cuban heels or his cowboy boots, Oscar could reach no higher than 5' 9" at best... A slight man as mentioned, weighing no more that 160lbs Oscar was trim but had never been muscular or very athletic.

With lighter, sandy-brown hair, kept longer on top and swept back with gel sometimes, he remained clean shaven at Irene's request. Having little body hair on his chest or back, and not able to grow much of a beard, Irene thought Oscar was handsome enough, but certainly he was no standout in the world of good looking men.

If anything she found him to be 'cute'... Already knowing what, or who she was looking for in a potential partner, a second husband and Oscar more than fit the bill. She wanted someone who was nice to her, pleasant looking but would also know enough not to fight with her too much on certain things...

Oscar knew as well, he was no movie-star look-a-like, and truth be told no one was more surprised than he was when Irene had chosen him from a sea of better looking men.

Meeting with serendipity, as people do, both were attending the same wedding with everyone feeling blissful and drunk on champagne... Love was in the air, and Oscar was feeling no different as he watched her, captivated, he was unable to look away.

Dressed as she was in her floor length, shimmering peach coloured gown, he was stricken from the moment her set eyes on the tall, sallow-skinned Goddess. This stunning, gorgeous woman who was in fact the bride's sister, and also in the wedding party.

Far too afraid to make a move with the fear of being rejected holding him back, in the end it was she, it was Irene who had asked, or more to the point... Irene had told Oscar they would have a date...

Irene Serrano was her name... This tall, 5'11" vision of everything he had ever dreamed of in a woman, yet believed he could never have... With her long, wavy-thick brown hair cascading well past her shoulders, left loose to dance and sway... She moved like a liquid treasure in Oscar's smitten, love sick eyes.

Smiling and happy with her friends and relatives all around, this only worked to enhance the beauty he felt radiating from this breathtaking woman... Her full, well rounded body wrapped in sensuous silk cloth, it was all Oscar could do to look away from her even larger breasts.

Openly displaying so much cleavage in her low cut gown, the mere sight of her had his heart rate quickening in his chest.

Her pretty, pretty face, perfect white teeth, all framed with such gorgeous long hair... Such smooth, bronze-coloured, sun-kissed skin she had a glow and an aura about her. This curvaceous, buxom woman, this Goddess, a Venus de Milo with arms, caved from stone and brought to life before his very eyes.

So taken was he, Oscar... He nearly shit himself when she came over and asked him to dance...


Back to the present...

"Here you are my love, let me pour for you, we'll have a toast, hmm? To uh whatever it is you have to tell me... You look happy Irene so I'm to assume it is good news, yes?

"Yes it is good news my darling, very good in fact... Now come, sit with me and I will tell you... Although, some of what I have to say, you may no like, but please, let me finish before you say anything... Okay?" Irene replied taking the full goblet from Oscar as he listened, pouring his own but then looking to her, he felt his heart sinking some and wondering, he had to think... What she could mean? Saying there were things he would not like?

"Now Oscar, pay attention to me, listen to my news, and please, don't look so worried" Irene added as he sat feeling nervous, even with her telling him not to...

"Okay my love, I will listen, but yes, you do have me concerned... Please, tell me already, you're killing me with the suspense" he replied, anxious and all ears...

"I have received a new promotion... A very, very big promotion" Irene announced as Oscar looked to her surprised but saying nothing, he let his wife continue...

"That is the good news, which I will tell you more of in a second... However I must inform you that we, or I will be moving for a time, but not permanently"

"What? I... I don't understand? Irene, you're not leaving me are you?" Oscar asked, looking as confused as he sounded, skipping over her promotion when hearing her say she'll be away on her own...

"No Oscar, don't be silly, I'm not leaving you... I would never do that... However, I will be away from you, but only for the first two weeks, then you will fly down to join me"

Explaining this part before telling him the whole of what was happening, once again Oscar felt left in the dark as Irene smiled, taking a sip of her wine before setting her glass down, prepared to tell him the rest...

"I know you are confused but please, let me explain, and don't worry, this is a good thing... You see Oscar, I've been transferred... In my job... As I said, I have been promoted once again and now I am the head of all operation for Las Palmas FC... Isn't this incredible news?"

"Oh my God! Irene! This is wonderful! But, Las Palmas? That's in the Canaries, no?" Oscar replied, and surprised indeed, he couldn't believe what she was telling him... Yet knowing where the team was located, nearly a thousand miles away in the Spanish archipelago of the Canary Islands, he still felt the need to ask, trying to digest what his wife was saying...

"Yes darling, Las Palmas is the capital of the main island, Gran Canaria... Now the part I'm not so sure you're going to like is that for the first few weeks I will be there on my own, and you will stay here"

"But why Irene? I want to be with you, not left behind?" Oscar asked, again not understanding why she needed to travel alone...

"Because, I need you to stay back as I settle in... I cannot have any distractions in the beginning and this amount of time will also let you finished up here. Then you may travel down to join me, the team has a small villa leased for us to use"

Sitting there and looking stunned, Irene gave Oscar some time to mull over what she was telling him...

First letting him know about this huge step forward in her career, including a move of house. But then telling him he was to stay behind for a two week period because she does not want to be disturbed..? This aspect did not sit well with him...

"What about the house here? When I have finished closing up as you say... Will we be selling?" He asked wondering if they were leaving Barcelona all together, the city they have always called home...

"No, of course we will keep the house... We can rent it out as a holiday home, that can be one of your tasks" Irene replied to which Oscar thinking now of strangers being in their home he felt compelled to ask about a certain, and rather intimate item they had in their possession...

"I... I suppose you'll want to bring, uh Didier with you, no? In case someone should, uh, find him?"

"Ugh, Oscar why do you have to go there? You men, always thinking of sex... But since you are asking, no, darling I won't... You can hide him in the attic, or why don't you bring him with you instead, hmm? I certainly don't want to explain why there is such a large sex toy in my luggage"

"B-but it's okay if I do? Get caught with him in customs?" Oscar said back, sounding alarmed with Irene smiling and saying... "Well, yes... It's not illegal to travel with such a thing, or like I said, you can leave him behind"

Asking if he should leave 'Didier' behind, Irene was annoyed with his going there. Oscar always had sex on the mind or so she believed, hence his mention of the large, black, 9-inch long, and quite thick dildo he had sent away for a year back. Which was something else that had bothered her... Oscar's buying the indecent sex toy without her knowledge.

Named after Didier Drogba the famous footballer, Irene had mentioned him as being handsome, charming and quit fit after meeting the man in person at a match in Madrid, and where from then on Oscar began making up wild bed-time fantasies involving his wife and this football star.

Stories filled with thoughts of how he would love to see her being pleased by such a man as him... A real man in Oscar's eyes...

Surprised with his purchase and after giving out to him for spending so much money without telling her first, later however that night, Irene did relent...

Along with agreeing to be the lead in their every day lives, Irene also knew this meant Oscar had wanted her to take charge in the bedroom, which she did with a reluctance... At first...

"Oscar, don't be ridiculous, of course I consider you a man... But if you insist, yes I will tell you, by no means are you the largest I have ever had, okay? Do you want to hear more? What if I admit that not only have I had bigger men, but as well... You, my sweet little husband, you are by far the smallest, hmm?... Is that the kind of truth you want me to tell you?"

Saying this to him one night, Irene finally admitted to Oscar that his penis was by far the smallest she had ever encountered, and to be honest, it felt good to get this off of her chest.

Being with only a hand-full of men in her adult life, maybe six at most, and with Oscar's meagre penis measuring no more than four and a half inches when erect, he was without a doubt the least she had ever experienced...

"I... I have known this all along my love, my small size does not please you... Not the way a man, a real man could satisfy you, I... I just want you to be happy with our adult life... That is why I bought us the sex toy... I love to serve you with my lips and tongue Irene, and I know you like it too... But still... I wish more for you" Oscar had said to her, admitting to his short-comings when explaining her why he had spent so much on the big, black imitation cock...

"You know? They say sometimes that you don't know what it is that you are missing, until you have it back, yes?" He added, thinking if Irene should at least try out the big dildo, she might remember and want more, perhaps even the real thing at some point...

"You mean to say that if I try your, ahem, toy... I might enjoy myself, remembering what it was like to have a bigger man inside me? Is that what you are saying?" Irene came back with, she was on to his game...

"Y-yes... That is exactly what I am saying, let's just try... I'm sure you will be pleased"

Looking to him with some hesitation and not wanting to give in right away, Irene paused, gazing at her husband before speaking up, her reluctance beginning to fade...

"Alright, let me shower" she replied, much to Oscar's delight...

"We'll head in to bed a little early... It seems we have a visitor stopping by this evening, don't we Oscar?" She added, looking rather coy, giving him a sly smile, and if he didn't know any better he would also say she was blushing...

Not wanting to say in so many words, Irene had to admit that her husband did make a good point. Saying how easy it is to forget about the things we had once enjoyed. Yet moving on as our lives change, so do our tastes.

But then once something like this comes back to us? We wonder with sadness why we'd ever given it up in the first place...

For Irene that meant giving up the feel of a heavy, strong man residing on top of her, thrusting into her with his sizable manhood, making her feel so alive, being a real man and taking what's his...

"I will entertain your idea, for now Oscar... But just like everything else my love, remember, you have given all of your controls to me, and this, you understand will be no different"

"Yes, yes of course darling, as always, you know I pledge myself to you... Shall I have your cream ready, you know, to get things going?" Oscar replied agreeing happy, trying as he might to contain his excitement, not just for his wife's sake, but for that of his own.

Throughout the years of being together it had been noted that Oscar's overly eager actions would often ruin the mood for Irene... Whereas when she wanted a slow, subtle seduction, compared to his gung-ho attitude of shoot first, and then ask the questions, and quite literally at that...

Oscar, as Irene had come to discover about her younger husband, he did have a tendency to 'shoot-first' as it were, and in an effort to slow him down, she introduced him to fore-play...

Doing things slowly like having him applying collagen cream to her full, 38-inch breasts as they lay in bed.

Irene's large tits, capped with dark, dollar sized areola and thick berry like nipples, Oscar loved the activity of drawing his slick, creamy fingers over and around his wife's plump, full breasts even if she did leave him disappointed at times where when at the end a session, instead of this fore-play leading into sex, Irene would smile as she stopped him saying she'd had enough.