Irene and Oscar Ch. 4

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Dinner and Vigo's
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Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/18/2024
Created 04/10/2024
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Irene and Oscar

Chapter 4

Dinner at Vigo's


An hour or so later...

"There, now I'm ready... How do I look?" Irene asked as she appeared at long last, dressed for the evening, looking stunning and leaving Oscar with his mouth slung open...

"Wow... You, you look gorgeous Irene, like you were going out for the evening to a fancy night club"

"Well thank you, I guess that means I look young... You don't think this is too much? A woman my age wearing such a short dress?" Irene replied, taking her husband's compliment yet still feeling nervous as she stood at the front door assessing her look in the long hallway mirror. Flustered and unhappy with herself when pulling and tugging at the thigh-high, sparkling black velvet cocktail dress she had worn for the occasion.

Feeling far too small, the exceptionally short, the low cut strapless number fit the maturing woman's curvaceous figure like a second skin... Add with a pair of sheer black stay-up stockings and heels to match, Irene did indeed look like she was ready for a night on the tiles.

With her make-up heavy and her hair framing her pretty face in a shimmering brown cascade, flowing off her bare shoulder like a chestnut waterfall, the mature woman's full, creamy coloured breast were only enhanced and heightened. Standing out, Irene's 38-inch tits looked to be the only things holding the sparkling little dress to her body.

As Oscar had said, Irene looked gorgeous, she was beyond stunning...

"I see you have everything? The wine and your keys?" She asked as they made their way out but then stopping and feeling himself grow flush, light headed even, Oscar had something else planned, something he hadn't told his wife...

"Yes, yes I have everything but wait, one moment Irene, please, sit I have something for you" he said to her as Irene looked to him with slight confusion... "I have a gift I wanted you to give to you before we leave, and uh, before we go any further" he said to her while directing her to sit on small bench outside their door...

"What is it Oscar? You don't have to give me gifts... What are you going to do, propose to me all over again?" She said to him, asking with a curious laugh, seeing him go down on one knee in front of her...

"Sort of but not really...Please, Irene... I just wanted to say, to tell you again that you are the love of my life and, and I know what we are doing, or thinking of doing... I know that it's 'out-there' I guess you could say... It's different but still, and because you are so, so special to me I wanted you to have this... I want you to wear this... Please, it will be another symbol, a way of telling people who and what we are, or even just for yourself"

Kneeling at her feet while looking up as he replied, Oscar produced from somewhere a mid-sized red velvet jewellery box. Bigger than a ring box, he opened the case and presented it to his wife as Irene watched with a curious excitement... Even finding herself holding her breath, wondering what he could have and what it would mean?

"Oh Oscar this is beautiful, but how? How is a bracelet symbolic?" She asked in a heart-felt gasp, seeing the thin strand of gold chain sitting in a mount with what looked to be three pearl-like beads strung in the middle. Two were white and middle one in black...

"It's not for your wrist my love... It's an anklet... Please, accept this and allow me to put it on for you... You like it, yes?" Oscar explained as Irene turned her foot outwards allowing him slip the delicate looking jewellery piece around her stocking clad ankle...

"Yes, it is lovely Oscar, thank you, but tell me why is it symbolic?" She questioned, loving the piece but then thinking, she did know, Irene remember what she had read..."Oh wait, I think I know... This is a way to tell other men I am available, yes? But the pearls? Do they represent us and another man? Perhaps a black man, is that what the middle one symbolizes?"

Smiling as Oscar looked to her blushing already, seeing again how his wife had indeed been doing her homework on the topic of hot-wives and cuckoldry. Knowing what the delicate jewellery piece was meant to represent, it frightened him in a way...

"I can keep no secrets from you can I..? You know me too well I'm afraid... You are correct Irene, that is what this anklet represents... I saw it only yesterday in a boutique window after I had met Vigo and been to my waxing" Oscar explained telling his wife another little story...

"When I went in to see how much they wanted, the girl was smiling when she asked if this was for my wife, but when I didn't say anything, just giving her a nod, I think she knew... My secret was out, eh?"

"I suppose so, but as well Oscar I must say it is beautiful even if people don't know what it means, I'm sure not everyone will figure it out, but I love it... Thank you my wonderful husband, now come, you may kiss me on the cheek in case you smear my lipstick and take my hand, as well... We don't want to keep our new friend waiting now do we?" Irene replied as she smiled, happy with her gift and it's meaning.

Feeling her husbands undying love the two strolled away, an obedient Oscar taking his wife's hand after nervously kissing his her cheek with a shiver running through him. Hearing what she was saying... Knowing where they were going and why... What it would mean, what his wife was going to do...

"No... No we don't want to keep him waiting, and you are welcome my love... You, you know I will do anything for you... Even if I have to leave you with him, later, when you decided the time is right"


At Vigo's door a few minutes later...

"Ah welcome, do come in and my, my Irene don't you look beautiful, ravishing even... Please tell me I am the lucky one, having such a stunning woman dress this way just for me, eh?"

Greeting the couple as he opened his front door Vigo's focus was immediately drawn to Irene and how gorgeous she looked, which was a good sign... For her...

"Hello, good evening Vigo and yes thank you, I wanted to look nice, for you... After all, you've gone to such trouble, or it smells as such... If you are cooking for us then it's only fair I should look my best for you, hmm?... Oscar come, say hello and give Vigo the wine you have for him"... Oh and look Vigo, you're not the only one receiving gifts, do you see the beautiful jewellery my Oscar has given me, just this evening?"

Standing in his doorway and taking in her beauty, Vigo was even a little star-struck seeing how dolled up Irene appeared when taking and kissing her delicate hand. Drinking her in, he devoured every inch of her with his eyes. Seeing her in the hot, shimmering black velvet dress that sparkled with every movement of her sumptuous, feminine curves.

With her legs looking long and sexy in stockings and heels, added with her heavier than normal amount of make-up appearing all the more severe, Vigo could easily tell with how she was presenting herself. Seeing the woman as gorgeous as she was, this was another sign of her willing, her wanting to please him, to be with him...

"A wonderful gesture, giving your wife such pretty jewellery... The pearls are are nice touch, I bet they must have set you back some, eh Oscar? Oh and thank you for the wine as well, you can set it just there in the kitchen, we will save it for later if we need" Vigo replied, making small talk while also giving Oscar directions...

"I have another bottle ready for us, a nice chilled white... Your red will go well with dinner... Please come with me, you can pour while I see to our meal... I'm cooking an old recipe form my home" Vigo replied addressing Oscar but never letting his eyes leave Irene as he ushered the pair of them in...

Parting and leaving Irene to sit in the living room, Vigo with a hand to Oscar's back he lead the smaller man in ahead of him, wanting to put him to work, making him feel from the beginning that he was there to serve, rather than be a guest...

"Y-yes, I will help, and the food Vigo smells wonderful... Please, is there anything else I can do? I...I'd like to think that I am at your disposal for the evening" Oscar answered, sounding as nervous as he was, fumbling and falling all over the younger, good looking man in his home...

"Thank you Oscar... You have a good attitude, about many things, uh? I think we will get along just fine... Now, if I can trust you to take care of this, I should go in...I cannot leave a such a beautiful woman all alone... What kind of a host would I be?"

Smiling as he hurriedly picked up the bottle of white and two glasses, Vigo couldn't help think once again how accommodating the smaller man was being. In addition to Irene proudly pointing out her anklet with the three pearls not being missed... Pleased he knew what they meant and what was going on with this couple...


"Ah, there you are, the lovely Irene... I hope you don't mind my addressing you so common, or did you want me to call you Mrs. Serrano, even if we are not in work?" Vigo said to her with a playful smile, making his way over to where Irene was sitting on the man's long, L-shaped sectional sofa...

"Don't be ridiculous Vigo...I've told you already you can call me by my name, either here or in work, but I have to say, I think you want to call me 'yours'... Isn't that what you'd prefer, hmm?" Irene replied as Vigo joined her, standing and pouring the woman a deep snifter of the fruity white wine...

"You are also dressed very well for an evening at home I would say... The black polo-neck and tailored pants, they are a good look on you and that cologne you're wearing is rather intoxicating... As I said Vigo, I think you want to seduce me"

In a flirt of her own this time, Irene complimented Vigo on his looks and how he smells, but then patting the seat beside her, she winked at him with an alluring, sexy tilt of her head, inviting the man to sit close...

"Ah yes, I'm afraid you have me there... However before Oscar returns, I will make my intentions clear... Seeing how we are being honest, I will tell you that I do have a great interest in you Irene... As a man, but this I'm sure you know by now" Vigo said, letting her know where his mindset lay, what he was thinking and how he wanted this to go...

"But of course, you cannot blame me if I carry some concern for your husband, yes? I know you are a married woman and that bond should be sacred" he added, stating while taking his seat beside her, telling Irene of his caution but at the same time, he wasn't seeing the woman's marital status, or her husband as much of a deterrent...

"But with Oscar, I'm not so sure that is true... He gives me signs all the time that tell me to continue... The things he says, how he defers to me I guess you could say... He makes me feel that he wants me to have you Irene... Am I right? Is this where we are?"

Asking in the moment they had alone, Vigo was being straight forward in what he was saying. Wanting to know, where Irene's husband stood in this, being blunt yet gentle enough. Suggesting he was pushing them together, implying Oscar wanted the pair to fuck and have sex...

"Oscar will want what I want... I have told him to be accommodating, as you say... You needn't worry about stepping on his toes in order to get to me... However, how do you know I'm so willing, hmm? Do I not get a say in this?" Irene said to him, replying in a tone that said she was in charge of her husband and of this situation they had created for themselves.

Yet saying so with a devilish smile, one that Vigo could not miss, she waited for him to think of a smooth reply.

Unfortunately however, just then and breaking the somewhat tense, sexually involved conversation, Oscar appeared in their sights. Returning from the kitchen...

"Ah Oscar, I'm afraid you've caught us enjoying some gossip, about you... But nothing bad I promise... Please, come and sit where we can all talk, about things" Vigo announced pointing and indicating for Oscar to sit by himself in the single lounge chair next to the sofa...

"Ah! That is good hear, I think... But like you said, nothing bad was said, eh?" Oscar replied trying to be jovial while wondering with fear what Vigo had meant, saying they were talking about him...

"Yes darling, Vigo hes been telling me that he's noticed how helpful and willing you are... In a certain ways" Irene began but then thinking she didn't want to beat around the bush she decided now was the time to address this head on, or cut to the chase, as it were...

"Why don't we just say it, hmm?" She added, beginning her declaration as she sat with Vigo yet was looking across to Oscar...

"Vigo knows you will approve of the choices I make, even for this evening... You are a very agreeable husband that way, aren't you my love?" She stated, broaching the subject rather than to shy away from what was happening, as Oscar might have preferred...

"Ye-yes... I know and forgive me, you are my weakness Irene... I let you make your own decisions because you're so much better at it than me... After all, what am I but an unemployed printer, huh? You provide me everything my darling, so how can I ever deny what it is that you want?" Oscar answered as Vigo sat looking to him rather impressed...

"That was quite the statement Oscar... A man needs to understand his place in life or he is not whole... Even for someone like you, someone who finds himself in his wife's shadow and in her care... It is good that you except this... You should be proud of your convictions my friend"

Hearing the man's dramatic out-pouring, this admission of who Oscar is and where he sees himself in his relationship with Irene, Vigo was surprised but as well, he did have an opinion of his own...

"But if I may?" He added, asking, keeping Oscar's nervous attention....

"I suppose the real question is, can you stand up to your words?... Can you live up to what you say? You know Oscar, a man must also obey his own beliefs or else he is nothing... It's just the way things are in life, and this is also my own belief... Wouldn't you agree?"

Sitting in a quiet pause and feeling as Vigo was the one pushing him this time, Oscar looked over to the pair with the knot in his stomach growing tighter...

Seeing his dolled up wife sitting there, waiting for him to respond... Coming across as demure and sexy with one stocking covered leg crossed over the other, she looked to be enjoying herself...

"Ah yes, what you say is true Vigo... I do try to live that way, I like to keep my word, and with Irene to guide me? She makes it much easier for me, and not just to decide things, but to help me to follow through... Isn't that so Irene? You always make me finish what I have started"

"You are very good Oscar... You listen to me for the most part, like today... Did you tell Vigo about our trip to the nude beach?" Irene added throwing Oscar under the bus while giving him a teasing wink over the rim of her glass.

Irene wanted him to tell Vigo about spending the day naked and how she had made him walk the strand with 'wee-Oscar' waxed and naked, out there for everyone to see...

"Yes, yes it was quite an experience and of course I was embarrassed some, but as well, I found it all rather freeing, liberating you could say... Sadly though, I could not convince my beautiful wife to join me so I was left naked by myself while Irene stayed mostly dressed, topless only, but I suppose I should be grateful for her going that far... Doing this for me"

Admitting with some reluctance about their day at the nude beach and trying to being careful in what he said, Oscar chose to remain vague where he could. Yet when mentioning how he was the only one who had stripped off completely, he slipped some when including Irene...

Telling Vigo she had walked the beach topless... It was more than enough to grab the man's attention...

"Ah, Irene... You are daring too, hmm? Now I do wish I had come out to say hello... Seeing Oscar naked is one thing, maybe good for a laugh... But I have to say, finding you on the beach as nature intended has me intrigued... I'm sure baring yourself only enhances your beauty, that is what I'm sorry I missed... Ah well, perhaps another time, and who knows, eh Oscar? Maybe my luck will change"

Looking to Irene with a sly smile, complimenting the woman, saying her being topless would only make her more beautiful, but then and making light of his comment, Vigo turned to Oscar, asking if the man believes his luck will change in seeing his wife's naked body... Maybe even this evening...

"Oh Vigo, please you flatter me but don't push your luck, hmm?" Irene came back with smiling and flirting right along with him.

But then Oscar, sensing things might be heading in a certain direction, he spoke up...

"I... I believe maybe the food is ready, yes? It smells wonderful, perhaps I could help you serve Vigo?" He came out with, sounding nervous and looking for a way to change the subject...

"Yes, thank you Oscar, I'm sure it is ready by now... Please, excuse me, I won't be long and if you wish to help my friend... How about we put you in charge of the clean up, eh?... As you say, being an unemployed printer who is living off of his wife, I would assume you are accustom to doing housework... I hear you wear an apron at home is this true?" Vigo replied, looking to the smaller man he went on, demeaning Oscar further...

Mentioning how he wears an apron when doing the housework but making it sound like an accusation...

"Oh, uhh yes, but only sometimes, when I might get dirty, it has no lace so I don't mind so much, you see?' Oscar came back with and cringing some with what he had just said...

"You are being very good Oscar, offering to help... Perhaps next time we'll have Vigo come to us... You can be our chef, as well as our servant, I know you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Irene asked, but more so she was making a statement... Telling Oscar saying she's pleased with his behaviour so far...

As well, saying that 'next-time' they should be the ones to entertain and like Vigo before her, Oscar could tell her tone and demeanour had changed... Suggesting with confidence that there would be a next-time where he would enjoying be their servant...

"Yes of course we will have you over Vigo, whenever you would like... Really I...I don't mind doing these things and I will clean up this evening, as you've suggested" Oscar replied, giving in as usual as Vigo, smiled with the prospect of not only taking the man's wife away from him but to do it in his own home, with him there to watch...

To say he left the room with a smile on his face would be an understatement...

"Please, Irene tell me, you're not put out are you? Only you sound like you're unhappy for some reason, with me I mean... But then again, I suppose maybe you want to distance yourself from me, no?" Oscar asked his wife once Vigo had left the room, stepping away to serve their meal and giving him time to say what he needed.

Surprising her with his insight but never the less, Irene looked to her worried husband while believing the same, because this is exactly what she was doing, she was pushing Oscar away...

Driving a wedge between herself and her husband felt like the thing she needed to do right then. Believing that brushing him off might ease her conscience, now that she has committed herself to seeing this through. Irene surmised she wouldn't feel 'as' guilty if she were to appear as caring less about her husband, and his concerns...

"Yes, maybe I am Oscar... That's a very good observation you make, but as well, I'm sure you can understand why... I'm pushing you away to protect us both. I want this now... I want to be with him, with Vigo, so when I am ready I will be sending you home... That much I have decided, but remember I am doing so with some guilt on my conscience"... Irene began, laying it out for Oscar, telling him she had already made up her mind...