Irene and Oscar Ch. 7

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Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/18/2024
Created 04/10/2024
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Irene and Oscar

Chapter 7


The hotel room...

"Have I over stepped my bounds with Oscar? It's just that he makes himself an easy target, no?" Vigo asked once he and Irene had ended their phone call with her weak willed husband, both still catching their breath after another round of deep, hard fucking, their third time that day...

"No, I don't think so... I enjoyed you playing along... He wants me to be in charge but I don't think he was expecting the same from you" Irene replied as she lay half covered in a bed sheet with her naked body lazily draped across her lover...

"Yes, I agree, you are taking to this quite well... Telling him to wear your bed clothes, I can see him now, losing control of himself while dressed in a pair of your panties... It also makes me wonder though" Vigo replied drawing this picture of Oscar yet implying something else at the end, Irene was curious enough to ask...

"What do you wonder, hmm? You think Oscar may be gay, or some kind of sissy?" She questioned, thinking this was where Vigo's thoughts were taking him...

"Yes, that is what I am wondering, but at the same time I don't think so... Or not all the way at least. He wouldn't be convincing in a dress now would he?" The big man added, suggesting that Oscar wouldn't be 'passable' with Irene tittering in the bed beside him, giggling at the thought...

"No, I don't see Oscar as a transsexual, wearing women's clothes, make-up and going with men... But I do think he would benefit from realizing more of his feminine side... Putting him a pair of my panties or even buying some of his own wouldn't be going too far" she added agreeing but also thinking Oscar might enjoy this aspect of the Femdom lifestyle the were evolving into.

Being put into to panties would go a long way in cementing his place by using a visible, tangible symbol such as this, one that could not be missed, the feel and sensation constantly there and working against him...

"Yes, I agree Irene... Dressing him in girl's underwear will humble him, and that gives me another idea" Vigo replied this time with as mischievous smile coming to his lips, one Irene couldn't ignore as she looked up to him smiling herself...

"Oh really? What is your idea? Or should I be afraid to ask?" She wondered aloud while sitting up and not leaving Vigo's side, smiling when reaching with her hand she let her fingers encircle the big man's even bigger, semi-erect, 9-inch cock...

"Ohh yes, Irene that feels nice... You stroke me so well, you'll have me hard again and that is what I'm talking about... There is something else we, or you can do with Oscar... Tell me? Have you ever heard of a chastity device? One that is made for men like him?" Vigo asked parting his legs and allowing Irene to continue stroking his stiffening mast...

"Yes I know, I have read a few things, also at the beach, we saw a couple and the man, he was wearing one. I think it frightened Oscar, he says he doesn't want me to put him into one and besides, apart for being a sex toy they do look rather silly, don't you thunk? Irene replied, telling Vigo what she did know but at the same time she wasn't taking him too seriously...

"For the most part, yes chastity is silly as you say, or it is meant to be a game people play in the bedroom... But as well, I too have been reading and there are those who take this 'game' much further. There are many couples who implement such a thing into their daily lives and make it a part of who they are... Pass me my phone, I will show you"

Smiling with cautious curiosity, Irene turned and reached for the man's phone, handing it to him with one hand while in the other she continued to hold and fondle his ever growing member...

"Here, you see? There are many, many different types... Some are plastic yes, but some are more robust and made from metals that once they are on, he will be unable to escape, not without the key or causing himself certain injury" Vigo explained as he scrolled through his phone with Irene there looking and feeling herself growing wet once again.

Biting her lip when thinking a little more about maybe doing this with Oscar. Locking up his little penis, it would surely humble him indeed...

"Okay, you have me" she said agreeing quite readily... "Let's get him one and we'll try it out, but how?" She went on feeling as her nipples tingled, growing stiff with a new and exciting wave flowing through her... Irene hadn't realized the thrill such power could induce.

Controlling Oscar with words was one thing, but now with this? Being able to take away his sexual release, or gratification by having him wear a chastity cage, the feeling was delicious, intense and had her wanting to continue. Wanting to take Oscar further down this road they were driving with what felt like Vigo taking the wheel...

"We can order one on line, or if you'd like, I know a shop here in town that will sell such items, among other things... It might be easier if you can see and hold it in your hand" Vigo added sounding sure of himself when taking the reigns, telling Irene how and what they should do...

"You mean a sex shop, with dildos and vibrators no less, huh?" She quizzed him, her pussy flooding wet with the thought... Intrigued now Irene knew she wanted to keep going, feeling lusty and turned on, wondering where this will take them...

"Yes, but they have much more... There is clothing to go along with these certain 'bedroom-items' I want to say... You will see, and I think you will like this shop"

Replying and smiling alike, Vigo slid his body down lower in the bed as he pulled Irene to him and rolled her over to where she was now laying atop his muscular body with his well revived, stiff cock poised and ready to enter her once again...

"Mmm... Yes I know I will like it and in a confession of my own, I am not all that new to this sort of thing, with sex toys I mean... We have a dildo Oscar purchased for me to use but as I am learning, nothing can compare to the real thing like you have Vigo... Toys are fun to use with someone like my little husband but I prefer the real thing... Please, you must fuck me again... You have me so turned on and I fear I'm growing addicted to this big cock, don't you know?"

"Ohh, yes Irene... I will fuck you as much as you like, or can handle... Are you sure you're ready for me? I have a special talent that way, I can go all night, and all day" Vigo said back smiling while manoeuvring the woman on top of him.

Turning her so she was faced away, pinning her there with her arms held to her side he slid his hard cock back into her wet, splayed out nether-lips as Irene moaned aloud.

Gasping inward while accepting and accommodating his girthy length in this reverse cowgirl position.

"Ohhh Yes... Oh Yes fuck me with that big cock... Uhhh... Oh Vigo, you are a real man... Oscar could never make me feel this way and if he's not careful he could find himself denied, only you will have me... No toys either, I only want the real thing... I only want your big cock fucking my married pussy" she said to him, letting him know, surrendering while feeling so full, stuffed with so much cock...

"Unnngggg! Ohhh God yes! So biii-iig...Please Vigo, more, give me more... Ohh yes! Fuck me dee-eep!"

Impaled with her body weight pushing her down, Irene ground herself into the big man, taking his entire cock with it's apple-sized head and equally thick shaft stretching, reaching and filling places in her body she didn't remember existing...

With her eyes shooting open, the married woman's desires were twinned with her emotions and leaving both at an all time high.

Fucking herself on such a big cock and loving it so, Irene didn't feel herself... She felt sexy and wanton, unladylike and slutty as she moaned loudly, feeling more like Vigo's whore than she was Oscar's wife...

"Unnnggg! Oh God yes! F-fuck me... Do with me as you will Vigo, just don't ever take this big thing out of me.... Ohhh ye-eessss! You're making me c-c-cum again! Ohhhh... Oh God I can't stand it!"

Holding her at her hips as he thrust himself upwards, fucking into her as deep as he could Vigo's own face was in a twisted, sex-filled knot. Wanting what Irene did, to take her make her his own the big Moroccan fucked the mature, older woman for all she was worth. Giving Irene everything she wants, everything she needs...


Two days later...

Left pining and full of worry, having dressed for a second night in Irene's panties and short, feathery light nightie. Oscar woke that morning alone and feeling as his stomach churned, aware once again as the awful reality set in...

Back in the real world and knowing he had to work, Oscar thought of Manny the groundskeeper and what he would think of him. Seeing him as he was, feminized by his wife and her new lover from afar... Never had he felt such shame, such embarrassment.

Stripping quicky as he made his way into a shower, distracted and disgrace Oscar didn't even check his phone before stepping under the hot, powerful spray with the hopes of waking himself up, he had to shake the awful thoughts and cob webs from his brain.

Feeling as he did, he couldn't take it any longer and realizing that if there were ever to be a low point in all of this, now was the time... The regret and the remorse had him so full he didn't know if he could continue, or if he even wanted to, it was becoming too much.

All he wanted was to have her back... To have her with him, there to love, hold and be his wife... To Oscar there was no power greater, no desire stronger than his love for Irene.

Awake and aware as he stepped out of the shower some minutes later, however not able to change his thoughts or how he was feeling, Oscar moved to the vanity mirror naked and seeing the man he had become... Looking weak, hairless and frail, all of his self doubt came rushing back.

Thinking, he didn't believe Irene would want him anymore...

"How could she?" He asked of himself...

"Why?" Is what he wanted to know...

Why would his wife want a pansy like him? Not when she had someone else. Not when she had a real man, someone bigger, someone better.

Someone like Vigo... Someone who was more of a man than he could ever be, Oscar felt like crying just then but holding himself together, he did something else instead...

Sobbing with wet watery eyes and without thinking, more so just acting, he stepped up to Irene's dresser, opened her top drawer and reached in to retrieve yet another pair of his wife's panties where hurriedly he put them on.

Convinced for some reason, he believed this was the only way. To be close to her, or playing his role Oscar thought the risk was worth it, wearing Irene's panties under his work clothes, a simple pair of shorts and a matching t-shirt with the Villa logo sewn into the pocket.

Dressing in his wife's clothes, it wasn't something he had ever though of doing or had desired before all of this had began. But now? It just felt right.

Tucking his t-shirt deep into his waistband in the efforts of not being found out, Oscar left the safety of the villa, stepping outside and ready to start his day...


Later that afternoon...

Falling into his routine, Oscar spent his hours cleaning pools and was glad for it... Having something to occupy his thoughts he was even able to blank-out the sensuous, silky feeling of his wife's panties touching and caressing him beneath his shorts... That is until coming out of one yard and looking up, he saw it there... Vigo's car, parked in front of his villa...

Holding his breath with a cold chill coming over him Oscar stood where he was, afraid to move he felt light headed, then and to make matters worse, his phone chimed with an incoming text. The assigned ring-tone telling him what he already knew... It was Irene...

"Oscar... We are home, are you close to the villa?" was all her message read...

Feeling cold with the reality hitting him once again he wasn't sure what to do, or say... Why did she want to know where he was? What did she want? What was she going to tell him?

"Yes Irene I am here" he began typing with his hands shaking so hard the screen looked to be nothing more than a blur...

"I've just noticed Vigo's car, I'm coming now" he added before hitting send but then thinking, he wasn't sure, who's villa were they in... His, or theirs?"

Assuming they, or Irene was in their villa, this is where he went. Walking at a rushed pace while pushing his wheelbarrow full of tools and supplies he left the lot sitting half in the roadway as he made his way inside, hoping upon hope that Irene was alone and that he wouldn't have to face Vigo, or not right away... He knew he couldn't look the tall Moroccan in the eye knowing where they had been and what they had been doing for the last two nights...

"Irene, I'm here" he said loudly upon entering but with his head down and not looking Oscar didn't see the pair of them sitting together, there in the living room...

"Yes, Oscar come, we are in here" Irene replied as he turned to his right, looking and feeling his heart sink, seeing the two of them together on the couch and smiling his way...

"Ah there you are my love and, uhh hel-hello Vigo, it's uh, good to see you, again... I... I trust your trip went well? You uh, fixed the problem I hope? With the team I mean?"

Stuttering as he went, Oscar didn't know what he should say. Feeling suddenly embarrassed with all of them knowing full-well just which problem they had really been 'fixing'...

"It is good to see you again, but please, come in Oscar, this is your house don't be so afraid, come say hello to your wife, I'm sure she has missed you" Vigo replied waving the man in...

"Yes Oscar come, give me a kiss and sit and with us. We have things to discuss" Irene added, smiling as well but her words, she sounded serious if Oscar wasn't mistaken as he looked from one to the other.

First to Vigo and then to his wife he felt tense and in the spotlight. Like they were ganging up on him, it was two against one...

"Ye-yes of course, I missed you too Irene, dearly... Honestly you, you don't know what I've been putting myself through" he replied making his way in, Oscar stepped over to his wife where almost on instinct he knelt at her side as she turned her head, offing her cheek for him to kiss... Not on the lips, just her cheek...

"Thank you darling, that is very respectable of you, but please, you don't have to kneel, come sit with us, over on the chair, bring it closer so we can all face each other" Irene instructed smiling and thanking Oscar for his 'respectful' kiss while also pointing out that he needn't kneel at her side, or grovel as it appeared he was doing...

"Ye-yes dear, I am listening, what did you want to talk about, i... I think I know but I'm afraid to say... Are, are you leaving me Irene? After being with Vigo, surely you won't want me anymore... I will understand if, if that is what you want to tell me"

Looking into his sad, sorrow filled eyes, Irene felt for Oscar just then. Hearing him and what he was saying. Thinking this was the end for them when really, nothing could be farther from the truth, because the way Irene was seeing things? This was only the beginning and wanting to reassure Oscar that although things were about to change, and quite dramatically in some ways... Leaving him for Vigo was not her intention...

"No darling, don't be silly... I will never part with you Oscar, it is too late for that, we are entwined and in fact, now that we have arrived here, where we are? I feel I love you even more" Irene replied, sounding sincere but Oscar, he was at a loss, wondering still what she was going to tell him...

"Th-thank you my love, this is nice to hear, I just thought that after, I mean with the two of you uh, getting along, we'll say... I assumed you would want Vigo now, and not me... But as well.. Irene, I know this was something I wanted... For you to enjoy yourself more, but now things, they, they feel different... I... I feel you have made a choice" Oscar replied pulling his single chair closer while also letting Irene know of his fears, believing she had made a decision he wasn't going to like...

"Yes, yes I have made a choice Oscar" she began, spiking his fears even further... "This new lifestyle we have entered, I want it now more than ever... I want both of you if I'm not being too greedy... However you are correct, things feel different, and that is because they are... How I want Vigo will differ greatly from how I want you, if that is not too confusing, hmm? Do you understand where I want you and how you'll fit in?"

Asking while explaining things to him, Oscar was still somewhat confused, knowing his place yes, but how and what she would want from him, that part was left rather cloudy in his vision.

Watching then, seeing as Irene turned in her seat, she placed her arm over the tall black man's shoulder before pulling him to her, close enough to kiss him on the cheek in a show of her devotion, her affection towards the smiling Moroccan as she looked to Oscar, continuing, she went on to tell him, how things would be from then on...

"For as long as we are here Oscar... Vigo and I, we will be a couple and you my dear sweet, sweet, husband, you will be our willing cuckold... That is what 'we' have decided... We will give you have wanted, but be warned my love, and as I have said before, you will not like all of the choices I, or we we will make... And yes Oscar, when I say 'we' that does mean Vigo will have a say in things, what we decide to do with you, that is" Irene added with a serious tone as Oscar sat looking back at her, looking pale and feeling the same... Pale and sick...

"I know this is not what you were expecting" Irene went on, seeing the cold fear in his face... "But again, and I will only say this once more... You will not like or approve of the choices we make, but as well, this should not be of your concern either, because what we decide for you will be final... Do I make myself clear Oscar? From now on, you will not only answer to me, but to Vigo as well.."

Being hit with such news and hearing his wife's words Oscar was suddenly frozen in place as he tried to process and take in what she was saying. Frightened with the prospect, not even the air in his lungs could move, in or out...

"What do you say to this Oscar? You look terrified... What's the matter, isn't this what you wanted? Or are you just surprised that I'm giving it to you?" Irene added as Oscar looked to her trying to say something, anything...

Pausing for a moment he took a breath...

"I... I do... I do want you to be happy Irene" he managed, trying to connect his words with his emotions... "I suppose I am surprised though... I mean I didn't expect, or maybe I wasn't prepared, it, it all feels so fast" he came out with not daring to ask or wanting to know what answering to Vigo would mean...

"Yes, I'll admit that as well, we are moving very fast" Irene agreed but then reasoned on her own about why they should... "But then again, what is holding us back? If the traffic light is green, you go, don't you?" She said to him wanting to sound firm but also making sense, Oscar couldn't deny her reasoning, what she was saying...

"Yes, I suppose you are right again my love, but what, what happens next? I mean to us? Will you stay here in our villa or will you move in with Vigo?" Oscar asked, thinking this would be the next logical step, however and with a rather large smile on her face, Irene it appeared, she wanted this new 'arrangement' of theirs to begin somewhere else...

"That much I have not decided, we will figure things out as we move along... However, for now and to cement this idea, or desire is what this has become... But anyway, what I want from you Oscar is a pledge, and not just one made of words that you can back out of, what I want from you is something different... Something you can do, rather than say"