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Carla looked at Dennis and started to cry.

"What is it, Carla?" Dennis asked.

"Isabel knows everything. She knows where we are now, what we have texted, including the images." Carla watched him lose his color.

"Did she tell Cameron?"

"It does not sound like it, but she is angry."

"I will talk to her, she is dependant on me."

"We need to go home, she says something is wrong with Cameron."

"Fuck him, we still have two days," Dennis was choleric, seeing the opportunity to take Carla completely.

Carla got up and got dressed in casual wear, then walked out of the room. She sat next to the pool and started to weigh her options whilst she cried softly. She desperately loved Cameron, but he held her back. He was not successful yet, and Carla had her doubts he would be a match for her income-wise, and then there was his weak personality which she always had to compensate for.

She decided to play her hand and walked back to the room where she stripped and dropped in front of Dennis, sucking his cock into her mouth, relishing the feeling as it got hard in her mouth.

"Finally you get it, he is nothing." Carla just nodded. Dennis pulled her up and pushed her down on the bed, and plunged his cock into her, making her scream. He started to fuck her hard, knowing she was his now, Cameron lost. He did not care for his daughter's issues, she was like her pathetic mother, and he owned her.


Cameron finally got most of the stuff in the flat sorted and managed to smile at Isabel and her goofy jokes, the tension of the phone call abated through their banter. He heard what Isabel said to Carla, and he was moved by her passion. He felt at peace being here, with her. The day had taught him Isabel would look out for him. They walked to a close-by diner later and ate burgers in a corner booth, discussing their future.

"Monday I will start job hunting Izzy, there is no income stream for me yet. I was just starting to make a name before this shit," Cameron said as he licked his fingers. The burger was especially saucy.

"That is fine Cam. We play it by ear, but I do expect my father to become difficult soon."

"I am sorry that you are now in this, Izzy." Cameron squeezed her hand, and held it for just a moment longer.

"I chose it because I watched him destroy my mother. She was grateful when cancer took her."

"Izzy? Is it okay if I follow your lead in some things for a while?"

"Yes, Cameron. I know your personality, and I will cover for you. Please do not feel bad if you have to mourn, because you just lost the love of your life."

"I am just worried I might seem weak."

"Mourning is not weakness, Cam. Please do not be stoic. I don't think she will find you with me," The diner reverberated with the sound of Izzy slurping the last of her milkshake, causing Cameron to laugh.

"Do you want to go back at some stage?"

"No Izzy, only for the legal proceedings."

They walked back to the flat, and Cameron showered, then got into bed. He decided to read a little, and smiled as Isabel crawled in next to him. Her presence gave him peace, and he managed a chapter of the book without losing focus. He closed the book and looked at the slight form of the sleeping brunette. She had a little smile as she slept, and Cameron tried to count the faint freckles on her face.

He caught himself and berated his inopportune emotion toward her. He was not close to ready to start feeling anything. The rest of the week was spent with Isabel playing tour guide, showing Cameron the city. She approved of his plan to sell his truck, as it was expensive to run and not practical in the city. She loved the superbike he bought in its stead, with two sets of biker's gear.


Carla had arrived home Friday evening, and it was dark. She shot Dennis a worried look, and he followed her into her house. She felt her knees give way as she saw the printouts, the drawing, and the phone. She just stared at it.

"Fuck Carla. Oh, fuck." Dennis said, his distress was authentic. He saw the devastation in her face as she sat wordlessly.

"Leave, Dennis." She barely whispered the words.

"I cannot leave you alone, Carla, not like this."

"It is because you couldn't leave me alone that I am like this, Dennis." She hissed the words out, feeling rage. "He is my husband, was. Fuck. Cameron is gone. I knew, Monday evening I knew, and I still followed your fucking cock."

"Carla, I will stay with you tonight, I will not touch you, but I need for you to be safe."

"I am fine, please leave."

Carla stood up and hugged Dennis, feeling numb. She was furious, but most of it was directed at Cameron because he took her power away by leaving. Dennis left reluctantly, and Carla opened a bottle of wine. She looked at the printouts, how they chronicled the end of her marriage. She will never see that gentle smile on Cameron's face again because now it will be pain on his face. Maybe Dennis was right, Cameron was weak, a coward. Carla got drunk. Then she noticed the drawing. She flipped it over. It was of her and Dennis kissing. Carla collapsed on the floor and started to heave out her sobs, then she threw up.


Sunday morning Cameron and Isabel rode the bike to a restaurant an hour outside the city where they ran into a biker's club on a breakfast run. Isabel stayed by Cameron's side, and it was assumed they were a couple that just wasn't intimate. One of the bikers was an architect and listened to Cameron's story. His name was Bill Waters.

"Look Cameron, we do not have any openings for architects in the firm, but if you are keen I could use a draughtsman?" Bill offered after they had spoken.

"Sure Bill, anything. But keep in mind what my goals are," Cameron answered truthfully, not believing his good fortune at this chance meeting.

"Understood, if you find something better you are gone. I will start you on $35 per hour," Bill was glad he could hire a draughtsman with a proper understanding of the design parameters.

"That is generous, can I bring my portfolio in the morning?"

"Please do, but I like your temperament." Isabel kissed Bill's cheek happily, his wife Karen laughing at Isabel's joy. Cameron had to fight the feeling again. He had not even started mourning yet.

"Thanks, Bill," Cameron said, his confidence getting a boost. That evening Isabel helped him pick the best designs for his portfolio, and the copious quantity of wine did nothing to uncomplicate the task. They slept in the master bedroom, as the bed was nicer. It was clear that Isabel preferred to sleep near Cameron, and he decided to not make an issue of it because she was not sexualizing their physical contact. Cameron loved having her near at night when the pain would hit him hardest. Her rhythmic breathing soothed him. He was not sure if she was aware that he at times would put his hand on her back, feeling her warmth.

Monday morning Cameron slung his messenger bag over his shoulder and accepted a warm hug from Isabel.

"Knock them dead Cam."

"I can't, who will pay my salary," He smiled a crooked smile at his silly joke.

Isabel watched him leave, happy that he seemed to be at peace. She hoped that her father and Carla will give them time before they became toxic. Isabel dressed as well, her classes typically ended at three.

Cameron arrived at the offices, and it was a formality for him to become employed. He was put on a three-month probationary period, and by that evening he had completed the first drawing for them. It was mundane work as he was not part of the design team. Cameron did not mind, and it kept his mind busy. He came home to a pot of pasta, and Izzy asking a million questions about his first day, and Cameron felt the negativity drain to the music of her voice. By that Friday Cameron realized it would be a normal thing, coming home to a garrulous Isabel and an amazing meal. Saturday evening she gave him the news that she had dreaded for him to hear.

"Carla moved in with my father, Cam. Supposedly, she is not doing too well."

"It was bound to happen, Iz. Thanks, and please do not be scared to share what you know. I am not bothered with her life, but I also don't want to muzzle you."

"Thanks, Cameron. When do you get your first paycheck?" Isabel asked, not feeling the rebuff. That was not his style.

"Next Friday."

"So, am I getting treated for dinner?"

Cameron was sure she was more excited than he was and it made him laugh.

"Without a doubt, Isabel." Cameron clicked her beer bottle in agreement as they sat on the balcony.

Cameron liked her plan, he had realized how much it had protected him from the utter pain of being exposed to the memories of places he and Carla visited. The next week Tuesday his lawyer called, he needs to sign the separation agreement. It meant he will have to see Carla. Isabel arranged for him to stay over with one of her school friends.

"Jennifer likes you, Cameron, and given half a chance she will have you make her call to God," Isabel teased, but in her heart, she knew she spoke the truth. All her friends had met this sweet man, and all of them want an orgasmic ride on his junk.

"I won't, Iz, I promise," Cameron did not joke back, he was deadpan.

"You will if you feel you need it. Please Cameron, be selfish for your needs."

"I do not need a complication, Izzy, okay. Please do not ask again," She kissed his cheek softly, conceding to his request.

The next morning, Wednesday, Isabel watched as Cameron left at five in the morning. She knew he would take four to five hours because he will ride the bike hard. She missed him as he turned the corner. Part of her legitimately hoped Jennifer does not get to him, and part of her knew that he would not relent, even if she offered. But all of Isabel knew that he would need to be restored sexually from the influence of the bitch. At ten that morning Cameron met his lawyer at the courthouse. Cameron was wired from the adrenaline of riding hard, the trip computer showing an average speed of just over one-hundred-and-forty miles-per-hour. They waited inside for Carla and her lawyer. She looked resplendent as she walked in with her lawyer. Cameron did see that she was bedraggled, as if she slept very little when they got closer.

"Cameron." Carla's voice was cold, angry.

"Carla." He replied, not nearly as cold as she was. He saw it register.

"Why not wait and talk Cam?" she asked.

"You knew this was never anything I would tolerate. What could you possibly have said to change my mind?"

"I love you?"

"No doubt, but you loved him more. You threw me away for him because he has a bigger bank balance and cock. In the end, my love meant very little."

"We could have worked it out, Cam."

"You would not have done any of the things required to restore trust. Can we just get this over with, Carla?"

"We will be looking at abandonment," Her lawyer said.

"I want absolutely nothing from Carla, she paid for everything, because I was poor."

"You always said I made you rich, Cameron."

"Yes, and then I became fool's gold to you."

"Where are you living now?" Carla probed, his recalcitrant attitude unfamiliar.

"Nowhere near you, Carla. I also have a job. It won't make me rich but I can pay for a small apartment."

"I could help, Cameron," she said, "In exchange for us trying."

"No, I will make it."

"Is there someone else?"

"No, that is not my way, Carla," he answered, agitated, "You gave me all I needed, and I was happy. You were not happy."

"We will also pursue any outstanding monies owed to Mrs. Brown regarding architectural studies she paid for."

"Really, Carla? That is fucking low." Cameron looked at her, and suddenly she saw his rage, also something she had never seen.

"Sorry, Cameron." She replied, meeting his gaze defiantly.

"Good luck with that, the infidelity will make that a hard sell," Cameron's lawyer countered.

"You will tarnish my name?" Carla asked, having banked on him being too soft to slander her.

"Sorry, Carla," he replied, echoing her tone.

"I will not ask you to repay me then. Please, Cameron," Carla replied, conceding.

"Play nice. I just want to be rid of you, fuck."

"Do you hate me?"

"Sometimes. Just two more years and our income would have matched. But you never loved me enough, now we are here. You have no concept of how stupid your actions were."

They were called in, and the terms of the separation were registered.

"Cameron, will you just think about maybe reconciling. I will work at it," Carla asked when they walked out.

"I will send you a list of requirements, and one of them is breaking all contact with Dennis, so finding a new job."

"You can go and get fucked, Cameron. That is unreasonable," she snapped angrily. Her job was her income, her identity.

"See, you really don't want to talk. I also know you are now living with Dennis. He got his wish, he took you from me. I never dominated you, but you willingly gave yourself to him. Just get the fuck out of my sight. You are so fucking weak-minded."

Cameron turned and walked away, blocking her screeching voice from his mind as she hurled insults at him. He rode to Jennifer's house and was pleasantly surprised at the warm reception. She laughed when he looked around her one-bedroom place, then at her. He seemed uncomfortable.

"You sleep in my bed, Cam."

"I am tired, Jennifer. It was a long day," he said as he tried deflecting and loved her laugh as she started to tease him. Jennifer knew he would never take advantage of her, and was jealous of Izzy in a good way.

She loaded him in her little hatchback and they drove to a restaurant for dinner with some of Isabel's other friends. Later they went to a bar where Jennifer met up with a few friends. Cameron had a lot of fun listening to them tease and joke. He understood why Izzy liked them. At one stage he stole a moment and video called Isabel. She was very happy to see his face, and also all her friends. He laughed as she made sure they treated him well by threatening to tell their secrets.

That evening Cameron and Jennifer did share a bed, nothing happened except that Jennifer snuggled against him. He left at five the next morning, arriving in the city at nine-thirty, so he went straight to the offices. He called Isabel to tell her he was back safely, and she cried that he had considered her. Something about Carla was nagging Cameron, so he approached Bill.

"Can I have extra hours Bill?" He asked.

"Sure, how many?"

"Twelve hours per day instead of eight."

"Just don't burn yourself out."

"Izzy will not allow that, Bill. She might be a little scrappy about the extra hours, but I have to make sure. The soon-to-be-ex made some unsettling noises."

"We will assist as well Cameron. Just speak up."

"Thanks," Cameron replied. He appreciated the offer but hated the thought of incurring emotional debt.

Cameron worked normal hours for the rest of the week. Izzy talking a thousand words per minute when he got home, and he found it soothing. He told her of the extra hours, as well as the reason. She understood but was not happy. That Friday evening Cameron took her for a steak dinner, using his first paycheck.

Sunday morning they had another breakfast run with the bikers. From Monday the longer hours kicked in. Isabel still made sure Cameron came home to a good meal and made sure there was enough for him to have lunch the next day.


Two months after they moved to Boston his fears were realized. Dennis cut Isabel off completely. She was heartbroken, but not surprised. It was inevitable that he would turn on her as he knew Isabel provided the evidence of Carla's infidelity.

"I will have to stop studying Cam. He also told me I have two weeks to move out. I knew he was heartless, but this is just terrible," she sniffed as she shared the news.

"Cheaters are selfish to no end. Izzy, let's see what we need in terms of a budget," Cameron said, and they worked it out. Isabel found herself drawing strength from his focused demeanor.

He then gave her a rental budget so she could find them a new apartment. The next evening she had three apartments within the budget, and they took lunch to go and inspect the prospective apartments.

"Cam, I love the one-bedroom one. The view is nice," she said that evening as they had dinner, discussing the options.

"Then we take it, Izzy, we only use one bedroom," Cameron said, finding that he was starting to feel like he wanted Izzy to be happy as her exuberance positively affected him.

They signed for the apartment, and Cameron put down the deposit. He also took his savings from the extra hours and paid Izzy's studies for the rest of the year.

Isabel held him as she sobbed in the university's offices. Cameron did not tell her there was no other choice, not after all she had done for him. He upped his hours again, working sixteen hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Friday nights he came home at the normal time. Isabel started to snuggle against him when they slept, and though there was still nothing sexual Cameron had the distinct feeling that he will never be able to sleep without her faint breath against his face as she slept.

Izzy felt a certain amount of guilt that Cameron worked so hard, so she compensated by making sure he was cared for at home. Two months after they moved into the new apartment their lives changed again. It was Cameron's birthday during the week, and they used Friday to have a celebratory dinner. Isabel was very affectionate during the evening, making sure he felt loved as she touched his arms and held his hand as they walked. Cameron noted the escalation, and his resolve was faltering. They arrived home and she wrapped her arms around his neck, and Cameron felt her whole body against him.

He felt himself get hard and expected her to move away as she normally does. This time she didn't and he felt her increase the pressure from her lower body. He pulled back and looked in her eyes, seeing the gold flecks in her soft brown eyes. He saw her freckles, her thicker eyebrows, and her pale skin with rosy cheeks and pink lips. He watched in slow motion as his mouth closed in on those lips, and then the jolt of electricity as they kissed. He pulled back again, but Izzy had her arms around his neck and pulled him back in. She kissed him, and then she stepped back.

"Cam, I know what you are thinking. Please do not overthink it. This is us, here. You know we are good together, and I definitely will not change."

"Okay, Isabel. I was not planning on stopping you."

She smiled and took his hand, then pulled him to the bedroom where they kissed again. Cameron let go of his fears, again submitting himself to her as she drove the next step. He did take over when she wanted to strip. She smiled softly as he started the process of taking her clothes off. Izzy was watching her dream come true, Cameron wanted her.

She had never shown him much of her body, so she loved his reaction as he revealed her to himself in small increments. He was patient, knowing he will only have the first look at her body once. Cameron pulled her sweater over her head, and then her shirt. She was not wearing a bra as her small breasts did not need one. Isabel arched her back as he gently rolled each hard nipple in his mouth. Isabel loved how he spent time on her nipples, her breasts the one thing she was self-conscious about. Carla had firm C-cups, Isabel barely peaked at AA. Cameron's actions set her mind at ease, he loved her breasts.

He kissed her flat stomach, then moved lower. He took her shoes off after he pushed her back on the bed and her pants followed. Her panties were gently pulled down, and Cameron did not miss that they were new. Then he drove his tongue into her pussy, extracting an orgasm almost immediately. Cameron stood and stripped as he admired her body. Isabel blushed slightly as his hard cock came into view, then groaned as his tongue found her clit again.