Isabelle & Simon Ch. 04

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Isabelle & Simon, The Aftermath & A Sibling Reconciliation!
2.3k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 05/30/2021
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AN: Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, with that being said don't forget to comment and leave us feedback on the chapter!

Disclaimer: Isabelle & Simon are BOTH over 18! Any & all characters involved in sexual situations at any time or point in the story are over the legal age of 18!


"Ah! The hero awakes!"

Rachel was sitting beside my hospital bed, smiling.


Rachel grinned. "Yup! That's what I've been telling everyone! It's not often a girl gets to see a true-life hero rescue a damsel in distress! It was quite impressive!"

I moved my leg, and it still hurt like a bitch, and when I coughed, my head BOOMED in pain! Ouch!

"I don't feel like a hero. I feel like a beat-up punching bag."

Rachel grinned. "No pain, no gain! Right? But you are a hero! I was there, remember? I saw you bound up the stairs faster than a speeding bullet and kick the door down."

I moved my leg again, and it hurt again. "Ya, but it took two times!"

"Give yourself a break, Simon! The door was made of solid wood, not tinfoil. This isn't like in the movies! And when you did smash it down, you charged that asshole like a Viking warrior! You hit him so hard he flew into the wall and didn't get up again! I thought you would send him straight to Valhalla for a moment there!"

"Neither did I! I'm so sorry, Rachel! I tried to get up when the other guy slammed you, but my leg gave way, and my head started spinning."

"That's not what I remember! I remember a guy who tried to help me even though he had a concussion and dislocated shoulder! It was the effort that counted!"

"I have a concussion and a dislocated shoulder?"

"You HAD a dislocated shoulder. The doctor fixed it when you came in. You still have a concussion. The doc says it will take a bit for that to go away. And, your face still looks like it was pulped in a blender."

"What do you mean?"

Rachel pulled a small hand mirror from her purse and gave me a look. Yikes! My one eye was swollen, and there were stitches in the other. My whole face was bruised, and my top lip was split and swollen.

Then I looked at Rachel, and she looked her usual classy self. Not a hair was out of place, and she didn't look like the wall slam left a trace. I remember her lip bleeding, though.

"Are you okay! He slammed you against the wall pretty hard!"

Rachel gave me an Angelic smile. "What a sweety you are! You look like hell and probably feel worse and are concerned about me! As Tiny will tell you, I have a thick skull, so no damage was done."

"But I saw blood fly when you hit the wall."

"That was nothing, I'm tough and it was a relatively minor injury. Plus, I heal quickly. You can't even see anything under my makeup, can you?"

I looked closely, and she was right. I couldn't see anything. "Wow! You look a lot better than I do!"

Rachel gave me a cocky smile. "I always did but don't worry; the doc says your face will be good as new in a few days, and it's a pretty good face, in my opinion."

"It is?"

"Yes. Why do you think I always used to talk to you! I thought you were cute, and you still are, and now you're a hero, which makes you even cuter!"

I appreciated the compliment but needed to know how Izzy was. "How is Isabelle? Where is she? Is she okay? Was I too late? She wasn't raped, was she?"

Rachel got a serious look on her face. "She's not great, but she'll be okay, and she wasn't raped but was damn lucky. If you hadn't saved her, she would have been."

"What do you mean she's not great?"

"She's okay physically, but not mentally. She's still shaken over what happened and feels terrible about what happened to you. When she regained consciousness, she wouldn't let the male doctor examine her without a female nurse with her the entire time. She's also really pissed at Rick and upset that her supposed friends have deserted her."

"What do you mean? Where was Rick that night, and who was the girl we saw him with?"

Rachel sighed. "I don't want to speak ill of your sister Simon, but she hasn't been a very nice person for a while. Her budding body and subsequent attention by the cool kids went to her head. Rick is a dick, but girls flock to him because he's loaded and drives a fancy car and lives in a fancy house and wears fancy clothing, and so on. And he's good-looking, so Isabelle was smitten when Rick paid attention. Rick goes through girls like water, though, and the girl in bed was fawning all over him. I'm not positive, but I heard Rick wanted his two creepy buddies to divert Isabelle while he slept with Barbie Boobs. I don't think he thought they would drug and rape Isabelle, although I'm not sure. So, Isabelle is done with Rick."

"What do you mean all of her supposed friends have deserted her?"

"The two guys that tried to rape Isabelle, and Rick, come from wealthy influential families. They're denying they attempted to rape her. According to them, Rachel was drunk and came on to them. Rick is denying everything. All of Isabelle's so-called friends are afraid to contradict the guys. They don't want to be expelled from their social group, so they're closing ranks against Isabelle."

"Those sons of bitches!"

Rachel frowned. "My thoughts exactly, but their story is not going to work."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not just a pretty face, Simon. First, I called Tiny and told him to call you. After you smashed through the door, I used my iPhone to film the guys with Isabelle, including her glazed look, before I jumped in to help. Then I called the cops after Tiny finished the second guy off. I told them what happened, and they found a vial of date rape drug in the first guy's pocket, and Isabelle's blood was full of it. Excuse my language, but they're fucked, and lying about it will only make it worse. Isabelle is toast, though, with her new friends. You don't cross the blue-bloods and get away with it. She'll be ostracized. It's already happened."

"Won't you be ostracized too?"

Rachel broke out laughing. "I don't care! I was never part of their group! They're a bunch of spoiled, self-entitled brats! They think just because mommy and daddy are loaded; they're something special. I prefer real people. I prefer loyal friends that help each other when they're in need. I prefer people like you and my brother."

"Where is Isabelle?"

"She went downstairs with Tiny to get some food. She's been parked beside your bed the whole time you've been here, waiting for you to wake up. I talked to her briefly, and she's extremely shaken up over what happened to you. I snuck in when she and Tiny went downstairs. I should be going. Isabelle will be back soon, and I think she'll want to be alone with you. She has some apologizing to do in my mind!"

Rachel pulled a card out of her purse and wrote a number on it.

"What's this?"

"It's my number."

"I already have your number."

"No, you have our landline number and Tiny's cell number. This is my personal number. I don't chase guys, especially younger guys, but I make exceptions for cute heroes. Call me when you get better."

A big shit-eating grin spread across my face. I felt a twinge of guilt but ignored it. What did I have to feel guilty about?

Rachel smiled. "That's what I wanted to see! Get better, Simon!"

She bent over and kissed my cheek softly and left with a final wave. I was on cloud nine! Rachel liked me! Wow!

Isabelle showed up five minutes later. She didn't look very good. It may sound odd, but I hadn't seen her without makeup in over a year! After she started hanging out with all the 'cool kids,' she never left her room without being glammed up.

She didn't look glamorous today. Her skin looked pale, and she looked like she'd been crying, looked tired, and her glossy styled hair looked dull and was pulled into a severe ponytail. It was a bit of a shock to see her like this.

When she saw I was awake, she broke out crying and came forwards and wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug until I flinched from the pain of my many damaged body parts.

"Oh, Simon, I'm so sorry!"

Wow! I could barely believe what I'd just heard from Izzy!

"Are you okay? You look awful! Does it hurt a lot?"

Wow! More uncharacteristically caring behavior! I hadn't seen this side of Isabelle in ages. I should have been angry at her for getting herself in that situation in the first place. But I was just too relieved at seeing her in front of me and mostly okay. I would have taken 100 more beatings, gladly, if it meant I was able to keep my sister safe.

"I'm okay. It does hurt, but there is no permanent damage. My face will heal, and the concussion will go away as long as no one else uses my head for a punching bag."

Isabelle's lip quivered, and then the tears started to flow again.

"I'm so sorry! Rachel told me what happened. She told me how you rescued me. She SHOWED me how you rescued me."

The tears flowed again, and then she sat beside me and hugged me as softly as possible. The physical part of the hug hurt, but emotionally it felt great to have Isabelle caring about me again. I wrapped my arms around her, and we just held each other for a while. It felt really nice! I felt her warm breath on my neck, and occasionally a warm teardrop fell on my cheek.

Was my old sister back? I hoped so. It would be worth the beating I took if she was.

After a while, she looked up and started to apologize again and explain what happened. But I already knew, and I wasn't looking for her to grovel. I appreciated that she was grateful for what I'd done. That was enough for me. I would have done it again, regardless of her gratitude, to keep her safe, but it was definitely nice to share a hug and a comforting word with her again.

"Izzy! It's okay! I'm just glad you're okay! You don't need to keep apologizing, and I don't want to know the details of what happened. You're okay, and the police are going to charge those slime buckets. That's all that's important. Well, there is one thing. Please tell me that you're not going out with Rick anymore! I guess she was still too choked up to speak because she shook her head vigorously. I was a bit confused.

"Does that mean 'no' you're not going out with Rick or 'no' you are? Squeeze my hand and stick your tongue out if Rick is gone."

She smirked, squeezed my hand and stuck her tongue out. I hadn't seen Izzy's tongue in a long time. It still looked pinkish and as cute as I remembered it. She used to stick it out playfully as we used to joke with one another all the time. Was this another sign my old sister was back?

I smiled. "Good! You deserve someone better than him."

"One other thing. If you haven't already, you need to thank Rachel. She's the one who saw you all drugged up and called Tiny, who called me. And she's the one that filmed what the guys were doing and called the cops."

"I know! I've already thanked her, but I'll keep doing it until she forgives me for being such a shitty friend."

I couldn't resist. "Rachel thinks I'm a hero."

Isabelle smiled and squeezed my hand. It was good to see her smile!

"You are a hero! My hero!" I thought Her voice sounded a bit seductive when she said it, but I was probably just imagining things.

I couldn't resist again. "Rachel gave me her cell number and told me to call her when I felt better."

Isabelle's mouth opened in surprise. "She gave you her cell number?"

"Yup!" I said, proud as punch.

Isabelle paused. "Rachel never gives out her cell number to a guy unless ..."

"What? Unless what?"

I thought I saw Isabelle's face fall for just a second, but I must have imagined it. When I blinked my eyes and looked at her again, she was grinning at me. "I can't say. Just make sure you call her! It will be worth your while."

Isabelle kept a straight face for about five seconds and then started giggling.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"You'll find out!"

I kept asking, but she wouldn't say anything more and continued to giggle until she couldn't stop giggling. It was great to see her smile, but I really wanted to know what was so funny.

I felt SO much better. It seemed like my old big sister was back.

She clambered onto my narrow hospital bed and laid her head down against my chest, and we both ended up falling asleep. That's how the doctor found us when he came in to check on me. My big sister lying in my bed, head against my chest, and both of us fast asleep.

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ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 1 year ago

So I was probably reading this during the week it was submitted because there's not an existing vote here like the first three chapters already had from me⁸. I have no doubt that I had become frustrated by the single page submissions posting up so slowly and decided to walk away from it until more was available to read in a single sitting.

I'm certain that I probably made an excellent choice by walking away and saved myself a ton of grief. Today is just two months less than TWO YEARS since Chapter Five was sitting in the approval queue awaiting publication. Chapter Eleven just published during this current week. If the pattern holds true, then that's Eleven Pages over the course of roughly 23 months!!! Seriously?

I've currently got TWO serials that I'm working on plus a large number of other stuff submitted over the past year and a half. Considering that most of my submissions run 6 to 8 pages or more, I've totally left you in the dust. 🤔 I've had several people complain that my updates take too long between submissions and I worried over that. I don't feel quite as bad about it now. 🙃

Your story is not bad, but you should either work harder on it or find a way to wrap it up so that you can just call it finished and walk away. 4/5

PrinceLukePrinceLukeabout 3 years agoAuthor
Chapter 5...

Chapter 5 was submitted on the 13/06/2021 so not sure why its taking so long to post but I do apologize for the delay by the Lit Gods.

Hope you have a great day!

PrinceLukePrinceLukeabout 3 years agoAuthor
To @Anon6

MentalCase is a superb writer, who has done this for much longer then me. This is my first series and while it may feel kind of similar to you the storyline is my own and is based on what I want to happen in the series. As I mentioned to another commentor I would suggest you checkout my bio and or join MentalCase’s discord server.

PrinceLukePrinceLukeabout 3 years agoAuthor
To @Anon5

Thanks so much! Glad to hear you’re loving the storyline so much. I’m trying to ensure each chapter is done as well as possible and ends at a good point. So hopefully I’m accomplishing that. Hope to see you on the new chapter when it’s out!

PrinceLukePrinceLukeabout 3 years agoAuthor
To @Anon4

Thanks for the feedback! We were actually going for that effect with Isabelle’s speech in this chapter. It’s a very hard to describe or talk about experience for her, especially being still so fresh in her mind. Hence why we went with a more analytic speech manner when she was describing the events that occurred to her. Hope that clarifies things a bit and you enjoy the next chapter as well!

PrinceLukePrinceLukeabout 3 years agoAuthor
To @Anon3

Thanks man, haha just imagine!

PrinceLukePrinceLukeabout 3 years agoAuthor
To @IsabelleLightwood

Hey thanks so much for all the kind words, I really appreciate it, Glad you’re enjoying the series and hopefully you will enjoy the next chapter to!

PrinceLukePrinceLukeabout 3 years agoAuthor
To @Anom2

Thanks mate!

PrinceLukePrinceLukeabout 3 years agoAuthor
To @Anon1

Glad you think so! Thanks man.

PrinceLukePrinceLukeabout 3 years agoAuthor
To @Wargamer

Thanks so much man, appreciate the kind words as well as the feedback. Also yes that’s entirely true, nothing before chapter 7 can really be changed much. With that being said, I will try to increase the length of the chapters from chapter 8. Thanks again!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Loved the series so far.

Though there are a few parts in which a character just drones on, this seems to be an absolutely amazing storyline. I would recommend that you have a decent conclusion for each story, regardless of its length.

Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
A bit of constructive criticism...

Hi, I've favorably commented and rated your previous chapters, so I hope you'll take this as a positive thing...

Work on your dialog. Isabelle sounded far too grown up, too analytical, almost like a police officer describing the case.

Here's a suggestion; say your dialog out loud, put it in your own words.

I'm enjoying the series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Of course as soon as Isabelle comes around now Rachel has the hots for Simon!! I can only imagine what she does to guys she gives her number to!

IsabelleLightwoodIsabelleLightwoodabout 3 years ago

Oh yes, so far so good. I loved this chapter, both for it's increased length and because Simon is so amazing! So glad Izzy has started to change for the better! This draws so many parallels for me with Simon and Isabelle's relationship from Shadowhunters, which makes me love this series even more!

As a 19 year old, American girl. I wish I could find my own Simon! 5 Stars from me and keep going with the series! The chapters are a bit short but since you are uploading them pretty quickly I don't mind so much. It's better by far then waiting a month just to get a new chapter with some of the other series I follow!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Awesome chapter, I loved it. Also much longer then the previous chapters which was nice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

ok THIS was worth it. love it.

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

Yep, the reconnection is set, and the character development continues to build to prepare us for the next baited hook. The further development of Rachel is a nice touch to the relationship. Nothing like a hint of jealousy to get things ramped up a tad.

Nice work keep it up. I take it you cannot change the chapter length until after chapter 7. What is in the pipeline is set. Ok.

But after 7 please give some consideration on longer chapters, it is better for the fans.

Looking forward to Chapter 5.

Scores 5/5

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