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Liam left and Dante turned to Gavin, looking sad. "Did you have any issues besides David?" he asked him quietly.

"Someone asked about her shirt, but that's all. No one seemed to really care except for David. Is it because..."

"We can talk about all of it tomorrow, I just needed to know if it was going to be an issue."

"No one but David seemed to take issue with it, and you know how he can be."

"I will address it tomorrow," Dante sighed. "So, you told her everything?"

"Well... I told her that you instructed me to do certain things. I obviously haven't told her 'everything'."

"Of course, you know what I mean!" Dante smirked, then turned to look over Ismene as she watched him. "Was she pissed?"

"No, not at all. Mostly she seemed stunned and thoughtful."

"How about now, Izz? You upset with me?" he asked softly.

Ismene shook her head slightly as she looked him over.

"She's very calm and collected, your sweet girl. I would say calculating, but that has a bad connotation and I don't mean it that way. She has a way about her."

"Compartmentalization," Dante agreed. "She's good at that, a lot of the time, but it still wears on her more than it should and will shut her down sooner rather than later. She seems like she handles things better than most, but really she just doesn't deal with anything, she just keeps bearing the load until it all comes crashing down on top of her. Gavin? Did Henry seem unusually complacent to you today? After all that happened yesterday?"

"I don't know, First. I tended his brand's first thing this morning and he seemed genuinely upset and contrite. He refused pain treatment, didn't want anything to numb it, He said he deserved to feel the pain and he seemed to mean it. At lunch he offered apologies to every Brother for coveting the vessels he'd seen, begged forgiveness."

"Do you think he may harm himself?"

"No. I think he means to try and work back to good standing. It's our way to dismiss a past crime once it's been paid for... but he spent the day making amends for crimes he wasn't punished for to every Brother individually. He even told me that he envied me and coveted my job and my friendship with you, as well as my pristine standing with the Dragons. Begged me to forgive him for that. I think he sees in his heart that he'd been wrong in a lot of ways and he wasn't seeing the new world when he looked to the future, but the old one. Now he sees with the right eyes."

"Good," Dante nodded. "That's good to know... still. What he did was something that I cannot forgive so easily. I will not forgive so easily. Ismene is everything to me."

"I think that's why he did it. He was jealous of you and he wanted to punish you for having all you ever wanted. All he wanted. He wanted to ruin her for you, make her less perfect in your eyes, and break her as well. Make her useless to you. He sees your life as the epitome of all he's ever strived for and hasn't been able to reach... then when you got the girl too... the girl you've been talking about for over a year now... and she turned out to be as stunning and perfect as you were claiming all along? And she just went right to your arms and you two were so adorable together? It took your perfect life to a new level."

"I have far from a perfect life! I've worked hard for everything I have! And Izz... I worked hard for her too! To know her well enough to know what to do to keep her pleased and... even so. It almost didn't come together."

"I'm just telling you how it all looked to someone who wanted to be you, wanted into your shoes. He understands now that he's where he's supposed to be and so are you, that you took nothing from him. At least, that's what I'm getting from him, anyway. Judge for yourself before you take any steps of your own. I will let you get to your vessel," Gavin grinned, looking over at Ismene again. "Her and I spoke a bit today... it really is adorable how much she adores you and tries so hard to hide it."

Dante smiled as well, giving Ismene a fond look as he closed the door behind Gavin.

Moving to her, he shucked his pants quickly before climbing into bed behind her. "Tonight the shirt is fine," he murmured, "but tomorrow you need to take it off before bed."

Ismene smiled as he turned the lights off. "I get to to wear it tomorrow t-t-too?"

"You can wear it when we leave the room from now on, unless we're going to and from the showers," he agreed. "For two reasons. I see your point about being ready for me and not others, and because now that the main power has been shut down and we're on reserve, it will no longer be heated in here. It's going to get cooler, but not a ton. We're basically underground, so the temp stays regulated, but it's still like a walk in cooler when there's no heat. I'll advise the others to allow the same, but I won't force them to."

"Thank you you, Dante," she whispered, into his neck before kissing his neck, then his jaw, then his lips. "You're... t-turning out to to to be a lot better than I I I initially thought you you might. I I I no longer feel angry at m-myself for for liking you you you as much as I I do," she confided softly. "Th-thank you you for that."

He laughed low in his throat, then kissed her head. "Goodnight, Izz," he whispered, sounding pleased.

She woke when he got out of bed in the morning, much earlier than he usually did. He went to his desk and sat down, turning on the small lamp above it, then moving something on the wall. When he did, a panel opened and he punched in a code, then there was a click and he moved the wall behind the desk completely. It slid up, exposing monitors and he pulled a keyboard out to his desk as he looked over monitors.

Glancing back, he gave Ismene a tight smile. "Not a word, babe, ok?" he asked softly.

"P-promise," she agreed, sitting up. "What is is that?"

"My personal command center where I can monitor the server. I have access here that they don't have in the command room, but no one else can know, ok?"

"I I understand," she agreed, yawning.

"Get some more rest," he called softly, turning back to the monitors as words scrolled by.

"I'm awake n-now," she told him. "What can I I I do? Do you you n-need help w-with anything?"

"No, babe, and you can't see any of this. Stay over there, ok?" he answered distractedly.

Ismene ignored him, making him jump up as she came close to him.

"Izz! You can't..." he began, then watched as she went to the floor in front of his desk where she couldn't see.

"Sit d-down," she mumbled, still yawning.

He sat down, his posture tense.

She laid her head in his lap where she couldn't see anything and hugged his waist. Turning, she kissed his thigh, then kissed higher and higher as she pushed his boxers up.

"Izz!" he chuckled, catching her hair. "I have to focus on this and I only have this small window to do this in! You can lay here if you want to be close, but you have to behave!"

Ismene giggled, then kissed his fingers and turned enough to suck seductively on his fingers.

"Mmmm, babe... behave for me or I'm going to have to punish you for being so naughty," he murmured, stroking her face. "Let me do this."

Ismene giggled again, but laid her head in his lap and hugged his waist.

He relaxed, then pulled the keyboard closer and started typing rapidly.

Ismene was insanely curious, but she couldn't be obvious about looking. She would have to be patient. Instead she hugged him and kissed the skin she could get to and sighed happily like she was pleased just to be close to him.

Baby steps.

She would do this a few times, then move to his lap, then start 'falling asleep' on him. Angling herself so she could see and read what was happening. Make him complacent first.

In less than an hour, he pushed the keyboard back into place, then slid the wall down so that it looked like a normal wall again. Flipping the trim down, he hid the keypad as well.

Leaning down, he pulled Ismene into his lap with a grin, then took her back to bed and shoved his boxers off. Pulling her head close, he let her finish what she tried to start.

She was grinning as he led her to the showers early, holding his arm and looking up at him. There were only two others in there, both of them girls with the tattoo who made meals. They were showering before they went to start breakfast and they went quiet when Dante came in with Ismene.

Dante went still, glancing at the meter, then looking over them and going tense all over as they quickly turned off the water.

"I know you were both present when I announced that rationing went into effect," he spoke coldly. "Rationing does NOT mean get up even earlier and using triple your normal allocation and time!"

"First!" Camille cried, going to a knee. "We lost track of time speaking, it will never happen again!"

"Tell me true, Johanna," Dante spoke coldly to the other woman as she also took a knee. "How often do you both get up early and alone and come use more than your allotted share in the showers?"

Johanna closed her eyes, tears welling up. "I submit myself for punishment, First," she breathed. "We saw no harm in it at first, but I understand now that we were stealing from others when we do it this way. There is a finite amount of water to use and we have used more than our share. We saw it the wrong way since we know there's 12 years worth of water in the cistern for the amount of people in here. We didn't think we were hurting anything, but... we have. I'm sorry. We beg forgiveness and submit ourselves to punishment for the crime of stealing community resources!" she cried, dropping down to the ground and pressing her head to her hands on the ground.

"How often?" Dante asked again.

"Every day, First," Johanna breathed, horrified.

"Both of you, get up and bring me your masters. They will report to me immediately, before breakfast! Then you will hurry and get breakfast done!"

"Yes, First!" they cried in unison as they jumped up and fled the room at a run, still wet.

Ismene said nothing, just went to the shower and pulled him closer. Turning the water on, she got herself wet, then him, then turned the water off before washing his hair and then him. Soaping him up and then herself before pulling him into a kiss. She didn't turn the water on again until she was done washing her hair, only rinsing off, then helping him rinse off as well before turning the water off.

"Clever," Dante smiled. "But us taking less than our share will not make up for them..."

"That wasn't my my my intent!" she promised him. "They willfully misused resources and and and tried to get away with it b-by doing it in secret. They knew it was was was wrong and they continued to do it anyway, so I I I have no pity for them. Especially not them, who who who chose this life and swore to abide by all the covenants. It it it wasn't about that at all. The tenets say not to waste and we've all been wasting, haven't we? There's a better way."

Dante gave her another pleased smile. "Indeed. I may not like it as well as letting the hot water soak into my limbs, but you are right. We will start doing it your way from now on and see how many others follow our example. Thank you, Izz... It's gratifying to know I can still learn and adapt, even from those who have not yet accepted the covenant."

Ismene grinned, then kissed him again.

By the time they were back in their room and dressed, there was a knock at the door.

Ismene knew it was the men who he'd sent for.

Turning to her, he looked sad. "Stay here, Izz," he sighed. "I will have Gavin come for you again, alright?"

"Will there be a a a trial?" Ismene asked softly.

"There will be three... you've been reading the book... who will the trials be for?"

"Their m-masters," Ismene nodded, looking down. "For allowing it. They they allowed their ves-ves-vessels, their wives, to leave w-w-without them every m-morning and never checked on on on them or or made sure they w-were in in in the right p-place. They knew they they they left early, and and and they c-c-couldn't be bothered to to to get up with th-them, not once. If they they they had, they w-would have known, and and and if they did know, that makes them cul-culpable as as well. They either neglected th-their vessels and and and allowed them to commit a a a crime by n-neglect, or or or they knew about it and and and are just as guilty f-f-f-f-f-f-for allowing it. They m-must punish their v-vessels and and and you must p-punish them. The other is f-for David for for for questioning leadership and and disobeying or-orders."

"And what will his punishment be if we go by the books?" Dante asked, then scowled at the second knock. Holding a hand up to Ismene, he stormed to the door. "You knocked once and you KNOW I am awake and waiting on you, so you know I heard you! Why did you knock again?"

"I did it, First, not Anthony," Greg spoke quickly, grimacing. "As soon as I did it, I knew I shouldn't have, it's an old habit and I forgot myself and I'm half asleep. I'm sorry, First, I..."

"You being asleep is the issue, isn't it?" Dante demanded heatedly. "I am not finished instructing my vessel, so you will both wait PATIENTLY for me to finish, if it takes 12 hours!"

"Of course, First," Greg agreed, chagrined as Dante slammed his door shut.

Ismene pretended that hadn't happened. "He will b-be moved to to to lowest at at the very least," she told Dante. "All but one v-vessel given to another until contrition is is sh-shown. Maximum, his v-vessels will be be taken fr-from him and and and he will remain in the c-cells for for for four w-weeks, not necessarily con-con-consecutive, but wh-when he needs to to to reflect on on his commitment to to to the cause at y-your discretion. He will will receive one, may-may-maybe two brands depending on on on his sentence and and punishment."


"Fomenting discord and and and dis-disobeying leadership."

"And what do you think, Izz? Should he get the full sentence?"

"I I I don't think David should ever have b-b-been allowed in. He's m-more concerned with his his own definition of the r-rules than he is the the the actual rules and and and what they represent. He d-doesn't have the the right temperament or or or attitude and and his heart isn't with the c-cause. He wants to to to rule with an iron f-f-fist and and and force the world to his s-s-s-s-standards."

Dante cocked his head as he considered that. "I can see that," he agreed softly. "What about the rest of his sentence?"

"He will will be lowered to per-perform the duties usually r-r-r-reserved for... vessels. Duties c-considered unimportant and and and not in the circle of th-those considered privy to to to the inner workings of of the Brotherhood. He will b-be secondary, just like ves-vessels."

Dante nodded, looking her over. "That was distasteful to you to say," he noted.

"It is," she agreed. "I I I don't like con-considering that I I I might be seen as sec-secondary."

"But you see why you are?" he asked softly, cocking his head again.

"I'm a w-w-woman," she agreed, though she would rather not admit that. It was ludacris. "Women c-cannot hold positions of of of power or or jobs of power in the br-br-brotherhood."

"And why is that?" he asked, moving closer, his arms crossed. There was an edge to his voice and she knew he disliked her tone.

"Be-be-because w-we need to to to to to focus on on on our husbands and and and our ho-ho-homes and and and our f-f-f-family," she barely managed, looking down. "Our m-m-minds should be on on on on how to m-m-m-make our hus-husbands lives b-b-b-better, not on on on on his j-j-j-job, or or or the j-j-j-jobs of the the l-l-leaders."

He snorted lightly. "Maybe say that with less disdain next time you're asked," he told her lightly. "I will send Gavin for you, but if he isn't here before breakfast, meet him there. Alright?"

"Alright," she agreed, then went to him and hugged him. "I I I know I I d-don't really agree w-with everything, Dante," she told him. "But I I I understand w-what you're trying to to to do as a a a whole and and and I re-re-respect the t-tenets. Re-re-resetting the world, not s-s-s-s-stripping it b-bare, not w-wasting anything and and and utilizing o-o-only what we n-need. Not coveting m-m-more and and and m-more things, but being h-happy with what we have. I I I respect that... b-but I I I don't really re-re-respect that I I I am considered a s-s-second class citizen and and and I I don't have a v-v-voice. I I I will live w-with it because I I I must, and and and I w-will learn to to to do as as you you w-wish me to to to do... b-but it will will be hard to to to re-relinquish all autonomy to to to men."

He chuckled again, then leaned in and kissed her head. "The sooner you hand over control, Izz, the sooner you'll realize how happy you can be with no worries in your life."

Ismene watched him leave the room, feeling mixed emotions.

Gavin came for her soon after, taking her with him to eat breakfast. There were several people missing from the large table and Ismene tried not to look around too openly.

As soon as it was done, Gavin brought her into the Chamber of Judgement and handed her leash to Dante as he sat up at the large podium.

Ismene immediately went to the floor, but peeked around.

Johanna, Camille, Greg, Anthony and David were all on their knees on the stone floor, all completely naked and there was security standing behind them. Everyone who'd been absent at breakfast.

"We're all here," Dante announced loudly. "First order of business, I will address a question this one single time. My vessel, Ismene, is obviously wearing a shirt. I made this decision after a lot of soul searching and rereading our tenets. Our vessels should be ready for us, always... but they do not have to be ready for other masters. Temptation does not have to be a daily struggle for our brothers when they should be focused on other things. She is ready for me, always, and the moment we're alone, she presents herself to me... but I will no longer require her to present herself to anyone else. It is my belief that it wasn't meant to be that way. I will not require that anyone else change how they do things for now, but I do want you to all do some soul searching and reread our tenets. Your vessel will always be ready for you, but consider if she needs to appear ready to your brothers as well. The second reason I made this choice was for her own mental well being after what happened to her. Lastly, I'm allowing it because the temperature is already dropping now that the power has been cut and by the time it's done, it's going to maintain at around 56 degrees. We knew this would happen and we all have clothes ready for US during this change, but we did not consider how it would affect our vessels. We should have. I would ask you all to consider their discomfort and the effect you're having on your brothers with the constant distraction. I have noted the distraction myself, though it took someone pointing it out to me before I noticed. I haven't noticed a single one of you who did not look at his brother's vessels in a covetous way. Not one of you. I have been watching since it was pointed out to me, and all of you have looked. Even at mine. You can make your own choice as to what you wish for your own vessels, but I do want you to consider it and dwell on it and not dismiss it out of hand. Reread the passage. I will not make it law, but NONE will call into question any who choose to allow their vessels a covering. That decision is final.

"Second on the agenda," he went on, then went into detail about David's crimes. Witnesses were called up, all the men who'd seen him call Gavin to question and then disobey him.

Dante went on right after, announcing what he'd witnessed that morning with Camille and Johanna, seeing that the timers were both over 24 minutes when he walked in and they were in there alone.
