It All Started with a Spilled Drink


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"Me too. Your pussy feels so good on my cock. Can't last."

"Cum with me, cum in me. Cum..........................................................ming. Argh."

As they climaxed together, Jason emptied his seed deep inside of Sheila's pussy.

No words were spoken even as Sheila left to shower. The room was eerily quiet. Jason showered and they both dressed in silence. When it was time for Jason to go to meet his parents, he spoke.

"I have one more surprise for you. I need someone to drive me to my parent's hotel. I've checked out of my apartment, everything is being sent back to my parent's house. I have this one bag for the flight home."

"What about the car?"

"That's the surprise. Take care of it for me. I spoke to your parents about it last night. I'm having it transported to the winery. Someone will pick up the car from your apartment on the day you go home. I think we are now even for you doing my laundry!" Jason handed her the keys. "You drive."

"I guess me arguing with you is not going to change all this is it?"


Sheila smiled and jumped into the driver's seat and took Jason to his parent's hotel. Jason's parents met him at the hotel's entrance. They greeted Sheila like she was their own daughter.

"Sheila," Jason's mom began talking, "You are a wonderful person. I see why Jason has fallen in love with you. Please keep in touch with us. Anytime you want to call, please do so. And, by the way, your parents invited us out to the winery in the fall. We are going to take them up on their generous invitation so we will see you in a few months."

"I would look forward to that."

Then it was time to say goodbye. There are no easy ways to do this. So, as she said to Jason as he was leaving her apartment for the first time, after she did his laundry, "Please call me tomorrow."

And Jason responded as he had done that first night, "Count on it." The phrase had become symbolic of their relationship.

With that Jason and his parents climbed into a taxi to the airport to catch their flight to New York.

Sheila got back into "her" car and did nothing except cry and cry for the next fifteen minutes. Then she drove home.

In the taxi, Joshua's dad spoke in very hushed tones. . "Sheila has no idea of what you are going to do in Israel, does she?"

"No. I was not at liberty to discuss my plans. I just told her that I was going into the army for two years."

"So, she has no idea that you are going into the Mossad, the Israeli National Intelligence Agency, does she?"

"She does not. You know I can't reveal where I'm going and what I'm going to do."

"You may not be able to get in touch with her for at least a year, maybe more. How are you going to resolve that?"

"I don't know. I really don't know."

"And I know that this was no flash in the pan girlfriend."

"I love her, dad. I just don't know what else I could have done."

"God will find a way to make things right. He always does."

"I hope you are right."

Jason kept his promise and called Sheila the next morning, before he left for his flight to Israel. The words were insignificant as the emotions of the call overwhelmed both of them. They only spoke for a few minutes.

Jason arrived in Israel and was met by his soon to be trainer at Ben Gurion Airport.

"Jason Weinstein?, someone called his name."


"I'm Captain Ezra Stein. Shalom and welcome to Israel."


He was driven to the Mossad headquarters and given his room assignment. For the next 10 weeks' he would be in training, 24/7. After completing the training he would be given his own "bungalow" in the complex.

The next morning Jason, along with seventeen other men and women met in the conference room. Coffee, tea and bakery items were on the table.

Captain Stein told everyone to grab something and take a seat around the table. Some 15 minutes later the door to the room opened up and the head of Mossad walked in.

"Shalom," he said. Everyone repeated the greeting.

"All of you have been chosen to be part of this agency for various reasons. Your aptitude tests from college and from here show that you are well suited for the tasks at hand. That is, to protect the state of Israel from its enemies. For the next 10 weeks, you will be on the clock 24/7 learning on what we do and how we do it. Your attention to detail may not only save your life, but the lives of many Israeli's. We have few friends in this world so we need to take care of our own. Furthermore, you understand that you will not be able to discuss what you do and who you work for with anyone, including your wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc. Failure to comply will get you tossed out of this agency. Most of you will be here for only a year or two, some a little bit longer depending on your assignments. It will be dangerous work, but rewarding knowing that you are saving Israeli lives. Any questions?"

A few hands shot up with mostly insignificant questions.

"If that's all you have just one final note. It's Friday. If this is your first time to Israel, go out and see what you are going to be protecting. Call home. When you first signed up, you were given the story of what to tell loved ones. We will see you at 0700 on Monday. Shabbat Shalom."

The 18 men and women broke into smaller groups talking about the weekend. Jason hooked up with a few guys from California and a woman from Florida. Jason had been to Israel twice, so he offered to lead the 25-cent tour of the country. They agreed to meet at noon.

On his way out, the head of Mossad approached Jason. He reached out and offered his hand to shake. Jason took the hand and the head of Mossad spoke. "So, Jason, how's the Rabbi?"

A smile came to his face as Jason responded in hushed tones. "Your brother is doing well, uncle. He and my mom send their love. And how is my aunt doing."

"Rachel and the kids and grandkids are doing just fine."

"I know it's improper to do so, but how about coming over for dinner on Sunday?"

"That will work. I have the address. See you around 6 pm, okay?"

"That would be fine. Enjoy the weekend."

After renting a car, Jason took his new friends on a tour of the main sites in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, also traveling to Haifa. By Sunday noon, they were all too tired to do anything more than go back and rest. Jason dropped the group at the headquarters telling them he was going to visit his aunt for dinner. While driving to his planned dinner, Jason called Sheila.

They spoke for a bout thirty minutes and at the end Jason had to say, "I'm going to be incommunicado for a while. Can be a few weeks, can be longer. I just don't know. I will try to get in touch with you when I can, but it's going to be difficult."

Sheila began questioning him for him to be more specific.

Finally, he had to stop her by saying, "I can't go into more detail. I don't know when I will be able to call you again. Know that I love you and will be thinking about you every day." With that he broke the connection.

The dinner he had with his uncle and aunt were, surely, a welcome relief of what was about to become of his life. They talked about the family and everything under the sun. Then his aunt excused herself from the table.

"Listen Jason," his uncle started the conversation. "What you will be doing over the next few years will mean much to the survival of Israel. I know the sacrifices you are making. I only hope you know how much this means to the country."

"Uncle Chaim, I know, I know. Like my father before me and his father before him, service in defense of Israel was not an option. I only hope I can make you proud of me."

Chaim came over and kissed Jason on his forehead. "Go with God."

Jason arrived back at the headquarters and fell right to sleep.

The next 10 weeks went by very quickly. Jason was a quick study and adapted well to the physical requirements of the job. His college stomach was replaced by a washboard abs, his skin obtained the rich Mediterranean color and he constantly had a two-day growth of black hair on his face. He was ready for his assignment.

Some 7,000 miles away, Sheila was learning as much about the wine business as possible. But, not to her surprise, her concentration was not always there. She missed Jason so much and after their last conversation, she had no idea when or if she would hear from him ever again. After a few weeks, she began to get ready for grad school. She became pre-occupied with her classes and before she knew it, she was immersed in her studies.

Still, she had a very uneasy feeling about what Jason was doing in Israel. She had called his parents toward the end of the summer. Unfortunately, they told her that they too, had not heard from him. They tried to reassure her that all was well and that they were looking forward to catching up in two weeks, when they would be coming out to visit her parents.

Jason's parents provided some, albeit brief, respite from both her studies, but not on her thoughts on Jason. Jason's parents were wonderful, telling stories about Jason growing up. He had Sheila and her parents in stitches as Jason's mom and dad told stories about Jason's life as a kid, a teenager and then a college student. What Sheila and her parents took away from the stories was that Jason was not only a handful growing up, but in the end, he turned out to be a respectable young man. Sheila now knew more about the man she loved and how his absence was hurting her more than she let on to either her parents or Jason's.

Jason and Sheila's parents had a good time for the five days they were on the ranch. As they were getting ready to leave, Ben and Diane gave Jason's parents a case of their latest Cabernet. Max and Doris invited them and Sheila to New York whenever they could fit it into their schedule. Based on grad school and the winery, they tentatively planned a trip in the spring.

Jason was busy on his first assignment. One that required him to be undercover in Paris. Only his supervisor knew his assignment and would be the contact person if Jason needed help. Then it was one assignment after another. It was usually a few weeks to a month or two between assignments. They were very dangerous missions, but justified as they involved keeping Israel safe. He usually worked in a team of three people. This latest assignment was no different, except that his two partners were both female.

There was a fair amount of teasing and sexual tension during training, but Jason would not allow himself to act on those overtures. Even avoiding this with what was clearly overtures from one of his partners. Linda was a Sabra, born and raised in Israel. She had more field experience than Jason and the other member of his team, Julie. This was the second time they worked together and Linda let it be known that she found him very attractive and would not mind a little companionship. Jason knew mixing business with pleasure was not a good idea and he made it known to Linda.

This assignment was more dangerous than any of the others. The three of them infiltrated a radical group of PLO supporters and were ready to kill the leader and his two top associates. Unfortunately, the intelligence was flawed and the three of them were caught in a cross-fire on the outskirts of Paris. They barely escaped with their lives, making it to a safe house and back to Israel.

Sheila was successful at grad school. She hadn't heard from Jason in almost nine months. Not a word, not a letter, nothing. She stopped the phone calls to his parents as they did not have any information or if they did, they did not share it. Her parents were also at a loss of what was going on with Jason. They knew what he was doing was in the service of Israel, but it bothered them that their daughter was at her wits end, not knowing what was going to happen with the relationship as well as whether Jason was safe.

A year passed, then as the second year without hearing from Jason was closing in, she was torn between waiting for the phone call or moving on with her life. She still loved Jason but she did not know if he had the same feelings for her. Plus, she was about to get her MBA and was looking forward to working in the family business. She had some very good ideas that would bring in extra income to the family, while at the same time preserve the integrity of the winery.

She went out with friends she met in grad school. In the beginning, she brushed off repeated requests from some of her classmates to go on a date, staying loyal to Jason. But now, she wanted more.

Richard Best was latest to ask her out. He was a friend of a classmate, single and completed his MBA at Stanford a few years ago. Richard was a rising star in the financial world. While he lived in the Bay area, he frequented the Napa Valley as one of his clients was into wines and was looking to purchase a winery.

The first couple of dates were fine, nothing more than dinner or a movie. Richard did not force himself on Sheila. For that Sheila was grateful, as while she enjoyed his company, there was no spark. She was willing to give the relationship time.

That lasted all of two months.

Then, while talking to one of her friends from her class, Stacy Green, she was asked, "Have you ever been to Israel?"

"No. I had no interest in going. Why do you ask?"

"There is this program called, 'Birthright.' It's an opportunity for Jewish children, if they have not been to Israel, and if they are between the ages of 18 and 26, to go on a two-week trip to Israel at no cost. The program is funded by major Jewish philanthropists. You are just turning 26 in the fall. I went two years ago. They have asked me to be an American guide on an upcoming tour that leaves on July 10. I can get you onto the trip if you want. They owe me a favor."

"Let me check with my parents to see if I can start my work at the winery in August. I'd love to go."

Her parents were more than happy to let Sheila go. After the last two years, perhaps she can meet someone on the trip that would make it worthwhile.

Sheila called Stacy, and excitedly told her, "I'm in. What do I need to do? "

"I'll send you some paperwork to fill out. Send it back immediately with a check. Make sure your passport is valid. Then we will talk. By the way, one of the benefits of going on this trip is that if you meet someone on the trip and marry that person you get a free trip to Israel for your honeymoon."

Sheila laughed and said, "Maybe I'll find someone who likes wine."

Jason was winding down his two-year commitment, having done much good for Mossad. He had one last assignment, then he was done. He would spend a few days on the beach at one of hotel's on the beach in Tel Aviv before heading back to the United States.

He hadn't thought about Sheila for some time. He just had too many things on his mind. Has Sheila stopped worrying about him? Did she find a new boyfriend? He was unsure of what her response would be if he just showed up at her doorstep at the winery. Or even if she was still at the winery. Things to think about at another time. Now was the time to finalize his teams' final assignment. One that would take them into harms' way trying to get two Israeli citizens out of a Syrian jail. Jailed for being nothing more than Israeli's. Both were men in their late 50's. Thought to be members of the Israeli military, they were kidnapped while touring the Golan Heights.

The mission was successful, but not without cost. One of the members of Jason's team was seriously injured and another, Linda, was slightly wounded when a bullet tore into her calf. Back at headquarters, they took care of Linda's wound. Just a few stitches and a bandage.

Jason was exhausted and went back to his bungalow to sleep. His superior said it would be okay to do the debriefing in the morning. As he laid on his bed he began to think about the last two years and the toll they took out of him. Professionally, he performed beyond expectations, but at what cost personally?

"It's open, come on in" Jason replied to a knock on his door.

"I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life, once again" as Linda closed the door behind her.

"We look after each other, Linda."

"I know. I hear you are heading home in about two weeks."

"Yes, after a week of debriefing then one week relaxing on the beach in Tel Aviv. Then to law school in the fall."


"That's the plan."

Linda walked toward the bed. She got closer, she grabbed the hem of her summer dress and lifted it over her head, showing Jason her totally nude body.

Linda was about 5'7" with a great set of tits, probably 34C. She had a nice bush of honey colored pubic hair, matching the light brown hair on her head. Her very hard nipples stood out from her tits.

"Please love me. Just this one time. Please," pleaded Linda.

Jason stared at this beautiful women standing naked in front of him. He had remained loyal to Sheila even though he did not know if she remained loyal to him. Fucking Linda was very tempting, especially when she moved to a chair by his bed and spread her long legs revealing a very moist pussy. Jason continued to stare as Linda began to finger fuck herself.

"Stop," he shouted. "I can't do this Linda. I would love to but I can't."

He reached for her dress as she removed her fingers from her pussy. He tossed the dress to her and said, "I just can't. Please understand."

Stifling some tears, Linda replied, "I'm sorry Jason." She put on her dress and left the room without saying another word.

The next day, and for a few days more, Jason met with his uncle and his superiors in the Mossad. They went over his successes and failures, gave praise for his efforts and thanked him, on behalf of Israel, for keeping Israel safe. His was reminded that he could never tell anyone about his work or, for that matter, that he was part of Mossad. His records would show that he was a captain in the army. As he was about to leave the room, his uncle, the head of Mossad, signaled for him.

"Let's go to my office," said his uncle. His tone was unnerving to Jason.

Following his uncle, Jason closed the door behind him.

His uncle came up to him and gave him a bear hug. "Yacov," his uncle was using Jason's Hebrew name, "Something has come up and I need you for one more mission. This one's close to home." His uncle threw two pictures down on his table. Jason blanched as he saw a picture of Sheila and another woman.

"You know Sheila, the other is her friend Stacy. They were walking in Tel Aviv, relaxing after finishing the Birthright program when they were grabbed off the street two days ago. We know who took them. It's the Russian Mafia that is filtering into our society. Our intelligence knows where they are being held. However, time is critical. Often this group, usually tries to move the girls out of the country. We've stopped most of the group, but the leaders have remained at large. With the intelligence we have, we know that if we can get to the place where the girls are being held, we can finally put an end to this gang. Take five men, your call on who you take, and plan to go out tonight to get these girls back."

"Consider it done."

"Good luck, Yacov."

Jason called five of the men he had worked with on numerous missions. They agreed to meet in thirty minutes at the headquarters. It took the group an hour to plan the mission. They've done work like this in the past so this was not recreating the wheel. They would enter the building at midnight. They were in full camouflage. They wore black ski masks with only their eyes showing.

The mission went smoothly. The soldiers killed 4 men and took two of them, one was the leader of the gang, as prisoners.

They found the women tied to a bed and from what they could see, there were some noticeable bruising on their faces.
