It Doesn't End There Pt. 03

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New Friends.
9.5k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/09/2022
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Actually they found another couple, ". . .hidden in plain sight." as they sometimes say. The neighbor boy, Jeff had just graduated from high school and had turned 18. Phil and Rags found out about that when Jeff's parents had a party celebrating his graduation. It was a family party and Phil and Rags were not invited, but they heard about it as they said hello to their neighbors in the normal course of their comings and goings. Jeff had an older sister named Rebecca who still lived at home, went to a local community college and worked part time. Jeff also had a part-time job working the morning shift at a fast-food place.

When Jeff came home he usually came home to an empty house. Jeff was horny, evidently. He wasn't really creepy if you understood teenage male hormonal activity. When he was home by himself in warm weather he dressed in ways that must have seemed sexy to him, and wore those clothes out of doors around the house, taking a chance that people would see him. Because Rags was a very attractive woman and would often wear skimpy clothes around the house in the summer time, Jeff looked for Rags to come outside, and when she did, Jeff came out to see her and to be seen by her.

He would go shirtless unless the weather was too chilly. He would sag his pants extremely low. Then he tried wearing thong underwear and sagging his pants really low. He had a couple of Speedos, and evidently they were not small enough so eventually it looked to Rags' educated eye that he traded the Speedos for girls' bikini bottoms. He wore spandex bicycle shorts and low-rise tights. The two back yards were separated by a privacy fence, but Rags noticed that when she awoke from sleep in her upstairs bedroom that if she accidentally glanced out her window, she could see over the fence into the neighbors' yard and Jeff would be wearing just his thong -- whether it was underwear or swimwear she could not tell. And sometimes he would be naked.

He was not especially muscular, but he wasn't skinny, either. He had more of a swimmer's body. The sexy thing about that was that his slender build seemed to make his cock and balls look proportionately bigger.

Now on one particular day that summer after his graduation Jeff was trimming some bushes that grew next to his house and parallel to Rags' driveway. He was working on Rags' side of the bushes and her eyes were drawn to what he was wearing. He had no shirt on and the pants he was wearing were white, skin tight and extremely low cut. Much of his ass was exposed in the back, but what was covered was covered with a stretch denim that clung to his ass like glue. The front was so low that one could see a portion of his shaft before it was pushed down to be clearly visible under the stretch denim as it lay against his right leg.

Rags knew that to wear something like that, Jeff had to be feeling horny as shit. Furthermore, if the pants looked sexy on Jeff, a similar pair of pants would look very hot on Rags. Rags put on a bikini (not a micro -- but still a pretty small and revealing suit) and a pair of fuck-me heels and went out to talk with Jeff. "Hi, Jeff," she said.

J: Hi, Mrs. Collins. (There was some nervousness in his voice.)

R: I couldn't help but notice the pants you're wearing. They're hot. You look hot in them. Where'd you get them? I'd like to buy a pair.

J: I doubt you'll be able to. I got them at the thrift store on 29th Street. I didn't see any other pair like them on the rack.

R: Nuts! I think that they look really hot. Say! What size are they?

J: They're juniors size seven.

Rags started to think things over. She formed a plan on the fly.

R: Would you like to come inside with me and let me try them on? I'll let you try on my bikini bottom -- or would you rather try on one of my g-strings. You know, if you just let the g-string cover your cock and let your balls hang out on either side of the suit it really looks sexy -- and kind of like a pussy. Would you like to try? Do you have the time?

J: Sure. My folks won't be home for another couple of hours. Just let me leave a note for my sister. She'll be coming home soon and will be expecting me to be here.

Jeff went into his house, wrote a quick note to his sister and went over to Rags'. He walked up the driveway and Rags met him there and brought him into the house through the back door. "Wait here," she said. She came back shortly with a variety of bikinis and thongs. She spread them out into two groups. Pointing to one group she said, "These are mine but are stretchy enough that you will be able to fit in them. The other group are Phil's, so they will have more room for your package. You can look them over and pick out which one you would like to try on first." Once he had picked out a suit, she said, "Now we'll just turn our backs to one another and take off what we're wearing. You'll pass me your pants and I'll put my bikini bottoms on the table. If you want to put them on instead of what you picked out, go for it. When you're dressed turn around and when I'm dressed, too, I'll take you to a mirror so you can see how you look."

They did that and Jeff put on the bikini that Rags had just been wearing. He wanted the head of his cock to be right where Rags' pussy had been. He immediately put a wet spot of pre-cum there on the suit.

Rags tried her level best to get the tight pants on, but they were too small. She pulled them up as high and tight as she could and then folded the two sides of the zipper into the pants at a 45 degree angle. The pants were tight on her ass and legs, revealing three to four inches of butt crack and in front showing about a half inch to an inch of pussy crack with her clit clearly visible (and engorged).

She turned around and Jeff was facing her, his hard cock straining against the stretchy material of her bikini. She liked the look -- really liked the look. She then gave one more tug on the pants to pull them up and tight onto her ass and slowly did a 360 in front of him. "What do you think? Do they look sexy?"

"Very," he replied.

"But do they make you want to fuck me?" she asked.

He did, but he was afraid to say it. Finally he said, "Could I?"

Rags asked him again, "Do you want to?"

"Yes, yes, I really want to but I've never even come close to fucking a girl before. Do you mean it or are you just pulling my chain?" he asked.

At that point the front doorbell rang. Rags went to the door to look out the peep hole. It was Jeff's sister, Rebecca. Rags opened the door and invited her in. She saw her brother at the far end of the living room near the entrance to the kitchen. "What is my stupid pervy brother doing over here?" she asked, obviously upset.

"I invited him here so that I could try on his low-rise stretch jeans and he could try on my bikini bottom," Rags replied. "I saw him wearing the jeans and thought they looked really hot and wondered if I could get into them and how they would look on me. Well, I could get them up on me but couldn't get them closed or zipped up, but they still look kinda hot don'tcha think?"

"Why do you have to encourage him? He wears these ridiculous clothes around the house when he thinks no one is home. I just don't get it," replied Rebecca.

"Come into the kitchen and have something to drink and we'll talk about it," said Rags. She opened the refrigerator door to reveal a number of cans of different soft drinks. "Choose what you want," she said.

"Look, Rebecca . . .," Rags began to say.

"Call me Becks. That's what most people call me. That's what I'm used to," she said.

"Fair enough," said Rags, "but then, you can call me Rags rather than Mrs. Collins -- because that is what I'm used to. Now, as I was about to say, Becks, you and I really don't fully understand what it is like to be male and to have all that testosterone coursing through our veins. For some guys they let it drive them to sexual aggression. Those are the guys that often scare us because we can sense that all they want to do is get in our pants and fuck us. And if we get pregnant they claim it is all our fault, that we should have known better and have been on the pill -- or get an abortion.

"Other guys try to be less harmful and may become peeping Toms. They don't intend to hurt anyone, but, of course, what they do is an invasion of privacy.

"Others will become exhibitionists and will expose themselves to women or girls to both arouse themselves and the people to whom they are exposing themselves.

"A lot of guys are so worried that if they get in a relationship with a woman that they will lose control of themselves and will act inappropriately with the girl. That's why you may have noticed in high school there were a number of guys that girls would have gone out with who never dated. They may even have called themselves confirmed bachelors. But really, they were afraid that they might do something that their date felt was too sexually aggressive or inappropriate so it was safer to not go out on a date at all. I wouldn't be surprised if your brother falls into that category.

"Some get hooked on pornography and masturbation. Years ago parents tried to get their sons involved in sports because the popular wisdom at the time was that if a guy was heavily involved in sports some of that sexual energy would be diverted into the effort it took to play the game.

"And some guys, like your brother here, are driven by their sexual energy to wear things that they think either feel or look sexy. From what I've seen, your brother only does it around the house and usually when no one else is home. Today was kind of the exception to the rule when he was between your house and ours and was trimming bushes dressed in his sexy jeans. But he has probably noticed that Phil and I sometimes wear fairly skimpy clothes ourselves, so wearing those jeans while working between the two houses was not a great risk. He wasn't hurting anyone but was dealing with the very intense sexual feelings he was having as a result of his testosterone high.

"Give him a break. You know that in the animal world, generally speaking, it is the male of the species that is the more colorful and that displays himself. Teenage humans sometimes seem to have it backwards when it is the girls who dress up to be the most attractive of the species. But those same females have a hard time dealing with it. If a girl is too attractive or seems to be attractive when other girls are not -- she is called a slut. And for that reason other girls become afraid of looking their best at any time because they don't want to be slut-shamed. At the same time they are eager to shame those girls who will dress slightly more sexy than the norm. It's a tough world out there.

"I was in the group of those who did not want to be slut-shamed and who looked down on those girls who did dress and act sexier than average until a couple of years ago. Now I call myself a slut and wear the title proudly. It makes me feel powerful when I can walk into a room looking good and cause heads to turn and entice men to want to flirt with me. I threaten no marriages. No married woman has to worry that I am going to steal their husband away from them. And I will not let a man take me away from my husband. But with those safeguards in place I can feel in charge and have much more fun than I ever did when all I wore was clothing that made me blend into the woodwork.

"Now, to bring you up to the present situation, I noticed your brother looking sexy. I knew he would take it as a compliment if I acknowledged that, so I did. Furthermore, I did want to try on his jeans because if they would have fit me, I would have asked to borrow them some night when my husband took me out clubbing. And knowing that your brother was really horny, I was about to offer to spend some time playing with him. And I can do that because my husband and I have opened up our marriage just a little bit. That's where we were when you arrived.

"Now Jeff is wearing my bikini bottoms and I am wearing his pants, but somewhat unsuccessfully. Would you like to join us? I have bunches of tiny bikinis. You could pick one and put it on, I'll take off these pants and put on a micro suit, and we can go out into the back yard with our drinks, sit on the lounge chairs and talk about sex until about fifteen minutes before your parents come home. What do you think?"

Becks had seen plenty of pictures of celebrities in skimpy swimwear and had thought about how sexy it would be to wear something like that. Now was her chance. She took Rags up on her offer.

Rags took Becks to her bedroom to pick out a swimsuit and told Jeff that if he wanted to try on a different one he could try on any one of the suits that Rags had brought down for him. Rags also told him that once he found a swimsuit that he liked he should put it on and go out into the back yard, sit on a lounge chair and wait for them to join him. Becks found a string sling swimsuit and put it on. Rags adjusted the straps on her, brushing her tits, her ass and her pussy as she did so. Becks was getting hotter by the moment.

"Before you look in the full length mirror let's get you a little more prepped." Rags had plugged in a curling iron when they first entered the room. "This will give your hair a little more body," she said and she worked on her hair making it frame her face nicely. They went into the bathroom where Rags pulled some make-up out of a drawer. Here's some stuff I have received as free samples. I've never used them so they should be safe for you to use. They are not quite the right color for me and they might not be exactly the right color for you, but they will be better than the nothing you are currently wearing."

With that Rags showed Becks how to use eye make-up. When Becks looked at the finished product in the mirror, she was amazed at the difference. Becks did have her ears pierced so Rags loaned her a pair of long dangling earrings, and inquired of her shoe size. Finding they wore the same size shoes Rags brought out a pair of platform heels for her to wear and then ushered her to the full length mirror.

"Now look in the mirror and tell me how you like it," said Rags.

It was like hair standing up on the back of her neck, her nipples hardening with excitement, her clit coming out of its sheath and her pussy getting wet all at the same time. Her stomach seemed to be tied up in knots. She had never felt this kind of intense sexual excitement before. "Is this what Jeff feels when he gets dressed up?" she asked. "This is amazing! I look like a totally different person. I look amazing, sexy, beautiful! I love it! I feel sexy in a very powerful way. I feel proud of my body. I had it all wrong. Sexy is good, very good, not bad."

"This is not what Jeff feels like when he gets dressed up, no, this is what Jeff feels like much of the day, every day. All it takes is a shapely leg, or a tight pair of jeans showing off an ass, or a nice set of tits, or a pretty face, or a camel toe or any combination of the above -- seeing it in real life, seeing pictures or simply remembering it from earlier in the day and that's enough to set off those sexual feelings in Jeff," answered Rags.

"O, shit!" exclaimed Becks, "Now I've put a wet spot on the front of the suit."

"Not to worry," said Rags, "my guess is that Jeff will put a wet spot on the front of his thong as soon as he sees you. Do you like looking this sexy?"

"I've always looked down at girls who dressed sexy as though there was something wrong with them when actually I'm beginning to understand that the something wrong has been with me," said Becks. This is incredible! I've never looked this good or felt this good. I never thought I'd be able to look this good. I see that what I need is to do something with my hair and to learn how to do makeup. Then I want to get some new clothes that display my body instead of hide it. Let's go show Jeff."

They came downstairs and into the back yard. When he heard them coming, he got up off the lounge chair to greet them and show them the new suit he had picked out - a men's tear-drop g-string suit. Once again, Rags offered to help him adjust the strings of the suit and in doing so also brushed against his cock. His cock grew harder. She also grabbed his entire package and pulled it forward in the suit so that it stuck out more instead of hanging down. When she got done she asked, "What do you think, Becks?"

"I'll admit it, he looks hot," she replied.

"And how 'bout your sister?" Rags asked Jeff.

"Smokin'!" he said.

"Let's sit down and talk about sex," said Rags. They did.

"You were right about the wet spot," Becks whispered to Rags. Jeff was weeping precum into the front of his thong.

They sat on three lounge chairs facing one another and Rags began: "When you came to the door I was asking Jeff whether he would like to fuck me. Let me explain a little more. Phil and I have been married for almost 15 years now. We found that the longer we have been married, the more difficult it is to find new and exciting ways to have sex. We have some friends who are having the same difficulty. They are an attractive couple and they find us to be an attractive couple. So a few weeks ago we decided we would open up our marriage to one another. We went out to a restaurant and then to a dance club. But rather than being paired with our spouse we paired with the other couple's spouse -- for eating, for dancing, and for spending the night together in a hotel room. It has been a wonderful experience. We hope to do it again.

"But we don't want to do it too frequently with the same people. There is the chance that we might get emotionally involved. So Phil and I have been keeping our eyes open for other people that we might want to hook up with occasionally. And we are serious enough about this that because we do not want to get pregnant and we do not want to get anyone else pregnant, I've had my tubes tied and Phil has had a vasectomy.

"I had never thought of Jeff as being a possible sex partner until I saw him trimming the shrubs in his tight low-rise jeans. Even then, at first I only thought of wanting to try on his jeans. But as I approached him and saw that big beautiful bulge in the front of his jeans and remembered that he was now 18 years old, I saw him in a whole new light. So it didn't take too long before I asked him if he would like to fuck me. Now that I know he would, Phil and I will be looking for a person for Phil to hook up with.

"It's a lot easier for me to ask Jeff if he would like to fuck me. There is a good chance that he will be happy to do it. But Phil has to be much more careful. If he were to ask some girls, they might accuse him of sexual harassment. Other girls feel it is very important to be a good girl and hooking up with a guy for sex does not fit with that image. And I'm not going to presume that just because Jeff is willing to hook up with me that Becks is ready to hook up with Phil.

"So before you go home, Jeff, I'll want your phone number so that when we find a partner for Phil, I'll give you a call and we'll make arrangements for me to rock your world."

"Please don't dismiss me quite that easily," said Becks. "When I looked at myself in this swimsuit, I realized that I can be sexy. I never thought of myself that way before. My dating life has really sucked and I blamed guys who did not like me for my charming personality. But I think I am realizing that the way I dress and appear in public, I am telling guys that I'm just not interested in sex. Now that you have reminded me of the strength of testosterone and how many guys think about sex at the least provocation, if the way I dress tells guys I'm not interested in sex, it makes sense that they are not interested in me.

"I'm beginning to understand that good guys who are interested in sex, when they see a girl who dresses and looks like she is not interested in sex, leave that girl alone out of respect for her. It's like they're thinking, 'If she's not interested in sex, but I am, that will not make for a good relationship. So I am not going to pursue her if she's not interested.'