It's Just Sex Ch. 01

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A marriage starts to fall apart...
11.8k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 02/25/2024
Created 01/16/2024
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I originally started this expecting it to run over 5 or 6 pages but somehow it grew into 72,000+ words and I ended up splitting it into seven parts, mainly for ease of reading. For that reason, I've placed it in Novels and Novellas rather than Romance or Loving Wives, either of which might also have been a suitable genre for it.

Please note all 7 parts are written and will be released to Literotica as and when I finish editing them (hopefully that will be weekly).

I make no apology for the fact that my characters are flawed; they make poor decisions and bad choices but somehow they manage to enjoy a happy ending. That's just how I like them. So, if you prefer your story's a little more sugar coated then perhaps this isn't for you.

Constructive criticism is, as always, welcome but please remember it is just a story, the people don't exist and the situations never happened.

At least not as far as I know.

Please enjoy.


It's Just Sex - part 1

"So, what's this party for then?

Looking at his reflection in the mirror I asked my husband, Jon Connell, as he leant casually against the bedroom doorframe, watching me get ready.

As soon as the words left my lips I felt a hint of tension fill the air and I could sense there was something he wasn't telling me.

'Was it my imagination?'

'Did he have an air of nervousness about him?'

Things hadn't been that great between us, not since he had started his new job, and I was worried that I was becoming a little paranoid about the state of our marriage.

I was simply asking a question, one I had already asked several times over the past week, but it seemed my concerns over the upcoming evening still weren't going to be fully answered. It appeared that the last thing he wanted to do was to discuss the upcoming party at his boss's house before we got there.

Glancing up from applying my bronze eyeshadow my long dark brown hair swayed across my bare shoulders and I paused, waiting to see if he was going to respond to my question.

"I err... I'm not really sure. It's probably best for us to just wait and let Selwyn tell us when we get there."

He gave me the same tentative answer as he had several times before and even the tone of his voice sounded uncertain, which did nothing to allay my anxieties.

I had met Jon's boss, Selwyn Richardson, on several occasions, always at business social events, and being around him had always left me feeling more than a little flustered.

While he was old enough to be my father I had always found him to be an exceptionally charming man. Add to that the fact that he was also extremely good-looking and it was hardly surprising that women found him desirable.

Not that I'd ever seen him do anything other than be a perfect gentleman, after all with a glamorous younger wife why would he look elsewhere.

"Oh, I just thought you would know. You're normally in his confidences these days." Forcing thoughts of Jon's boss out of my head I continued to question him.

"Sorry babe, I've really got no idea."

That's odd. You usually know about these things. That's all."

Shrugging I went back to applying my make-up; brushing mascara onto my eyelash extensions and putting on some eyeliner giving my eyes an upswept 'Cleopatra' look to them.

"Not this time, he hasn't said anything to me." My husband continued trying to keep his voice even.

I wondered if he was telling me everything. Perhaps it was some sort of surprise; maybe Jon had got the promotion he wanted and was trying to keep it a secret.

The idea of a little more money coming in made me smile, it was certainly a pleasant thought and I hoped if that was the case it would be enough for us to have a bit of a holiday.

"Do you know who will be there?"

"Not really. Just some of his friends and their partners I think." Jon shook his head, "There may be one or two people from work as well."

I felt a knot forming in the pit of my stomach as my husband replied. I was always a little apprehensive in big crowds, especially if it was people I didn't know and the idea of a party like that filled me with a certain amount of dread.

"Oh well I suppose we have to go as he's your boss." I threw casually back at him over my shoulder, "It won't do to go upsetting him."

"No, probably best not to."

Deliberately avoiding looking him in the eye I kept my attention focused on getting ready and began to pin my long hair up into a bun on top of my head.

Across the room Jon sighed loudly and headed off downstairs, making me smile to myself.

Knowing my husband's fixation on me always looking my best I wasn't surprised that he had decided to make a timely retreat and leave me to complete my preparations.

Yet despite wanting me to look good he always complained that it took me far too long to get ready.

Watching him go I went back to studying my reflection in the mirror as I teased several strands of hair out of the tight bun, leaving them trailing down across my face and neck. Satisfied it was exactly how I wanted it I paused and thought back to the first time I had met the love of my life.


It had been during our final year at university.

One of my friends was having a party for their twenty-first birthday and, with my current boyfriend Leon away playing rugby, I had gone by myself leaving him to, hopefully, come along later.

Not that I had been particularly bothered. I had only been seeing him for a few weeks and now that the physical interest was rapidly waning, at least on my part, I was thinking about dumping him and looking for someone I was attracted to for more than simple lust.

I had got myself a glass of wine as soon as I arrived and had just returned to the main room when I saw him standing by the window. He was alone, with a can of beer in his hand, staring somewhat morosely outside into the darkness.

Around 6' tall with collar length mid-brown hair he didn't have the physique of a gym junkie or a rugby player but neither was he overweight or too skinny.

Watching him for a minute I found myself, for some unexplainable reason, drawn to him and, without knowing why, I had made my way across the room.

"Why the sad face?"

The sound of my voice had clearly startled him and he had jerked around so that I found myself staring into a pair of deep warm brown eyes. Almost instantly I felt my stomach tighten and a shiver of arousal run through me.

"Oh, I err... I..." Struggling to form a coherent answer his cheeks had coloured as he stumbled over his words.

Giggling at his obvious embarrassment I had held out my hand, smiling reassuringly, "Hello, I'm Taylor Davenport. I don't think we've met before."

"Oh hi, err... I'm Jon, Jon Connell." Still stammering he had taken my hand and introduced himself, "No, we haven't. I can assure you I would have certainly remembered if we had."

I was flattered by his compliment. I had been 21 back then and, if asked, would have described myself as reasonably pretty.

At 5' 6" tall I had a slim, willowy figure that was accentuated by the leggings and vest top I had on while my long dark hair had hung loosely about my shoulders reaching half-way down my spine.

Although my breasts aren't large they still managed to push out against my skin-tight top, my prominent nipples clear evidence I wasn't wearing a bra.

"So, Jon. Are you going to tell me why the long face or should I guess?"

Managing to recover his composure Jon had started to tell me about his recent break-up with his long-term girlfriend.

I had been sympathetic, doing my best to understand his heartbreak, and as the evening wore on I had found myself becoming more and more interested in him. He was definitely cute, could hold a conversation and, most of the time, he looked me in the eye.

Over the next hour or so we chatted and found we shared a number of interests; music, books and food to start with. And even when we had opposing views on something we were able to discuss them sensibly and not argue.

I was completely wrapped up in our conversation and had completely forgotten about my boyfriend when a muscular black arm slipped about my shoulders.

"Hey babes. Guess what? We won!"

Leon had finally arrived and he had clearly been drinking.

Much to my annoyance he arrogantly pulled me towards him and kissed me, his tongue worming straight into my mouth as he simply ignored the fact I was talking to someone.

Pushing him away, totally embarrassed, I introduced him to Jon, explaining that my boyfriend had been playing rugby that afternoon and that was why he was late.

"Yeah, hi James, nice to meet you." Leon's reaction was one of complete disinterest.

"It's Jon."

Reticently the two of them had shaken hands but that had been their last interaction as Leon pointedly ignored Jon after that, quickly steering me away from him.

My boyfriend was already fairly drunk and searching out the drinks he speedily downed another can of beer, one hand crudely groping my backside as he did so.

"Ain't much going on here. Why don't we split and go back to mine."

His sneering indifference to my friends annoyed me even further and I rolled my eyes as he blatantly made his intentions for the rest of my evening obvious. Foolishly, however, I made no attempt to protest as he led me away.

"Bye Jon. Nice talking to you." I managed to call back over my shoulder before my boyfriend hustled me out of the room and off to his bed.

Two days later I had had enough, the guy was a total jerk and, despite the amazing sex, I decided that Leon was history.

Much to my amazement he took my dumping of him with a casual shrug of the shoulders.

"There's plenty more white pussy out there. You ain't no loss." Was all he said before wandering away and leaving me standing open mouthed.

Over the next couple of weeks, I kept an eye out for Jon as I walked around the university campus, hoping to talk to him. However, whenever he saw me he always hurried off in another direction, leaving me feeling a little annoyed and very frustrated.

Purely by luck I finally managed to corner him in a local coffee shop.

He was engrossed in the book he was reading and hadn't seen me peering in through the window so I was able to go in and drop into the seat opposite before he realised I was there.

"Taylor." Looking across at me he had stared at me in alarm.

"What have I done to upset you? Why are you avoiding me?"

"I... I'm not... I...." He started to protest, gathering his things together as he made to leave.

"Don't you like me?"

"I do. I like you a lot." His cheeks coloured at my comment, "But you.... you err.... have a boyfriend and he made it plain to me I should leave you alone."

Suddenly it all made sense.

"He warned you off?"

"Yeah, he said if I started sniffing around you he would pay me a visit with a few of his rugby mates."

"Well, I don't anymore, we broke up. So, you can take me out to dinner on Friday."

He stopped packing his stuff away and stared back at me.

"What happened to what's his name?"

I couldn't stop myself smiling, "I dumped Leon, that was his name, two weeks ago. He was a moron and anyway, there's someone else I'm far more interested in."

"Oh, right. Is it anyone I...." It took him a second or two before it clicked that it was him.

"So, dummy? Is it a date?"

"Err.... yeah.... I guess so."

That had been it.

Despite his hesitancy we went out for dinner on the Friday evening and had pretty much become a couple from that moment.

Up till meeting Jon I had been a bit of a party girl and I guess I had got myself a something of a reputation, especially with coloured guys, but meeting him changed everything.

We dated exclusively throughout the rest of our time at university and straight after graduation we rented a small one-bedroom apartment and moved in together.

It had been part-way through that first evening in the flat, while we were sitting on a couple of boxes and eating fish and chips from the wrapper, that Jon had gone down on one knee and proposed to me.

Our wedding had been a small affair, just family and close friends, and, after a short honeymoon at Lake Garda in Italy, we had quickly settled down to married life.


Smiling to myself I pushed the memories aside and stood up.

Dropping my robe on the bed I checked my watch, deciding I needed to hurry, and started to get dressed.

Slipping on just the little thong panties and suspender belt from my favourite lilac underwear set, I rolled a pair of black seamed stockings up my long legs and fastened them to the clasps.

Jon likes me to wear them and I have to confess having them on always make me feel sexy.

Taking a moment to ensure that the seams were straight I picked my blue dress out of the wardrobe, still wondering if it was a little to daring to wear to the party. I was aware that Jon's boss was hosting the gathering and, for my husband's sake, I didn't want to appear overly tarty or slutty.

Coming down to a few inches above my knee the tight-fitting dress clung to my figure while the plunging front exposed the swell of my perky 34C breasts, the three straps across my chest the only thing drawing the two sides together.

Turning back and forth while I gazed at my reflection I ran my hands over the garment trying to make up my mind.

It certainly showed my legs off nicely but I couldn't help but be a little concerned over the way the material clung to me or how the front exposed the swell of my boobs.

For a minute I stood deliberating whether or not to change.

"Aren't you ready yet?"

Jon's voice floated up the stairs making my mind up for me.

"Nearly done. I'll be down in one minute."

Putting on a pair of 3" black stilettos to complete my outfit I did a final check in my mirror and made my way downstairs to join my husband.

"Right, I'm ready. Shall we go?"

"About time."

He responded sarcastically and jumped up, grabbing his car keys off the side and immediately headed for the door leaving me to pick up my bag and follow on. In the past he would have complimented me on my appearance but, like so many other little intimacies, it seemed to have disappeared from our marriage during the last few months.

I shook my head, smiling ruefully.

After five years of marriage, I knew my husband pretty well and keeping him waiting wasn't something you did lightly unless you really wanted to irritate him, but not to get anything other than 'About time.'.

'Perhaps a holiday would help rekindle the romance.'

I filed the thought away. It would be a good half hour drive to his boss' house for us and as we pulled away into the traffic I gazed out of the car window watching the houses pass by, thinking about how we had reached this current point in our lives.


After finishing our degree's, I had gone to work in the marketing department of a mid-sized local company while Jon had taken employment with an up-and-coming finance house. Both of us starting at the bottom of the pile but with hopes and aspirations for advancement in the not-too-distant future.

By now we had been dating for a while and, having declared our love for each other, we had moved in to a small rented apartment situated conveniently between our two places of employment.

Sitting down that first evening, surrounded by numerous bags and boxes, eating the fish and chips we had purchased I thought life couldn't get any better. Then, just to prove me wrong, Jon had taken me completely by surprise and gone down on one knee.

"Taylor, I've been in love with you from the very first time we met. There isn't another person in this world who means more to me than you. Will you marry me?"

I had stared at him in total shock before jumping up, sending my dinner flying across the floor and flinging my arms around him as I screamed my acceptance.

The first couple of years of matrimonial life were simply idyllic for us and apart from struggling a little financially we were both very happy. Going out regularly, occasionally with friends, sometimes with work colleagues but mostly just the two of us, we had a great social life and, of course, we enjoyed sex most days.

However, as with many married couples, work started to gradually intrude on our time together as our careers progressed. Added to that we had the pressure of trying to save for a deposit for our own place and we eventually found ourselves in something of a rut.

Jon was rapidly becoming established as an essential part of his organisations management team while I had settled in to my own job and was now assistant to the marketing director.

With my husband's career starting to flourish we waited to see if he would get a promotion and an increase in his salary but, despite all his hard work, nothing seemed to be happening.

Working long hours, we were seeing little reward for our efforts and, as a result, our personal lives had started to suffer. We found we were going out far less frequently than we had been and sex became an occasional thing rather than happening on an almost daily basis as it had done previously.

But there was more to it than that. There were all the little things that, up till then I had taken for granted, the compliments, the intimate little touches, the tender kisses, they all stopped.

We were both aware of how things had stagnated for us but we couldn't see a way out of our current situation when a sudden and unexpected change in our circumstances transformed our lives.

It had all started with a simple phone call just under eighteen months previously.

Unbeknown to either of us Jon had come to the attention of a prestigious blue-chip company and they were interested in him coming to work for them.

When the agency first called him my husband had been rather sceptical while I, on the other hand, had just been downright suspicious. However, it turned out the offer was genuine and, after attending a series of interviews, he had been offered a position with them.

The salary they were proposing was almost twice what Jon was on and the benefits would be much better than anything he was currently getting; including health insurance for us both, gym membership and an excellent holiday entitlement.

It was during those initial interviews that I first met the company CEO, Selwyn Richardson.

As part of the recruitment process for senior staff it was customary for Selwyn to meet any prospective employee's spouse or partner and so we were invited to have dinner with him and his wife.

Nervously going along to my first meeting with him, Jon and I were shown through to a private table situated in the back of a rather expensive restaurant.

"Mrs Connell, how lovely to finally meet you." Selwyn smiled and stood up, his dark eyes roaming somewhat lasciviously over my body, as he held out his hand to me.

To say the man oozed sexuality and charm by the bucketload would be an understatement; even though he was in his early fifties, and I couldn't help but feel a certain warmth between my thighs as he greeted me.

Six feet tall with dark hair, greying at the edges he clearly looked after himself judging by what I could see of his physique under the expensive tailored suit he was wearing.

I would defy any woman not to feel just a little aroused when faced with someone like him.

The woman next to him was as glamorous as he was sexy. Almost as tall as he was she was a stunning blonde who, judging by her looks, was in her early thirties but could easily have been a twenty-something model in a magazine.

"Thank you." Biting my bottom lip coyly I shook the offered hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you to. Jon has told me so much about you."