Jaci Stone - Act 02


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"I will."

I adjusted myself as best I could, Wendy adding a few touches before we went to take our elevator ride to the penthouse.

Two steps into the penthouse, I heard her: "Jaciiii" there was a clacking of heels and I saw Amethyst coming fast. Unsure of her mass, I caught her and spun her around to reduce her impact. "Hello, baby."

I tried to set her down on the floor, but she had her legs bent back. "Amethyst..."

"You're no fun," Amethyst pouted. She let her feet down and pulled me into a kiss. "But I'm glad you're here," she whispered.

"Nice to know you got permission," I whispered back.

"Jaci...I didn't want to interfere with you and Mom..."

Mom? When did that happen?

"But hearing about my sis and seeing Val all plumped up, well it made me want a munchkin of my own. You're in our circle, hence trusted, and your genes are top-notch. A perfect mother for our babies."

I heard a snort from one of the alcoves; of course, it was Dream making her disdain known. "Somebody doesn't think so," I stuck my tongue in Amethyst's ear as I whispered.

"That's okay, she can make all the noises she wants. I won't put up with her like Rowan puts up with Larraine. One fuckup and I'll send her ass back to Kansas. Right, Dreamanne?"

"Yes ma'am," Dream said.

Amethyst released me and turned to Wendy. "Could you please check on my potential housekeepers, see if they are up to snuff?"

"Yes, ma'am," Wendy nodded.

Amethyst latched onto my arm and gave it a tug. "Let's go into my study."


I followed Amethyst into a wonderfully appointed study. I hadn't been in this room in my first life. She waited until I was inside, and closed the door behind us. The windows to the outside frosted over, telling me that this room had been prepared as a military-grade privacy room. Another SCIF. Why didn't I remember these rooms from my first life? I had never been in them before, that was probably why.

"What's up, Amy?"

"You said 'Amy'. Thank you."

"What's going on?"

"I needed to say congrats on Calvin," Amethyst said. "And we need to talk Talbot business."

"Why me?" I asked. "What stake do I have in 'Talbot business?'"

"You reignited the Talbot legacy. Instead of mom slowly dying of cancer, she's been given a new lease on life."

"Not something I did intentionally. That's a gift, something rekindled by the doctor's hardon serum. As far as things go? We're even."

"We'll talk about that later," Amethyst waved a hand at me. "Speaking of the doctor..."


Amethyst sighed. "Two hours ago, somebody broke into the doctor's computer. They got copies of all the files, all the sample data, everything but your name."

"Shit. I should have listened to Starr and Pete. They told me that going there was a bad idea."

"No, everything is good. We have some good people tracking the data, and they will find it."

"Small consolation. You're still being vague about how I'm involved with your family business."

"When it all comes together, you'll be like, the tenth to know. Right now, let's do some fucking, and then you go have some fun with Rowan. She's happy with you."

"She's schizo with me," I countered.

"Give it time."

The study had a full bathroom attached. Amethyst wanted me to do her quick and dirty, saying there would be plenty of time for making love later.

Making love. Even though it was said so often now, moreso in the last six months than eight years of marriage, it felt really special. When I shared this thought with Amethyst, she wholeheartedly agreed. On our way out of the library she grabbed a decanter of whiskey and four glasses. I didn't ask who the other two glasses were for, that would be evident soon enough.

Amethyst and I were on the patio when Wendy and Gabrielle came outside. Wendy invited Gabrielle to have a drink with us, and to my surprise Gabrielle accepted.

"The plants up here don't seem to have your touch, Jaci," Gabrielle observed.

I was going to snap back, but Amethyst nudged my foot. "This is the first time Jaci's been up here. Hopefully not the last, either."

Gabrielle looked back and forth between Amethyst, Wendy, me, and our just-fucked-looking-hairdos and sighed. "Of course those are the only seeds he can plant."

He. That's not new.

"Jaci did a wonderful job on the flower beds on the sixteenth floor, she really has green thumbs," Wendy said.

"Enough of this," Amethyst snapped. "Ms. Tanter, given your history with my girlfriend, I'm not going to hire you here. There are fifteen floors in our office building over there," Amethyst pointed at a sleek structure further downtown, "that would be better suited for your company. Agreed?"

"Of course," Gabrielle replied. "After doing the walk-through, I can see that you'll need someone full-time, and that's not something I can commit to."

"Good. We'll work on the schedule and payment details later, but you won't lose out on anything."

"Understood," Gabrielle nodded.

"Wendy, let's go clean up," Amethyst said. "Have some more whiskey, you two."

I poured myself a shot, then poured some into one of the empty glasses. "Cheers."

"Jaci, you better not have cost me this job. How the hell are you even connected to the Talbots?"

"Don't worry about your business, I'm staying out of it like I always have. As for how I'm involved with the Talbot family, that all goes back to the night I went out with Starr and Pete. You know that day, because the following morning you shut my phone off."

Gabrielle's face twisted. "Oh."

"But I'm okay now. You can have your life, and I can have mine. Just a little tidbit..." I finished my glass, feeling the warmth all the way down. "...the people who bought those nitrogenators were a little upset when I showed them how to duplicate a million-dollar tank for thirty thousand."


"Don't worry about it," I said as I stood. "I'd say, 'see you around,' but I hope not to see you before court. Good day."

It took some exploring, but I found Amethyst taking a shower. She held up her hand, a signal that she didn't want me to join her. I got a brief kiss before she bustled into the bedroom. "I've got a meeting with Mom downtown and I don't want to be late."

"I thought you and Frannie were at odds with each other?"

"We used to be, but her new lease on life helped rebuild the bridge between us. I can also blame you for that, because if you wouldn't have been seen out with Valerie, I never would have come back to L.A. with Cassandra and Nicolette."



She got dressed without any interference from me, but asked me to braid her hair. After I finished, I got a peck on the cheek and she was out the door.

I tried to find Wendy, but came to find out I was actually alone in the penthouse. I shuffled my way to the elevator, finding an access card taped to one of the doors. I knew what they looked like; I had one before, in my previous life.

After showering in my condo, I didn't know what to do. I had pretty much fucked my way through the morning and afternoon so I would go home for the night and see what I felt like in the morning.


When I reached my house, there was a woman in a white dress standing just off the sidewalk. She turned at my approach, standing outside the area I would need to turn into my driveway.

My curiosity got the best of me, so I parked my car and went out to talk to her. When I stepped off of the sidewalk on the street side, I felt her. She was emanating waves of both hot and cold and not just normal variations. I took a step back, and the feeling stopped. It was as if my warding was protecting me.

Real magic, warfare level magic. "What do you want?"

"You're very powerful, but don't know the slightest thing about how to use it," the woman said. She reached out and actually touched a wall of energy, probably associated with the warding.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"You need to stop taking the gold from the cavern underneath your house."

So that's what Gemma had meant. "No."

A flash appeared on the wall, she was probing the warding spell. "You have to leave here sometime."

"You must be related to Natasha Yadanova," I snarked. "Another Wicca promising to strip the skin off my bones."

Another flash appeared on the wall, this time bigger. "Natasha is a guardian, a great teacher."

"You don't seem to be acting like a guardian now," I indicated her hand zapping my warding.

"I am guarding the gold from you for the sake of all the wicca in Los Angeles."

She was zapping my warding, trying to break it. Could I defend my protection spell? All I knew were the basics of magic warfare, would that be enough? I put my hand on the wall opposite hers, and pushed with my mind. The woman went flying back to the middle of the street, landing on her ass and sliding to the opposite curb. Wow.

"So you do have a little kick with that little prick," the woman snapped.

I had taken a lot of comments about my cock over the years, mostly from men or women who had never seen it. Sometimes I took offense, sometimes I didn't. I was going to take offense this time. I stepped through the barrier, and instantly felt the energy she was emanating. I shrugged it off, and was getting ready to do some heating of my own when a portal opened behind her. A hand reached out and yanked her into the glowing light in a manner that reminded me of the Saturday morning cartoons I had watched many years ago.

A figure stepped out of the portal, obscured by the light behind it. When it closed, I could see that it was Samantha Birch. "Sam!" I crossed the street and pulled her into a hug. "What the hell is going on?"

"Let's go into your house. You may have cast a dilation wave when the fighting began, but it will only last a minute or so more."

I was instantly suspicious at her wanting to cross the warding. "We can't talk on the sidewalk?"

Samantha got a thoughtful look on her face. "I swear to you the Oath of No Harm as outlined in the Alamain Zakrona."

"Meaning what?"

"I am intentionally giving up my offensive magic powers in return for crossing your warding. Gaia will act against me in the most unpleasant way that she can think of should I speak falsehood." Samantha jerked her head over her shoulder. "See?"

Where Samantha had indicated, there stood a woman, all in black including cape. "She's a Revenger?"

"'She' can hear you just fine, Madam Stone," the woman said. "Yes, I will tear her limb from limb if need be."

Oh, great. "I believe you, Sam. You're invited." I took her hand and we walked to the front door. I cast a look over my shoulder before going inside, seeing that the woman was still there. "Who is that?"

"That's Julianne Marceau. I'm glad I got here first, or she would have eaten Tatiana alive."

"So my counterattack was doomed to fail?"

"Your counterattack probably would have vaporized Tatiana and the house behind her, Jaci," Samantha sighed. "You took way too much offense at her comment."

"How did you know that?"

"I was in the process of opening the portal and saw the exchange. The time dilation caused a delay on my end, or I would have been here sooner. To really understand that, you need to read the 'portals' book the next time you go into the library."

"Why was...Tatiana here?"

"Your gold, I stress the word 'your,' carries a resonance from every spell it has been used to cast. The most powerful being at the top of the list."

"Okay," I nodded.

"A century and a half ago, my great-grandfather cast an Azelon Enchantment over what is now the greater Los Angeles area. Think a circle one hundred sixty kilometers in diameter."

"I saw that book, it was in the red section of the library," I said.

"That enchantment protects the inhabitants of this area from dark magic and sorcery. It's a safe haven for wicca, all invited with the usual exceptions."

"Yeah, like private homes."

"That house, the one you have in The Hills? You can feel that enchantment resonating in the fabric of the city. Samantha leaned in, conspiratorially. "Even Julianne would have a hard time crossing that line."

"Neat. We got off topic."

Samantha giggled. "I like to gossip sometimes, it comes with the old age. Anyway, the gold used in that enchantment returned to gaia in the form of a god's tear, ready to be used again."


"Some of my sisters believe that the gold you have should not be reused because it will weaken the enchantment. We took a vote as to whether or not we would interfere, and it was four to three in your favor."

"I'm honored. So why was she here? Tatiana?"

"Natalie thought the vote would be in her favor, so she sent her little assassin after you prematurely. I'll let my sisters know that there is a Revenger guarding you and that should settle all further discussion."

"Why did you lead your explanation with resonance? Does that have something to do with how I was located?"

"Silly me," Samantha put her hand up to her mouth. "Our company purchased some gold foil from Arumas, for some project or another, and it had Gramps' resonance. It was tracked back to you using both technology and magic."

"Oh, goodie. Should I be worried about yet another wiccan trying to fry my sorry ass?"

"Well, I'm going to spank Tatiana's ass, both figuratively and literally. I've already chatted with Natalia at The Librarian's request...who have I missed?"

"Morena Wasikowski," I answered.

"The Butcher," Samantha muttered.

"Yes, her."

"I agree with what she did, but I would never endorse it," Samantha sighed. "The Laws of Man should have handled them."

"Then the whole world would know. It'd be Salem all over again."

"True," Samantha conceded. "Why is she after you?"

I had to quote Jacko, "I took two of her daughters and turned them into my personal sex toys. I knocked them both up and they went to New Zealand to shoot a movie."

"Leigh Landreau and her lover Chastity. Chastity is a very powerful healer, she's the one that gave you that rack?"

"Rack," I chuckled. "Yes. When can I see our son or daughter?"

"Soon," Samantha promised.


Starr and Pete eased into the driveway moments after Samantha vanished into a portal. We exchanged information, them telling me that they had a run-in of their own on the way to Long Beach. Their battle was actually a swordfight against a couple of Palamo's goons armed with guns. The fight probably would have gone lethal if a group from the local social club hadn't helped them out. I knew Starr and Pete wouldn't have killed the goons unless it was absolutely necessary. Maiming, they could do that quite well.

Starr and Pete's helpers were members of the Chapter Seven club, a group not known to me but acting with the same mission. They had taxed Palamo's men, probably relieving them of their car and definitely taking their cash. Some lucky family would be gifted with a car which would make their life easier. The taxing was justified, that the clubs were merely taking back the lives which the drug dealers and pimps had stolen from the neighborhood.

During the clean-up time which had followed my defiant act toward the gangs and my unofficial crowning as the Queen of LA, taxing of pimps and drug dealers had been rampant. In the end, I wasn't surprised to hear that not a single dollar of tax missed being put into the general fund.

From that fund, minimal expenses were drawn, the rest returned to the neighborhood. The leaders of the now-rebranded social clubs had tried to get me to take a salary for coming to plant in their parks, but I had refused. That didn't stop them from helping me plant or bringing in trays of flowers. That's what the two enforcers who had freaked Rowan out had been doing. I wasn't going to share that little tidbit with her, not for a while.

That's what started my habit of my drive-by gardening, baffling everyone as to where I would appear. I would appear just long enough to plant and be gone before they could react. Now that I was thinking about it, they could have just as easily called each other, given the prevalence of cellular phones.

Was I subconsciously jamming their phones so that they couldn't contact each other? My truck was distinctive enough, but I also didn't know I was using magic to hide myself, either.

Starr broke me out of my spell by shaking my shoulder. "Gaia to Jaci," she giggled.

"I was just thinking about the new social club that was helping you, and that branched off into something else," I admitted.

"Pete needs to tell you about the observer now," Starr said.


"During the initial skirmish, I had the feeling that we were being watched. I didn't see anybody on the periphery, so I let it go. After the Chapter Seven guys hauled off the goombahs..."

"And their car," Starr added.

Pete's pause was enough. "Was it a woman, all in black with a cape?"

"No this was a guy, two meters tall, built like a linebacker, blonde hair," Pete replied. "He seemed to like Starr's quip about wops bringing guns to a knife fight."

"He also said that magicians shouldn't have to defend their gold, that was his job. Who was he?"

"He's probably a Revenger," I replied. "I wonder why two of them are here in the city?"

"Good question. What would he have done if Starr and I couldn't defend ourselves?"

"He probably would have eaten them alive, or ripped them to pieces and dropped them on Palamo's doorstep," I answered. "That'll probably happen to me if I don't pay you guys a decent wage."

"You're full of shit," Starr gave me a playful shove. "Why aren't you in The Hills boffing your houseful of surrogates?"

"I needed some alone time. If you guys are staying here I'll go for a drive."

"You should at least shower and change," Starr indicated my clothes. "Get into something casual, make a run to Long Beach?"

"Okay,* I agreed. "Don't put more than a hundred kilos in my car."

"Will do."

An outfit was laid out for me when I got out of the shower. It was a flowered athleisure outfit, including new shoes. First there was Pete hinting about me taking a run to Long Beach, then a clothing fit for a casual date? They were setting me up for someone, which wasn't entirely kosher. I constantly complained about all the women Francine was throwing at me and they wanted to make it one more? Fuck. I was going to wring their necks but Starr and Pete had gone to bed, I could hear them fucking through their bedroom door.

I picked up a set of escorts driving BMW sedans when I exited the warding which hid my house from my watchers. I contemplated losing them, but called Marcie instead. She was awake, and could hear Calvin sucking on her nipple. "Hello, ma'am," she giggled.

"I have followers," I said.

"They are ours. When I say 'ours,' I mean not of the club."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"We aren't using security teams that are tied into the club network anymore. Your teams are the same, just with different bosses."


"Frannie and Amy," Marcie replied. "Please don't lose the follow cars, Frannie would be sick if something happened to you."

"Marcie, I'm going to Long Beach," I admitted.

"Your destination and your transactions are limited to me, Frannie, and your security. Club security, and especially Miranda Olsen, will not know of anything you do from now on."

"Okay," I agreed.

"Thank you."

The follow cars took station outside Aruma's main gate. I found a cart and wheeled it over to the edge of the dock. I gingerly lifted the canisters up, afraid to get any dirt on my pretty flowered athletic suit.

When I got back to the stairs, a large hand reached down to escort me up. "Hello, little lady," Travis said.
