Jack and Jackie


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He decided to take his classic red 66 Mustang convertible instead of the beat up F-250 he normally drove. It had always made him feel younger when he drove it. He kept it in perfect condition even though he had only driven it about a hundred fifty miles in the last ten years, and when he fired it up and backed out of the garage, the familiar rumbling sent a tingle up his spine. He couldn't resist to floor it, and dump the clutch after he was in the street in front of his house. The roar of the 289 coupled with the squealing of the rear tires and the smell of burnt rubber snapped him out of his funk and gave him the confidence he needed.

As Jackie walked the two blocks from the old warehouse to her apartment, her head was in the clouds. "I've always had a thing for older men, but this man is so incredibly sexy and probably doesn't realize it," she thought.

She had never been attracted to men her own age. Even when she was a teenager living in a small village outside of Cincinnati, Ohio, she ignored the advances of boys her age, telling them "I want a man, not a boy!" which confused them all and earned her a reputation of being a 'tight assed bitch'. She had never been to bed with anyone less than ten years older than her.

The man who took her virginity when she was fifteen, was her thirty-eight year old divorced next door neighbor. When her daddy caught them in bed together, he grabbed 'the pervert who defiled his daughter' and beat him within an inch of his life. Nothing ever happened though, because 'Daddy' was the County Sherriff.

Jackie got dressed, packed her bags and left that night, not returning home until her father's funeral fifteen years later. Her father's drinking and smoking had given him the cancer that would take his life at forty-nine.

She moved in with her aunt Jesse across the Ohio River in Newport, Kentucky, and used her skills at dance to work at a local studio, teaching and learning at the same time. At nineteen, she took a job at a 'Gentlemen's Club' and turned her talents into what she thought was 'real money'.

That was where she met Howard Walton, the owner of the local Caddy dealership and a real 'high roller', or so she thought. He was tall, rich, and handsome. He showered her with gifts, and 'swept her off her feet'.

She accepted his diamond and marriage proposal after a six month 'courtship' which amounted to him showing up at the club three days a week. He would 'buy her time' and they would drink champagne in the 'private dance room' where they fucked like teenagers.

Although Howie, as his buddies called him, was forty nine, he was very virile and 'hung like a horse'. As long as he was drunk, she had no trouble keeping up with him, but when she became pregnant three months after their 'wedding' that was held at the club, he moved her into a small apartment two blocks from the club.

He made her continue to 'dance' until she started to show. After her eldest son Zackary's birth, Howie told her she had to go back to work, stripping at the club and sucking the 'high rollers' cocks. Her 'husband' had no problem with her doing this, because he was a 'silent partner' in the club, and got a percentage of everything, and she was the 'Star Attraction' at the club.

On a visit to her aunt with four month old Zack, she told Jesse about her quandary. Her aunt Jesse just smiled and told her "Sweetie, don't you know that you are not really married to Howie? My friend Alice works at the county clerk's office and she told me that he never even registered your 'fake' marriage license. There's talk that he has three other girls around the county just like you. Go get your stuff together and come back here as soon as you can. I'll watch Zack while you do it and drive you my sister-in-law Connie's in Indiana. He'll never find you there. If he asks, I'll threaten to sick your daddy on him. The Sherriff is the only one around here who scares Howard Walton."

It only took Jackie ten minutes to pack up her things and a few more to get back to Jesse's house. Then Jackie packed the station wagon as Jesse watched the baby, she wrote a note for her husband to explain her actions. She knew that Harry would fill in his brother-in-law, the Sherriff. He still loved his daughter, even though she would have nothing to do with her daddy, and he would protect her with his last dying breath.

They drove all night, arriving at Connie's place early the next morning. Connie lived in a farm house on a small lot that was all that was left of her late husband's family farm. He had donated it to the Indiana University Agriculture Department when he could no longer work the farm due to his declining health. The college set up an endowment to take care of the family, and as long as a family member lived in the house it was rent and tax free.

As soon as Jackie and her baby were settled, Jesse took a four hour nap, before she started for home in Cincinnati, knowing her niece was safe. About two weeks later, Connie had Jackie bundled up Zack and took them both to the registrar's office on campus. Unbeknownst to the young woman, Connie had Jackie's school transcripts sent to her.

Even though she had not been in a classroom in more than four years, her grades were good enough to gain her admission to IU's Arts program. After four years, Jackie was about to receive her Baccalaureate Degree in Fine Arts. She had become an accomplished painter and sculptor, and she had also been accepted into the University's classic and interpretive dance program. She was also making extra money teaching young girls ballet.

During the last year of her undergrad classes, she started dating one of the local boys who was working for the IU Agriculture Department on the farm where she and little Zack lived. They met when he saw her sketching the farmhands at work in the fields. They became intimate soon after he posed nude for her in the barn as she sketched him for one of her class projects.

They were married soon after she got her Baccalaureate degree, and daughter Brandy was born a year later. Jackie was able to get a fellowship for her Masters, and continued to teach Art and Dance.

Two more girls, Shelby, and Audrey, soon joined the family, but when Bobbie was laid off due to budget cuts, he started drinking, and the couple's relationship deteriorated. When he ran off with a stripper from a local club, Jackie filed for, and was granted a divorce on the grounds of desertion.

Jackie worked hard over the next four years, and finally earned a Doctorate in Fine Arts, which came with a permanent position on the staff at IU.

She continued to throw herself into her work, and was a senior member of the faculty by the time that her youngest daughter graduated from high school. Audrey was accepted at Indiana State University with a full academic scholarship and also had an athletic scholarship because she was captain of her high school's State Championship softball team.

At the same time, Jackie had been offered a job at the State of Illinois Arts Commission at UIUC in Urbana, IL, that amounted to a promotion, and significant salary increase. She had been offered this position several times before, but had respectfully declined, because her children were still minors. This time she considered their offer, because her youngest was over eighteen, and the salary she was offered was too much to turn down.

Because her Aunt Jesse, and Uncle Harry had returned to Bloomington for Audrey's graduation, Jackie gathered her family together to ask everyone what the thought about the job offer.

Every member of her family told her to 'go for it'. They told her she deserved it, because she had provided for them, and were on their own. Her aunt and uncle also wished her well, and gave her a used Honda sedan he no longer needed for transportation.

She accepted the offer, and tendered her resignation the next week. When she arrived in Urbana, she was told that her position with the Illinois State Arts Commission had been moved to the Springfield Illinois campus.

When she finally arrived at the office in state capitol, she was informed that, although her office was technically in Springfield, she would be travelling all over the state to all of the state run universities. As long as she had a laptop computer, which the commission provided, she could live and work from anywhere in Illinois. She could even work from Indiana, part time, as long as she had a high speed internet connection.

She was told that all of the housing in Springfield was currently occupied, but there was a duplex apartment on the Illinois State University campus in Normal with a high speed internet connection, and a studio nearby for her to use for her art. She agreed, and as soon as she signed all of their forms, she was given her laptop, and the apartment keys.

She arrived in Normal at 4PM, and was surprised that the other side of the duplex was occupied by a beautiful brunette sculptor named Shelby, who helped her settle in. They went to a local restaurant for dinner together, and they immediately became friends.

They both talked about their past lives, and after Jackie told her new friend that she used to dance in a 'Gentlemen's Club', Shelby asked, "Do you like girls?"

Jackie said that she liked both men and women, but it had been since she was a teenager since she last shared a bed with a woman. They finished dinner and spent the night together in Shelby's king-sized bed.

Her new friend took Jackie to heights of sexual euphoria she had not experienced in years, and they fell asleep together, after exhausting each other. When they awoke, the room reeked from the aroma of their combined juices, and they were both sticky from them as well. They climbed into the shower, and ate breakfast together, not bothering to dress until after they had spent the morning enjoying each other's bodies.

After they finally got dressed, around noon, Shelby showed Jackie the studio she was allowed to use on the upper floor of an old warehouse the school owned, two blocks from their duplex. After that, Shelby showed her around the campus, and the town of Normal.

After they returned to their place, she showed Jackie the locked hidden doors between the two units. They unlocked both sides, deciding that it would be much easier for them to share the much larger double unit instead of two smaller apartments. Since they were spending so much time together anyway, it was more convenient for them that way.

Over the next several months, Jackie settled into her new Sapphic relationship with Shelby, and soon discovered how her job involved her visiting all of the Illinois universities worked. She was given a generous travel voucher program, and often used Amtrak to commute to the Chicago schools and Carbondale to save wear and tear on the aging Honda.

During this time she adopted a stray cat that she found huddled under her car one morning. She named him Louie, after Anne Hathaway's character's cat in 'The Princess Diaries'.

Also, Shelby introduced Jackie to all of her artist friends. It was because of her association with them, that she was waiting in the warehouse studio prepared to model for several local photographers the day she met Jack.

'You certainly have been through a lot of shit, girl,' she thought to herself, snapping back to the present, as she got ready for her 'date' with this handsome older gentleman. She wore a simple black dress that clung to her curves, with thigh high sheer black stockings and black four inch heels.

She wore no bra or panties tonight, because of how wet this man had made her, just by kissing her. She knew he wanted her, and she had decided she was going to have his cock in her before this night was over.

"Got a hot date?" Shelby asked, as she peeked into the bathroom.

"Yes, I'm going to fuck a very handsome older photographer tonight." Jackie said with an evil grin on her face.

"Who is this mystery man?" Shelby asked.

"I just met him today, through the photography club. Everyone cancelled but him today, and we really clicked. It made me wet just posing for him, and I feel like a schoolgirl again."

Just then they both heard the rumble of a Ford V8 outside of the duplex. Shelby ran into the other room and peeked between the gap in the curtains.

She ran back into the bathroom and said, "He looks handsome alright, and he has a really cool ride. Good luck sweetheart."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Jackie used what composure she still possessed and walked slowly to the door and opened it to greet a man she had just met, earlier that day.

When she saw how he was dressed, and the cool car he had driven, she almost came right on her doorstep. 'Woa girl, calm down, If he smells how horny you are, you won't even get dinner out of him tonight.' She thought as she put her arm through his and walked down the sidewalk to his beautifully restored classic convertible.

He opened the car door, closed it after her, walked around the car, got in, and asked, "So beautiful, where am I taking you?"

She almost swooned, had trouble thinking and putting a sentence together, and forgetting about 'The Grotto', she finally said, "Outback on Veteran's Parkway." He nodded and drove out to the parkway on the east edge of Normal and headed south to the restaurant.

They were seated, ordered cocktails and dinner, ate, drank, and talked for the next three hours, both not realizing how much time had passed. Later, when he walked her to the door of her duplex, she invited him in for a drink. As they were sitting on her couch, just looking into each other's eyes, he leaned in and as he started to kiss her, she met him half-way.

When they broke the passionate kiss, she said, "Come to bed." He didn't question her, he just took off his blazer, left it on the couch, and followed her into the bedroom. They both undressed at the same time, and when she saw how big his cock was and that it was fully erect, she almost fainted.

She grabbed it with both hands, pulled him to the bed by it, sat down on the bed, and tried to swallow him.

He felt light headed, and gently held her head, pulling her mouth off of him before he exploded down her throat. He gently laid her on the bed, and started to kiss and lick his way up the insides of her thighs.

When he reached her vulva, she was leaking profusely, and when he started to 'drink from the well', she started to climb the mountain toward her orgasm. When he spread her vulva open and stuck his tongue deep into her vagina, she was on the edge. When he stuck two fingers inside of her and sucked her clitoris and hood into his mouth, she went off like a Roman candle on the 4th of July!

Emboldened by his success, when she opened her eyes, he asked her, "Are you ready for round two?"

When she nodded, he lined up his thick nine inch cock with her vagina, and with one long, slow, steady stroke, he drove into her, causing her to have another orgasm when he hit bottom. He started to slowly stroke out and in, and gradually increased his speed and urgency, keeping her on the edge of euphoria, until he felt a familiar burning in his loins. When she felt him explode inside of her, she came with him, screaming like a banshee!

They lay in each other's arms sweating and panting, until she opened her eyes, kissed him and said, "Old man my ass! You are a fucking sex machine."

Just then Shelby came bursting through the door holding an aluminum softball bat menacingly. When she sat the two naked lovers entangled in the sheets and their respective limbs, she said, "Holy fuck Jackie, I'm sorry, but it sounded like he was killing you." When Jack rolled off of Jackie, and Shelby saw the size of his 'weapon', she said, "OK, now I understand what all the noise was all about. Wow, look at the size of that thing!" and excused herself, quietly leaving the room.

Jack looked at his new lover and asked, "Will she be asking you to share me with her?"

Jackie laughed and said, "It could be either way, you see she's bi." They both laughed, and spent the rest of the night together.

The next morning, Jack and Jackie showered together, after having an early morning romp, and joined Shelby for breakfast, who had taken off her PJ's so she wouldn't be overdressed.

After they finished eating, Shelby asked Jackie if she could 'sample the merchandise'. When Jackie said yes, the brunette got down on her knees, and sucked Jack to completion.

When she was finished, she stood up and told everyone she had to go to work, and kissed Jack after saying, "I will definitely want some more of this, you taste yummy!"

Since Jack was retired, and Jackie had no appointments until the next afternoon in Springfield, the couple spent the rest of the day in bed, satisfying each other's urges. When they were tired, they slept until they woke, and continued fucking each other into oblivion. When Shelby came home, she brought Chinese takeout, and the three ate every bite.

After dinner, they spent the night in Shelby's bed, trying out every perversion that two women and one man could devise. He started out on his back with Jackie riding his cock and Shelby riding his tongue, and switched every time someone had an orgasm. When Jack finally fell asleep around two in the morning, the two girls spent until dawn licking, fingering, and scissoring each other, until they fell sound asleep.

When Jack woke up at ten the next morning, he was unable to wake the two unconscious ladies. He dressed, and wrote them a love note, thanking them for the time they allowed him to spend with them. He apologized for leaving, saying he was exhausted, and needed a few days to rest.

When he got home he ate some leftovers from his refrigerator, and went to bed. He woke up at six the next morning, and as he ate breakfast, he remembered the photos he took of Jackie, two days before. He went into his office and turned on his I-Mac. While it booted up, he finished breakfast, and cleaned up the kitchen.

When he walked back into his office, the computer was ready to go, so he opened Adobe Lightroom, and inserted the CF memory card into the card reader and waited for the RAW photo files to load from the card into his computer's memory. When the download finished, he renamed the destination file with the date of the shoot (yyyy-mm-dd), then Jacqueline, and RAW(the type of files they were). He created a file with the same name, but subtitled JPG for the type of files created by the Lightroom edits.

Next he opened the RAW files in lightroom and started editing them. By lunchtime he had edited just over 250 of the files from the shoot. After lunch, he got half way through the images, and by the time he decided to quit for the day at 10PM he had gone through all 1080 images, with more than 870 of them usable. This meant, as he thought the day of the shoot, that 80 percent of the images they created were 'keepers'.

By noon the next day, he was finished with the initial editing, and realized that he had not turned his cell phone on since he turned it off and plugged in in to charge it when he came home the previous morning.

When he turned his phone on, there were twelve messages from Jackie, so he called her immediately. When she didn't answer, he left her a long apologetic message, explaining why he hadn't answered his phone.

Before his phone finally rang at 5PM, Jack was convinced that he had really screwed up. He answered it on the second ring, and started apologizing right away, saying how he was so distracted by how beautiful she was in the photos, he almost thought she was in the room with him.

She first thought, 'What a load of BS,' until she realized how excited he sounded on the phone, about the quality of the images, and how beautiful he thought she was.

When he could tell she had calmed down, he asked her, "Would you like to come over for dinner."