Jacking & Jilling - A Sister's Lust

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Sally can't help watching and joining in...
9.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 12/04/2022
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Jacking & Jilling - A Sister's Lust

Chapter 1

The sun was August hot, beating down on the thick, dried earth he was stripping dead weeds from. He stood shirtless, firm and strong, in the backyard, toiling away. Sweat poured down his torso from the top of his head, and the faintest of breezes cooled him from his forehead to his waist. Pausing, he took a long pull from the flask of ice water on the stool beside where he had just laid the clippers down. It was a good, honest tired he felt, but something more besides.

Every movement of his jeans against his waist, and the thick denim over his crotch, reminded him of Betsy, who had loved to pull his pants off him with a covetous, sassy grin the only warning, down his trim buttocks, past his thighs. She had initiated him into sex on his eighteenth birthday, over a year ago, treating him to his first blowjob, then his first lay days later, and he remembered the sensation, his cock now reacting to the ghostly recall of her lips and tongue, teasing the length of his rigid shaft for long minutes, until she stopped teasing and sucked his cock with gusto, letting him spatter cum on her face and tongue. He'd eaten her pussy several times, and he knew he loved it as much as she did.

And now she was gone.

I wish you were here, Betsy. I wish you were naked and riding me, wish I could cum inside you again right now... It felt so real in his mind, but in reality there was just the rubbing of his jeans on his restive cock as he moved, bent, pulled, stood and tossed...

Billy glanced furtively down his stomach, saw the crotch of his jeans swollen, tented, his thick erection almost battering against his zipper, ready to burst forth. It was uncomfortably tight, and he felt the familiar yearning for Betsy's pussy or mouth around it. He looked around, feeling guilty even for checking, even before he touched himself, almost wanting someone to catch him.

The Taylors were out of town until Monday, their house empty of all energy, cool and silent as the sun bore down. The eight-foot tall fence surrounding the yard meant no passersby could see what he wanted to do. The second-story windows of the house next door were dark and empty, and he knew no-one was home there, either, until later this afternoon. No-one to watch him, catch him doing what he needed right now...

Fuck it.

Panting softly in desire, feeling guilt and anticipation that was almost as tantalizing as the climax he was intent upon, Billy undid his belt, opened his jeans, and pulled them down to his thighs. His hard-on throbbed, thick in his palm as his fingers encircled it, stirring as he started to rub and caress the rigid flesh. He cradled his hard-on, standing and leaning in the half-weeded yard, and planted his left hand against the trunk of the tree for balance, feeling his right hand take over and move of its own accord. He moaned at the first shiver of pleasure up and down his body. It felt good.


She was home early, more than two hours. The diner where she worked her summer job had been hit by a power outage, not unusual this time of year. The house was already getting hot and stuffy, as the outage had hit here, too. Hungry, she went to the cupboard and grabbed a small handful of crackers and a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter on a plate. No point in opening the refrigerator, much less the freezer, while everything was dark and letting the cold leak out into the warming room.

Her afternoon snack finished quickly, chased by some still cool tap water, Sally headed upstairs to change out of her hostess' uniform. A cool shower would revive her, and she could wait downstairs in the living room after, staying as cool as possible. She wished there were going to be hot water; she was also horny as hell, and the cool water streaming through the pipes wasn't likely to be enough to get herself off. Maybe afterwards, she could lie naked on her bed, use her dildo, touch herself in time to the memory of the last time Trevor had touched her, licked her, fucked her...

Her bedroom overlooked the backyard, gauzy yellow curtains spread, brilliant summer sunlight streaming in. The room wasn't quite stifling, and she paused a moment, feeling the heat and stillness, wishing she was about to be naked for more fun and intimate reasons. She pulled her uniform off slowly, dragging the coarse linen over her body, gasping at the feel of the fabric sliding over her skin. She brushed her fingertips, as if by accident, over her erect nipples, cooing with pleasure at the sensation, then reached tentatively down to her panties, slipping her middle finger under the waistband to graze against the curly blonde pubes, eager for any touch, even if it was for now only hers.

She slipped her bra and panties off and admired herself, albeit a little critically, in front of the full-length mirror on her closet door. She was twenty-four, to her eyes a little too wide at her hips, with full and perky breasts, a flat tummy and well-rounded buttocks. She was well-tanned, with the telltale patches of pale skin where she wore a two-piece when sunning herself.

Her hazel eyes were, she'd been told, one of her most interesting features, green in some light, blue other times, and men loved the way she genuinely laughed at their jokes, and how her eyes closed halfway when she neared an orgasm. Her golden hair was shoulder-length and full, bouncy as she pulled the bobby pins away, letting it down from its accustomed work bun. Sally's nails, hand and foot, were a bright, inviting scarlet, slightly glittery, called Ravish Me! Red if her memory was correct.

Sally knew intellectually 'C' was the average cup size, but she'd felt unimpressive in the showers with the other women in high school, whose tits she was certain were further along in the alphabet than hers. The memory of a late afternoon romp with another boyfriend after hours in the women's showers at the college made her heart skip a beat. You are such a very randy little girl!, Trevor had told her more than once with genuine wonder and appreciation. She laughed quietly, feeling her inner heat rise with the remembered compliment, and all that had come afterwards, then reached for her bush, watching her reflection stroking and parting the soft, curly pubes and exposing the pink slit beneath.

A shower can wait, she decided firmly. She opened her closet and stretched up to grab a vase from the top shelf, extracted her vibrator from within the fake flower arrangement. Sally was sure her mother had never found it, even suspected its existence the past few years, and she felt a sensual thrill at the feel of the slender, soft rod.

Leaving the closet door open to remind herself to put the device away when she was finished violating herself, Sally stepped over to the windowsill. Their house was at a cul-de-sac, nothing behind it but the forested park, and she was certain no-one would see her. She gripped the windowsill with one hand and leaned forward, let the sun warm her body all over. Even through the glass, the rays on her skin felt wonderful. She lifted the dildo and turned it to a medium setting. For the next two hours or so, the house was all hers, and she saw no point in rushing to her solo climax.

Sally glanced out the window, let her eyes lazily scan their yard, then she noticed motion in the corner of her eye, and she looked over to the yard next door. She gasped in surprise at the vision before her. He opened his jeans, then stripped them down to his knees, displaying the magnificent protrusion she'd always known he, like all boys, had but she had never seen, never considered even trying to see.

From his thighs upward, he was as naked as she was. His tanned and fit body was handsome and breathtaking to behold, most of his body bronzed by the same rays she was reveling in. Like her, he apparently always kept his swimsuit on when swimming; his buttocks were a pale cottontail, and she found the view intoxicating, alluring. His hair, like hers, was blonde, though much shorter, almost a crew cut, and she her eyes fixed on him as she saw him take his cock in his right hand and start to masturbate. She watched each shift of his muscles, his firm buttocks, thick, strong arms, as he slowly began to rub his aroused hard-on next to the neighbors' tree.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she was transfixed. I shouldn't watch. And yet she couldn't look away, evade the decent view of his wholly indecent and sexy act. Her left middle finger played gently with her clit, and she used her other fingers to claim the moisture leaking between her labia, coating and warming it. A thrill traveled up her spine and across her body as she watched him and massaged herself intimately.

Part of her was still resisting, struggling in vain for her to stop. This is wrong! I shouldn't be watching him... Especially not him... That meek argument was beaten down mercilessly by the sight below her. It had been months since Trevor had gone home, back to Jolly Old England, as he often called it, and she felt his absence keenly, desperate now for the touch of a man by her side or on top of her, humping her or licking her until she felt the glorious gift of an orgasm, given by another...

Her eyes fixated upon Billy's hand, rubbing the hardened dick nestled in it, gradually speeding up, seeking the release she'd last felt two weeks ago at her own touch and help of her vibrator, not a gift but self-help, she knew. His girlfriend Betsy had moved out of town in early June, and Sally assumed his need for release was as great as her own, wondered how often he got himself off in their shared shower and bathroom. Now she let her eyes travel up and down his nearly naked form, exploring her hole by feel, reveling in the moist, thick warmth.

She couldn't hear him, but saw his mouth widen as his breathing and lone hand sped up. Unable to bear further delay, Sally spread her slick labia and slid the buzzing vibrator inside her, felt her slickness coat the tool as it moved in and out in time to Billy's jacking off below in the adjacent yard. Introductions complete, she trailed her left hand up her belly to her full tits, caressing each one in turn, gasping as her erect nipples rubbed back against her palms. She moaned once, shockingly loud, but Billy didn't turn, didn't look up.

Oh, fuck this is wrong watching him playing with himself and seeing him cum and I can't help it God it's so dirty and sinful and I want to see it and watch him cum a big creamy load out... It didn't stop her, and she imagined what it would feel like to have that hard-on, that forbidden cock, making its way between her wet and hungry labia and into her, fucking her on the bed or in the shower or outside, on her back, straddling his thick member or maybe on all fours, fucking her doggy-style.

Her pussy was almost dripping, and she heard the wet squelch of her toy inside her. She imagined she felt a rivulet of her juices slink maddeningly slowly down the inside of her thigh, and it drove her wild with want, with covetous need. I wish you could come upstairs and fuck me, Billy, right now, she whispered to herself, sick with need and very filled with wicked longing.


Billy's breathing was ragged, still inaudible over the sound of the faint breeze playing through the leaves over his head, cooling and crystallizing the sweat still pouring down his body. Stopping for a moment, he wet his hand with his tongue, and resumed jacking off. His mind replayed the last time with Betsy at the end of May, their last hurrah, as it were, sticking his cock inside her moist twat and humping her hard and fast in the back of her father's SUV.

He had pumped her full of cum to the accompaniment of her shrill cries, and he'd pulled out, his moans and hers filling the spacious backseat. Betsy had turned around immediately and leaned him back, taking him inside her mouth and sucking the last of his semen down, keeping the thick fluid from getting on the leather seats. That loving task complete, she'd lain back naked against him, letting him caress her breasts as they relaxed.

"I'll be back for Christmas, Billy. Can't wait to see you, feel you on me, in me..." Her giggle was bittersweet. "Unless you fall for someone else in the meantime."

"Only you, Betsy, only you..." She'd snuggled back into him, and he heard more than saw her smile in the darkness.

It was two months later without her touch or lips or pussy on his cock, and Billy was close to unleashing his load onto the weeds the neighbors had hired him to clear. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, imagining Betsy's mouth on his hard-on, moist and willing and agile, and he was jacking faster and faster, almost there...


Sally moaned louder, the shock of seeing Billy's first spurt of cum leap forth nearly a foot from his swollen purple glans, followed quickly by three or four others. He was leaning forward, careful not to get any in his shorts or jeans. She saw his mouth open silently, his head back, rubbing load after load out of his dick and onto the plants at his feet.

He started slowing down, wringing the last of his load out of his dick, but Sally wasn't nearly done, and as soon as he finished, she sprang to her bed, still unmade from the morning. Lying back, she twisted the knob to its highest setting, lifting her legs in the air, drove the vibrator into her neglected pussy, quickly, almost brutally. In moments, she screamed in ecstasy, letting her lust overtake her, waves of sensation radiating outward from her clit to the rest of her body, making the tips of her toes and fingers pulsate in time to her heartbeat.

Spent, she dropped her legs back down onto the bed, thighs still parted, the dildo working in and out, almost by reflex, as she panted in repose. Fuck me, but that was so hot... She missed Trevor even more now, wished for his touch, and contented herself with her hand and dildo for a little longer.

After a couple of minutes lying in the cooling puddle of pussy juices, she levered herself off the bed, padded into the Jack & Jill bathroom to rinse her dildo, then put it away before staggering to the shower, turning it to cool, soaking for several minutes as the quivering of her body subsided. Her thoughts turned to watching Billy by the tree. I'm such a fucking pervert, she thought under the cool stream, panting from the tepid water and the memory of watching him jacking off privately.


The power came back on moments after she had donned clean underwear, a t-shirt dedicated to Hello Kitty, pink shorts and ankle socks. Heading downstairs, she felt the renewed flow of cool air from the air conditioning, and sighed.

Her mother came in the front door a couple of minutes later. "You're home early, Sally." It wasn't quite an accusation, nor was it a question, but she felt compelled to explain. The power of Mom compels you, the power of Mom compels you... Sally fought back an impudent grin, and answered the implied interrogation.

"Power went out at the diner. After about thirty minutes they sent us home after putting away all the food and getting the last customer's out. The generator will make sure everything keeps until morning, except the salad. Probably closed for the night, but I'll call and check in, in a few minutes."

Her mother cocked her head to one side, considering, then nodded once. "No, you're probably right. Did you open the fridge?"

"No, ma'am, kept it closed."

Her mother looked satisfied with that answer, and turned and opened her mouth to speak towards the couch, but its lone occupant spoke first.

"Me neither, Mom. Grabbed a Slim Jim from the pantry. Two of them." Sally followed her mother's gaze, watched Billy, lounging on the couch in sweaty clothes--and underwear, she guessed--munching lazily on the second meaty treat.

Sally blushed, and coughed to cover it. "You okay, Sally?" Her mother sounded concerned, put a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, Mom, just a cough, no big worry. I'm going to lie down, okay?"

"You just got down here!"

"I know, but I'm pretty tired, actually. I was going to sleep on the couch 'til you came home, but the air's back on, so it'll be cool in my room now."

Mom and Billy waved to her as she headed back upstairs and closed her door quickly, not quite slamming it in her embarrassment. He doesn't know I watched...obviously. So fucking wrong for me to watch my own brother jacking off, then get myself off watching! She sighed, and sat on the edge of her bed, smelling her musk in the air, rising from the small pond of her still fragrant pussy juices. Got to change these sheets!

Instead of stripping the bed, she slipped her shorts off, touching her twat through the once more slightly damp panties. She felt ashamed and aroused, and squeezed her crotch, palmed it and put pressure on her labia and bush, clasping her sensitive crotch rhythmically. Lying back, Sally replayed in her mind's eye what she'd seen Billy doing little over an hour ago, recalling his thick cock, the slow way he had rubbed it, before speeding up, ejaculating all over the weeds and ground.

So much cum... He must be as horny as I am...

She slipped her fingers underneath the waistband, felt the delicate hairs of her bush, only a shade or two darker than the blonde tresses on her scalp. They were downy soft, and shifted as her fingers played over the soft, curly hairs.

Fuck but I'm a dirty little girl, so fucking dirty... Fuck, Billy, fuck! You got me so horny, it's your fault I'm playing with my pussy, wishing you were here to watch... Against her better judgment, and will, she closed her eyes, imagined him on top of her, naked and thrusting that hefty rod inside her, the feel of it nestled inside her hole, moving in and out, the sensation of his body against hers, his chest against her tits, his hips rubbing against the inside of her thighs as he pounded her relentlessly...

Throwing caution to the wind, she sat up and pulled off her shirt, then her panties, then lay back in the center of her bed. Her juices from earlier were mostly dried, the remainder cold and clammy, and the thought of adding to the remaining dampness gave her an indecent thrill. The musky scent of her earlier orgasm wound her up further. With a force of will, she replaced Billy with her memories of Trevor, doing exactly the same things.

Raising her legs into the air, pressing her knees against her breasts, Sally felt along the backs of her thighs, then the rest of her body, thrilling to her own touch, expelling a single faint sigh into the air. She had already employed her dildo earlier, and now she wanted to feel the warm, thick juices on her fingers, taste them for herself and thought again about Billy getting himself off, knowing that she would cum just as hard, harder even, with only her fingers now.

She fondled her breasts and tummy and flanks, while slowly fingering her pussy with first one, then two fingers, glorying in her touch all along her body, her mouth screaming silently so no-one else would know she was playing. It took half an hour and three climaxes to bring herself back from a rolling boil to a slow simmer. Her legs drifted back down to the mattress, and she finally slowed down, imagining Trevor's cock as he was about to pull out, but her treacherous mind turned it into Billy withdrawing his...

Her door opened without warning, Billy peering around it. She swore silently at herself for forgetting to lock it, especially today, especially now. "Hey, Sis, Mom said dinner's going to be ready in about fif..." His voice trailed off, replaced by slow panting, then he whispered, "Fuck Sis! I'm sorry, I didn't know you weren't...decent." His eyes were wide as full moons, drinking in her beauty as she turned and sat on the edge of the bed.