Jail Bite


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"Nothing. That's the point," Sabre sneered. "We go get food at two, rec time until four. Then more nothing. Were you expecting some sort of resort here?"

"Oh. Right," Percy looked around the small cell uncomfortably, then went to sit on the bed. He watched as Sabre dropped himself to the floor and completed a series of curls and sit ups. The man's large muscles bunched under his skin, sweat starting to roll down his chest. The musky smell alone was heating up Percy's body, his wolf wagging its tail in anticipation. This was going to a long day in a series of long months and years.


Sabre watched as Percy choked down the tough meat, dark blood tickling down his chin is messy rivulets. The prison didn't even bother to cook the food they served. Their everyday menu consisted of raw meat, withered vegetables, and fruit. Sabre had already swallowed down his portion, which had been considerably bigger than Percy's. Since they weren't given any utensils, Percy had to use to his hands. He ripped off dainty little bits and chewed the small pieces with great determination. He'd already picked off the few bits of veggies and fruit on his plate. Sabre had kindly given Percy his share of veggies and fruit when he'd felt the were's longing gaze on the dried greens.

"You eat like a girl," Sabre remarked.

Percy looked away from his breakfast and give him a small, cute glare. Groaning inwardly at his inane thoughts, he vowed to himself that nothing else the were did would be called cute.

"Just because I choose not to grab it up and shove more than half of it down my throat like a shifted were does not make me girly," he sniffed, taking an even daintier bite this time.

Sabre snorted. "I didn't say you were a girl, just said you ate like one." When Percy didn't comment, Sabre smirked. "Wonder what else you do like a girl."

Percy pursed his lips, the two plump morsels stained a deep red. And goddammit it if it wasn't cute, too. "I-This isn't as bad as I thought it would be," he said with a gesture to the scarps of meat in his hand, his transparent attempts at diverting the conversation bringing a grin to Sabre's face. But since the red of Percy's blush was about to overtake the intensity of the blood around his mouth, Sabre decided to let it slide.

"What kind of shit food did they feed you in your pack?" Sabre growled incredulously. The meat they were given were only days from going bad, sometimes it was over a reasonable date. The only reason he got the meat that hadn't yet gone rotten was because of the reputation he'd purposefully made for himself when he first got here nine years ago.

Percy popped off the last morsel of red meat then proceeded to lick off the lingering blood staining his fingers. Sabre was hard-pressed to repress a torturous groan as Percy's pink little tongue lapped up the liquid like it was ambrosia. But just because Sabre couldn't groan like an adolescent boy finding his first stash of porn didn't mean Percy couldn't. The sounds coming out of the little wolf as he enjoyed his meal should be illegal; at least they should be in a prison full of paranormal that pounced on anything that was weaker than them. And Percy was defiantly on the lowest rung of the totem pole.

With a content sigh, Percy shifted back on the bed until his back rested against the cool walls. He cupped his hands over his slightly protruding belly and looked sheepishly across at the reptile resting on a steel chair besides the bed.

"I ate what the alpha and the pack gave me. Usually it was after everyone else had finished eating, even the young ones. Whatever was left I was given. Sometimes it was a feast and sometimes...well sometimes it was nothing at all." The scowl on Sabre's face darkened with each of Percy's nonchalant words. "But-but that was only during the winter seasons when prey was slim," Percy hurried to reassure. Inside, however, his wolf was secretly pleased that Sabre was so upset at his treatment. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary or cruel; that was how all packs worked.

Sabre shoved away from his chair and went to the sink to wash his hands. Normally he would have licked them off like Percy had done but he'd suddenly lost all appetite. "No fucking wonder. You should be glad to be rid of them," he muttered.

Since Sabre's back was to Percy, he missed the small smile that graced the wolf's adorable face. "Maybe," the wolf whispered mostly to himself but Sabre heard nonetheless. Sabre glanced back at the wolf but Percy merely blinked innocently at him.

"So what do we do for the rest of the day?" Percy asked once Sabre was sitting in front of him again. He sat with his legs folded under him and his hands clasped in his lap.

Tipping his chair back and balancing on two legs, Sabre scowled at the wolf. "Not we. I. and I just sit here with my thoughts."


The single syllable shouldn't have sounded so devastating but it did. Sabre growled at the need to offer some type of activity to occupy Percy; he wasn't a goddamn dog to entertain the man. He knew what kind of activity he'd like to do with Percy but he had a feeling that the man would give him more than a few scratches if he tried anything. His fingers unconsciously went to his face were the scratch marks had been but felt only rough, stubbled skin. But after a measly four minutes of berating himself for being so weak, Sabre felt his resolve shatter when he saw Percy had hugged a pillow to his chest and was sniffing it discreetly. It was Sabre's pillow.

"We could, ah, play a game?" Sabre suggested lamely. He wanted to take back the words even before he'd uttered them. But Percy's shining and hopeful eyes dissuaded him.

"Really? What game do you want to play? I don't suppose we can get cards in here do you?" Percy asked excitedly, not unlike a puppy.

He shrugged. "I can get you cards." Hell, he could threaten anything out of the guards.

"Oh, yes please!" Percy nodded his head. Sabre was sure that if Percy had had a tail in this form, it would be wagging madly. "But for now, maybe we can play twenty questions?"

"Maybe not," Sabre was quick to shoot down that stupid idea.

Ignoring him, Percy went on as if he hadn't spoken. "Okay, I'll go first. How old are you?"

"Older than you," he grunted out. Percy pouted at the vague answer, his lower lip sticking out.

"Oh, you can do better than that. If you answer nicely, I'll tell you anything you want to know about me." Percy offered hopefully.

Rolling his eyes, Sabre folded his arms in front of his chest. "There's nothing I want to know about you."

Ignoring him again, Percy began to count on his fingers useless information that he thought Sabre would want to know about him. "You can ask me my age, what colors I like, what foods I like, what books I like, what I like to do in my wolf form, how I-"

"Why did you kill a man?"

Lime green eyes widened and jerked to Sabre's eyes, meeting his forest green ones in panic. Percy shook his head, tears pooling in his eyes as he hugged the pillow closer to his body. "I-I can't. It, it was a-a horrible, terrible mistake. I don't want to play anymore," he stuttered out almost frantically.

Berating himself for pushing too hard too fast, Sabre slowly got up and held out his hands placatingly. Percy flinched at his movements and Sabre slowed down himself down even further. He approached the bed with caution and sat in front of Percy who looked like he was trying to plaster himself flat against the wall.

"Two hundred and thirty eight."

"What?" Watery eyes blinked at him in confusion. He repeated the answer with a small quirk of his lips. "Really, that's pretty old." Percy giggled when Sabre hissed in annoyance. "I'm not saying you're old, just that that age is old," he said with a cheeky grin.

Sabre cuffed the wolf gently on the side of his head. "I see you're learning from me. Knew I'd be a good influence on you sooner or later."

"I don't think good is the right word. Bad maybe? Yes, that sounds about right." Percy yelped with Sabre pinched his ear lobe, but his rough fingers quickly soothed the small hurt. Sabre didn't take his hand away as he continued to massage the soft lobe of flesh. Percy leaned into the warm touch. The reptile didn't generate much heat but his touch was comforting nonetheless.

"Aren't you going o ask me how old I am?" Percy broke the silence after five minutes of staring at each other.

Without breaking his stare, Sabre asked him "How old are you?"


Frowning, Sabre pulled his hand away, albeit reluctantly. Percy's chin jerked, as if trying to keep the contact but he blushed and tucked in his chin to his collarbones when Sabre pulled away to put more space between them. "Fuck you are jail bait, little wolf."

"I am not," Percy huffed up indignantly. "In case you've been stuck here since the stone ages, eighteen is the age of maturity."

He snorted. "In the human world, maybe. On our world, your barely a baby," he sneered out the worlds cruelly. It wasn't an attack on Percy; it was more for a reminder of why he should not be lusting after this omega.

"Werewolves younger than me are having babies, so no I am not a baby." With an affronted sniff, Percy turned up his nose and folded his arms defensively in front of him.

Without meaning to, Sabre watched fascinated as his arm reached up once again towards Percy's face. The smaller man sat complete still, the only movements of his chest expanding and retracting disrupting the quiet moment. Sabre cupped his hand around Percy's soft cheek. His thumb swiped across Percy's dry and cracked lips, relishing in the soft give of flesh under his calloused thumb. A pink tongue darted out to wet those dry lips and they unintentionally touched on Sabre's salty finger. It lingered for just a moment before darting back into the cavern of Percy's mouth to savor the taste behind closed lips.

"Inmates, time to clear out of the cages!" the grating guard's voiced boomed into the small cell. It broke the private moment the two weres were sharing.

Sabre let his fingers trail down Percy's face as he pulled away, the other were still unmoving until Sabre managed to drag himself off the bed and a few feet across the cell for good measure. Percy physically hook his head to clear his hazy thoughts. He avoided looking at Sabre but his attention was soon diverted when an unknown guard came and unlocked their cell.

"Come, follow close behind me," Sabre grunted. He held out a hand for Percy to take. Both ignored the awestruck look on the guards' face, who had never seen Sabre so much as talk to another inmate let alone offer a hand. Allowing himself a small, victorious smile Percy clasped Sabre's hand with both of his and pressed himself as close to Sabre as possible with two sets of clothing separating them.

They exited the cell as one and got in line behind the other waiting inmates. Both ignored the stares and glares coming from the guards and inmates, who were just as awestruck by Sabre's unprecedented affections towards an insignificant werewolf. Still they kept at least a few feet between odd couple and themselves, not wanting to risk Sabre's wrath.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

No sex, and yet sooo hot!

FrivolousFrivolousabout 6 years ago

Reminder to self to read the other stories in this series and by this author.

Belle2327Belle2327over 7 years ago
I hope you plan to finish this :)

Really good hook you got here. First time reading your work and I must say I'm pretty interested to see what else you have. I hope this doesn't just stop, I hate having to wait for good stuff but the longer the wait, usually the better the story so take your time! Just keep us updated where your at with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Good but feels I unfinished

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

No.... No.... No.... I need more. Please.... Please.... Please write another chapter

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