Janine's Journey


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She tasted the salty precum and heard him panting, expecting his load at any moment, but instead he pulled out, wrung her head backwards, and used his fingers to make himself come. His semen landing on her face. She tried to keep her mouth open, but he seemed determined to let the semen land only on her face. Some dripped down and almost closed her left eye for a moment.

He wiped his penis on her face -- distributing the cum.

Then he let go of her head and told her to stand up. She could feel the stickiness on her face.

Used her tongue to lick the cum around her mouth off.

Again, he arranged her hair and told her to follow him. They went into the front hall. Here she saw herself in one of the big wall mirrors. Her face obviously full of semen.

At the front door, her heels were waiting for her on the floor. He told her to put them on.

She completely forgot all manners: "..are...are..you..sending me outside and home like this?"

He smiled. "No of course not. You need your handbag." It was lying on a small side table, from where he grabbed it, turned her by her shoulders, wound the bag's shoulder strap into a few loops -- and used a little piece of rope to tie it to the top rope behind her back. She could feel it dangle on her skin -- around her shoulder blades.

"Now -- I think George will appreciate to get you back as a little gift-wrapped sub."

Her eyes widened. She could not believe this was happening.

He lifted a reddish cape off a hook on the wall, swung it around her and tied it under her chin, then opened the front door and pushed her outside.

"Give George my best -- and see you next weekend...bitch..."

Then he closed the door, leaving her outside.

She stood at the top of the stairs looking down the many steps to the gate, along the street and to her own house -- that at this moment seemed very, very far away.

Her heart was hammering. She looked back and forth. Even if she had had the use of her hands, she was sure ringing the bell would not make him open and take her inside again. He meant this. He wanted her to walk the length of her street like this.

She took a few deep breaths, then slowly descended the stairs. She noticed that the cape opened as she walked and even though she walked very slowly and just one step at a time, it still spilt down her middle, so anyone close enough would see her naked and tied up body. The semen on her face had also begun to dry and was itching uncomfortably.

At the gate she stood a while. Contemplating if she should run and hope no one looked out their windows -- or walk slowly and be prepared to cross to the other side of the street if she met someone. Fortunately, the whole street looked empty.

She decided on the last option and took her first small steps out on the pavement.

It was a long walk -- a very long walk. About half way home, she saw a man coming towards her. Someone she did not recognize, coming out of a house close to theirs and walking his dog. She tried to do a casual street crossing -- and nodded at him as they passed on each side of the street. She did not know if he noticed anything, but as she dared to take a quick glance back, he stood still and watched as she went along.

The rope was doing its job, her crotch was getting more and more swollen and more and more wet by the minute. Her tied up breasts hurt and the nips slid against the material of the cape.

She had walked this street many, many times but never like this. Her -- an elegant up and coming Real Estate Agent -- now reduced to a tied up, soiled slave. On public display!

She was happy when she reached her own front door and could use her shoulder to press the doorbell.


George had received a huge FedEx parcel around noon that day. When he had opened it, the first thing he found was a note from John saying:

"This is for your slave -- Janine. She knows what to do about the contents. Please wait to unpack till she is home."

He had trouble keeping his hands away, but spent most of the Sunday watching Janine, John and Elisabeth on his computer. He had just switched the it off, was doing a little house clearing and cleaning and getting some food, when the phone rang. It was John.

"Hi -- I just send her down the street to your house. If you want to enjoy her homecoming, I suggest you look out the window. I have wrapped her nicely for you."


"Yes -- and I have interviewed her. She seems to respond favorably. It looks good. Have you watched some online?"

He did not want to admit that his eyes had hardly been off the computer for the whole weekend.

"Yes, some."

"Well. Are you ok with what you have seen so far?"

"Ahem...yes..I think so...some of it seemed rather brutal..."

"It has to be. We are breaking her in. So crash course you might say. I am sure she has not realized the full meaning of what she is getting into, so I wanted to check if it was just a dream or a spontaneous idea in her mind, but she seemed both determined and willing to be a slave - and I actually think she likes it. Judging from her sexual responses it seems definitely so"

"OK - what happens next?"

"You take over. I'll be there of course, but you are her Master, so you should start behaving like one. You need to keep her in her submissive state till next weekend - and I have a few plans and things we can do to achieve that. She does not know of course -- that's part of it. Making her obey -- and not know what to expect.

I also suggest you start calling her 'bitch', 'slut' or whatever you feel appropriate. Just do not use her name if you can avoid it, and address her like she is a dog -- a slave. She has gotten the initial 'treatment' here, but you need to keep it up. So, stay in character -- so to speak."

"Ehhh..that means I will never use her name again -- or talk kindly -- lovingly to her?"

"Of course, not -- but in this initial phase, she needs to be brought down to a submissive state - and stay there. She will probably act normally outside the house, but it is important that she changes into 'sub-/slave-mode' the minute she enters your home -- and stays there till the minute she exits again 24/7 -- so to speak. The 'name calling' is a vital part of that, so you'd better learn how to do it, if we are to succeed.!

"Ok. Can I contact you?"

"Yes -- any time. Of course -- and I'll be in touch."

"Thank you."

"..and now I suggest you fuck her brains out, when she gets home - as I said I have gift wrapped her for you -- and you must both be quite ready to enjoy each other!"

"ok..bye then -- and thank you."

"Bye -- and have fun."

He went to the window and looked out. Following the red, caped figure slowly approaching: Seeing her move to the other side of the street, wondering what went on under that cape, and watching as the neighbour with the dog stood still and looked after her.

As she approached, he suddenly saw the 'shadows' on her face, and as she got closer clearly recognized the slightly milky look of dried and drying semen.

He smiled as he realized what an ordeal this short walk must be for her.

He took his time, when she rang the bell. Wanted to torture her a little longer by having her standing outside in the open.

When he finally opened she almost stumbled inside. "Ah. Thank you. What took you so long. close the door."

He did so, smiled and untied her cape and hung it on the rack.

"Now help me out of this!"

He just looked at her -- up and down. Then took her shoulders and turned her around.

"Don't think so. Nice packaging -- and with little bows as well."

"Awww. Come on. Please!"

"Nope. Not just yet -- and who gave you permission to speak by the way?"

She looked at him -- eyes widening as she realized what was going on. Being stunned for a few minutes, she managed no reply before he spoke again: "Down on your knees, bitch. I see John has put his mark on you. I think I will do the same." He pressed on her shoulders and she went down. Right there on the floor of their small entrance.

The tip of his foot pressed her knees apart till she was sitting in the same position, she had been in several times during the weekend. He dropped his pants -- his penis sticking straight out in the air.

"He grabbed her hair an directed her face to the point of his penis. She opened and let it slide inside.

She did her best. Here she did not know if she would be punished for not satisfying him -- as she knew she would be at John's - but decided she'd make sure there was no reason to.

He made a few very deep trusts and used his grip to move and direct her. He came rather quickly. The heat from watching her most of the weekend had made him build up quite a lust for her.

Besides he had felt a strange and very tickling sensation in just 'handling' her, calling her a 'bitch' and now just having her kneeling and doing her best to satisfy him.

For a short second he contemplated to tell her that he would tell her afterwards, he had not been satisfied -- or go back to her entry and 'disrespect' in speaking out of line. He had a flash vision of her across his knees, while he spanked her. The vision melted, as he felt her work on his genitals -- and his body and mind surrendering to an explosive orgasm.

She did swallow everything, sucked him dry -- and licked him clean before he let go of her head and told her to stand up.

Then he undid the ropes and sent her to take a shower.

When she came back, clean and smelling faintly of soap -- but still naked, he remarked that her makeup looked as fresh as had it been recently applied. She had not noticed it, but now began to worry how she would remove it. Nail polish remover would be too harsh on the sensitive skin on her lips and nips.

She stayed naked as they unpacked the large FedEx box.

George was very curious and asked a multitude of questions.

She explained the enema system and the dildo's and pump up expander. Told him, she had decided (!) to use it every evening as that would give her time to go through the process in peace and quiet. He told her, that John had instructed him, to check her out for tightness and fit now and then -- and that he surely would.

She did not want to go back next Friday and be as tight as she had been this weekend -- and she was sure John would check.

Fortunately, the next item in the box was an extensive makeup-set -- including removers for nail polish and lipstick/nip colour -- even with a soothing re-humifying lotion to use after cleaning.

Then came an elegant, big, flat leather case. She opened it and it contained a complete set of cuffs like the ones she had worn for most of the weekend: it had to be a second, matching pair because she asked George, when it had arrived -- and at that time, she was still wearing the other set at John's.

George immediately took the keys from their small compartment inside the box, and put them on his everyday keychain. There was no discussion or questions about who should hold the keys.

The last item was the strangest of them all: A small, square digital calendar and clock. It came with a note for her to keep it within reach at all times -- preferable in her small handbag.

She wondered why. She had a perfectly good clock/calendar in her phone -- and several 'dress' wristwatches. She pressed a few buttons, but all ended quickly with a request to write a code to go on. Strange. She put it in her handbag and figured she would know what it was all about soon. She would...

Having emptied the box -- they had a fast dinner -- her still in the nude. Then George took her hand and led her to bed. Before they jumped in, he had her turn while he sat on the bed. Making her shiver as his hands went over the stripes and welts on her butt and on the insides of her legs.

The 'markings' apparently just as arousing to him as they had been -- and still were -- to her.

Then they made love for a few hours -- passionately.

Janine's Journey

by o_girl ©

Chapter eight

A new everyday life.

When she woke up in the morning, she spent a few minutes testing the soreness of her body -- and feeling the slight hum from all the sex she had had the last 72 hours.

She thought that John and George had probably done a lot of texting and talking on the phone with each other, but found it ok as she was the sub and they her Masters. She was obviously on a 'need to know' basis.

She got that confirmed, when her phone beeped with a text from John:

"Good morning, bitch. Do your makeup the way you have been shown. Wear your highest heels. No panties or bra, and a skirt that is wide enough to be pulled up without any effort. Find a blouse that buttons in front. NO rings or other jewelry. Take pic including digital clock/calendar when ready to go. Master John."

A cold rush went through her body. She had halfway thought that she would go to work in her usual conservative, discrete clothing -- and with hardly any makeup the way she usually did.

Now she realized that it was not going to be so, and began worrying what her colleagues would think and say.

She took a deep breath, jumped out of bed and into the shower. George was dead to the world and he always got up later than her anyway -- besides they had been making love half the night, so he would probably sleep longer than usual.

When she came out of the shower, she grabbed a plastic box from the bottom of the toilet cupboard, emptied the small towels and knick-knack back in the cupboard. Then, piled all of her perfumes and makeup into the box -- and left it on the counter. She would decide later if she really had to get rid of it -- maybe tonight.

Then another text beeped in from John:

"When you have done your cunt and tits, I want a pic of those - bitch!"

OK -- she thought. He was making sure she did not cheat with the makeup on the spots that would not be visible on a full-sized photo. She had to do everything exactly the way Elisabeth had shown her.

She could not help herself from getting quite horny and wet as she did the dark red and the gloss on her nips -- and later dapped the reddish colour around her openings.

The dark shadow on her eyelids and the mascara was no problem -- even though she could not remember when she last had used any coloring around her eyes -- or any mascara.

It felt strange. She now looked like she had done for most of the weekend -- without any problems or second thoughts. The difference was that now she was going into the real world. For the first time -- and she was very, very nervous.

She got her out phone. Decided to take the pics of her face and upper body in the mirror as it was easier to get everything in one picture. Then did several takes of her behind and crotch before getting two that would show everything sufficiently clear.

She pressed 'send' and off they went. There was no reply. She had not expected any, but still checked her phone every minute for the next quarter of an hour. Just to be sure that there would not be an instruction to do them again -- or in more detail.

She deleted the pics after that. Did not want them 'floating' around in her phone's memory, even though she was quite aware that they were now received and maybe saved in at least John's phone.

Dry blowing her hair so the locks feel in their usual cascade -- and thinking that she at least had the same hairdo as leaving the office Friday, she went and did a long search through her wardrobe.

Normally she did wear skirts or dresses to work -- never jeans or trousers, but the challenge was to find a skirt that both hid the cane marks beginning just above her knees on the insides of her legs -- and being wide enough to fulfill the requirements to be lifted up effortlessly. She selected a few and tried them on. Each time lifting the hem up front and back and testing if it was easy enough.

She found a nice and discrete charcoal skirt.

It was long enough as it stopped just below her knees - was pleated, so it had the width to be swung up easily.

She hoped it would not be a windy day so the skirt would blow up and reveal her tormented upper legs.

She then selected an off white, long sleeved blouse with a button-down front.

She looked in the mirror and tried to convince herself that it was not that bad or different from her normal look.

She went down to have a quick snack before leaving. George had finally gotten out of bed and sat at the kitchen table when she came in. She thought that his lust and desire was

visible miles away. He had never given her such a horny look in the morning. Usually they both walked around half awake and tried to get some coffee down as fast as possible, but now his hand with the cup had stopped in midair between the table and his mouth.

"Are you going to work like that?"

Apparently John and him did not exchange all information about her.

"Yes, I got a few text's with instructions from John -- and this is what he wants."

At almost the same second another text beeped in:

"I know you have to leave a 9:25 to make it to work. Send me pics of you in the car -- and digital clock/calendar at exactly 9:24. I want the pics to show your face and your clothing -- CLEARLY!"

He was really making sure, she did not cheat -- she sighed.

In the car -- and a minute or two before leaving, she had absolutely no chance to change anything.

The thought of bringing the makeup rinse, some tissues -- and another set of clothing had occurred to her, and she was still toying with the idea, when the last -- and definite -- text arrived.

Now there was absolutely no time to change anything.

On top of that another text beeped in:

"As soon as you are in your office, send pic -- with clock/calendar."

Since she did not have the code to the digital clock/calendar, she could not 'doctor' some pictures. The thought of taking a lot of pic's this morning, and then using them as she went along had briefly occurred in her mind. She realized in a split second that this option was not going to be left open to her. She had to do the pictures in real time -- as he requested them.

She was being controlled like a puppet. She might as well have strings attached to her arms, legs and body. This was just as efficient -- even though invisible for others than the two of them

She was being totally controlled -- and was very much aware of it.

The coffee machine made its usual, hissing noise as it filled her portable cup. She kissed George lightly on the forehead, got her briefcase and remembered to dump the digital thing into it before rushing to her car.

She had not understood the use of the Digital clock/calendar last night, when she had unpacked it, but now it was crystal clear. She could not tamper with it as she did not have the code, and if she included it in any picture she took, it would prove a reliable time and date stamp as to when the picture was taken.

She could not imagine how she would be able to 'cheat' such a system - and if she could -- would she? She was in very much doubt as she drove down the road, but closed the case in her mind as being irrelevant. She had the clock and she was obliged to do as she was told -- and document it as requested.

She had taken a few pics in the car, sent them and then driven off.

About ten minutes down the road, her phone woke up again:

"Unbutton the three top buttons on your blouse, bitch."

The feeling of having her breasts bopping up and down and lacking the comfort and support of a bra already made her feel half-naked, so she had buttoned the loose-fitting blouse all the way up to her chin.

It did not make her feel less naked as the movement caused her nipples to rub against the material. A constant reminder of their presence, and something that made her look down again and again.
