Janine's Journey


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Janine's Journey

by o_girl ©

Chapter seven

Sunday -- third day - dismissal

As the morning slowly turned everything into dark grey shadows, she finally fell into a deep sleep.

She felt like she had only slept for a few minutes, when the noises of John and Elisabeth's morning fuck woke her up.

After having listened to that, she was left alone on the floor as they both used the bathroom together.

John went downstairs -- and Elisabeth took her down and outside. To give her the cold, garden hose rinse once again.

She slowly dried in the sun, while John and Elisabeth had breakfast.

Then Elisabeth came to fetch her. As Elisabeth was even smaller than her, she was standing on a foot stool, when she attached and released her from the hook on the wall.

The hook was too high for any of them to reach, and the stool had its permanent place too far away for Janine to get near it or use it.

Elisabeth dragged her to the living room toilet -- like the day before, but this time, she made her do the preparations and take the enema herself.

The only thing Elisabeth did, was to unlock and take the gag out of her mouth. As well as detaching the plug and belt from the anal torturing arrangement.

As she went through the process, she was 'encouraged' by Elisabeth's riding crop.

The small, but sharp and painful strokes following an order, or hurrying her along.

It surprised Janine how easily and willingly she let herself go through this process.

Somewhere along the way, the thought occurred to her that Elisabeth was half a head smaller than her, and had a very light build. So, it would be no match for her to stand up and overcome Elisabeth, but even as she pondered this, she also realized that it would never happen. She just followed the directions of the little girl beside her -- and accepted being hit with the riding crop at more or less regular intervals.

After she had finished on the toilet and had put everything away again, Elisabeth showed her how to dip two fingers in a jar of olive crème and smeared it around and in her back opening. It made her feel sticky, but she knew the reason for this. She would be 'pre-oiled' and ready to use at any given moment.

Then Elisabeth said: "Do you normally wear makeup, bitch?"

"No -- not a whole lot -- often a light eyeshadow, and maybe mascara -- and then a light lipstick."

"Well. That's going to change from now on. Take a seat in front of the mirror and I'll teach you to do the makeup that will be your standard look."

She slid into the chair, sitting on a clean towel so her oiled behind would not stain the seat and was careful not to let the sore insides of her legs meet -- so in the mirror she had a full view of her open crotch.

While Elisabeth explained what she did, and instructed her in the right application, she administered a very dark shadow on her upper eyelids and up to the edge of her eyebrows.

A thick, black mascara made her eyelashes fuller and longer.

Her lips got a very deep red lipstick -- painted on with a brush -- and after it had dried, a coating of gloss making her lips look constantly wet..

Elisabeth explained that the lipstick and gloss was 'kiss resistant' -- and showed her the flask with the fluid she could use to remove it again.

She carefully tried to lick her lips, but there was no change in the gloss or lipstick. Normally she was very careful not to do that as her ordinary lipstick would begin to come off.

Elisabeth then carefully painted her alveoli with the same lipstick and colour as her lips -- and again applied the gloss.

The process making her nips hard and erect, and the colour and gloss more than highlighted them!

Elisabeth painted her toe- and fingernails -- after a short filing and adjusting. A very similar, screaming, dark red colour as her lips and nipples.

She rubbed a discrete scent under her arms, between her legs -- made her stand up -- and did the same to the crack between her buttocks.

Still standing, Elisabeth made her bend over, spread her buttocks and wiped the excess oil from the area around her anus. Then dapped a red colour from another container on the immediate area round her opening.

She made her sit down again. And carefully applied the same colour on her outer labia -- and the area over her opening.

She had never had much pubic hair. It looked like a little inch-wide line going from the middle of her stomach and down to the start of her slit.

Now it looked like an arrow or direction to the reddish area below.

"So -- all done. When you get home, FedEx will have delivered a parcel with an identical enema kit as the one you have used here. I suggest you make it a daily routine -- and then wear one of the expanders as much as you can. It is for your own good. Penetration will hurt and maybe make you bleed if you don't.

There will also be a 'starter kit' with all the makeup, you are now wearing, and a list of suppliers for future use. You will throw out all your other make-up and scents -- and I mean everything!

From now on this is what you will use, and this is how you will look -- every day.

It displays what a slut you are and emphasizes the points of interest and enjoyment on your body. The points you have to offer.

She looked again at herself in the mirror. Felt she looked like a cheap prostitute. How would she ever be able to show herself at the Real Estate Office looking like this? What would they think and say?

Elisabeth apparently guessed her thoughts: "You came here as a normal, modern woman -- you leave as a slave, a common slut, a bitch -- and you will display that to the world. You will be checked. Asked to take photos -- preferably with a clock and a date in the background and send -- so John and George can check that you are not cheating."

"..but..but..what do I say to people...?"

"I don't care, John don't care - and I am sure your Master do not care either. So, you figure it out -- and nobody cares if you lie. All we care about is that you are displaying your submission -- all the time and everywhere. Is that clear, bitch?"

She nodded after having swallowed a few times. This WAS the deal, so she had to obey. She would have to think out some believable explanation for Monday morning, when she stepped into the office.

"Now get up and put your hands on your back, bitch?"

Her hands were locked on her back, and Elisabeth grabbed the leash and picked her crop up from the table.

"You will be allowed to walk today. Your knees need a rest, but behave or else you will be back on your knees before you know it! Now thank me"

"Yes, Elisabeth. Thank you, Elisabeth."

When they came into the living room, John sat working on his laptop.

He closed it and put it away as Elisabeth promenaded her back and forth across the room. Of course, aided with the crop at regular intervals. She was beginning to think that Elisabeth really enjoyed using the crop on her naked skin.

"Excellent. Now the bitch also looks the part. Have you instructed her?"

"Yes, Master. Completely."

"Ok. Let's try her out."

From behind, Elisabeth grabbed a handful of her hair: "Down on your knees, bitch. Spread. Wide!"

The crop tapping her with small, sharp raps on the sore insides of her legs till Elisabeth was satisfied.

Leaving her there, Elisabeth approached John, and undid his belt and zipper, and pushed his trousers down around his feet.

He took the last few, small steps and his relaxed penis dangled right in front of her eyes..

"Go on, Bitch -- it's all yours." He said from above.

She stretched up and leaned forward -- and began to let her tongue caress him.

He became hard quickly. His manhood sticking straight out into the air.

He grabbed her hair and as he stood still, used the grip to move her head and sliding in and out of her.

Suddenly he dragged her head back and she looked up into his eyes: "Get up bitch. Face the table, spread and bend."

He let go of her hair and she staggered to her feet and did as he said. The saliva dripping from her chin again.

Using his feet, he pushed her legs further apart, then spread her with the fingers on one hand and used the other to support his stiff penis as he drove it into her oiled anus.

It was big -- but not as big as she had expected. It did not feel good -- but it did not particularly hurt either -- just felt strange.

He pressed till she could feel his curly hair tickle the day-old welts on her bottom -- and his balls press against here lower opening.

She heard him pant as he tried to move back and forth. "She's still too narrow, but that is to be expected I suppose. She needs more expansion. Do you want to try?"

"With pleasure, Master."

Out of the corners of her eyes she saw Elisabeth busy mounting a harness round her waist. At the front a very large, black artificial penis stuck straight out into the air.

She gasped. Maybe because John pulled out quickly -- or maybe at the thought of where that big thing sticking out from Elisabeth's crotch was going to go in a minute.

She was right. Elisabeth got a good grip on her hips, John guided the thing inside her back opening, and spread her with the other hand.

The burning feeling was like being split in two. From her anus and up.

A very deep moan escaped her, but it just resulted in a: "Shut up, bitch". From both John and Elisabeth.

It felt like the thing kept coming. Elisabeth pressed and the hard plug moved in. In a very painful way. Then she moved out slightly making it circle half way inside her. Janine feeling her hips and bottom follow the rod's movements. Then Elisabeth pushed forward again. This time till the hard stick was all the way inside her.

She felt a strange sense of relief when Elisabeth's legs touched and came to rest on her buttocks -- and the leather points under the dildo pushing on her clit. She had done it! Taken it all. For the first time. Strange.

Elisabeth moved her hips up and down and from side to side. Because of the very tight fit, it just resulted in her whole behind following the movements. The plug inside her stayed pretty much stationary and firmly embedded inside her.

Elisabeth moved out -- still using her grip on the hips -- and then trust in again. Another moan escaped her -- and another 'Shut up, bitch' was the result.

Soon Elisabeth was fucking her in a regular rhythm -- making her body move and her legs shake.

The table protesting each time her body was pushed forward by the movements in her anus.

This was a hard and unforgiving rubber stick, not a meaty one like John's which he had to support to move in and out of her. This just moved with Elisabeth's hips and impaled her again and again.

Suddenly she felt John's grip in her hair, her head being forced backwards and his penis showed in her mouth. Elisabeth's movement making her go back and forth, so all John had to do was to stand still and hold her head up by the hair. Making her move back and forth on his penis.

Even though Elisabeth's artificial penis could not come, John's live one could -- and it did. He made her again swallow every drop on the threat of a punishment if she spilled.

When John had finished. He moved away, and Elisabeth pulled out of her. Giving her a sense of deflation the minute the stick left her opening and it decreased to normal size.

They left her lying over the table. Worn out and fucked like a piece of meat.

John unlocked and took Elisabeth's cuff's and collar off. She got dressed and they gave each other a short farewell kiss.

She was amazed that Elisabeth now looked like she had seen her so often. A sweet little woman in an elegant, expensive but simple dress.

One would never expect that this little woman -- just a little while before -- had whipped Janine with a crop, dragged her around on a leash and finally fucked her with an artificial dildo in her smallest opening.

Elisabeth he came over to where she was still lying exhausted over the table, gave her a hard slap with the flat of her hand across her right buttock. " Goodbye for now, bitch! It has been a pleasure. I hope we will meet soon again." Laughing she turned around and John followed her out.

"Get up. Come over here. Kneel!" John had come back, and now she slowly got up, walked to the couch and kneeled in front of him.

He smiled as his eyes went up and down her body. She had remembered to put her hands behind her head -- and spread her legs well. What was the most amazing to herself was that she almost automatically assumed this position. She had stopped thinking about it. When he said 'kneel', she went down like this. The training had obviously worked.

"So -- your first training is coming to an end. How do you feel?"

Surprised at the kindness in his voice -- for the first time during the weekend - it took her a few moments to formulate an answer: "Sore. Beaten up. Tired -- but also content in a strange way...Master"

"Good. Do not forget the formalities. Even though we are having this little talk -- you are still in training till I release you."

"Yes. Master."

"What was the worst till now. The point you felt most terrible?"

A long pause again: "The morning cleaning. That water was really, really cold!"

He smiled. "You realize that it was just a physical thing. I am happy to hear that none of the mental things -- and especially none of the sexual things -- were at the top of that list."

She realized how right he was. Being whipped and abused and treated like a dog had not been the worst -- just a few cold showers. Strange.

"Then of course the next question is. What was the best?"

"The entry you made me do at the start. I slowly got more and more horny as I went step by step and found one instruction after the other. When I finally had strung myself up over there like I was 'offering' myself to you, and gradually becoming a slave, I was almost exploding, and then you let me wait -- unfulfilled -- for a long time."

He giggled. "It did take a lot of planning. First steps are always difficult -- for you as for me."

He continued questioning her for quite a while -- in a lot of detail. She was sure his brain registered and sorted and put answers in the right boxes for her next training -- but she did not mind. Did not mind at all. It was a sign, that he was not just moving along on a fixed plan, but adjusted to what happened and how she responded to the treatment.

Apart from the absurdity of the situation, and their positions -- it became quite cozy and familiar -- almost like when they had had their dinners. She suspected that it was deliberately. To make her relax and be more open and honest in her answers.

"OK. He said. Last lesson of the weekend. I am going to show you some rope-work - and I am sure you will like it. Get up and follow me."

"Yes, Master."

On the table by the entrance to the living room he had laid out a few bundles of grey-brown, thin ropes -- nicely wound and placed in a row.

He took the keys to her restraints from his pocket, and liberated her from the steel. She felt the cool air on her skin again, and suddenly realized that she had stopped thinking about the cuffs. At least not when they were just there and not used to restrain her. The almost perfect anatomical fit made them easy to forget. It was almost like wearing jewelry. After the first uncomfortable feeling of having something so close-fitting around her wrists, ankles and neck, it had not bothered her at all.

She twisted and turned her head a few times, rubbed her wrists -- and looked at the slightly reddish bands indicating where the cuffs had been a minute before.

He took the nearest rope and unfolded it. "Here hold your hands out like this." He showed with his own hands how she should fold her fingers and then stick her hands out in a 90-degree angle to her body. He tied a separate rope on each wrist, and not with the end of the rope, but left about a yard hanging down on one side of her wrists -- and the long end of the rope on the other side.

He had wound it a few times round each wrist. Just over the joints. The knots now facing each other as she kept her hands in position.

"Now! Put your hands flat on your buttocks and spread your legs."

She did so, and he kneeled down, stuck his hands in between her legs, grabbed the long ends of the rope, lead them under her, used his fingers to spread her labia and carefully sliding it between her inner and outer labia and up her stomach.

She gasped as the rope went into place.

He proceeded to cross it over her stomach, reached behind her and let it cross her back, return under her armpits and over her shoulders.

Going behind her, he lifted her hair away, pushed her head gently, so she leaned forward and tied the two ends together on her neck, behind her head.

It was not particularly uncomfortable, but seem to follow her body and be just tight enough to stay in place.

"I'll just make a nice bow tie here. Very decorative!"

He seemed to be enjoying himself, and of course he had tied a firm knot before beginning on the bow tie behind her neck.

He then took the short ends from her wrists and pulled them around her body to the front of her stomach. Making her hands move slightly outwards on her buttocks and the tension and pull down under and in her crotch increase slightly.

After having tied the two ends together at the front, he made another little bow tie with the rest of the rope.

"So. Cute. Like a little xmas parcel." He grinned.

He picked another rope, made a large noose and lifted it down over her, tightening it round her arms and chest. He adjusted it so that it ran just under the bottom of her breasts, wound it two times more around, making sure the rope was neatly and parallel placed. Then continued over her breasts and again made a knot on the back.

This time her breasts were pressed from below and above - and she felt the tension all the way to her nips. It also pressed her elbows a little bit together and pressed her shoulders back.

Another rope came out. This time he was behind her, lifted her hair up again, and ran the rope through the one behind her neck. Carefully he slid it along her back. Thus, going around both the first crossed rope and the two circles around her torso.

When he pulled it tight and tied, the neck rope tightened further -- pushing her shoulders even more back -- and the rounds over her torso also got tighter. On top of that her elbows got pressed closer together. It was beginning to feel uncomfortable and tight.

He let the rope continue down. Wound it round the rope that went from her wrists under her -- and back up. As he tightened that, the first two ropes went up and into the crack between her buttocks, and at the same time making it cut into her skin where it sat between her inner and outer labia. Her hands again moved slightly and were now absolutely fixed to a place about the middle of her buttocks.

Finally, he took a very short rope. Tied it between her breasts and making the loops round her body meet at the front. Squeezing her breasts. The nips now felt like they were going to explode.

He slid his fingers over them as he smiled: "So. Very pretty."

He fluffed her hair so it cascaded nicely round her face.

"Now get down on your knees."

Her eyes followed him as she went down. He took a firm grip of her hair with one hand, opened his trousers with the other and pulled out his half erect member. The roping had apparently had the same effect on him as on her.

He used his hands to let the penis slide over her face: nose, forehead, cheeks, chin. It gradually grew and the foreskin moved half way back. Then he stuck it into her mouth -- and using the grip on her hair -- moved her head back and forth slowly. At first just a few inches in and out, but as he grew, he pushed deeper and deeper with each trust.
