Janine's Journey


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For the rest of the evening, she was either kneeling on display, or being used by one or more of the guests -- or John.

She was exhausted when she finally was allowed to fall asleep on her carpet beside John's bed.

Saturday morning consisted of the usual 'ritual': After John had showered and done his morning toilette, she was taken to the hook outside and cleaned with the icy cold garden hose.

She was allowed breakfast, and that ritual had changed. Now she kneeled at a similar, low table as at home, and had bread, cheese and a juicy, fresh pressed fruit drink.

John announced that they were going out -- and fetched her clothes from the cellar.

Then he took her cuffs and collar off. She was a little surprised that the plug had not been reinserted, but of course it was a small joy in her otherwise enslaved situation.

She did have a sore sphincter, since she had been used several times in that particular opening last night, but it was just a slight hum of soreness, not an actual pain.

She was sure, she had not been ripped and that her opening had been sufficient wide and elastic for the use. John was right:. She was almost done with the expansion, and quite ready for use.

He inspected her when she had put on her skirt and blouse. Undid one more button at the top of her blouse and pulled it slightly aside. She did not dare correct it, but one could clearly see the top stripe the flogger had made last night.

The skirt was a type with a wide waist and several buttons in front. He made her use almost the last buttons, so that the slim waist the belt created was clearly visible.

She managed a quick look in a full-sized mirror on their way out, and was amazed how her body had changed. The waist clearly made a difference. She felt rather sexy seeing herself in the mirror.

They went to an expensive jewelry shop, where they obviously were expected and John was a known face.

Here she got a triskelion set of earrings for her pierced earlobes -- and a rather large, similar ring.

All made of platinum with a black, shiny enamel.

When they were in the car again, John explained that they wanted her to wear them all the time, signaling to the world that she was a bondage slut and a slave to BDSM.

Then they went home to lunch -- and as soon as they got in the door, she was back to being naked and in her steel, but got to keep the earrings in her lobes and the ring on her finger.

After lunch, she kneeled beside John's desk as he worked.

Suddenly the doorbell chimed.

"Slut. Go see who it is!"

Confused she stammered. "Like this...ehhh..Master...?"

"Yes of course. You are a slut, so why hide it from anyone? Go before I decide to punish you for your disobedience."

She rose and went to the front door. Opening it and keeping her body as much behind the door as she could.

Outside was a FedEx driver with a parcel. He looked like a young student having this job to finance his studies, and his eyes widened by the little, he could see of her.

Stammering and stuttering he managed to ask if this was the right address and so on. Upon confirmation he held out the parcel with both hands.

She had to go forward, and now he could see her naked, striped body, the belt, the cuffs and her collar. His eyes widened even more.

She tried to act normal, took the parcel, put it under one arm and reached out to sign on the device he held forward.

"Thank you, Miss...ehh..and have a nice day..."

"You too." She tried to smile back at him, but he was already running down the staircase to his van.

In the van he had to try and start a few times before the engine sprang to life. He gave her a last glance and then drove off rather fast.

She thought that even though he must see a little of everything, she was sure she had made his day. Then closed the door.

The parcel contained some papers for John's gallery. Insurance of artwork and transport papers.

She resumed her place. Kneeling beside him with her hands on her knees.

He was clearly amused and tried to hide that he was more than smiling at her red face.

The afternoon turned to early evening, when John shut down his computer and announced: "It is time for you to go really public. Stand up and come here."

He made her stand bending over the dining table and legs spread. By now she knew exactly the position, so she had her feet on the outside of the table legs, and with no further orders, she automatically stretched her arms out in front of her. Hands flat on the tabletop.

She was also used to waiting till it pleased him to give her his attention.

The wait was not long. He came back, and spread her buttocks with his thumb and forefinger. Pushed a thick, oiled plug inside her back opening. As opposed to the expanders, this had a narrower base, so it was quite a relief, when her sphincter closed around this base. To make sure it stayed, he pulled a short chain from the base up along the cleavage between her buttocks, thorough a ring at the edge of her belt -- and then pulled tight. Finishing by sliding a little padlock through the last ring of the chain, and somewhere on the middle of the part that ran between the plug and the belt.

'Was he really going to take her 'public' plugged like this?'

She felt his fingers spread her labia and a similar, but longer plug went inside her vagina. Apparently this one had a series of small knobs at the base plate. He now carefully pulled her labia apart, and made sure the plate rested on her clit and its surroundings.

A small chain connected the two plugs under her. Also, tight and also padlocked.

He told her to stand up, and finished the arrangement by pulling a chain from the front of the vaginal dildo up her stomach and through a front ring in her belt. That too was locked up.

She felt something dangle and tickle between her legs -- and realized it was wires. The idea of the system dawning on her as he clicked a small, flat, leather clad box to the front of her belt. Drew the wires to the box, attached them, wound excess wire and closed and locked the lid on the flat box.

Satisfied, he stepped back, took a small, black thing in his hand and pressed a button on it. A painful jolt made her sphincter feel like it was exploding. She buckled down and uttered a small scream. As soon as she had composed herself and stood up again. He pressed another button, and a similar painful jolt went through her clit and vagina. This time making her scream out loud. And almost curl up and fall over.

John looked pensive: "Hm. Maybe 7 is a big too much!" He turned the knobs and dials on the remote -- and then sent a much, much weaker jolt through both her openings -- but at once. It felt like something between a tickle and pain. She managed to stay composed and only shiver slightly.

He let his fingers run between the chains, cables and her skin, making sure everything was snug and secure before ordering her to get into the same clothes as in the morning.

When she was almost dressed, the doorbell rang.

"Go answer the door, bitch!"

"Yes, Master!"

She did not know what to expect this time, but at least she was dressed.

Elisabeth stood of the steps and smiled at her: "Hello. Slut! Nice to see you again."

"Hello, Miss."

John handed Elisabeth a similar black box: "I have rigged her. This is yours."

'Oh no,' Janine thought. 'There's two of them!'

"This is how it works. Put it on 5 just for the test. Then when you press this button." He pointed at something on the box. Elisabeth pressed the button, sending a noticeable jolt into her anal opening -- and making her gasp.

"Then you hit her anus -- as you can see by her reaction. Then you can press that."

Another noticeable jolt went through her vagina -- and again she could not help gasping.

She almost screamed as John made Elisabeth press the third button, sending an almost unbearable pain through her clit and its surroundings.

"You can of course press more than one button at a time." He said with a grin.

After Elisabeth had run through all the options, and she was in tears, she said: "What if I turn it up -- like this?"

In quick sequence, she felt her body explode in rapid jolts of red pain.

She had bend over and had her hands in her crotch and under her body.

"Please..please...have mercy.." She cried while the tears ran down her cheeks.

"OK," John said. "Turn it down to here. We do not want her to scream her head off in public. Just enough so she knows who's in control."

She composed herself with the pain in her openings and clit fading to a tingle. Slowly got into upright position again.

After she had grabbed some tissues from the counter and wiped her eyes and cheeks, Elisabeth tried a few more times -- but this time it only made her body shiver.

"I'll make her ready, shall I? Come with me, slut, and be fast about it if you do not want me to press this little box of magic."

They went into the bathroom, where Elisabeth made her sit on a chair, while she did her makeup.

Repairing the dark red on her nails, applying the very dark shadow over her eyes, and putting enough mascara on for her eyelashes to stand out.

This time, she even got a dark tone on the eyelids themselves, which she thought emphasized her clear, light green eyes and made her very sexy -- maybe too sexy.

She also checked, repaired and redid the red and gloss on her lips, lifted her blouse aside and did the same to her nips.

Finally had her stand up and lift her dress. Dapped the reddening stuff around her openings -- where the dildo and system allowed her to.

The face makeup was definitely more distinct, darker and now she even had her eyelids darkened.

She looked at herself in the mirror, and felt that she looked more like a whore than she had ever done in her life.

Elisabeth closed her blouse -- and left enough buttons undone for everybody to see the top of her breasts -and the blue-black streak from the flogger.

She had to walk back and forth and turn in front of John for inspection - after she had put her high heels on.

Again, she caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror in the hall: 'Nothing but tits and ass', she thought as she again noted the effect of her very slim waist against the rest of her body. Elisabeth had also pulled her blouse down tight under the belt of her skirt, so her nips were clearly visible -- even in relaxed condition.

It was worse than being naked, she thought.

They went down to the garage, and drove off. John and Elisabeth on the front seat and her in the back.

She felt her heart beat in her chest by the expectation of what they had planned for the afternoon.

It turned out that John had reserved a discrete table at the window in the back of a fairly fashionable restaurant.

She felt everybody staring at her from the minute she got out of the car till they were seated.

Even the waiter -- however discrete he seemed -- had his eyes on her body.

His face was absolutely neutral, when he came back and poured ice water I their glasses and produced 3 menus.

John suggested they all had the same, and they agreed. So, when the waiter reappeared and politely asked if they were ready to order, he said: "Janine. You can order for us. I think we will all have the same."

She looked up at the waiter and started to say, that they would like the 'Sole Meuniere', when one of her companions pressed a remote. Making her voice tremble as her vagina felt the jolt.

The waiter had a lot of extra questions as to what side order they wanted, and how they wanted their fish cooked -- and they all had different wishes -- of course.

She managed to stutter and stammer her way through it all, as the waiter looked more and more puzzled by the strange up and downs and trembles in her voice.

She drew a sigh of relief, when their menus were finally collected.

John smiled and almost laughed. He was obviously having a good time torturing her like this in public.

She tried to keep her head down, and hoped no one she knew would have decided to have a meal at the same restaurant as them.

She managed to get through the dinner - and ordering dessert under the same torturous condition as when she had ordered the main course.

The place was elegant and discrete, so the waiter kept a straight face -- even though his eyes told her something different. He must find her absolutely eccentric, she thought.

Several times, she caught him looking down her cleavage -- and he must have noticed the mark from the flogger.

After dinner, John had her do a Blow Job on the parking lot. He stood leaning against his car, and she was on her knees, partly hidden from sight by the car parked next to his.

Elisabeth sat in the car while she 'serviced' John, and she was very, very worried that someone would come by and see them. She did hear people talking as they went by, but no one stopped so she hoped she had been unseen.

They went to a bar. A quiet dimly lit but well populated place with a jazz combo, that played standards.

John had her get drinks -- several times -- and of course she was jolted here and there all through the evening.

She was very much aware of her looks as she tip-toed across the floor to the bar, and never got over the feeling that that everyone was looking at her.

The first few hours of the evening, she had been very much aware of the plugs inside her, but then the plugs by themselves began to feel almost natural and did not bother her. Of course, the constant jolting gave her plenty of reminders of their presence, but the 'filled' and 'expanded' feeling faded away. Same with the tight belt. She had worn it so often that it felt 'natural' somehow.

John and George had stopped the constant tightening, so she thought she had reached the desired shape. Even though it was tight -- very tight, she was getting used to it being there. She rose and sat down in a different way. Using her legs more than her stomach muscles - which were more or less useless because of the belt, and she moved with a very straight back

One of the trips to the bar, the man standing next to her started to chat her up.

Something she was definitely not used to. In fact, she could not remember the last time, she had been 'charmed' by a stranger in a bar.

Maybe because she always went out with George, but she had a slight suspicion that it was her 'new look' that had attracted the man.

"Hello," he started out. "Out for a fun evening on town?"

"Not really," she replied. "I'm with friends. They are over there. Just getting us fresh drinks."

"Pity. You want to dance later? Just to get away from your friends for a short while?"

"Do not think so, but thank you for your offer." She smiled at him, and he gave her an inspecting look.

His smiled did not change when his eyes wandered down her cleavage and she knew he could see the whip mark. She hoped he did not know the meaning of her ear- and finger rings.

Apparently not, because his next remark was that he found her earrings beautiful and very special. She then showed him the ring, and said it was a set and she was very happy wearing them.

Her drinks came, and she went back.

During the whole conversation, he had not given her strange looks as her voice had trembled and gone up and down in tone as John or Elisabeth had fun with their remotes.

When they finally came home, she was so horny that she could climb the walls, which John and Elisabeth relieved for her in the living room, before they all went to bed -- in their usual positions.

Sunday morning was the same ritual as always, and then Elisabeth left. Giving John a big, wet kiss, and her a hard slap on the butt. Accompanied with the standard remark: "See you soon, slut!"

John then announced that her basic training was over and the she had to get into her clothes as he was taking her home. He unlocked her cuffs and collar, put them in their case and placed the case at the front door.

He also put a couple of other small carry-on suitcases there, and shortly after drove her home.

George opened, and again he was obviously prepared to see them at his hour and not as she had done the previous weekends at dinner time.

"Ah. There you are. Come in."

She was sure it was addressed to John more than to her, but John stepped aside and let her go first.

John handed her the case with her steel restraints: "Go upstairs, make yourself ready and come down. Be quick, slut. Do not keep us waiting too long."

She took the case and hurried upstairs.

She did a quick, inspecting glance at their bedroom. No new surprises apparently. Her dog basket with the chain from the bedpost. Rolled neatly together in the middle of the basket, and the panel on the wall, with no new additions to the whips, floggers, canes, rope and chains.

The permanent and visible proof of her new life.

She got undressed and into the steel, gave herself a quick look in the mirror, drove a comb through her short hair, put a hand on each side of the belt, took as deep a breath as the restrictions allowed -- and then went downstairs again.

John and George sat in their familiar living room, and John was demonstrating what he had in his carry-ons.

She managed to see that one held an extra set of anal expanders. Like the set that was now in the closet in their toilet and the other one the electro torture kit.

"Ah. There you are, slut. Come here and stand. Present yourself."

She walked over stood with her legs apart and folded her arms on the back of her head.

"As I was saying: I think it has gone well. She's been quite responsive, and developed quite nicely. Now it is up to you to not only maintain her status, but also move her further along."

George gave her a look up and down: "Yes. As far as I have been following on the sideline, I think it has been fine till now. Do you have anything to say, bitch?"

"No, Master. I am quite happy -- and it has been a fantastic experience."

She was surprised at her own reply, but then thought it was the truth. She had willingly submitted to everything. Letting -- primarily John -- push her over a lot of borders and limits. It was definitely more intense than she had ever imagined, and more 'border crossing' than she could have envisioned before they started. She had brought this on herself, and she was quite content.

"Good. Because this will be your future. You will never go back to where you were before. Are you aware of that?"

"Yes, Master."

"From tomorrow you will wear your belt to work -- and every day during the daytime. Until you are as I desire. You will also wear the expander -- till you are formed the way I require for the use of you. For once I will ask you: Will you submit to that -- by what is left of your own free will?"

She grew cold. Thoughts flew through her head. So far she had done everything possible to excuse and hide her 'status' at work, but now she would have to find a way to move and act publicly in the belt and expander, and find a reasonable explanation if someone found out. It would be hard. She got a grip of herself: "Yes, Master. I am willing to do anything you desire for me." She finally managed to say in a low voice.

He got up and came over: Unlocked the belt and took it off.

"I will leave it off till tomorrow morning. I hope you will enjoy the last hours before it goes on permanently?"

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master."

John got up: "Now I will leave you two to it. Remember -- both of you -- that I am never more than a phone call or a text away, should you need me or the situation require it."

He had stepped over to her. Now he put an arm around her, and a hand under her chin, bending forward and giving her a very long tongue kiss.