Janine's Journey


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"Bye for now, slut. It has been a pleasure!"

She did not answer but gave him a long look as George followed him out.

Coming back George said: "I have a surprise for you, bitch. Come with me."

She followed him to the small side door in their hallway and into the basement. She had not been down here for ages, and usually they kept stuff there that waited to go to charities or be thrown out.

Her first surprise was how clean the staircase was, and that the door at the end looked different.

When she heard the hissing sound of an airlock, she realized what it was -- and stepping inside the now sound-proofed room, her suspicion was confirmed: George had -- sometime during the past 3 weeks -- had the basement converted into a sound proofed torture chamber.

He stood by the door as she walked the room. Let her hands slide over the two posts on the low, round platform at the end, caress the cage on one side of the room, and feel the hard wood of the 'X' cross at the other side of the room.

There was only one piece of 'normal' furniture: A big leather chair in one corner.

The walls were hung with whips, floggers, canes, chains, rope and all sorts of instruments for torture. All neatly in place.

Along the top of the room, a hidden light source in a panel along the ceiling gave a dim, indirect and shadow less hue to it all.

"So how do you like it, bitch. This is your new playground!"

She did not know what to answer. This was like John's basement -- just smaller -- but very much a copy of it. She blushed and bit her lip. "Ehh..I do not know what to say..Master.."

"Well let's try out some of the things, then you might get a better impression."

He continued to 'play' with her for many, many hours, bringing her to the top of orgasm -- and the top of pain -- sometimes separately, sometimes combined.

George took all he restraints off and let her sleep in the bed. Announcing that this would be the absolutely last time she would be free and in the bed.

She had trouble sleeping even though she was exhausted. Partly as the bed felt far too soft compared to the last three weeks of sleeping on the floor and in the basket, partly because her mind was racing with thoughts as to how she would manage to get through a whole working day in the attire, George had promised to put her in.

Janine's Journey

by o_girl ©

Chapter fourteen

The everyday life of a submissive...

Monday morning, they both got up early and she was allowed an extensive HOT shower -- after her compulsory enema of course.

She used an ample amount of hair balm -- the approved olive oil type -- and an equally liberal amount of the -- also approved -- olive oil balm on her whole body.

The 'assorted proofs' of her weekend at John's could not be helped, so she had a nicely striped behind -- and a few stripes here and there. Most noticeable the one across her breasts.

She rinsed the polish off her nails, and applied a new deep, red coat. She also rinsed her makeup carefully, before applying a fresh layer on lips, nips, eyes and crotch.

Doing a few slow turns in front of the mirror -- and then a close-up inspection of her face and hair. Now getting used to the 'boyish' parting at the side of her head. She smiled and decided it was satisfactory. Then walked downstairs.

On one half of the kitchen table, George had laid plates and cups for their breakfast. She was apparently to be allowed to sit at the table with him.

At the other end, the skirt and blouse he had chosen for her was folded nicely -- with the high heels on the floor below.

And then of course the belt, thin chains and the dildo.

"Stand here -- the usual position."

She moved to the table, stood with her legs apart and her hands behind her head. He swung the belt around her waist, buckled it lightly, adjusted the position, tightened it a few holes, adjusted the position again, and then -- with considerable force -- pulled the buckles as tight as they would go and found a suitable hole in the straps. Several holes beyond the last ones marked by the ball pen. She had not been right in assuming that the compression of her waist had been satisfactory. This felt terrible -- and was several holes beyond where it had been before.

She could not help herself gasping loudly.

He ignored her, turned and picked the little padlocks up from the table, and clicked them into place on the buckles in front.

She breathed a few times, composed herself. Felt the dizziness fade, and even managed to smile at him, then bend over the table, grabbed her buttocks and spread herself.

A few minutes later, she felt the oiled plug sliding slowly into her anus. Widening and stretching her until she felt the bottom plate against her skin.

George was getting good at this, so the back chain went on quickly, whereupon she stood and let him fish the front chains out between her legs and secure them to the front of the belt.

"Okay?" He said

"Yes, Master. Very much so!" She answered.

Then he resumed his tasks at the stove.

He had picked a skirt that hung low. It started just around her hip bone. That and the combination of a fairly bulgy, thick, white cotton blouse made her feel strangely secure. Her slim waist could be hidden by the bulging material of the blouse.

It was nice of him to have made that choice. Her first day in the contraption would be relatively easy. She just had to make sure that the blouse was bulging enough.

"Close another button up front," he said as he pushed the sunny eggs onto their plates. "I do not want the first day to be too challenging for you."

She gave him a grateful look as she did so, hiding the fresh marks on her body and only leaving a small triangle of flesh visible under her neck.

Later -- as she was leaving -- she turned to him: "How do I look, Master?" She made a few slow turns.

"Beautiful -- and appropriate. Now go and be proud of yourself."

Hs gave her a quick kiss and a slap on her sore butt. Then pushed her out of the door.

On her way to the car, she greeted Mr. Armstrong, who was out with the garbage.

Apart from her walking slightly different on account of the plug in her behind, it was as normal as it has ever been.

Everything seemed normal and as it had done many times before.

'Nothing extraordinary like coming home naked under a cape -- and with a face full of cum', she thought.

Going from the parking lot, the kids in the basketball court gave her the usual whistles and comments. She stopped, smiled and waved at them, which created even more whistles and shouts.

The first item, on her agenda was the monthly Monday morning status meeting.

She managed to meet and greet everybody, sit down carefully and slowly, and go through the meeting without any incidents.

Even though she had not yet gotten quite used to the plug and the belt, and she was careful to keep her blouse bulging in the right way, she managed to be as alert, quick and professional as usual.

She did feel the cold sweat on her forehead as her boss asked her to linger after the meeting.

Sitting with her heart beating fast in her chest and waiting till all except the two of them had left the room.

"Well. Janine."

"Yes. Bernard."

"As we have talked about before, I have noticed that you have done major changes to your appearance lately."

She felt dizzy. Was he going to comment on it further? Ask her to change back? Fire her? Or what?

"Yes. Bernard. I decided it was time for some change -- as I told you earlier. Hope it is ok?"

"Quite. In fact, it seems to have had a positive effect on your performance and sales figures, and as the manager of this company, I cannot have anything against that."

She smiled. Always the money first with Bernard.

"I'll show my -- and the company's appreciation by raising your provision starting this month -- and if you keep it up, it will be a permanent rise -- but let's see in the coming months."

"Yes, boss. Thank you, boss."

She bit her lips slightly as she had almost said 'yes, Master' being so much in the habit of doing so.

"Well. There's always a flip side to the coin as you know. I would like to increase your workload -- by giving you some of the more difficult cases. How do you feel about that?"

'Ah', she thought. The flea-ridden and unfavourable situated houses and flats - and the ones, where the sellers wanted a far too high a price, would be part of her portfolio. She sighed, but then thought 'why not give it a chance'. Might be fun to brag to her colleagues if she could unload some of that 'impossible stock' -- and she seemed to have no choice. One never said no -- especially not to Bernard.

"I'd like to give it a try, Bernard, but I will not promise results. Some of them have been on our books for ages, and really seem impossible to sell."

"Well. I thought about that as well. My idea was to give you an account for helping these properties along. I was thinking cleaning and clearing -- and maybe the odd paint and repair job here and there. You will of course use the money in the best interest of the company, but otherwise it is up to you how!"

She smiled as she recognized the opportunities by shining some of the places up. Maybe just a bit of garden clearance and house cleaning would be enough to make them fairly attractive.

"Great. Let you secretary bring me the files, and I'll get on to it right away. It might slow my performance down at the onset, you know. As I would have to spend time inspecting and arranging with workers to do the jobs?"

"I'm aware of that, Janine, but if you can get some of the old haunted houses off our books, the present owners will sure look at you with a lot of sympathy -- not to mention the gratitude I and this company will have in seeing these places disappear from our books."

Her mind was already working on which carpenters, plumbers, cleaners and so on, she could get to help her. She was sure she would be able to negotiate some good contracts -- like the one, she had with the gardening and cleaning company that already maintained the gardens of the houses on her books.

It was steady work so...

"Ok, Bernard, will do, and if that is all, I'd better get cracking.."

"Oh. One more thing!"

"Yes, Boss."

"I see you have gotten a new jewelry set -- very nice."

She wondered where this was leading.

"I know what the triskelion means, and as for your private live it is -- private, but just do not bring it to work. Do you understand?"

She blushed and her heart went up into her throat.

"Yes, Boss. Of course, Boss."

"Ok. As long as we understand each other. I think you have quite a future in this company. Now go and make money."

She tried very carefully to get up without revealing anything more about her body to his x-ray vision. He had been 'inspecting' her all through the conversation, and she knew that her 'loose' breasts was visible, even though the material hid the nips themselves.

She spent the day going through the files that Bernard's always sour looking secretary had dumped on her desk.

She made notes - from the pictures -- of what needed to be done, and clocked times and dates into her calendar when she would go and take a personal look, and when she would phone or meet some of the sellers.

She made it through the day without further anxiety or trouble.

Monday evening, she was in her 'submissive role' at home and spent most of the evening kneeling and servicing George.

She was happy when the belt and plug came off, but found that it had not been as terrible as she had thought. No that she looked forward to another day like this, but it was bearable -- and she had actually begun to like her new figure -- or maybe she was just getting used to having a slim waist. She fell asleep pondering this question.

Tuesday went surprisingly well. She was very busy and got home late, as she had been rushing around to inspect properties and have meetings with prospective companies that could do some minor 'brush ups' on the houses and flats.

George has also had a busy day, so apart from checking her anal tightness, they did not do much -- and went to bed early. Janine getting quite used to the dog basket.

Wednesday started as usual. She kept the pace up, working her way through the files with 'troublesome' properties -- and deciding to cancel her Fitness Studio memberships, as she realized that she would never be able to go there and hide her present condition. Even if she was without the belt and the dildo, the whip marks on her body showed clearly -- and both John and George had promised her to supply her with fresh ones on a running basis -- so she would always have marks somewhere on her body.

The idea of going weekly to work out seemed doomed from now on -- so she went on the net and sent a resignation request.

She would have to device some other way of getting exercise and keep fit.

She did have one appointment out of the office that day. At the end of the day, showing a quite nice villa in an equally quite nice part of town. The place was empty and has just come on the market as the relatives of the now deceased old woman had cleared and cleaned it up.

She knew it to be empty and the task would be to make the potential buyer imagine how it could be furnished.

She made her goodbyes at the office and drove to the house in early afternoon.

"Hello, Janine."

She stopped on the second step up to the front door. It was Frederick, the first person that had used her at John's -- being a total stranger at that point.

She kept her calm: "Hello, Frederick. House hunting?"

"Well, you might call it that. Shall we go inside?"

She walked past him and unlocked the door. Fortunately, the place looked clean and inviting. The door opened to a rather large hall with a door to each side, a staircase going upstairs and a landing along the back wall. A typical older, but well-kept house. All the doorframes had profiling and the balustrade was wooden and had chess-piece-like supporters at regular intervals. She put down her case on the little table by the entrance wall, and turned.

Frederick had pulled his phone out, and now showed her the front. It was a text from the common app, she knew was shared between her and John and George. It said: "Slut. Do whatever Frederick says. Go into the next room and strip. Then come back."

She looked from the text to Frederick and then back again. He smiled.

"So. Do what your Masters orders, slut. I'll be waiting for you here."

Stunned she walked into the nearest room. Another empty one but with wide window seats. Slowly she took off her blouse, skirt and heels and folded them on the window seat, turned and walked back.

Frederick had been busy, while she did this. His open business case was lying almost in the middle of the room. From the top of the landing and hanging down to the floor was two long ropes. He had also mounted his phone on a collapsible tripod -- also in the middle of the room and pointing towards the two ropes.

"Stand between the ropes, slut!"

Without saying a word, she walked to the position and stood there. He came up to her side and wound one rope around each of her wrists, tying a knot in a way so it was tight, but would not get any tighter by pulling.

He used the free-hanging ends of the rope. Slowly heaving and making her arms go up and out. High enough for her feet still be flat on the floor. Then he tied the ends to one of the chess-like supporters on the staircase.

He picked a telescopic spreader bar from his case -- and pulled it out. The click, click, click being the only sound in the silence.

Bending down, he spread her legs and tied the bar between them. Then went to the ends of the ropes, untied them and used quite some force to pull her all the way up on her toes. Making her give a small outcry.

He went behind her, and a large ball-gag came into view.

"Now -- open nicely, slut."

She opened and he used her lower teeth to turn the gag into her mouth, making her jaws hurt by the sheer size of it.

As he buckled it behind her head, he said: "We don't want the neighbours to hear you -- do we now?"

The 'mmphhh' she gave as a response made him give a short laughter. "Good. Shall we try if it works?"

He had walked in front of her as he said the last words. Now he grabbed her nips between his fingers and pressed very hard and turned and pulled at the same time.

She gave a muffled scream from the pain under her gag.

"Excellent. That will do fine. Now let's not waist any more time, but get to work on you, slut."

Diving into his case again, he pulled a long, braided bull-whip out. Nicely rolled into a circle.

He unrolled it and let it slide back behind him. Measured the distance and took a step backwards.

Now he began swinging it back and forth in a horizontal half-circle. Using his other hand to limit the circle on one side of him. He stepped a little closer, and the end began to dance over the front of her body.

In a way so that the last 10 Inches or so -- and the little, nasty knot at the end contacted the skin.

He got into a rhythm, and she heard the swishing sound and the snap as the whip worked her over. Once in a while, he used more force on a single stroke -- and then aimed for her breasts, giving her a hard, quick jolt of pain, but most of the time there was just this constant humming of pain - getting worse and worse.

He kept on till he had her wringing and pulling at the ropes, and tears were running down her cheeks.

Then he stopped -- walked behind her and resumed the rhythmical whipping om the thin skin of her back.

He did not keep it up for as long on this side of her -- but as the skin on the back is much thinner and much more sensitive -- there was no need to.

He had worked most of her body over with the whip, had her pull and throw herself around in the ropes, and had sent her into a sea of red pain.

She sensed that he rolled the whip up and put it back in the case. Her skin was burning -- all over - and the pain was like a flow inside all of her. She was happy that the belt had prevented a band - about 20 inches wide - round her waist from being hit. The otherwise strict waist trainer had for once been a blessing not an inconvenience.

He moved up to her and let his hands slide over his handiwork, making her skin shiver. She felt wet when a finger slid inside her front opening.

"mmmmm..wet are we?...such a slut..."

He pulled his finger out, dropped his pants, grabbed her buttocks and almost lifted her off the floor with the violence with which he drilled into her.

After he had spewed her full of hot sperm, he went out -- probably to the toilet to clean up.

He closed his phone and collapsed the tripod that also went into the case. He then took the spreader bar and the gag off -- and put them back in his case.

Finally, he lowered her, and untied her wrists. Her legs being quite shaky and unstable.

"Go get dressed, slut. Do not wash. I want you to go home dripping my sperm out of that cunt of yours -- and you may thank me!"

Thinking that the recording and Fredericks report would probably get back to George -- and maybe John -- and if she did not comply fully - give reason for yet another punishment, she said: "Thank you, Sir."

He slapped her right buttock hard: "Go put your clothes on -- slut!"

When she came back into the hallway, he had gone. Locking the door after him so silently that she had not heard it. The house looked like it had done before.

She thought that the old lady, who had been living there probably had no idea what her elegant staircase and hallway could be used for.