Jeffrey's Divorce and Recovery


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Jeff looked into her eyes then gently pulled her toward him. When she shifted he pulled her leg over himself. He said, "Straddle me Honey. I'll hold it up and when you feel it in the right position, sink down on it. You can control the depth and speed that way."

Abby did as Jeff said and gasped when she felt his cock part her nether lips. She pressed more, feeling the stretching as her body accommodated his intrusion. She felt the resistance when his cock pressed against her hymen. She knew she had only part of her hymen because she did use tampons but she felt the resistance, then a tearing sensation. She felt her eyes tear. It hurt but was not unbearable. She gave one more push and felt herself sitting on Jeff's hips. He was in.

They rested like that for a short time and Abby felt herself slowly moving her hips. She felt a tingling, then moved faster, pulling Jeff almost all the way out and slamming herself down on him rapidly. He was helping her on the upstroke, holding her hips. Abby looked into Jeff's eyes and felt herself begin to clench. She moaned and felt Jeff tense up, and then he lunged upward as she settled once more onto him. Abby felt a throbbing in her cunt and Jeff's cock jerked and twitched.

Jeff moaned, "Unhhhh." And held her tightly against him. All at once the tingles became an electric arc and Abby screamed. She felt her cunt contract over and over as her orgasm overtook her. Never in her life had she experienced something this intense. When she had played with herself it was a very poor second to this feeling. She collapsed against Jeff's chest and felt him kiss her. Their cum was draining out of her and dripping down on the bed.

The last thing Abby remembered that night was sighing and rolling off Jeff to fall beside him on the bed. Abby awoke to sunlight streaming into the room and someone yelling from the front room.

"Jeff are you up yet? Is Abby here? We want you to come to breakfast with us at the Lodge." Abby heard steps coming down the hallway and Jennifer walked into the room. Abby screeched and Jennifer pulled her hand to her mouth. She said, "Oh, Oh, Abby I'm so sorry. I didn't know..."

Jennifer turned and ran from the room. Jeff was lying there laughing. Abby gave him a dirty look and grabbed his robe. She was putting it on while running down the hallway after Jennifer. "Wait. I was awake and getting up. You don't have to leave. I'm sorry. I'll get to work and have breakfast ready in no time."

Jennifer stopped and stared at Abby. She smiled and walked up to her and wrapped the trembling young woman in her arms. "SHH Honey," she said. "I wasn't coming down here to find out why you didn't feed us. We have the meal ready. I just wanted you two to eat with us but I can see you have other things on your mind. I'll just go."

Abby grabbed Jennifer and smiled. "No. Please don't. Really, we were getting up." Abby blushed and said, "I don't think I could do anything this morning any way. I..."

Jeff walked slowly into the room in only his underwear. He eyed his mother and fiancé then smiled. "Well, now that you've got me up and promised me food, where is it?"

Abby smiled and turned to Jeff. "They cooked up at the Lodge. Come on Honey and let's get dressed so we can eat with them. For some reason I'm starved." She turned to Jennifer and said, "We'll be right there."

Abby never went back to her small suite in the Lodge. She slowly moved all her belongings to Jeff's cabin. They had set the date for the wedding and her parent's had promised to be there. Abby couldn't have been happier, then they got another phone call from Washington.

Abby was outside when she heard the phone ring. By the time she got into the cabin Jeff was already talking on the phone. All she heard him say was "Yes Sir, yes Sir. The nineteenth? Yes Sir. Mil Air? Yes Sir. Nineteen if possible. Uh Sir. Sir I don't know. I was supposed to get married the twenty third. What? Yes Sir."

Abby was standing trembling while she listened to Jeff. Her heart felt so cold and her stomach ached. Were they going to take him away from her again?

Jeff hung up the phone and turned to Abby. He held out his arms and she rushed into them. He could feel her tremble. He stroked her hair and whispered, "It's OK Honey. They just want us to go to DC for a couple of days. We were going to be married here anyway. Can we do the decorating and make the trip and still have the service then? They promised to have us back in time."

Abby slowly calmed down and looked up at Jeff. She nodded her head yes. "Yes, that shouldn't be a problem. What were they talking about though? Why a military aircraft and why did you say nineteen if possible?"

Jeff looked at Abby and grinned. He said, "Because that is how many seats I told them we needed for the family to make the trip. Abby I have to go to DC. The President's going to present me with the Medal of Honor and I have to go receive it. Of course all the family will want to go too. I told them nineteen seats in case your parents want to go also. Do you think they will?"

Abby gasped and stepped back from Jeff. "Oh My! Oh, yes, I'm sure they will. I have to go call them right now. Oh, I love you!" She leaped toward Jeff, gave him a quick kiss then ran from the room looking for her cell phone so she could call her parents.

Jeff and his family flew out the night before the ceremony in DC. They were catered to at every turn. The next morning they were met in the hotel lobby and escorted to a bus for the trip to the White House. When they arrived they were quickly shown to their places-the family in VIP Seating and Jeffery in a line near the podium.

At the appointed time, a uniformed Army General walked to the podium and said, "Attention. Ladies and Gentlemen, The President of the United States." All stood and turned, watching as the President walked into the room. He walked toward Jeffery and the General followed carrying documents and a folder.

The President stopped before Jeffery and Jeffery rendered the hand salute, remaining at attention. The General looked down at the papers in his hand and Jeffery heard a rustling, then footsteps approaching him from behind. He jerked a little in surprise when he saw Abigail out of the corner of his eye. The General handed her something then said, "Attention to Orders. Captain Jeffery Fielding having met all requirements for advancement to the next higher rank is hereby promoted to the rank of Major, United States Army Reserve. Said Promotion to be effective 1 June 2009."

Jeffery felt Abigail fumbling at his coat lapels as she first removed his Captains insignia, then placed his new Major's insignia in the proper place. When she finished she gave him a very proud smile and stepped back a couple of paces.

The General looked down at his paperwork once again and said, "Attention to Orders. Department of the Army, 17 June 2009. By direction of the Congress of the United States, The Medal of Honor is awarded to MAJOR (Then Captain) Jeffery Fielding for distinguishing himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. While commanding a Special Forces A Team and engaged in an action against overwhelmingly superior Taliban forces near Kandahar, Afghanistan Captain Fielding repeatedly placed himself in harms way to direct the battle and to carry grievously wounded members of his team to safety. Hit repeatedly himself by small arms fire and shrapnel, Captain Fielding continued to perform his duty to his men and his country. He directed the battle so astutely that his force of thirteen men decimated an enemy force estimated to number around three hundred. At times his unit was so sorely pressed by the enemy he called friendly fire down on his own positions. By his actions, Captain Fielding has distinguished himself and performed far more than could have been reasonably expected of him. He was so severely wounded his life was saved only by the assigned corpsman performing nearly continuous IV treatments of blood and plasma."

While the General was reading the citation, the President was placing the ribbon around Jeffery's neck. After the ceremony Jeffery held his arm out for a smiling but teary eyed Abigail. They marched off the stage and returned to the room for the reception.

Jeffery and Abigail were standing greeting well-wishers when the President walked up to them. He smiled and said, "Congratulations once again Major." He shook Jeff's hand then turned to Abigail and said, "And this beautiful Lady must be the future Mrs. Fielding. I must say we were all pulling for you in the restaurant that day. I hope you enjoyed the meal and Champagne?"

Abby gasped and asked, "You're the one who paid for our lunch?" She watched the President nod his head and said, "Oh, Thank You so much. We didn't know. The Maitre De only said a Gentleman had paid. Thank You."

The next morning Jeffery and his family were having a very late brunch while the rest of the country continued with the necessary business of their daily lives. In a dingy factory lunchroom in Springville a drab and defeated Amy was reading that mornings Paper. She slid the paper in front of her and gasped. Her friend looked over her shoulder and saw the picture of Jeffery and Abigail standing side by side while the President awarded him the Medal of Honor.

Jolene, her friend, turned to Amy and said, "Isn't he just darling? I read that article while I was eating breakfast this morning. They say the woman with him is his fiancé. He has been divorced for three years. Don't you know that his ex is just kicking herself for being an idiot and losing him? God, as handsome as he is and the Medal to boot. Hell, he can write his own ticket I bet."

Jolene finally heard Amy sniffling and turned to her. She asked, "Hey honey, what's the matter with you anyway?"

Amy just cried harder and felt Jolene pull her into an embrace. After she had quit crying Jolene pushed her back and demanded, "OK, give. Why the waterworks?"

Amy sniffled once again and said, "I'm the idiot that lost him. That's my ex. I was so sure he was a loser that I began trying to better myself and didn't consider what I was doing or what he would do if he caught me. This is just one more proof that I was a fool. It turned out he and his family was rich too. He had told me but I just didn't hear what he was saying and I blew it."

The little town of Steelville was in turmoil. Never in the past had there been such honor accrue to one of its citizens. One of its own was a National Hero and now he was marrying a local girl. Everyone wanted to be at the wedding. Everyone wanted to celebrate with the happy couple but that was not to be. The family Resort just didn't have the room for all the people who wanted to attend the wedding. Finally, they struck a compromise. Jeffery and Abigail had the small wedding they wanted with family and a few friends in attendance, and then they all adjourned to the local school where they held the reception in the Gymnasium.

By the time everyone who wanted to attend the reception (paid for by donations of grateful people) had shaken their hands and congratulated the happy couple it was late in the evening. The dancing and partying went on and on. The newlyweds slipped away at around 2 a.m. Rumor has it the festivities continued without them until almost 5 a.m. however.

There was only one blemish on the wedding day. A messenger delivered an envelope to Jeffery at the reception. It was from Amy. It had a small card inside on which was typed, "How Could You? How could you hide your wealth from me then take all we had when my only failing was to try to make more for us than we had? Now you live in Glory and luxury while I have to rot in my little dead end job and hovel of an apartment."

After he read the card Jeff wadded it up and threw it in the trash. He walked from the building into the night. As he walked past the bar he picked up a bottle of scotch. Abigail watched him then ran to the wastebasket and retrieved the card. She read it then ran after Jeff, tears streaming down her cheeks. She found him sitting in a swing drinking from the bottle.

Abby ran up to Jeffery and threw her arms around him. She kissed him madly and whispered into his ear. "Honey just ignore it. We both know she is a stone cold bitch. Forget her. You've got me now and I'll NEVER do something like that to you. I'll never lie to you or cheat on you. We're a team and we work together, live together, love together and eventually grow old together. I love you so much and now I hate that Bitch too."

Jeffery and Abby cuddled a while then he let her lead him back into the building. He was subdued the rest of the evening but Abby kept close watch on him and saw to it he was well taken care of.

The next day Jeff heard Abby on the phone when he walked into the cabin they had moved into. She thanked whomever she was talking to and hung up when he came into the room. She smiled that 1000-watt smile and skipped to him for her kiss. Jeff held her and thought once again how lucky he was to have found Abby.

A week later Jeff told Abby he had to go to Springville for a meeting. He asked if she would like to go with him and have supper before they came home. Abby smiled and said she would. They chatted while they drove then had a nice kiss before Jeff got out of the car and went to his meeting. Abby was going to shop while he worked then pick him up.

Jeff's meeting had started at 11 a.m. and continued through lunch into the afternoon. It ended at 4:30. He was waiting in the lobby of the building for over thirty minutes when Abby finally drove up in front. Jeff ran to the car and jumped into the passenger seat. He turned to give Abby a kiss and stopped in shock. Her hair was mussed and there was a red mark on her cheek. Her face was scratched and some of her knuckles were scraped.

Abby looked at Jeff with a fearful expression when she heard him gasp. He asked, "Honey what happened? Are you OK?"

Abby bit her lips and shook her head yes. She looked at Jeff and said, "I had a flat and bumped my head on the car changing it. I..." She looked at Jeff again and started crying. She said, "No, I just can't. I promised."

Abby sat back in the seat and looked at Jeff. She took a deep breath and said, "Honey I promised not to lie to you and we haven't been married three weeks and I started to. I'm sorry. I will NEVER do that to you. Honey I found that bitch you were married to and we had a little discussion about the note she sent you. I think she understands now that she has to leave MY man alone and get out of our lives."

Abby looked fearfully at Jeffery after she finished talking. Her eyes had a fearful, haunted look. Jeff jerked back in his seat and said, "WHAT? You..." All at once he broke out laughing and laughed until he was crying. Finally he managed to say, "Oh, my God. I can't believe you actually got into a fight with Amy over me! What the hell am I going to do with you?"

Abby looked at him and a little tenuous smile touched her lips as she replied, "Keep me around and hold me and love me? Please?"

Jeff Laughed once again and slid toward her in the car. He reached out and pulled her to him for a kiss. After the kiss he looked into her eyes and whispered, "I can do that. Now, do you want to go eat somewhere or just go home?"

Abby smiled and said, "Well, you did promise me a meal..." She started the car and drove to Jeff's favorite restaurant-a French Bistro. She picked up a large shopping bag and followed him into the building. She stopped him at the door and whispered into his ear, "I have to go to the little girls room. You go ahead honey and I'll catch up to you as soon as I can."

Jeff had been at the table for several minutes and was beginning to worry when he saw Abby coming through the door into the dining room. She was lovely. She had washed her face, done something to her hair and put on the proverbial little red dress. Every male eye watched her as she glided across the floor and the waiter seated her at Jeff's table. He could only sit and stare in lustful awe.

Jeff was surprised when Abby didn't order her favorite drink but accepted her comment that one of them had to stay sober to drive home. Just before desert Abby leaned toward Jeff and said, "Honey I'm afraid I have something else to tell you also. I, unh. You remember the night we came home from the hospital and you taught me how to...Oh, Honey I'm sorry but I didn't take care of myself. I had no idea I was going to make love. OH, Jeff, we're going to have a baby!"

Jeff sat looking at Abby then his face slowly broke out into a huge smile. "Damn. A few months ago I wondered if I would ever get to see you again and hold you in my arms like I ached to do. Now I am married to you we live in the only place on earth I have ever wanted to stay and we have a family on the way. You know Honey, life don't get much better than this!"

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jlg07jlg073 months ago

One of the earliest stories i read on this site and just a great now as it was then!

ForsakenGray1928ForsakenGray19284 months ago

Damn fine story. Love it.

BabyBunny2222BabyBunny22225 months ago

Your stories are excellent!!

lbentonlbenton6 months ago

I sort of like a good BTB.

good job putting it to Ammy


SatyrDickSatyrDick9 months ago


Top Shelf Writing!


Guyrea72Guyrea7210 months ago

Pure excellence

tonyneatotonyneatoabout 1 year ago

This is my favorite story of any genre on Literotica. 5 Very Big Stars. Thank You !

lerenardruselerenardruseover 1 year ago

I have no idea how many times I've read this. Such a great piece of writing

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