Jelly Bean and Her Bail Bondsman Ch. 04


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Much to their delight they found a pristine conch and many nice cockle shells; they found calico scallop, true tulip, whelk and Scotch bonnet shells; they found olive shells; they found a nice triton's trumpet.

Their greatest find was a lion's paw shell which rarely washes ashore, although it does turn up occasionally in fisherman's nets.

My beautiful Anita is so smart. While Joyce knew most of the common names for each shell, my jelly bean knows the names and/or variations of each plus the genus in Latin.

It did my heart good to see the women return with their buckets full of shells as if the buckets were full of pirate treasure.

It was around eight in the evening when we returned to our rooms. Bart and Anita decided to nap before our midnight couples dance on the hotel beach.

However I was hungry as was Joyce. We decided to meet in the bar/restaurant in twenty minutes after we changed for a bite to eat and let our better halves nap. We would join them later and then nap until almost midnight.

I was walking through the lobby on my way to meet Joyce when I heard a voice behind me whisper, "Dan, I'm over here."

I almost didn't recognize the striking redhead in the form fitting green knit dress waiting in the alcove to the restaurant.

It was her voice that gave Joyce away despite the sexy and expensive curly shoulder length wig she was wearing or the sultry, almost exotic way she was wearing her makeup.

If I didn't know it was a wig, I would mistake it for real hair, "What can I do for you, gorgeous and excuse me for saying so, but you're one hot looking babe"

"Dan, there is no time for teasing; Susan Douglas is here and now's your chance to tell her off once and for all."

"May I pay you a compliment first?" I asked feeling the curls of the wig, definitely real human hair.

"Yes, but we must hurry before she leaves. My cousin Thelma left a text message on my cell-phone. The tramp is living in their condominium. I want to be there when you tell her because I despise what she did to you."

"You look very sex in the dress. Actually the whole package is nice and I like the hair."

"Thank you," she replied taking my arm, "Let's walk while we talk. Bart likes variety and I have several wigs to spice things up. If I weren't married and met you before Anita, I just might; but back to business.

"Does Mary wear wigs?" I asked.

Never mind that now; I'm dressed incognito so as not to tip Susan off. You as an attorney should know it's best to have a witness on your side just in case, so here's the plan....."

I casually strolled into the restaurant before Dan as planned to find the despicable woman sitting up all nice and cozy with her toy! Talk about a walking stereotype for a fun in the sun male gigolo.

Susan's toy boy, and that was obvious from first glance is younger than Dan. He has curly shoulder length hair processed with dye to look sun bleached.

Eric is tall, thin, tanned and handsome. He proved by his demeanor to be as shallow as a dinner plate, although it was evident he worked out in the gym.

I also observed Eric constantly glanced at himself in the bar mirror....vanity must be Eric's middle name.....still, he's too good for the tramp.

Eric was wearing a fashionably tight red satin shirt with most of the buttons unbuttoned down to his navel to show off his numerous gold chains. He was also wearing tight white Capri pants and brown woven loafers without socks. Susan was wearing a sleeveless leopard print sun dress.

Up until then I had no idea such things as leopard skin print sun dresses existed; apparently the mother of the groom does. The tramp also had on enough gold jewelry to put an Aztec Princess to shame.

Susan was trying to placate the obviously bored Eric by running her fingers through his curls and telling him just another half-hour or something like that. Surfer boy was actually pouting like a spoiled child.

I contrasted the two men as Dan confidently walked into the restaurant. Dan's thick black hair, styled in a businessman's cut was a bit is worn a bit longish for Anita, and neatly combed back as always.

He was wearing dark grey wool trousers and polished black brogues. He was wearing an honest white cotton dress shirt with the sleeves partially rolled up. Only the top button was unbuttoned

Dan was devoid of all jewelry not counting the antique Elgin pocket watch Anita gave him. My future nephew is naturally masculine in his uncluttered, unpretentious sense style.

Many discerning women find such a look in a man sexy as hell, but then I'm prejudice as far as Dan is concerned; we have an understanding and I trust him like family.

"Good evening, Susan," Dan said quietly walking up next to her but not sitting down. He put a fifty dollar bill on the bar and ordered a club soda with a twist of lime.

"My, aren't you the persistent one. How did you know I was staying at my condominium in, Daniel? Did you hear through the grapevine I'm filing for divorce?"

"Who's this guy?" Eric asked looking Dan over and frowning," is he the reason we've been here so long?"

"Actually no, I had no idea he was in Florida," Susan replied, "but what a pleasant surprise."

"Daniel Skinner," Dan replied holding out his hand for Eric to shake.

"Yeah, whatever, dude," Eric replied not taking his hand.

"Eric is my escort and bodyguard for the evening, Daniel. He tends to be abrupt and standoffish with people he doesn't know; his hands are registered deadly weapons."

"So, you're a bodyguard. That sounds like an exciting and dangerous profession. I can assure you I won't cause any trouble. "

"Yeah, damn straight it's dangerous," Eric replied, trying to look intimidating, oblivious to the fact Dan was mocking him, "But on the plus side I break heads and I get paid for it!"

"I'll leave such matters to the experts," Dan replied, gravely, "Susan can vouch for me; I was a guest at the wedding. May I buy you a drink, Eric? You strike me as a man who knows his way around. Perhaps you can tell me where the action spots are in Fort Lauderdale."

"Yeah, sure, why not, thanks" Eric said smiling at the compliment and they shook hands, "Let me tell you about......"

Dan patiently listened to Eric, feeding him questions so he would brag about his prowess and exploits. After about forty minutes the tramp sent Eric back to her condominium with a sultry suggestion followed by a promise.

Some obnoxious jerk tried to hit one me. I told him I was an undercover vice cop to scare him off. Danny noticed and smiled. Susan thought he was smiling at her.

Because of the jerk, I didn't catch all the words but her body language transcended all spoken languages.

"Well, now that Eric is finally gone," Dan announced, "bartender, please bring the lady your best 30 year aged single malt Scotch over ice and make it a triple to celebrate the grapevine."

The bartender did, refilling Dan's club soda and adding another twist of lime. He served Susan's in the traditional heavy short and thick low ball glass. Susan got off of her barstool and stood as close as possible to Dan, leaning forward to smell his cologne.

They raised their glasses, "A toast to the grapevine," Dan offered; "a toast to the grapevine," Susan repeated taking a sip of her Scotch, "and a toast to liberation."

"A toast to liberation," Dan agreed, taking a sip of club soda, and then asking, "what or who is being liberated?"

"I'm being liberated; I'm taking my limp dick husband to the cleaners," Susan replied, laughing.

"You know Susan, as we stand here together, I'm feeling liberated too."

"Another toast to liberation," Susan said, and they both took a sip," I've never asked, just what is it you do, handsome?"

"I'm an attorney. My arrival in Fort Lauderdale is twofold.

I recently adjudicated a very difficult real estate transaction for a client and now...."

"You handled Eric well, Daniel, although he's not much in the conversation or brains department, he's a party animal and satisfies those tastes for me along with other needs; nightclubbing for example.

You on the other hand impress me as a man who knows exactly what he wants. It's obvious you are an educated man of sophisticated tastes. The young woman you were with at the wedding is absolutely stunning by the way."

"Yes, she is," Dan replied, "My fiancé is that and more; did you know Anita is a member of Mensa?"

"How charming, but getting back to us; it's also obvious you like to play the field and enjoy variety as do I.

Monogamy is for dull unimaginative drones and life is short; don't you agree?"....Dan didn't answer and Susan continued taking for granted that he did agreed.

"I don't believe in coincidence so I'll assume I've made an impression on you. Let's cut to the chase. I'm available and I'm discrete. I can show you a good time and I'll soon be a very wealthy woman."

"You've made an indelible lasting impression on me, Susan, please be assured of that fact," and as Dan said this I moved closer until one empty bar stool was between us; the women's eyes never left Dan after the toy boy left.

"What a charming compliment. Let me pay you one. It's obvious that you come from a good family. No doubt your parents are professional people; your education and breeding shows. You made an impression on me the moment we met."

'Boy did she just leave herself wide open and step in it,' I was thinking....'any time Dan, now's your chance....tell her what you think of her....lower the boom on the tramp! Don't hold anything back!'

"Do you believe in irrevocable fate, Susan, or does a higher power such as God direct our lives?"

"What are you talking about, Daniel," she said moving closer and putting her hand suggestively on his crotch and alarmed I was thinking, 'Dan, what are you doing! Follow the plan.'

Dan gently and effortlessly picked her up and put Susan on her barstool surprising her and me.

"Good things always will come to those who wait. Please hear me out, Susan."

"Anything you say counselor," Susan said picking up her drink and taking a sip, "give me your summation and then I'll sentence you to an evening you'll never forget."

"I've thought about it for a long time, Susan.....At first I couldn't fathom why you turned your back on me when I was eight years old. I simply didn't understand. What did I do wrong? As a result I hardened my heart. I thought unkindly of you for years.

I walked alone and I was content. I saw only one set of footprints in the sand. Anita came into my life with the sunshine of her smile and her laughter of little silver Christmas bells. She makes me complete.

I understand you now Susan and I forgive you. I genuinely wish you well and the best of health and happiness. I forgive you in part because I'm inspired by the love of a woman."

Dan took the well worn picture from his wallet when he was eight years old with his dog, Patsy. He handed it to Susan and she looked at it, confused momentarily. Then without further comment, Dan turned and walked away.

The once pleasant continence of the tramp's face went through a metamorphosis of changes and contortions mirroring her thoughts as Dan's identity became apparent to her; shock, shame, anger and embarrassment to name a few.

As a leopard can't change its spots; Susan's arrogant, selfish and grasping self bubbled to the surface with fetid frustrated meanness when she spewed, " don't you dare walk away from me.

I know who and what you are, you motherless bastard....shove your forgiveness up your ass because nobody wants you.

Yah, that's right looser keep walking. You'll always be a bastard. I'll fix you good. I'm going to tell your fiancé and her family exactly what you are and then I'm going to ruin you!

If you're really a lawyer, I'll have you disbarred!"

That despicable woman gulped down her drink and threw the heavy bar glass hitting Dan in the back.

Dan continued walking giving Susan no reaction or acknowledgement which enraged the tramp all the more.

Susan was shaken to the core by the revelation, forgiveness forgotten because she was made the fool. She shoved the photo into her purse and fumbled inside trying to get her cigarettes out, dropping the pack on the floor as she left the restaurant.

I followed Susan into the Ladies Room where she went right to a toilet stall closing the door behind her to smoke a cigarette.

I have to admire Dan for forgiving her; Marvin certainly will be pleased, however I can't forgive Susan that easily. Mary and Anita told me the whole story.

Mary might not approve of what I was going to do; however Dan deserved that photo back. I will deal with my older sister when the time comes and accept my admonishment as is the custom of us Palmer women. I will assume Mary's mantle in time, as will Anita.

I waited until Susan came out. At first, I intended to punch her in the face; however I needed a reason. Perhaps she would swing at me.

I snatched the purse out of her hand and removed the photo putting it in my bra between my breasts. I threw her purse over top of the toilet stall on the far right hearing a satisfying "SPLASH". "Who the hell are...?" and I slapped her face hard, not letting her finish her sentence.

"You don't deserve this photo of a dear sweet little boy," and I slapped her face twice more, stepping back to see if the tramp would swing at me; 'Just give me an excuse to punch your face, tramp,' I thought.....she didn't swing but cowered instead.

"Dan genuinely forgives you, although only God knows why. How dare you throw a glass at him! He meant every word," and I slapped her face again.

"You don't understand," she cried putting up her hands, I....."

"I understand everything so shut your mouth." I advanced towards her with my hands clenched in fists.

I backed the tramp into the stall where Susan tripped, falling between the toilet and the wall. I heard another satisfying splash when Susan's arm slid into the toilet bowl as she caught herself to avoid hitting her head.

"You're pathetic. Your husband is well rid of you," and with that I turned and walked out intending to go to my room, hesitating in the lobby with second thoughts and a premonition.

I walked down to the beach to find Dan standing at the water's edge looking into the horizon and the almost full moon illuminating the waves as it lapped gently on the sand and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"It's over, Joyce," said Dan turning to face me, "a new chapter in my life is being written. There is something to be said for forgiveness and the ensuing peace of the soul; despite it not being accepted by the one who is forgiven. It's out of my hands now."

"I have something for you," I offered reaching into my bra and giving him the picture, "Susan doesn't deserve it."

"Joyce, what did you do to her?" He asked grinning, "Come clean with me."

When I told everything......"You bitch slapped her," said Dan, chuckling, "I would have never guessed you, a Palmer woman, would be familiar with the slang term "bitch slap. Thank you for the picture back though."

"Well, it's not like I was cursing or using foul language and you're welcome," I said relieved Dan was taking it so well.

Despite the fact I was worried more trouble might become of it and adding, "Susan did come clean in a sense...well at least her purse did," I joked adjusting his collar, "You'll let me tell Mary in my own way?"

"I won't say a word to anybody, Joyce. Hopefully everything will die down and that will be the end of it."

"I should be getting back to my husband and you, Anita, besides we can both use a nap........." I stripped down to my boxers and got in bed next to my jelly bean. Anita rolled over sleepily and touched my face, "How was your dinner date?" she asked snuggling up close to me.

"My dinner date with your Aunt went fine, baby."

"I was dreaming we were making love on the beach with the stars as our witness," Anita said, running her fingers through my hair, "I'm still a tiny bit horny from it."

"Do you want to make love now?" I asked.

"Love too," Anita said kissing my lips, "and then we'll go dancing on the sand."

"Lie on your back and get comfortable, baby, first yours and then mine."

I got comfortable and waited for his warm kisses as he kissed his way down to my plump wet pussy. "I'm going to taste you first, taste your pussy and drink the sweet cream of your arousal. There is nothing I like more than the taste of a woman, and you are my woman; spread your legs for me Anita."

Danny parted the lips of my pussy and started licking, and oh my god this was nirvana. I woke up from a little nap dreaming of making love and now I was doing it.

I touched myself, enjoying the silky smoothness of my denuded mound, one hand caressing and rubbing my mound, the other Danny's thick black hair noting the contrasts. Yes this definitely is where hair belongs, not here, hiding my glorious womanhood.

I lay back closing my eyes, inviting the incursion of my lover's tongue as he teased and tantalized, pausing to taste and savor the succulent cream of his woman...his woman...Danny's fiancé'.

At first his tongue was like a warm pink butterfly fluttering about and fanning my desire with his wings, further rousing my imagination as he thrust it in-and- out, side-to-side. His tongue was inflaming my arousal in ways only a woman in love can experience.

Sensing my urgent need as the heat of my smoldering orgasm was rising, Danny's tongue became a stalwart and stout, darting, feigning and pummeling my clitoris as he stroked and caressed my breasts and nipples with one of his warm strong hands.

Danny's pink tongue was savage and remorseless; conquering and resolute in the unrelenting purpose of my pleasure releasing the rising heat from stoked flames of euphoric rapture as my volcanic orgasm erupted and overwhelmed and overtook every molecule of my being.

Danny had me moaning and panting, squirming and thrashing; my hands were in my long brown hair as I thrust my hips upward to push my dripping wet pussy into his face for his tongue and lips to ravish me.

He had to shift his hands to hold me from sliding off the bed such was my abandon as I surrendered to him; surrendered to the throes euphoric passion to my future was an unrelenting burning passion because he is mine; heart and soul.

Afterward, I lay back drained and limp lying diagonally across the bed with my head almost hanging over the edge of the bed with my hair hanging over the bed and wishing it was long enough to touch the floor like Mom's or Joyce's definitely will; I momentary thought about my impulsive short boy's haircut; lamenting that foolish mistake.

Aunt Joyce says a woman's long hair when unbound and loose is often referred to as "bedroom hair'' and a delight to the hands and eyes of their man.

Danny moved me back to the center of the bed and had me get on my hands and knees to do it doggy style and entered me roughly from behind, pausing only to grab my long brown hair and twist it into a ponytail to hold onto while he fucked me. I braced my arms against the bed anticipating what would follow.....the pulling of my hair arousing me all the more.

He started ramming my still wet pussy with his hard cock relentlessly and forcibly, increasing his cadence and forcefulness of his stroke as his orgasm started to peak.

I adore being fucked hard and rough like this....actually I adore getting fucked period and oral sex... well oral sex is Nirvana.

I was practically screaming as I encouraged him, "Fuck me harder.... fuck me harder", as my second orgasm washed over me; I use words like "fuck" only to express myself when we love because they are so primal and animalistic....besides, sometimes I just can't help myself when my glorious orgasms wash over me....and...I'm his bitch.