Jen and Mike Ch. 13


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So as he watched while his little girl enjoyed her snack of his cum he couldn't help but think how much the pain of playing the game was going to be worth it. He loved both of these women with all his heart and in his own perverse thinking it made him happy to see them make each other so happy.

"Oh yummy, now I don't need any dessert mom, that was the perfect way to end my dinner. There is only one way it could have been better mom," she said with a dirty look in her eye.

"Let me guess baby, maybe if you were eating it from my pussy?" Jenny laughed. She knew her daughter's dirty mind because she had the same thoughts.

"Oh yeah that would have been it, I loved doing it the other day. I want some more that way mommy. Are you and daddy going to fuck when you go to bed tonight?" Jesse teased.

"Maybe honey, I want to make sure your dad is going to be ok all alone this weekend. So I figured that if I spent the night with him that should help." Jenny said seeing where this was going already.

"Maybe... Just maybe you could bring me another snack before I go to sleep. Please mom, it wouldn't take long, I'll just eat it and send you back. Daddy wouldn't mind would you daddy?" Jesse pleaded.

Before Mike could answer Jenny jumped in, "Honey we talked about this earlier, you know I promised tonight to your father. Don't be a spoiled brat you are going to have me all to yourself for the next two nights. So let your dad have a little fun tonight uninterrupted. Besides there are going to be lots of opportunities for you to snack cum from my pussy in the future, ok?"

Jesse pouted while saying. "Okay mom, I understand. You guys have fun tonight I think I will head to my room and play on the computer. I'll find some hot porn to keep me entertained while I listen to you guys fuck."

She walked over to her mom and hugged her and kissed her for a few minutes. Jenny might have been spending the night with her husband but that didn't stop the two of them from sharing a steamy goodnight kiss.

"Oh man, I don't think I need the porn! I'm going to go play with myself and think of you mom. I love you mom, goodnight!"

Jenny already breathing heavy from just that little contact with her young lover repeated the same to her. "I love you so much baby. Get your rest tonight because I'm going to expect you to have lots of energy tomorrow night. By the way pack a bag tonight because I will be picking you up from school tomorrow. Your last class ends at two right?"

"Yeah, Oh mom I just realized tonight is my last night as a virgin. I can't wait till tomorrow!"

She walked over to her dad and kissed him on the cheek. She whispered in his ear, "Thank you for my dessert, have fun tonight too. I love you too daddy."

"Don't worry about making mommy cum, I will take care of that for you tomorrow." She teased him getting in one final insult for the game.

"Goodnight pumpkin, daddy loves you too. Try and get some sleep tonight because I know your mom is going to keep you up all night tomorrow," He told her. He couldn't believe how casually he added that last comment. Not once thinking about what exactly would be happening in that hotel room tomorrow night.

Jesse turned and headed to her room, both parents staring at her as she walked away, "I'm going to clean this mess up honey. Why don't you go shower and pick out one of your favorite movies, we can watch it in bed tonight."

"Sounds good sweetie but let me clean up with you, after all you cooked. It was a wonderful dinner too. Everything about it from the food to the entertainment was thrilling. I mean it honey." Mike complimented her.

"Thanks baby, I'm very impressed with your handling of this whole new relationship for me and Jesse. You don't know how happy it has made me knowing this didn't get ugly. I was actually nervous for a bit yesterday thinking that your kinkiness wouldn't get you over the hurdle on this one," she said while taking things into the kitchen.

"Well there was a brief moment of sanity on my part," Mike laughed, "Then my little head spoke to me and wiped that out."

"So you are enjoying the show's are you mister, enjoying seeing your wife screaming again," Jenny teased.

"Geez, Jenny you have given me every man's fantasy and taken it infinite steps further. All men want to see two women together, I only got to see it happen once with you years ago. Now it's here right in front of my face, not only that but it plays right into my fantasies.

"Knowing that Jesse makes you cum harder than I ever have makes me hard. I have had a hard on non stop since last night, shit I'm hard again!" Mike told his wife excitedly.

"Well get your ass in the shower and pick out a good movie, get one from the old days if you know what I mean. I will be inside in fifteen minutes, then I want you inside me. You deserve a special night for being such a wonderful husband."

Mike smiled outside and inside, these were the special times in the game. The moments when his wife reminded him how special he was to her. "I'll be ready and waiting when you arrive beautiful."

Jenny smiled back at him and watched him leave. The night would be nice between them, it wasn't as if she hated having sex with Mike it just didn't do anything really for her. She would enjoy it though because she loved sex in general. She knew he wouldn't make her cum, maybe not even with his mouth. He had always been able to make her cum that way but Jesse was just so damned good at it he really came up second best.

He really did deserve a special night though, he had accepted something from her that in truth was very hard to handle. So she wanted him to feel special and loved tonight just like in the early days of the game. She used to go to him after being with her lovers and always made him feel special.

Even though she was no longer in love with her husband it wouldn't stop her from giving him a happy night. Being in love obviously was never a prerequisite for sex with her. It always made it hotter of course but she would make sure he enjoyed it tonight.

Two hours later Jenny and Mike lay together in their bed holding each other. Holding each other as they had done almost every night of the last eighteen years. Everything was nice between the two of them.

The two of them had enjoyed some of the best sex they had in years. Jenny was right, she didn't cum but she did fake it convincingly when Mike ate her pussy. What a difference it was when her little girl ate her. It was like she knew every nerve to touch, every area to lick. Her orgasms were epic when Jesse went down on her.

In spite of all that Jenny had enjoyed it, she enjoyed the closeness with someone she had shared her life with. She knew things were going to change around here in ways Mike hasn't even grasped yet. So it was nice to have a night like this before anything else got thrust upon him.

She didn't use any of her verbal tricks, didn't make him feel inferior. Even when he asked how he compared to Jesse on eating her pussy she evaded the question. She did it the same way she did early in the game. She told him that Jesse wasn't better she just did it different. She even had the woman card to use, she told him that a woman knows how to please another woman in ways a man can't.

Mike had been so worked up tonight even after his multiple orgasms that he was still able to fuck her twice. Jenny had a hard time thinking of it as fucking her. It just paled in comparison to all the lovers she had in the past and especially to her new one. Jenny was impressed though with how excited the new game was keeping him.

Mike lay there holding his wife of 20 years and was happy. He couldn't believe how hot he had been tonight with Jenny. He felt rejuvenated, like a he had gone back in time twenty years. He was losing count of the amount of orgasms he was having too. The whole day before and today were blurring together into one nonstop sex binge. He had hopes that it was just the beginning too.

Tonight had been like one of those old nights years ago for him. The special nights when Jenny would come back to his bed and all the hurt and angst would disappear. His wife always had that talent, the talent to make him feel like he was her whole world. He knew it wasn't true. He knew based on past experience that now the two of them were finished her thoughts would then turn to her newest lover next door.

That didn't bother him, it was just the way she was when she took on someone new. It always balanced out in the end though. The biggest difference this time was one he was forcing himself to avoid thinking about. In the past the relationships his wife had outside their marriage always faded. If he thought it out he would realize there wasn't really a chance of that happening this time since her lover was so close to her already and lived in the same house.

Mike avoided this though because all was well at the moment. His wife was in his arms tonight and he was feeling alive. More alive than he had in years.

Jenny looked at him and decided that now would be a good moment to spring a couple of things on her husband. Even though money was never an issue in their lives she still discussed any major financial decisions with him. He was the one that had set them up for life and he deserved that respect.

"Honey, I need to talk to you about a couple of money issues. I hope you don't mind."

"Oh boy you women always know just when a guy is most vulnerable don't you. Drain his balls and he is a pushover," Mike joked. He had never denied her anything she wanted so he knew this was just a formality. He always appreciated his wife's respect for him in this part of their lives.

"Oh Mike, you know I would never pull that kind of trick on you, that's not what gets to you. I drained you tonight because I wanted to, not because I want something from you,"

"I want to get Jesse a new car, not a used one like we talked about. I think she deserves it for being such a loving daughter don't you? I mean besides the fact that she is now making me happier in bed than you ever have, she has always been a good girl,"

Mike's eyes went wide and he sat up on one elbow. "Damn honey, don't you think that's a bit extravagant for an eighteen year old. I mean I understand there are other circumstances at play now but still..."

"Come on honey, its practical too. Do you want our little girl out driving in some clunker that could break down god knows where. Or would you rather her have something cool and reliable. Don't you think our daughter deserves the best." Jenny cooed trying to make him see the light.

"Wait let me get this straight, three days ago a used car was a fine idea for her. You and I discussed it and you agreed. You know we weren't going to get her no clunker either, so safety is not the issue here. Be honest with me, does this have anything to do with our daughter being your lover now?" Mike said while smiling. He knew he would give in but he wanted his wife to come clean on the reason. He just wanted to hear her say it.

Jenny looked at him and batted her eyes, "Ummm maybe a little bit, I mean just look at how us being lovers has benefited you. She fucks me better than you do so you will always be able to feed on that. The hard-on you have been walking around with all day is because of her and me fucking each other."

"Ok, ok, ok... Just exactly did you have in mind. I don't care how good a fuck our daughter is she isn't getting no BMW at 18," He joked.

"Oh baby you're the sweetest husband in the world! No honey don't worry no BMW, I was thinking one of those cute little Mazda Miatta's. Its cute sporty and sexy, Jesse will fit into it like a glove. Oh god, Mike she will be turning the heads like crazy with that. Thank you so much honey she will be so happy! I just have a special request for the color, I know she will love it especially due to the circumstances." She said as she whispered the color to her husband.

" Damn Jenny you have a truly perverse sense of humor. How do you want to handle this little miracle honey? When do you propose we do the shopping for this chariot of love?," Mike asked curiously.

"Welllll now that you mention it, I thought that while we are away this weekend you could do it. Just think how special the whole weekend will be for her. Her and I alone in the city making her into a grown woman. Then to finish it off when we drive up Sunday you have it on the driveway with one of those pretty cliché bows on it. Can you see the look on her face when she see's it!!"

"Oh and honey while we are on the finances thing, just letting you know I did some shopping for her the other day in the mall. It was a little pricey and the upcoming weekend's kind of pricey too," Jenny sheepishly added.

"Hmmm I do know of a couple car dealerships, let me check it out. I think I can make it happen in the next few days. As far as the other things I told you once a long time ago don't ever worry about spending money honey. I know this situation is different than any of the other boyfriends you had in the past."

"I'm so glad you understand baby, she is a young woman and she needs to have her first lover spoil her some. I must admit its fun buying things for her too!"

Just then Mike noticed a sadness show on his wife's face. He wondered what could be bothering her because the night had been lots of fun for both of them.

"Honey what's wrong, you just got sad, what are you thinking,"

"Oh sorry baby it's nothing. It's just that Jesse thought we would be together again tonight. When I told her she got kind of upset but she understood. It seems kind of funny but she got a little jealous, not that she has any reason to. I just hate seeing her upset."

Mike thought about it and he remembered similar times in the past when Jenny had lovers over the house. She would come to his bed after finishing with them and would miss being with them. He almost always would wind up sending her back to the other man so she could have fun.

Then he thought of something that would make his wife and daughter happy. "You miss her right now don't you honey? You miss holding her?"

Jenny hesitated, everything tonight went really well she didn't want to spoil it. "Yeah I guess I do, it's not just the holding I miss if you understand," she said trying to make light of it.

"Do you want her to come in honey, I would understand if you do. I could sleep in her bed again. I mean we had our time together and all we were going to do now was sleep. I think you should spend the night with your girlfriend," Mike volunteered.

"No honey I don't want to put you out... I mean unless you are sure. If you are sure I would love to have her next to me. Not that I don't want you next to me," Jenny said giggling like a little girl.

"Honey maybe we should redo the guest room and make it into a spare bedroom for you, in case Jesse stays here a lot. I mean I hate the idea that you have to sleep in her small bed."

Mike shuddered at the last thing out of Jenny's mouth. He knew that they would be spending lots of time together but this was his bedroom too. Although it would be a good alternative to sleeping in Jesse's twin bed.

"Yeah that might be an idea honey lets see how things go. Are you going to go and get her," Mike asked.

"Oh baby would you do it, go and tell her that her lover needs her. Tell her it was your idea. This way she can see how ok you are with everything too. Oh and Mike there's no need for you to come back with her, I really don't want to be watched tonight," Jenny told him switching to cuckold mode.

"Oh ok, I thought maybe I could stay a little bit.. All right I guess I will see you in the morning," Mike said in slightly dejected voice.

He had hoped that by letting Jenny have their daughter come in he would be able to watch the two of them again. Oh well he knew it would happen again, anyway his cock needed a rest it was getting kind of sore.

"Baby thank you for being you, my life would not be anywhere near as much fun without you. I will see you in the morning. Oh and can you grab breakfast again sweetie?" Jenny said.

Mike got up and put his boxers on and went next door. He knocked on his daughter's door and didn't get any reply. He turned the knob and went in, Jesse had fallen asleep on top of her covers with her robe still on. It was on but almost wide open so Mike had an eyeful as he shook her lightly.

"Pumpkin, hey you, wake up sleepyhead," he whispered as he nudged her softly.

Jesse's eyelids fluttered and she looked up at her father standing there. "Oh daddy, wow I think the wine got to me. What time is it? Is everything ok?" she said in a bit of a fog.

"Everything's fine pumpkin, it's just that there's someone in the other room who needs you. I want you to go to her and love her baby. Love her like she needs to be loved, ok?"

"Oh daddy are you sure, mom said it was a night for the two of you. She wanted to spend it with you,"

"It's ok honey, I know what your mom wants even when her words say something else. Go to her baby and I will see you in the morning. Goodnight baby."

"Oh thank you daddy, I missed her while I was in here. I love you so much daddy. I'm going to go and do what you said, I'm going to go love my mom the way she needs to be loved."

Jesse went into her parents' bedroom and jumped on the bed. She was giggling and smiling like it was Christmas morning.

"Mom, daddy told me I should come in here and love you the way you need to be loved., his words. So how do you need to be loved?"

Jenny pulled her daughter to her and said, "I think you know very well how mommy needs to be loved so listen to your daddy and get to work."

Of course there was only one way for them to start, Jenny opened up her legs and invited her daughter to eat her cream pie full of her father's cum. The two women then melted into each others arms and for the next two hours made each other moan and scream with release. Then for the second night in a row they fell asleep holding each other as lovers do.

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MrfixitforyouMrfixitforyoualmost 10 years ago
I think that You have hit it on the nose. Good Job

You have hit the main current in Xleglovers story homage. First of all let me state that I have recently come to the realization that this is the story of jen. It is about her view of her world.

Her focus period: Since college and most likely before she realises that her beauty combined with slutty behaviour reduces men to putty in her hands. The ones who treat her rough do so because she allows it. She is topping from the bottom. When she says NO and cuts them off they are simply cut off. Any residual feeling is met with her discretion based on her needs or wants. All the guys have feasted on her sexuality and been recipient to her many erotic ministrations were at her pleasure for her pleasure.

Her full spectrum approach to sexual activity is her approach only: World be damned Mike is a feature of her sexuality. Sometime she likes to be treated rough and sometimes she likes to treat someone rough. She knows how much a man can take because she has a personal experiment going with Mike. If it was not Mike it would be someone like him who loves and cares for her while exhibiting " Need". Need being translated into meaning that he would want jen to be happy even at hisown emotional expense.

So if it were not Mike it could easily be Drums. Dont think that because Drums has a big cock that jen did not manipulate him. Enjoying sex with him with minimal emotional expense on her part but larges sums of emotional, psychological , sexual and physical capital on his side Then she dropped him. If there were no Mike given the ramifications of the " Ramones" envirionment jen would have fucked everyone in the band and Drums would have to live with it As it stands now he lives with the fact that jen sucked off his friends, refused them pussy, sashayed around masterminding a sex show and still Drums was not repulsed but actually called to " check in"

I would not be suprised if now jesse becomes that " Person" that "Needs" jen.. In that casee there will be no need for Mike He will be a major distraction sulking around and mopping, whining and being uderfoot for no reason. He has served his purpose. He gave jen a child( Maybe) he provided the finances for their lifestyle. Gave them social cover, insured lifestyle substainability. Really though he is through. When Scot and Allie come to visit and you know they will. jesse will be " Cuckholded" and she will be the one that jen explains " how she gets when she is having sex"

In fact jen is setting her up now. She knows how her mom manipulates and pushes Mikes buttons. When it starts happening to her she will know that it is for real.

jesse's tongue is bettet than Mikes. What else does he have to offer?

His penis is inconsequential and now jen questions whether or not she even feels it. jesse loves to suck cock and is smoking hot, so an endless supply of those should be around for her and her mom. The strap on will be in the rear view mirror once jen makes jesse supply young cock for her. jesse will be so aware once she has to leave the " room" so mom can be with a " lover"

So yeah I see how this could be a happy ending for all. jen getting her way as only she can. jesse enjoying being her moms lover until she becomes her cuck then enjoying being her moms cuck as she learns all aspects of the " Game" from the one who is hurt as well as the one who causes pain.

Mike is a mountain of emotional resolve, in the way he deals with wife and daughter both betraying him emotionally, psychically, mentally, spirtually and physically as well. We cant help but hope that after all these years he would welcome a change even if it was not a change he could forsee or welcome but a change nontheless that could add up to him being put on a better road without blinders.

What will be the straw that breaks the camels back? I dunno maybe scot pushing Mikes buttons the way he always has. Maybe scot dares Mike to authenticate parternity? Maybe scot shows up with jesse's DNA report.? maybe jen, jesse, scot and allie humiliate Mike beyond any boundry he has ever let them walk over before?

Maybe just maybe Mike wakes up one morning or simply refuses to go to bed one night.

At some point ..............................Something has to happen not because Mike is being mistreated, but for some other reason. Like maybe just maybe Its time for him to go.

This is jens story, pure and simple, Mike was just a charactar in it. Like the others who have cum and gone. It just may be time for him to make his exit.

Bye Mike good luck

KidG1000KidG1000almost 10 years ago
Don't listen to the haters

Please don't listen to the negativity. This story is not dead. This story is literally the reason I check literotica every single day. Hank you for taking the time to write it. Pit definitely has it's fans, I am a huge fan of this.

Lord_RhoopLord_Rhoopalmost 10 years ago
This story is dead

No matter how many different ways you kick the corpse, you're not going to make it stand-up and dance; why not just quit while you're behind, you painted yourself into a corner with a story about a pair of unbelievably selfish, self-involved bitches that need to be shoved out the door with a gate-post hammered up their asses to show them the true meaning of humiliation. Jen is a pathological liar, and Jessie's a spoiled, petulant little bitch and I regret the time I spent reading any of this farrago, because all you're doing now is trying to find a way to live up to your promise that it all ends well for everyone, but you still don't know how; like I said, painted into a corner.....

KidG1000KidG1000almost 10 years ago
Broadway in Twenty Years

I think its hilarious that twenty years from now Book of Mormon, Wicked, and Les Miz are still running. Are they the same productions, or is the twist that they are futuristic revivals? Seriously, even though I'm a cuckold humiliation fanatic, I was fascinated by this part. My first reaction was to suggest that Jen and Jesse go see Matilda the Musical, but Mormon is indeed hilarious so whichever you can get tickets for I guess. Although, who can say if these ones are revivals or not. Please tell me Phantom is STILL running and its the same exact show it's been forever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I see this ending very good for Mike and bad for Jen and Jesse

You do good work on this story and I see that, but I see Mike eventually standing up for himself and leaving the house and taking his martial bed with him and walking out with a suitcase of his stuff. He leaves both women and Mike will say the second he is out the door "I'm a free man again". He files for divorce and asks both women to not contact him anymore and not attempt to find him, he is leaving and wishes both whatever happens in there life for the future happens. But I have 1 question for you maedhros21: how many more chapters are there until we get to the point of where you have said it will work out for all 3 of them?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Unrealistic, verging on cartoonish

At some point Mike would have said "Who the fuck are these people? Because they're not my family, they're a pair of self-involved strangers, I'm outta here!" and I would have applauded his leaving; this is not about a game, this is about those two bitches finding ever newer and more painfully amusing ways to emotionally shred what used to be the mainstay of their family before their cunts got in the way. This story is not erotic, just nasty and grotesque, but then perhaps it's just a reflection of the real you...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
You Took This Off The Rails

20 years or not this does not even remotely resemble these characters.This is just poor science fiction Also at this point it has ceased to be erotic.Look at the scores they are heading into the toilet as well Will not continue reading.No point

ss6504ss6504almost 10 years ago

Fantastic!!! Keep them coming. can't wait for the sequels. Ignore the critics and keep the sequels coming!!!

OOAAOOAAalmost 10 years ago

Brilliant chapter!!!!!

Thanks again!

m48gunnerm48gunneralmost 10 years ago
Don't understand

I really don't understand that attitude that Jenny has where she says she "loves" Mike but is not "in love" with him......seems pretty bogus to me...also seems if you are going to go this direction that Mike needs to realize the game has changed, she no longer is "in love" with him as she was in the past games....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Hope Xleg is enjoying this too...

I love how you have taken the characters forward. I hope you can add more cuckolding elements to the story - just pushes more buttons.

This story is exactly how Mike and Jen could look like twenty years hence. Jesse joining the game and all of this without having to hide is very erotic. am waiting to have Mike cuckolded by Scott and Allie during the Vegas weekend. He should join them and assist in the festivities. I love that Jen and Jessie are unabashed about their priorities - they have been rejuvenated. Please write your next chapters soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I think this story is effectively over now. You have an end date set already and you have basically destroyed two characters that we had come to know pretty well. In your story you have now got two women who are all me me me. Jessie is turning out of be a self absorbed little bitch who wants everything her way, and Jenny wants Mike to move into the spare room so they can be together. Jenny doesn't love Mike in your story no matter how much you bleat on that she does. She can't even keep her word that the night is his, as soon as they are together she wants him to leave her and let Jessie be with her, and Jessie doesn't want her sleep for with Mike at all. What's next, are you going to turn him into a eunuch for them.....

Give the guy some self respect back and let him either kill himself in front of them to make them realise what they gave done to him, or let him be strong enough to throw them out with nothing to their names.

No matter what you do now there is no way for Mike to be happy. He is going to loose no matter what you do, and to be honest I don't think you give a shit about him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Just feels fake

The whole thing just feels completely hollow now. "Jenny" is unbelievable at best. Mike is a complete reversal from what he once was, sitting there and smiling while his wife lies to his face and telling her it's totally okay, and the daughter changes emotions in the blink of an eye. They are all cheap devices to move a crap story along. I actually regret reading this and wish I could take it back. Half of everything you write is just you trying to reinforce your argument that she still loves him when she obviously doesn't. If you've kept up with the actual stories at all, you'd realize you are completely out of your depth.

Stop trying to convince us she loves him. If you had any integrity to your story, you'd have the two lovers plot to kill him already and take his money to offer up to Scott. End of crap story. Case closed.

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