Jess and The Piercing

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Jess gets her hood pierced while my buddy & I watch.
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If you have read any of the previous Jess stories you know that there are a few things that drive Jess's sexuality and our sexual relationship: Exhibitionism, big cocks, and rough sex. About 9 months into our relationship Jess moved in with me, which was like a fan to the already hot flame. Our relationship, as sexual as it was from the beginning, went to whole new levels. We indulged our fantasies and fetishes and fed our sexuality at every turn. Everything was elevated and pushed beyond any boundaries that we may have had before. Essentially, Jess was transforming into the epitome of the persona that we talked about in our fantasies. She literally strived to live out every fantasy and act on every obsession every chance she had. This was amazing but could also be destructive to our relationship and our relationships with others. Her sexiness and the no holds barred approach alienated some couples and even a neighbor. Women just could not handle their men staring at Jess or would be completely offended by her exhibitionism or all out nudity at times. She never came onto their men, but she wanted them to look, and she wanted them to desire her. I wanted the same, and that just does not fly with most other women who were very protective of their husbands or boyfriends.

When it came to exhibitionism Jess was well beyond never having a bra on and her nipples poking through her shirts. In the morning, around my house she almost always only wore just a wife-beater tank top or a longer thin t-shirt and nothing else. They would come down just past her ass, but any slight movement exposed her ass and pussy to whomever was around. She knew it, and I loved it. I had the privilege of being able to look at her nude anytime I wanted, but I would still try and catch glimpses of her goodies in the morning just like a stranger would need to do. What a turn on for me.

When we started to date Jess was only 20 years old and I was 32. This story takes place a little more than a year into our relationship, the summer before Jess turned 22. Jess is 5'6" tall, with long blond hair, dark eyes, and full firm breasts. Her nicely long torso, flat tight stomach, long legs, perfect ass, gorgeous tight small bald pussy with beautiful lips, and killer (almost innocent) smile top it all off. She IS the complete package, trust me.

On weekend mornings we would drink coffee on our back patio. Sometimes we would sit at the table, other times we would sit in the outdoor patio chairs that faced the water. We live on the water and there are no fences between the houses and although the cul-de-sac we live on has large homes, they are pretty close together like most waterfront communities. Our neighbor Tom always found a reason to come by to chat with us on the mornings we were out there. He knew he was always going to be treated to Jess's hard nipples poking through the thin material of whatever she was wearing that morning. On the mornings she wore a white tank top he could make out her nipples through the thin fabric. Now that Jess had moved in Tom began to get more of an eyeful than ever before, and more frequently.

As I said, Jess had begun to push everything to its limits, and coffee in the morning was no different. I recall two mornings where things seemed to turn a corner. On the first morning Jess was in a t-shirt that barely covered her ass. Tom had stopped by, and Jess got up to refill her coffee. She stood up from the table and turned to go in the house. We were sitting on the lower patio and in order to enter the house, Jess would have to go up 4 steps. Even as she got up and started to walk away you could just make out the bottom curves of her sexy ass as the T-shirt came just to the edge of her ass cheeks. Then as she started up the stairs to go into the house, more and more of her ass came into view with each step due to the angle of where we were sitting. With the elevated angle to the top of the stairs almost her entire ass was on display for Tom and me. Not only that, but Jess also has one of those pussies where she has nice thigh gap, so from behind, depending on how she is standing, you can make out some or most of her pussy lips. The natural posture of leaning forward as she went up the stairs, combined with the motion of climbing stairs one leg at a time, gave us brief but exceptional views of Jess's smooth and beautiful pussy lips from behind. Jess typically knows what she is doing when she is flashing or giving someone a glimpse, but later, when I told her what we had been able to see, she was surprised and said she did not realize you could see that much.

When she returned with her fresh cup of coffee, we got the frontal view this time, at the same angle. The t-shirt reached a few inches past her pussy in the front but with her being elevated from our point of view we could clearly see up her t-shirt as she approached us to come down the stairs. We were both watching, and we were both treated to a quick but very clear view of her beautiful bald pussy. I love the way Jess's pussy is shaped and positioned because from the front you get this beautiful slit that shows her small lips and from behind you can see the rest of her pussy. When I glanced at Tom, I could see in his eyes that he was taking in the full splendor of her pussy.

The second morning I'm recounting was like the first, but at the same time different and better. On this Saturday morning I was sitting on the upper level of the patio. Tom saw me from his dock, waved, and came by to say hello. I asked him if he wanted a cup of coffee. I think he may have been disappointed that Jess was not out there for him to stare at, but he still said yes to the coffee. I asked him to sit down, and I went inside to get him a cup. As I entered the door, I saw Jess in the kitchen getting coffee for herself.

"Are you coming outside?" I asked.

"Yes, I was going to," she replied.

"Can you bring Tom a cup of coffee too?"

"Yes of course," she replied.

I went back outside and sat down at the table. Tom was sitting across from me and from our vantage point we could both turn our heads and see the door that leads into the house. As Jess opened the door, we both turned to look. Jess came out holding 2 cups of coffee. She was wearing a very thin light blue top. I believe this top might have been a nightgown of sorts, or maybe it was meant to be a thin top to wear over something else. Either way, it was very soft and very thin. You could easily make out her areoles through the material, and her nipples, which were always in some state of erection, were hard and poking through it like the shirt was not even there. It was by far the most transparent thing I remember her wearing around Tom to this point.

The shirt was not tight and form fitting, but instead hung loosely draped across her firm 34C breasts. The shirt fit a bit more snuggly over her hips. Typically, the shirts she wore would come down to just below her pussy, but this shirt ended right at the bottom of her lips. It was subtle but if you looked closely, you could make out the curves of her pussy lips as they disappeared between her legs. I don't know if Tom caught a glimpse of her pussy lips or not, because he may have been staring at her nipples through the near transparent shirt. Tom nor I said a word as she approached the table. As she did, the tension of the moment made me feel that I needed to say something about how she was dressed. Tom was our neighbor after all, and I needed to make sure things did not get out of hand with someone so close to home.

"Looks like someone just rolled out of bed and is still in her nightgown," I joked.

Jess gave Tom his coffee and sat down at the head of the table, with one of us on either side. Nonchalantly, she replied, "Yeah I guess so. I wasn't planning on coming outside right away, but when you asked me to bring Tom a coffee it was just you two and I didn't feel like going to change. I hope you don't mind, Tom"

"Not at all. It's your house. Thanks for the coffee," he said.

We sipped our coffee while Tom and I enjoyed the view of Jess's nipples through her near transparent shirt. If Tom had ever wondered what Jess's nipples looked like, he clearly knew now. Looking down into Jess's lap I could see that the bottom of her shirt had ridden up and her pelvic area was exposed. She had her legs crossed so you could not make anything out other than the fact that her pussy was shaved completely bald, but it was still very erotic. Tom had the same vantage point as I did from his seat if he chose to look, and I'm sure he did.

Jess sat with us for a few minutes then said she was going to take a shower. She stood up, and as she did her shirt stuck to her hips and did not slip back down into place. She casually reached for the sides of the shirt to slip it down, but for a moment Tom and I had a clear, close-up view of that beautiful pussy from the front. Even with her shirt pulled down you could still see a slight bit of her lips below it. As Jess turned to walk away, we could see the shirt did not fully cover her ass cheeks either. We could also see through her thigh gap to the bottom curves of her tight pussy lips. The glimpses were ever so brief, but I was looking and so was Tom. I am sure he enjoyed the view as much as I did.

Tom finished his coffee and said he had to be going. After he left, I went inside and found Jess in the shower, "That nightgown may have been a bit much with Tom out there, babe. We live next to these people and don't need Carol getting completely pissed off. She already doesn't like how Tom stares at you. I don't think she even knows Tom comes over here every Saturday while she's at the gym."

"Whatever. He's always sneaking peaks of me when I am in a t-shirt so what's the big deal? I'm hung over, and I just didn't feel like changing. It's nothing he hasn't seen before," she replied from the other side of the shower door. I stripped off my clothes, opened the door, and joined Jess in the shower. My dick was already hard from watching her in the shower through the clear glass.

"Letting him get some peeks that could be seen as accidental is different than having everything on complete display. I love when you flash - it gets me hard - but I think we need to be a bit more reserved around certain people."

She reached down with her soapy hands and started to stroke my dick. "Tom doesn't mind, babe. He is probably at home right now stroking his little dick thinking about it."

"How do you know he has a little dick?" I asked.

"You can tell. When we're boating and he gets out of the water his bathing suit makes it so obvious. There is not much going on in there. Either way, trust me, he is not unhappy about my morning coffee outfits." We finished our shower of foreplay and I got Jess dried off and onto the bed so I could lick her little pussy to orgasm. It was a great session of morning sex!

This is just an example of how her attitude and boldness evolved over time. She always loved being an exhibitionist, and she really likes to flash her pussy when she gets the opportunity. That is how we ended up getting her clitoral hood pierced, without even realizing that getting her hood pierced would be the best thing someone who likes to show off her pussy could do. But we'll come back to that. Let me first tell you how getting her pussy pierced came about.

I have always had a thing for a girl with her pussy pierced. Preferably through the hood, and I like a small hoop instead of a bar. Don't get me wrong, it is all hot. But my preference is a thin hoop through the hood where the tension ball will hand down in front or over their clit. Jess has what is called a tulip style pussy (Google it). It's named for how the labia minora resemble a tulip about to bloom. With the tulip shape, her labia minora is slightly visible between the labia majora all the way down her slit, but her labia minora are small and do not hang as in a curtain shaped pussy. I wish I could post a picture at this part of the story so everyone could properly see what Jess's pussy looks like, but hopefully my description helps. The point is, I always thought that if she had a hoop through her hood, it would be on display so nicely because of how her pussy is shaped. Also, her clitoris is barely hidden by her hood, and I thought that the ball of the hoop would provide stimulation to her clit with this type of piercing.

I often told Jess of my desire to be with someone who had their pussy pierced, but she was always afraid of the pain of the needle going through her tender pussy. I always thought it was strange that she was afraid of a piercing as she loves the pain of hard, aggressive sex. She also likes hard spankings. I have even used a belt on her before. Not to the point that she was marked for days, but just some mild welting. While it was not her favorite thing, we both had fun with it. All of this made me think it was a little strange that she was afraid of a piercing. I think it was more the idea of the needle and blood that freaked her out. While the idea was not off the table, it was also not something that she was ready to run out the door and get done on a Saturday afternoon. That was until the right Saturday afternoon came around.

One Saturday morning Jess and I took our boat across the bay to have brunch at one of our favorite waterfront restaurants. Jess had thrown on a light sundress that fit her snuggly through her breast and mid-section but was looser around her hips and legs. The top was held up with thin spaghetti straps, and it showed off her nice cleavage. No bra of course, and her nipples poked through the solid olive colored dress the way she and I both liked. She did bring a small, cropped jean jacket which she could slip on if she wanted to cover her nipples when we went into the restaurant. Depending on what we are doing Jess may, or may not, wear a thong. Her dress that day was long, coming down to her knees, so she did not wear any panties at all. This was often the norm for her unless she was wearing something very short, and we were going somewhere she should not be panty-less.

We sat at a table out on the terrace overlooking the bay. As we wrapped up our meal the plan was to head out onto the water and anchor. We drank a couple mimosas during brunch and decided we wanted to get another drink before we left. After paying the tab, we headed downstairs to the restaurant's outside bar area and pulled up a couple of chairs. We each ordered a drink which then led to a second. It was just one of those days where we were relaxed, the conversation came easily, and we were enjoying what we call "day drinking". The stars were aligned!

As we ordered a second drink a friend of mine, John, that I have known since high school, came in with a guy I didn't know. John saw me as he walked in and came over to say hi. I stood to shake his hand and gave him a "bro hug". I introduced him to Jess, and he introduced his friend Marco to the two of us. I invited them to sit down at the bar with us. The waitress brought their drinks as we caught up on what had been going on in his life, etc. John had moved out of the area and was home for the weekend. Mario and Jess were chatting while John and I caught up.

Adding old friends to an already great day led to shots and more drinking. I had gotten into a deep discussion with John about his divorce and what he was doing in life. Jess and Mario were talking, seeming to hit it off. Jess was being her flirty fun self but nothing outlandish other than the jean jacket had come off and her cleavage and hard nipples were on display through the thin olive colored sun dress.

As John and I were talking I heard Jess say, "You have got to be fucking kidding me." That caught my attention and I turned to them and asked what they were talking about. What I had not mentioned yet is that Mario was covered in tattoos, with full sleaves on each arm. He had his eyebrow and nose pierced as well. Nothing out of the ordinary with that, but then Jess explained what her sudden outburst was about.

"Mario is a tattoo artist babe. Not only that, but he also does body piercings," she said.

My eyes immediately lit up, "No fucking way," I said.

"Yep, he does. I told him that you and I have been talking a lot about piercings and that I was considering getting a few," Jess said.

"What do you want to get done?" John chimed in.

"I wanted to get my nipples done, and Jim wants me to get my hood pierced. I'm still just thinking about that one though," she said.

Mario's eyes immediately scanned Jess from her hard nipples poking through her dress to his eyes glancing down at her crotch area. He looked up and said, "If your nipples were pierced you would be able to see the piercings through this dress, so think about that. Some people don't realize that, and they regret that they can't hide their piercings at work or at other times."

"I'm not worried about that so much. I am afraid I might lose sensitivity in my nipples though, and that scares me," Jess replied. Jess has very sensitive nipples. I swear I thought she was going to cum one time from me just licking her nipples.

John chimed in, "That scares you more than getting your kitty pierced?" he said.

"Getting my hood pierced is just skin. I looked it up and it would not affect the sensitivity of my clit. It might even provide stimulation of my clit from what I read online. At least that is what some women who have had their hoods pierced claim. I also think that I have really nice "kitty", as you called it, and I think it would look great." Jess knew what she was doing by providing that last little bit - making their cocks twitch at the thought of how her kitty would look.

"So, Mario, do you have any advice for someone like Jess who wants to get her nipples and pussy pierced?" I asked,

"You only live once, and it's better to know than to wonder, I always say. Piercings aren't like tattoos; they're not permanent. I always encourage people to be spontaneous with a piercing and just go for it. Worse thing that happens is you take it out and the hole heals up." Mario said. Then he added, "Just let me know when you want to get it done, I would be more than happy to do it for you on the house."

"When will you be at your shop next? We just might have to run up there and get it done," Jess asked.

"I am always there. Today this jack ass came in and wouldn't leave until I agreed to go have a drink with him. I am going back there as soon as we finish this one," he said referencing to John.

"Look how that turned out, I found you a new customer," John replied.

"I think I really want to do this. Babe, could we go now?" Jess asked looking at me.

"Well, that is up to you and Mario, if he is up for it. He's had a few drinks," I said.

"I could do a piercing with my eyes closed and a full bottle of Jack in me. Tattoos I would never have a drink before I did one, but piercings are easy. I have only had a few. If she is serious, I am happy to do it for her. I am very good at it, and you always want the best when it comes to such sensitive areas." Mario replied jokingly with a wink.

"Well babe, it's time to put up or shut up. What do you want to do?" I asked her.

"Let me get another shot of tequila and then let's go before I lose my nerve. How are we going to get there? We came on our boat," Jess said.

"I can drive us there. It's only a few blocks away," John said.

"Give me a minute to talk to Jess, guys," I said.

"No worries. I need to take a piss anyway. Be back in a few," John said. Mario went with him.

"You're serious, aren't you?" I asked Jess.

"Yes, as long as you're ok with it. I want to do this. I know you like it when a girl is pierced, and I have to admit the thought is turning me on," Jess said.

"The thought of letting Mario see your breasts and pussy and to touch them too, or the idea of having piercings?"