All Comments on 'Jim and Laura: Quid Pro Quo'

by lover1953

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  • 210 Comments (Page 2)
MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

I understand putting off divorce for the kids. Men get RAPED in 95% of divorces. Having a Black mans child was too much though...

Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

Laura screwing around all those years you would have thought that Jim would have kicked her our and divorced her as soon as he found out. I guess the getting pregnant and having a biracial kid was the final straw. In the end he found a wife that would be faithful and they lived happily ever after, 5 stars

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 3 years ago

Never really said what started her cheating in the first place

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Not bad. A couple plot holes:


1). There is no way in hell that his kids could have refrained from leaking to, or just telling their Mom about Amanda and her kids over a period of a year of FREQUENT get togethers.


2). No way either that Laura would not have SUCCESSFULLY pursued her lover for child support.

The lack of any final “come to Jesus” conversation between Laura and Jim robbed the tale of a great deal of catharsis.


Overall….a 3 *** effort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

If I ever wished to dissuade males from ever participating in getting married or having children, it would be difficult to find a story that better-supported those arguments.

Why would a sane man subject himself to the conditions, legally and domestically, described here?

Hiram325Hiram325almost 3 years ago

If "Laura" has a single redeeming virtue I'd love to know, what is it? Serial adulteress, coal burner who gets knocked up with a black baby... Ha ha, Toll: Paid.

traddisagaintraddisagainalmost 3 years ago

Everyone,s a cheater.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuover 2 years ago

That was very well-written.

I don't like this quid pro quo much.

I believe two wrongs doesn't make a wrong right.

And for a corporate lawyer, this Jim is quite a wimp doesn't know how to

deal a cheating woman.

But I do feel sorry for Jim.

He has the propensity to hurt himself and has this tendency to be enamored to slut women.

When the itch starts for Amada, it is going to be another boulevard of pain for Jim.

Jim should have just concentrated on his kids and planning some strategies in divorcing Laura than having FWB with Amanda. He knew she's a cheater too.

But it is what it is.

All characters except the kids and Michael are despicable.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 2 years ago

If you were to less politics (about NY etc) perhaps it would be more readable. But you are imagining legal wrongs and then you started whining about that. That right there begins like a political piece to attract various "anti-NY" idiots which are inhabiting LW with a typical cliche "righteous man gets wronged."

The fact that women are preferred in custody hearings has something to do with their maternal instict, wouldn't you agree? How many men you know would be as devoted to their children as their mothers? Yup, you can find some but that is a small group. Even you yourself would probably start excusing yourself how you have to work and provide when it would be pointed out to you that you are not exactly as good as children's mother. So that is the reason. The same goes for all these beer belly couch potatoes who think that a woman has to behave as if she is their property.

By the way, most of the time a woman cheats, she does it with another men. And most of the time she does that it is because the one she is with is inadequate. Look in the mirror, step on a scale ... perhaps you'll notice something.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


regarding family court, I don't know about NY.

but I can tell you; KS, CO, UT, NV, PA and Canada, ALL have a serious hard on to screw over non custodial parents, who 90% of the time is the father.

that's not political, but it can be worded as such. I don't know about racism, but there is systemic sexism inherent in the Family Court system.

the purpose, the idea, of it is perfect. the implementation over time and what it has become is entirely ... wrong.

(speaking from a divorced father)

SouthdownSouthdownover 2 years ago
New York, New York

I've read quite a few stories detailing New York family "justice" They can't ALL be wrong I suspect it's worse than this story in real life.... Come on New York sort out this evil prejudice. I understand the erroneous idea that women make better single parents but my life experience tells me that is patently incorrect. Clearly, in this case 'Laura' is a totally unfit mother and any judge who considers she is, IS PART OF THE PROBLEM and needs removing from the bench. Stop defending crooked systems and broken family courts... 5***** for the story although some of the characters are a bit 'defective' I don't have any affiliation with nor animosity against NY. Good story Thank You.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Too much pontificating about the legal system, it really detracted from the story itself. While I understand using it for the setup for the rest of the story I feel it took away from it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

dark2donut2, as usual, is demonstrating a lack of knowledge. If you are in the family law biz you know that there is a whole literature showing that statistically the most dangerous place for a child of divorce is with the mother. The "maternal instinct" nonsense reflects 19th century sentimentality, nothing more. As for NYC/NY...I lived there for years . There's good, bad, and ugly. Unfortunately the current trend is strongly to the bad/ugly side.

des67des67over 2 years ago

@Anonymous4 days ago.....but I can tell you; KS, CO, UT, NV, PA, and Canada, ALL have a serious hard-on to screw over non-custodial parents, who 90% of the time is the father.

I'm from Niagara Falls Ontario Canada...

My cheating tramp of an ex-wife, went for full custody of our kids ( 6 and 8 ) at the time... I had to hop through hoops, to prove I could take care of my Daughters...Since I was able to work from home , I was able to care for my kids better than the walking 7-11... In the end, I was awarded full custody, plus child support...The house was mine before I met her, even though she tried to have the house awarded to her... She lost... lol... The skank got supervised visitation, that didn't last long... I still get a monthly child support cheque, that we deposit in the girl's bank accounts...

Canadian Family Law royally fucks over the Father in most cases, but it also makes sure both parents need to put the kid's welfare 1st and foremost... Advice is to get yourself a good lawyer, and don't do anything stupid, and keep your nose clean...

Just 1 Dad to another...

des67des67over 2 years ago

Great story... Thoroughly enjoyed reading it... 5 Stars...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow. Out of the hot pan, into the fire! Based on the past his new wife had, I am not so sure this is a good arrangement. She now has another anchor. Nothing to say she won’t go back to cheating in the future. If nothing else, you shouldn't have unprotected sex with a woman, for at least a year. A background check should be in order, as well. I feel this poor bastard, is going to relive his last scenario, with the new wife....

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerover 2 years ago

I love it. 7 stars, because it deserves it. The Bear approves. I hope the two of them behaveKeep writing, I'll try to keep reading. because it's called a second chance. Not a hall pass.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 2 years ago

Sorry Lover1953 but what a totally ridiculous story. If you have the husband as being a lawyer, it should be expected that he know some general things about the law, even in areas he doesn't specialise. However, Jim seems to be mentally retarded. Almost everything about the legal situation they are in is incorrect.

Firstly he attempts to blackmail a work colleague of his wife to get information. Then the whole "kicking his wife out of the family home" thing is all wrong. He can't do it. HE can leave if he wants but he can't kick her out if she doesn't want to go. The marital assets would have been finalised at the time of Divorce. He doesn't get to decide when HE sells the house. Plus, yes, the situation as outlined would normally see the slut wife getting custody and living in the home and arsehole Jim gets to leave. The Courts may order main custody to remain with the mother and although house asset is marital property, she could live there until their youngest reaches 18. It depends on who gets main custody.

Almost the entire legal situation is incorrect. Plus, do you not think that his wife would discover his relationship with Amanda? I mean... really?

Danger09Danger09over 2 years ago

I don't know. Not saying people can't change but why trade 1 cheating slut in for another cheating slut? Couldn't he find a woman that isn't a cheating slut? You would think after all he's been through with his whore wife, he'd want nothing to do with another whore that cheated on their husband. Can a leopard change their spots?

nestorb30nestorb30over 2 years ago

Jeez why didn't the wife take plan b for fucks sake! Bad enough you are cheating,but to get pregnant?!?!?!!!

demanderdemanderover 2 years ago

Amanda will be true to him. That's clear from us hearing her inner thought process. But Jim only has her word. No way he should take her word. Bet he had the new baby DNA tested. Good story, Jim makes out okay - for now. D

CDRLawCDRLawover 2 years ago

Kind of a mediocre story but I have to say "I called Mr. Duncan and I can say that overall our discussion did not go well" is a really great line.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It seems every story this author writes is about a cheating wife whose husband takes forever to ditch her. He always ends up with another woman he's fucking and has a child with. Problem is, the husband takes forever to get rid of his cheating wife. Kind of a wimp. The new woman always seems to think he's a perfect man, even though he's fucking her while still married.

LoejtcLoejtcover 2 years ago

So what happened to Mr. Glen Duncan, NFL bench warmer and father of Laura's biracial baby? Wasn't something mentioned about a court ordered DNA test? Shouldn't Laura be getting some child support payments or did Mr. Duncan opt to have his wife and three kids find out about his "business" activity in Vegas.

Story fragments can be so annoying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

California and New York law is pretty much the same . At least as far as I can tell . The big difference was I divorced my ex and ate Tuna Fish and Peanut Butter sandwiches . Then when My ex got remarried No More Alimony payments . I even helped her find a Guy to marry her . Now the house is paid off and i am living with a CPA who works next door to Me . Yes She is Preggy and is having My First Son . My Ex's husband is Divorcing her . Loved it

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Overly lengthy, repetitive, boring and all around foolish. I stopped reading after the first page.

You ARE the writer but consider this. To what purpose if your readers dismiss your work at page 1?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

True tale about a very radical idea when dealing with a slut wife.

Back in the late 80s,my cousins best friend caught his wife whoring herself out,and being close to several gang bangers in our neighborhood, he "arranged" for the slut to fall off of a hotel balcony during that Year's New year's Eve. The incident was ruled an accident, and the friend spent a good chunk of the insurance payout for mental health therapy for his two small kids. The friend eventually remarried and the kids considered their stepmother to be their new Mom. He got to keep all of his stuff,and to be quite honest,I'm surprised that more husbands don't do this.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

kind of dumb and too simple. Nursing Mother's should not drink alcohol and there are Birth Control pills

skruff101skruff101about 2 years ago

Stupidest line in this fiasco?

Wife delivers a mixed race baby takes it home and when hubby hands her the separation agreement, what drivel finds it’s way out of her mouth?

‘Jim why do you want me and the baby to move out’. REALLY? come on guys make the dialogue at least a little plausible, I know it’s fantasy but even figments of an authors imagination gotta make some kind of sense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Ok story but, missing payback on both Jason & Glen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Your female characters are equally abhorrent. Awful people, both of them.

DrgwngDrgwngabout 2 years ago

One star for a cuck story. Automatic. He was a cuck for years, never took action and spent large sums on a p. I . and never used the info. He never told he he knew about Jason, and marries a serial cheater that did not respect her previous husband at all. Then,he still harbored doubts about what to do in his marriage. This sucked badly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very well written. Characters are well developed. The ending was rather abrupt but I’m not sure how to make it better.

usaretusaretabout 2 years ago

While I did like this tale, I felt the resolution or ending to be a tad abrupt. But it went it’s intended way.

etchiboyetchiboyabout 2 years ago
Amanda states, “ I've learned my lesson from my first marriage. I know that I was foolish...”

But did she REALLY learn her lesson? What about 2-3 years down the road. She’s approaching 40yo. Starting to feel old? What better way to feel young than have an affair with a 27yo handsome freshly minted paralegal.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Like it! Lawyers should get a prenup!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A gumbo of insanity for all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why would his wife choose not go for divorce and ask for custody of the kids? If the courts don't care about anything but screwing over the husband (which is the base case the author explains in the beginning), why should she care about him exposing her as a cheat? That info is already well-known to family and friends.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Typical Comment: "Meh! It's a free reading site, but I hate the story! It's awful! I've read 439 this week, and they're all bad, but this one is the worst! Huh? Me? No, I've never written anything........... except angry comments."


Stop complaining. Show us all how it's done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

finally. a story here the man is smart enough to stop and analyze the problem, act in an intelligent way and come out on top. quite the challenge concerning circumstances. my heart felt appreciation for a story that has a satisfying ending

RuttweilerRuttweileralmost 2 years ago
Typical pandering to the LCD.

As soon as we got to the part of the story where he talks to a psychologist and his first assessment is that it’s all psychobabble, I knew that this was just more tedious he-man chest beating. We’ll get to see a Real Man on the case! Here are some Real Man principles.

1) All therapy is psychobabble. Real Men don’t need therapy. No, that would mean that they would need to deal with their “feelings”. REAL MEN don’t have feelings.

2) Real Men are the victims of the following: wives, other women, other men, feelings, courts, lawyers, divorce laws, etc. Victims, sad, downtrodden victims.

3) Real Men are powerful and smarter than their wives, even though their wives have fooled them for months or years. That’s just ’cause they trusted too much. Yeah, that’s it. Too much trust. Which is their wives fault (see point 2). And even though they have successfully made fools out of their Real Man husbands, the wives are invariably very stupid. Much stupider than the Real Men they make fools of.

4) Real Men can easily and rapidly get another woman, a perfect angel. There’s one on every corner, and miracle of miracles, they are all unattached! Also, Real Men are blissfully unaware that this was the same way they felt about the demon bitch they are now getting rid of. Real Men have very selective memories.

4) Real Men seldom, if ever, bear any responsibility for the messes they find themselves in. It is always their wives fault. Or someone else’s (see point 2). They are blameless. Poor things.

Your chosen handle is a sarcasm. See if “hater1953” is available.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

@Rutt and your comment below.

I'd maybe take it more seriously...if you could count.

The number 5 follows the number 4 dumbass.

And it's easy to see based on your comments what a fucking dumbass you are.

"Real men", "real men", "real men"...fixate much?!

Hiram325Hiram325almost 2 years ago

You're a race cuck. This is the second story of yours I've read where a White wife gets knocked up by a black adultery partner, has a mulatto child, and your cheated on MC goes through contortions to demonstrate that he's (you're) not a "ray-ciss", Grow a spine. No man wants to raise another man's child from a cheating wife, and a half-black child is impossible to pass off as his. Not a thing wrong with any man being repulsed by that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

First wife makes him a cuck, second wife is a serial cheater. Husband seems to be too dumb to be an attorney. Of this author's stories, this is one of her best. It was almost likable, Two to 2 1/2 * stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Ah yes, another BBC oops that ends with the BBS and a divorce. At least it remained statistically correct complete with the absentee baby daddy.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

EH ! quite long for what it is.

miket0422miket0422almost 2 years ago

The story itself was good. Couldn't give it full marks because there was really no emotion or drama to this story at all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Laura was an animal. She cared about one tjing only. Her wants no one or tjime, mattered to more he desires. At heart, she's really a prostitute. She cared no more for the men she fucked than her husband whose sole use was to provide a comfotable place to be until she needed fuck (translate use) another man to slake her lust. No where do you hear her speak of her love for he children or her new baby.

She's a total moral degenerate.

As far as the baby's father? Get real, he is on the hook for child support big tme

....and likely headed for divorce. Another scum bag.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Second wife WAS a serial cheater (past tense) she unlike some cheating sluts in various stories on this site did indeed learn her lesson about fidelity, mutual respect and trust. Laura on the ther hand remains the same entitled, selfish, manipulative SLUT BUCKET she was all along.

DrgwngDrgwngalmost 2 years ago

Kind of glossed over the years of unfaithful behavior by the wife. Based on the dialog, where in he expressed uncertainty as to direction, the mc was really a wimp, sort of typical for this writer. Weak overall, very weak. Her cheating only became an issue after she got pregs. Really?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This shifted gears quickly. It begins with him unable to divorce because he gets screwed by the divorce system even if she is unfaithful. She would keep custody and he would have to leave and pay child support. It's not clear why the pregnancy would change that, but she packs up and leaves when he asks her to and she loses everything. So, is she now paying child support?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another fill-in-the-blank story. Same actors, same plot. Since every attorney in New York tells every man that he might as well keep his cheating wife. I'm surprised to see that NY divorce stats are right in line with the rest of the country. I know you assert that all these ideas come from Internet stories, so here's my suggestion: stop reading these stories, because you're obviously getting trolled!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice story, to much all that cheating , she should have had abortion or took the morning after pill. Now married to a reformed slut with kids from different father.another makes 5. That is a lot of headaches to handle. An x wife with a biracial kid. Did she ever sue the player from Vegas. A fairy tale , what are the odds of this happening.,,

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I understand that he sold the house and moved. Was Laura the listing agent?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's always the same pattern with the stories by this author.

I do not know about NY obviously. But the state I do live in and do know about family not as "progressive" as NY. And in the past 10 to 15 years? If both husband and wife are fit parents? And they want it? Then it's always, always joint custody.

Really. Unless there is compelling evidence...failed drug tests or arrests and convictions? Then the courts split the custody 50/50. And the marital assets are divided. Home is sold. And both spouses are on their own to pay for their own housing. There are formulas for if one spouse makes a lot more...for both child support and spousal support (alimony). But the days of punitive divorce have passed.

So the bullshit spewed here by this author in story after story about how the husband is fucked if he divorces a lying cheating piece of shit wife? It just isn't really the case any more. At least in most states I know about.

The evidence of the past 2 or 3 decades by social science shows that children do better when both mom and dad are engaged equally in their upbringing. EQUALLY!

So I just don't by this whole premise of "I'd divorce my whore of a wife if I could...but geez I'm forced to live with her for years and years as an emasculated tortured cuckold by the family law system that rewards her for being the town door knob..."

That's just a tired bullshit cliche of a story line.

I went through a divorce less than 2 years ago. My ex-wife wanted and pushed and demanded full custody. Or primary physical custody.

And her attorney in the end had to tell her to settle the fuck down. She wasn't gonna get it.

We have shared custody. 50/50. We sold our primary residence. Split assets. She is responsible for her housing and I am my housing. She kept her retirement. I kept mine.

That's modern family law. Are there individual circumstances that warrant different outcomes? Sure. But shit. The way most of the husbands are portrayed in these stories by this author? It's not 1995 anymore. The woman does not automatically get full custody anymore with getting to stay in the house while ex-hubby pays the mortgage and all housing costs. That's bullshit. Nonsense.

bigurnbigurnover 1 year ago

So many of the LW stories have the husband being warned that the wife always gets the kids, child support, etc. No matter what she has done sexually. Then, later, all of that goes away and he has no problem dealing with the wife when negotiating terms. How does that come about?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To respond to Bigurn's comment about custody: It is very common in these stories for the "your wife will get custody for sure," conversation to happen immediately following the initial discovery of the infidelity in reference to what will happen if the husband immediately pulls the trigger on divorce. This is then usually (especially in this author's works, one even mentions it explicitly, I believe) followed up by an extended period of the husband refocusing his time and energy into becoming the primary caretaker for the children, especially as the wife spends more time with her lovers. I like to assume that in response to the lawyers' advice about custody the husband is documenting that time in preparation. By the time the divorce finally rolls around the father has many months, even years (!) of documentation showing how he is the one who should have custody, even if the mother is not necessarily unfit.

I think it generally works pretty well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

All I have to say is once a cheater always a cheater... when Amanda gets bored she will step out of bounds again no matter how virtuous she proclaims now... Jim, just another clueless cuck that still hasn't a clue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Amanda's baby? DNA check!

Ocker53Ocker53over 1 year ago

I lose interest really quick when the author writes the male MC as thick as a brick, one thing I have notice in the few stories I have read so far of this author is that all the male MC, are differing idiots with no spine and no balls. I think you need to do us all a favour and start writing in another category. You obviously have no idea how men think or act.⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Story was all over the place.

Would have been nice for Laura to have found out he knew for years and was sleeping around as well

Hiram325Hiram325over 1 year ago

There's nothing "ray-ciss" about not wanting to be seen in public with a cheating whore of a wife and her little half black baby. It's actually a very typical and normal sentiment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My humble opinion is that a spouse of a cheater is far better off reacting like our M/C and just phase the cheater out. Unfortunately for most men the wife doesn't present an opportunity to get her out of their life as easy as this story. They hang on like a leach and make life miserable for the husband and kids. well written and calm story that ended correctly.

DrgwngDrgwngabout 1 year ago

News flash for this author. Assisting a co worker in a coverup is not the ethical hi ground this writer suggested. It is actually the opposite and anyone that is ok with that sort of behavior is morally bankrupt and true scum, as this writer fits right into that description.

Hiram325Hiram325about 1 year ago

From page 3: "I know what you're thinking; it's the 21st century and my attitude is extremely racist. This has nothing to do with race." Most White men would have a gigantic problem "being a father" to their wife's black baby. And they wouldn't give a single damn whether or not that made them a racist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

WOW! Hard to believe he put up with the whore for years. Sad, really.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The United States pictured in most LW stories is insane, no Plan B (morning after pill), no birth control injections, nothing. These stories are fun but the characters are batshit cray cray and seemingly unaware of all the options available to the rest of the world.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Your narrative style became tedious quickly. It

deadened any emotion as it was too bland lacking color.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So a snake bites a man, he dies. You see the snake but say.... It didn't bite me so it's ok to keep it.

Once a cheater, always a cheater.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I think it's a pretty creative story, but doubt anyone could put up with a cheating slut, or fuck her, as long as he did, but he is a lawyer. I agree with another comment that characters in the literotica universe don't know about plan B or birth control or diseases. Kind of funny.

bartholomewbrontebartholomewbronteabout 1 year ago

There's no real emotional heft to this story. The seven (SEVEN FUCKING) paragraphs spent ranting about the unfairness of divorce laws at the start of the story would have been better spent building an emotional connection between Jim and Laura. Instead, it starts with her infidelity, and we get no idea why he was even with her at the start.

Plus, your character is a moron. As a lawyer, he should know that a "quid pro quo" is an exchange, trading one thing for another, which is not how it's used in the story. The phrase he should have used is "lex talionis", which means retribution in kind (an eye for an eye).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You can always tell women writers because they have their male MC's feel, not the emotions men truly feel but rather the emotions they think we feel. Women will also never understand how deep the pain men feel is, they don't understand fidelity IS deeply ingrained into both men's DNA and phycie because with no way to guarantee their lineage, it gives them the best odds of passing on their DNA - however with paternity of mothers being guaranteed the very depth and concept of these feelings and emotions do not even exist.

oldtwitoldtwit12 months ago

I like your story, but as I read them in order from the top of the page, they are out of date posted order, so without going back and checking I feel that, from what I have read so far you’ve only writing 1 story and just changing a little in each, shame I like your style of writing, nice characters so I’m hoping that this changes as I read more

mattenwmattenw11 months ago

"Everything I've read tells me that the biggest losers in a divorce are the kids." nonsense. It has been scientifically proven that children after a divorce definitely do better than children raised in a marriage where the love between the parents no longer exists. Parents who blame their children for preferring to live as cuckolds are only too cowardly to face the new situation.

And continuing to have sex with a woman who has had a lover for years really sucks!

To me, your protagonists are characterless individuals trampling on their own rules and moral beliefs.

He is married to a cheater and takes a cheater as a partner. That actually says it all.

The only credible decision would have been divorce after discovering he was married to a cheater!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

mattenw fucking bullshit rambling right there. You dream up whatever you want to say. kids are a loser either way 100% whether they stay in a unloved home or divorced home as they all feel like losers.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not a bad story as some commenters like to say. About "once a cheater, always a cheater". Not always true. Some spouse DO learn from their mistake if it causes them enough pain to induce rethinking their ways. Just not with the same marital partner. Like the fictional wife Amanda here. Such second marriages aren't like first-timers, for certain, BUT maybe based more realistically with regard to lessons learned. I didn't find the right long term partner until my second marriage, and NO I didn't "cheat", but my wife did because she thought we were "incompatible". Maybe we were, and after a relatively amicable divorce, some soul-searching and two years later, I found a divorcee who resembled the fictional Amanda here, perhaps without the predatory instinct. She told me of her past, and what she learned. We BOTH knew what we wanted the second time, and have been very conscious to maintain it. 14 years later, we are still very happy with a blended family and one joint teenage munchkin. So yeah, it happens. Even the really stupid s**t this fictional wife did. Sometimes maturity comes late.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

You could have very easily cut this down by at least 30%. Very repetitive.

XluckyleeXluckylee9 months ago

5 stars from Xluckylee thank you for sharing

RetiredScientist1943RetiredScientist19439 months ago

Great story! I love your writing style.

orneryonezorneryonez9 months ago

All over the place like a mad woman's excrement!!!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What a stupid pairs of sluts, at least one of the sluts seems to have learnt a lesson, did anyone ever get even with the arseholes Glen and Jason?

Xzy89c1Xzy89c18 months ago

Not sure there is a likeable character.

Glen Duncan was a big man, over 6 feet tall and weighed in about 220 pounds

That is not a big man. Not even close.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Pretty decent.

Do have to wonder about the sperm donor.

Otherwise, rather interesting.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Just get a divorce. The repetitive hand wringing about torturing yourself by letting her screw around repeatedly on you, is not worth it. Yes she gets custody. Yeah it sucks. But unless eh remarries and tries to freeze out the father of her kids with gestation, you will survive she made.more money. Alimony is a wash. Child support sure. So eat Ramen noodles for a gee years. Man up. If you handle it with some diplomacy, since she is so eager to keep scratching her itch, and is career minded, she will need help with the kids. Get proof before file: recordings , PI, so you can get some latitude with courts (possibly) but more importantly with her family and friends and even coworkers. Proof coukd derail.her career. Carrot and stick depending on she treats visitation. A split family is better than one where coupes is married in name only buy love and trust is gone. Maybe not always, but.most of the time, yes. Get ready and the minute she threatens again, then politely explain the videos and photos and electronic information you have. You have her career by thre balls. You won't get alimony anyways. This is only if she doesn't listen to appeals or reason about separation and visitation. Yes she will get primary custody, unless you are a house husband or kids are old enough to decide. But doesn't mean the slow death of years in a wasteland of a marriage. Think about why did her getting pregnant with another man's child suddnekynget him primary custody? These decisions are not black-and-white. But torturing yourself is just dumb and disrespecting yourself.

pummel187pummel1878 months ago

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. This is the very definition of the words "SWAMP DONKEY 🐴🐴🐴"

StubbyoneStubbyone8 months ago

Hmmmmm. Virtually the same story as Jason, with a pregnancy thrown in. While your writing is good it’s very repetitive. Also it’s in the loving wives category but with virtually no sex scenes. More trips to the attorneys office than trips to the bedroom. Didn’t finish it. Got bored. Ho hum. A generous 3 for the effort. No smiles.

Rayjag1980Rayjag19807 months ago

I see some harsh comments, one saying not enough sex scenes? Well not every story needs to be extremely descriptive, how about a good storyline?

I gave it a 4*, it could have been 5 but for some cliquesous factors. I can't stand the storylines that make divorce such one sided against the man. Why do author's use this? A high percentage of single mom's end up in poverty and barely get by, why do authors glamorize it as the golden ring. Yes I have friends and family that have been raked over the coals in child support, but divorce isn't a given for the man to be screwed to the point that they give up their self worth and accept a unfaithful wife.

Also, most men would not be stoic when they find out their wives are unfaithful, give the characters some emotions.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

5 Stars on this story . Man this lady has been hit by the Martian slut ray Big time .

pummel187pummel1876 months ago

Oh Jim you poor bastard

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So, the 2 guys bedding a married women get away with it, especially the father of her 3rd child. Meanwhile, not much of an ending. Best I can give it is a 2.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Apparently no woman uses birth control in this author's fictional universe. Nor knows anything about plan B pills, etc.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Cheating is NOT THE SAME! There is no "quid pro quo" that is just garbage feministic propaganda, Men have a the natural urge to spread our seed, that is a fact, women just want to feed their self-entitled narcissistic egos, that is the major reason spouses cheat! Cheating hurts men in a way women will never understand it's deep in our very DNA, men unlike women are not guaranteed paternity, the uncontrollable urge to pass on our DNA is not guaranteed the best men get is the flimsy promise of fidelity, that IS the reason it is so important to men, and why the pain and humiliation isn't felt nearly as deep. Men also give so much in exchange for fidelity, and to have invested so much for years even decades to have your wife commit adultery is another mountain sized smack in the face.

JRandyJJRandyJ4 months ago

What Happened to Mr. nfl stud, He run off to Europe with T. Swift.

Harvey8910Harvey89104 months ago

This was a great story. I enjoyed the explaination of how Amanda destroyed her first marriage and she admitted that she took Michael for granted. She saw Laura making the same mistake with Jim. Amanda was determined not to make those same mistakes again. She learned her lesson. She loved her new family in this story and it was a great cautionary tale about a woman wanting her cake and eating it too. Great story. Five stars!!!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well done, you are maturing as a writer.

Your stories teach valuable life lessons.

jonny956jonny9563 months ago

Way too wordy. I was wondering when the story was anvt going to start. I’m also not a fan of your stock in trade swapping of narrators, and your “I guess I get the last word’ statement. You need to try a different format.

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I made some changes and edits to John: How to save a life, and submitted it for posting.'s (It's not up yet) I cleaned up some of the mistakes and tried to make it a tad more readable. Pending Purgatory has ended and it's posted - hope you enjoy). I've been doing a review of...