Joanna Hires the DP Team Pt. 03


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The basic service which all of them provided was to show off the merchandise to potential customers in a back room while dancing to music.

Janet had explained, "I do this most days. Men are often buying this stuff for the first time and want to be reassured that they are doing the right thing. It helps sales if they can see what the lingerie looks like on a real woman before buying for their wife or girlfriend. To prevent people from taking the piss and getting to gawp at us for free, Ernie charges £5 for up to half an hour for them to come into the backroom of the store and see what the lingerie looks like on an attractive girl or woman. There is £1 rebate if they buy £10 worth of goods."

"What do you get?"

"£2 and a 5% commission on sales of over £20. Ernie's good at spotting the real timewasters, so there is normally a little bit on top."

Joanna had agreed to provide this service provided that she didn't have to provide it to people she knew socially. Ernie had accepted this stipulation. Darling Daddy would hate it if he knew she had been dancing in her underwear in front of old men. For the moment, the fact that it allowed her to rebel against Darling Daddy without him knowing about it sufficed. Just in case, she had prepared a list of things he had told her about real life to throw back in his face in the unlikely event he ever found out.

When she started the job, the senior assistant, Lou, made some facts of life clear to her. "Most of the men are real chancers and will ask you to take the bra off or do a strip tease. Others will ask whether they can feel you up. It's up to you to whom you provide extra services, but there is a scale of charges. I don't want you undercutting union rates. By the way, no matter what they promise to pay you, no sucking or fucking in the back room, except perhaps a blow job where you swallow after 5 PM. Actual sex stinks the place out and risks staining the carpet and sofa. For similar reasons, if they decide to have a wank, make certain they use a Kleenex and the bin provided. That's also an extra £3 for each man."

Lou assumed that she would provide the extra services and that she would have been up to being fucked by the customers if not warned against it. Joanna didn't like Lou, and because she thought she would not be in the job long, she had not hidden it. She had accentuated the poshness in her voice and been deliberately condescending to Lou and also to Mrs. Ernie.

Ernie was a more complicated character than she had expected. He actually took pride in his stock. He had a surprisingly decent French accent and pronounced the French words he littered his sales talk with in a convincingly Parisian way. Ernie's views of psychology included giving the sales assistants names to use in the shop. Being called Suzanne helped Joanna play the role of a helpful assistant and perform the dances. It even allowed her to use French words in serving the customers, which normally went down well and certainly pleased Ernie.

Ernie had views on the best way of selling to different customers. He liked being able to choose on most Saturdays between the posh bint (Joanna), the woman of the world (Lou), and the friendly girl next door (Janet) to serve the customers he thought would prefer them. It appealed to his belief that he was a master salesman and manager.

She was meant to know when to undo or do up buttons on her blouse if he considered that the customer was more likely to buy if her boobs were showing or hidden. If she didn't take the hint, he would deal with the buttons himself. Depending on her mood, she would either take or ignore the hint. She wasn't sure whether giving him an excuse to cop a feel endeared her more to him than catching on to his cues. She alternated between playing the Miss Brahms role and being the willing and bright assistant depending on her mood.

A perk of the job was that there was a basic staff discount of twenty per cent on clothes. Janet had explained the special discount to her, "The discount goes up to thirty-five per cent if you let Monsieur Alphonse squeeze or suck your tits for five minutes in the office. This can also help if you want to leave early or have a longer lunch break. The good thing is that his wife has him under her thumb, and Lou is our shop steward. He is only allowed to take certain liberties with the staff, and he waits for us to ask for the special discount."

So far, she had only bought clothes where the difference between the two discounts had not merited allowing Ernie to get her tits out, even if she had been inclined to let the old man of thirty-five have a proper grope.

Last week, Madame Alphonse (AKA Mrs Ernie) and Lou tried to persuade her to provide more services. They had explained the return scam. Favoured customers could take away goods on approval, leaving the amount due for the goods as a deposit. The theory was that they would show the goods to the girlfriend or wife for approval, and if the woman didn't approve, the customer could get a refund for the unopened and undamaged goods, provided they had a receipt. Sometimes this was true, but more normally, after work, Lou, Janet, or another girl, Anna, went round to a small flat that Ernie and his wife owned. The bod would turn up at the flat, leave the goods and the receipt and then the girl would provide services of a value equal to the amount paid for the goods for 45 minutes. The girl kept fifty per cent of the cash.

She had looked at the flat at lunchtime out of curiosity, but the sheets on the bed were of cheap material, the flat was tacky, and she had declined the offer. She was not a whore. Also, she hadn't liked the look of the old woman who looked after the flat. She had let them know that she was not a prostitute, let alone a cheap one, and had not been tactful about it.

She was more tempted by the roadshow. A couple of times a month, Ernie drove Lou or Anna up to fifty miles away to venues where groups of up to twenty men wanted to watch women in lingerie show how sexy they were. He charged £200 for each show, with a minimum of £20 per client. The girl got £50 plus tips and a commission for goods sold. According to Lou, the commission was normally worth another ten to twenty quid, but the tips were better. Lou and Anna would dance to music.

While the men sometimes gave tips just for sexy dancing, normally Lou or Anna had to remove clothing and allow the men briefly squeeze or suck their tits for, say, a quid. At the end of the show, a girl could make her own arrangements with a spectator or two while Ernie packed up. She liked the idea of performing, but it was clear that at the end of the show, she would be an up-market stripper and would be expected to have sex with one or more of the men or at least give them a blow job. Janet had mentioned that once a few years back, Lou had had sex with ten men at the end of the evening for two hundred quid. She thought that this was best avoided.

Lou was on a road trip tonight and had only spent half a day in the shop today, so it was just her and Janet behind the counter this afternoon. Both had done two displays in the back room today. One of hers had been a bit difficult. The men involved had tried to push things and had been slightly rude. She had told them where to get off and had not allowed them to get a feel for less than union rates.

After she had returned to the counter, Janet had waited for a quiet period and said, "Joanna, I don't know how much you need the job, but you really annoyed Lou and Madame Alphonse last week."

"Oh. What did I do?"

"I know that Madame can be annoying, and Lou likes to act like an older sister who knows better than us. Still, they aren't bad sorts. They ensure that Monsieur Alphonse doesn't expect to bonk us in his office. You only work here on Saturdays, so why bother being arsey with them?"

Joanna supposed Janet was right, but she was too used to being the Queen Bee among her circle of friends to resist the temptation to respond to anyone else treating her in the same way. Besides, she was more intelligent, better-looking, and sexier than the two women. In every respect, she was better.

"They just assumed that I would be willing to spend my Saturday evenings on my back. It annoyed me."

"You could have just said no thanks and not complained about the sheets or give yourselves airs. Besides which, Lou doesn't appreciate your teasing."

"What do you mean, Janet?"

"Lou does watch TV, and she knows you are pretending she is Mrs Slocombe. The jokes about her old pussy were a bit obvious."

"If she can't take a joke, that's her problem. It's not as though she's a battleaxe; she's just more experienced than me in the store." That was true -- Lou was late twenties, good-looking and had been working for Ernie for nine years.

"I know you don't mean it badly, but you've got a posh accent. Lou thinks you look down on her."

Joanna decided that Lou was a perceptive lady and Janet was far too nice for her own good. She was comparatively pleasant to Janet. Being mean to her would be like kicking a puppy. Besides, Joanna needed someone to listen to her sound off when working, and Janet had tried to be helpful to Joanna.

The fact that Janet was in love with her fiancée and still turned tricks at the flat with his permission fascinated her. Apparently, the extra money had already brought forward the date they expected to buy their own place by a year. She was even going to try doing the roadshows next month to help fund the wedding next autumn, and Joanna wanted to listen to her describe the actual experience. Of course, she wouldn't do it herself, but it was a fun fantasy being stared at by so many men while performing, knowing they all wanted to bonk you. Still, why the warning?

"Is that a problem? Monsieur Alphonse is the boss, and he clearly likes my French accent."

Janet giggled. "That's true." She then turned serious for a moment. "The last girl who upset both of them was given notice despite the fact that Monsieur Alphonse liked her. Look, those last customers were two of Lou's regulars, and I bet she asked them to give you a hard time. Afterwards, they went into Monsieur Alphonse's bureau, and I don't think it was to praise your performance."

Just then, Monsieur Alphonse approached her and said, "Can we have a word in my bureau at 5.15, Mademoiselle Suzanne?"

"Mais certainement, Monsieur Alphonse."

Fuck, she was going to get the sack. She knew that if she lost the job so early on, Darling Daddy would only dig in his heels and insist on her getting another job and even cutting her allowance further. Any hope of being allowed to give up working by Christmas would vanish. Besides which, from what she had heard tell of other shop jobs, this was better than most and was more like a rebellion against Darling Daddy.

Her guess was that Ernie didn't want to sack her but wanted to get her in the sack (or at least on his desk). She knew that Ernie loved her French accent and vocabulary. He also clearly wanted to get his hands and tongue on her tits. Perhaps it was because she was feeling horny thinking about the party and after having had so much sex this week, but she decided that she would let Ernie cop a proper feel.

Anyway, now David was back from holidays, he would love listening to her describe her allowing a dirty old man to play with her tits. Well, more of a fastidiously clean early middle-aged man, but that didn't sound so lewd.

Still, she didn't want to appear too desperate to keep the job, so she spent the next hour or two planning the meeting with Ernie.

First, she picked out a set of expensive lingerie that she thought would please David. He had been a good sport about the party, and she felt slightly guilty about allowing his friends to roast her without letting him watch or even telling him about it. She knew he would like the story about being felt up by the boss, and the lingerie was expensive enough that the extra discount was worth having.

She went to the toilet at five PM to prepare for the meeting in Monsieur Alphonse's office. She undid another couple of buttons, applied some perfume and deodorant, brushed her hair, and got herself in the mood for being fondled and enjoying it. She imagined Rebecca being fucked in the Latimer's Gazebo by the DP Team and then the garden lights being turned on and the whole party watching her being the whore she was. The photographs would then be passed around the school.

She also imagined Bess being taught how to please men without any shame. Indeed, she fantasised about Bess wearing a blindfold and trying to guess who she was servicing by the size of the prick in her mouth and the touch of their hands on her tits.

She also got herself ready to play the role of the penniless shop assistant during the 1930s recession who would do what was necessary to keep her job while maintaining some self-respect.

She came out ready for action and saw that David had arrived early to pick her up. He had been curious about the job and was in the shop speaking to Monsieur Alphonse and Janet who were undoubtedly trying to persuade him to buy some clothes for his girlfriend. So much the better.

She said in her sexiest French accent, "Mon tresor, you are précoce. I have chosen the gift you are going to buy for your darling Suzanne."

To his credit, David took this in his stride, including the double entendre suggesting that he came early in other ways. "Of course, mon amour." Janet was more surprised but then smiled at Joanna. She gave a thumbs-up sign, suggesting that she liked David.

She had no doubt that Ernie approved of the French and the fact that clothes were being bought for her.

She went into the office. Ernie locked the door behind them and sat down behind his desk.

She pre-empted the scolding by putting the lingerie she had chosen on the desk and, undid the the buttons on her blouse, saying, "Monsieur Alphonse, I would like to claim the special remise pour le personnel."

She took off her blouse and bra to make it clear what she was offering and because, according to Janet, Ernie did not want the uniform creased when the girls went back to work as this was a high-class shop. This had the advantage for him that they earned the discount topless.

She moved in front of him and stood with her bum against his desk and said, "Monsieur, tu peux sucer Suzanne's tetons pendant que ma petit copain c'est dans la pièce d'à côtéin." This meant that she would not have to look him in the eyes or smell his breath as he fondled her. He had had Branston Pickle with his lunchtime sandwiches today, so that was a consideration. She also guessed that sucking her tits while her boyfriend was in the next room would turn him on as much as it did her.

Ernie needed no second invitation and pulled her towards him. She found herself responding to his evident excitement and his technique. Fuck, the thoughts about her plans for Rebecca and Bess and what the DP Team had done to her earlier this week had made her too horny for her own good. The last thing she wanted was for Ernie to think that she fancied him.

As it was the idea of Suzanne, the poor shop girl, being fucked by her boss to keep her job while her boyfriend was in the shop was a little too tempting a part to play. She desperately tried to find another role and then decided to pretend that she was actually a whore.

Darling Daddy had refused to allow her to be in the chorus for the local Am Dram performance of Sweet Charity, but she knew what she needed now was to be like the girls in the big spender number. She pretended to chew gum while breathing heavily and holding Ernie's balding head close to her tits. There was a mirror in her sight line, and she watched herself acting out the role of a bored prostitute pretending to be turned on by her punter's gropes.

Ernie was now squeezing her arse through her skirt. Fortunately, the skirt was tight, and his instinct not to crumple the clothes meant that he was not tempted to try and lift her skirt. Besides, Madame Alphonse (AKA Mrs Ernie or Jill to Lou) had strict rules.

She could feel his dick pressing against her leg. He was surprisingly hard for an old man of thirty-five. She took this as a compliment to herself. She played her role as the professional whore and looked at her watch and, after exactly five minutes, said, "C'est L'heure, Monsieur. Merci beaucoup."

She was gratified by how flushed he looked. She put on her bra and then allowed Ernie to do up her blouse and cop an extra feel. As she turned towards her purse and the goods, Ernie tucked in her blouse at the back. He gave her a 40% discount rather than the 35%. She smiled to herself as he paid her wages (not that they were much after the cost of the discounted clothes) and then said, "Monsieur Alphonse, you wanted to see me?"

No way was he going to give her the sack after the last few minutes. He looked at her and said, "Mademoiselle Suzanne, I just wanted to say how well you dealt with those customers in the back room. I thought that I might need to intervene, but you kept them in their place. C'est formidable."

As she left the office, she said, "Merci, Monsieur Alphonse. See you next Saturday."

She left to see that Lou was waiting for Ernie for the drive to the roadshow tonight. She was talking to David and Joanna. Lou glared at her as it was clear that she had not been sacked. That would show the bitch.

David said his farewells to Janet and Lou. As always, he was charming, and Joanna had little doubt that Janet would congratulate her on her good luck next week.

She handed David the bag containing the lingerie, which he accepted. They walked towards the car park, and Joanna asked David about the party preparations. She was pleased to hear that they were going well.

In particular, he said that Bess was clearly gagging for more sexual experience. He, Dom, Gareth and Pete had laid the foundations for her choosing to play the field and sample older men. Bess had even agreed to allow him to buy a bullet bra for her at Monsieur Alphonse's (using her money even).

David then said, "Bess and Claire seem fascinated by this Rebecca girl. Bess wants to believe that she is as promiscuous as you say she is. Claire defends her, despite it being clear that she has a very different attitude to sex. I'm looking forward to meeting this woman."

Joanna smiled, "Remember, I want you to flirt with her and then come back to me at the end of the evening."

"Your wish is my command." Joanna smiled. She suspected Rebecca would be tempted to steal her boyfriend. Hell, even Joanna admitted that Rebecca had justification, even without knowledge of what Joanna had planned for her that evening.

She needed to get changed for the party, and the Slut squad would be arriving early. She told David that he should make himself scarce for a couple of hours to allow her to prepare for the party. He smiled, "I'll arrive late then. It will make it more believable that I can be poached. Perhaps we can pretend to have a disagreement."

As they got in the car, he asked, "How much did my gift cost me?"

"You don't mind, darling?" She named the price and added, "That was with a very special staff discount."

"I don't mind if you tell me all about it."

"I'd like you to keep the clothes at your house. Mummy would be a little shocked to see them and might even feel the need to tell Darling Daddy."

She told him about what had happened in the office of Monsieur Alphonse with some exaggeration and how her boss had come in his trousers. She promised to wear the lingerie the next time they fucked.

She finished off by saying, "I think the dirty old man gave me a love bite on my right breast." He hadn't, but she suspected the detail would titillate David

He dropped her off at home. He asked for the receipt and paid her the cash. "After all, Madame Merteuil, I will be getting the benefit of the clothes. "
