Joanna Hires the DP Team Pt. 03


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She checked the money and said, "David, you've given me too much, not that I'm complaining."

"I also got the benefit of your very special staff discount. I enjoyed the story."

She laughed. He had given her the amount she would have paid for the lingerie if she had only had the normal discount. By allowing her boss to take liberties with her, she'd actually earned money as well as getting the clothes.

She said, "While I won't expect you to pay for all my clothes, will you ...?" She was testing the waters here, hoping that David would agree to a clothing allowance this term.

He laughed. "Of course, I'll pay you the difference between the normal staff discount and the special discount provided you tell me what you do with and to Monsieur Alphonse. Within reason of course."

That hadn't been exactly what she had meant, but she pretended that it was.

She knew that David enjoyed watching her flirting (and indeed more) with men when she was playing a role on one of the DP Team missions. Still, each of those had involved him admiring her performance and, so far, none of them had involved much more than blow jobs. She had told David about this afternoon because she knew he would enjoy it and because it was also meant to be a one-time-only deal.

He obviously wanted her to regularly repeat being felt up by her boss and describe it to him, and she didn't know how she felt about it. She needed his cooperation this evening, so she was not going to row about it. Besides, the money would help, and the clothes were good quality.

She decided to test this, "I'll have to see what I need to do to earn an extra-special staff discount, then."

He laughed, "Look, you've told me that his wife only allows him to go so far and no further. Only do what you feel comfortable with. I'm happy to provide you with rough scripts from which you can improvise. Seriously, we can do the same for the dancing in the back room."


"Me and Gareth. He's read about a comedy club in Chicago which believes in improvisation and wants to try his hand at it. We've been doing a bit for the DP Team missions."

"I thought improvisation was -- I don't know -- improvised."

"Mostly, but Gareth says it is more like jazz or commedia dell'arte. There is a framework which one can riff off, and it helps to have a rough idea of what you intend to do."

"I'll talk to you both on Tuesday afternoon."

David had redeemed himself by suggesting involving Gareth and making it clear that he knew the limits. Speaking to Gareth was the closest she got to being trained to act, and she liked the idea of practising dealing with handsy customers.

She giggled. She amused herself by imagining the fun she could have teasing Ernie, bearing in mind the limitations his wife insisted on. She could make a game of it, seeing if she could make him come in his pants or at least spend time in the toilet afterwards.

When Joanna got home, she showered, dried her hair, and dressed for action. She knew most of the girls would be wearing jeans and jumpers with a blouse underneath. She wanted to be sexier than them without looking like a tramp. The backless little black dress she put on showed off her assets and proved that she didn't need to wear a bra to be perky. She wore tights with it. This evening was not going to involve her getting off with any of George's friends so no easy access.

She came downstairs when Dom knocked on the door and said, "Joanna, Bess and Claire are here."

Bess was wearing black satin hot pants and heels. She had gone for a black jumper, but it was a tight-fitting V-neck one with a belt notched in exactly the right place enough to ensure that her curves could be seen while still being able to breathe. The bullet bra was effective. She now understood the old joke about the danger of putting a man's eyes out.

"Bess, you look très chaud."

Bess giggled. "It's thanks to Dom and Claire. He suggested that I do something to stand out from the crowd, and Claire took me shopping this afternoon. The jumper is snug, and if I get trop satane chaud ce soir, I can take the jumper off."

Joanna wasn't certain about the wording but was amused at the attempt at translating "too darn hot" into French.

She then air-kissed Claire as well. The woman was not quite Sandy from Grease but undeniably wholesome. Claire was wearing a pleated red knee-length skirt, and a white blouse was beneath a fluffy pink jumper. Joanna had always been polite to Claire and had tried to keep on her good side. Her uncle was an ally of Darling Daddy's on the council and was proud of his niece. Anyway, being rude to her would have risked being seen as a total bitch.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang, and the Slut Squad arrived. They evidently had already had a drink or two in town before taking the bus together.

She needed time with the Slut Squad and Bess alone. George was sent to make some Pimms for the women.

Dom and Pete had been forewarned to distract Claire and claimed they wanted Claire's views on whether they had missed anything from her experience of parties last year and also to help decide on which snacks and food to start with. Crisps, pork pies, and sausage rolls were already on the dining room table, but the question was which sandwiches to add and what to provide for the Jewish boys, the sole Muslim boy, and those weirdos who liked to have an alternative to meat. The answer, of course, would be egg and cress, tuna and cucumber and quiches.

She took the Slut Squad and Bess up to her bedroom. The real aim of the Slut Squad discussion was to get Bess slightly drunk with women who were not ashamed of their sexuality. The drinks the squad had already had and the temporary absence of the males certainly loosened their tongues.

After George delivered the Pimms in a charming (for him) manner and beat a hasty retreat (as previously arranged), one of the girls, Lis, said, "Your brother's a bit of all right, Jo. Don't you agree, Aimi?"

Aimi, a brunette in a short skirt with fishnet stockings, laughed and said, "I have my eye on him tonight. I love wishing men a very happy birthday."

Janice said, "I bet he'd love his cherry to be popped by you."

Bess said, "There's another birthday boy coming tonight."

"If he's lucky." This was from Lis and caused giggles.

Joanna said, "George is better looking and more confident than Julian."

Aimi said, "Well, we'll see."

Janice said, "If you get pissed enough, you can do both of them."

"Now there's a thought."

"Just have to decide whether they take it in turns or roast you."

Bess was obviously enjoying herself. This was probably her first time with a group of women discussing sex openly, and she wasn't to know that these four had been chosen for their tartiness. Also, Bess was clearly fooled by the fact that the Pimms were mostly lemonade, and the fruit in the glass made it feel like a soft drink. Of course, it wasn't, and the alcohol emboldened Bess to ask the women what it was like to have two men at the same time.

None of the girls admitted to actually having been with two boys at the same time but talked about "friends" who had tried it out and really enjoyed it. Joanna was certainly not going to confess her recent experience but distracted them all by saying, "If you want to know, you should really ask Rebecca when she gets here. She's known to be up for threesomes and being taken up the arse for a tenner."

Aimi then produced some rizlas, tobacco and some grass and rolled them into a joint. Joanna passed, but Bess took a few puffs.

A little later, Dom provided a second round of Pimms. After he left, Arabella asked about Dom. "He looks like a rugby player. I like big men who play sports. They have a lot of stamina if you know what I mean."

Arabella was now marked down as Sporty Slut -- if Rebecca was chatting up rugby players, she was certain that Arabella would be happy to intervene. She would need to keep her away from Dom, who certainly had the necessary build and, indeed, the stamina.

Shortly afterwards, Gareth arrived and commandeered Bess, saying that people were starting to arrive and that she might want to greet them.

Bess's absence allowed her to prep the Slut Squad for their cock blocking. Explaining that Rebecca had been a real bitch to George seemed to satisfy them (especially Aimi, who wanted to make George happy tonight -- she would remind George to wear a rubber johnny as Aimi boasted that at each of her last ten parties, she had got off with the birthday boy) that this was justified and a hint that the Tart would be targeting the best men helped. She did promise that she would not send them to distract nerds.

They also thought that it was their duty to save innocent men from Rebecca. She was amused by the moral condemnation the Slut Squad had for a woman they had never met before and who almost certainly had had less sex than any of them. Whether it was the alleged fact that she accepted payment or being taken up the arse which enraged them was unclear.

George called up that David had arrived, and she took the Slut Squad down to meet him.


Bess and Claire were surrounded by men while answering the door and greeting the guests. George and Gareth were distributing the drinks and encouraging food to be eaten (they were both convinced that there were advantages to ensuring that there was some food in the stomach to absorb alcohol and reduce the risk of people passing out), and Pete had started the music playing in the lounge. He had put on a Madness medley, which encouraged participation.

Claire was fretting about where Julian had gotten to. Apparently, it was unlike him to be late, and she was worried that he might have had an accident.

Joanna and her friends had joined the party. After being introduced to David, Arabella, Janice, and Lis had headed towards the rugby players and were chatting happily with them while Aimi was helping George and Gareth in the kitchen.

Finally, the missing host, Julian, arrived. Bess hugged him. "Welcome to your own party, Julian. You're very dapper." Julian wore a blue velvet jacket, a colourful tie, and a brocade waistcoat. They made him look smart and stand out from the other men, who were, as Gareth had predicted, mostly dressed in jeans and T-shirts.

He had arrived in tandem with a tall, good-looking brunette on his arm with a pony tail. She was wearing a short, black pencil skirt and a red jacket, under which was a red off-the-shoulder blouse with a gap around her midriff, black stockings, and high heels. She also had bright red lipstick on. The woman had clearly not heard of the unofficial uniform, or she was ignoring it.

Bess asked, "And who is your guest?"

Joanna, who was just behind them, laughed and said in a loud voice, "Don't be silly. It's the Tart dressed for business with her first customer."

Bess looked again, "Oh. Sorry, Rebecca. I did not recognise you. You should dress more like this at school. Can we talk later? Joanna says that you have a lot to teach me about how to please men."

She realised that the room had gone silent around them, awaiting Rebecca's reply.

Rebecca replied, "My dear Bess, I'm certain that Joanna has far more hands-on experience than I do. She certainly has a bigger mouth. I've heard she can swallow anything, including any tall story." The emphasis on the word swallow was clear, and Bess could not help joining in the laughter at the retort and hoped that Joanna had not noticed.

Fortunately Claire then joined the group, air-kissed Rebecca and said to the man, "Jules, you are fashionably late to your own party. I really like the waistcoat."

Julian said, "Sorry I'm late. I met Rebecca at the cinema, and we went for a drink afterwards." The three of them went to the kitchen, followed by David (presumably to pour oil on troubled waters).

Dom then arrived and took Joanna towards the dance floor. Gareth then joined Bess, gave her a new glass of wine, and said, "Fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy night."

Bess finally worked out why she hadn't recognised Rebecca. The ponytail and red jacket had totally changed how she looked, and she realised that the effect made her look like a racy version of Miss Summers.


Joanna was furious with herself and with the world in general. She should have kept her mouth shut. George had warned her that getting into a direct confrontation with Rebecca without prior preparation was like challenging a porcupine to an arse-kicking competition while wearing sandals.

It was just that seeing Rebecca arrive with Julian had made her think that Rebecca had already escaped from the attentions of the DP Team. This was even before she heard that Julian had met Rebecca at the pictures and had gone for a drink with her afterwards. Janice further worried her by saying that the Slut Squad had seen the pair in the wine bar they had been to before the party and that both had changed their clothes.

Obviously, she had mostly ignored George's friends after they had hit adolescence, apart from being amused by their attempts to hide their hard-ons from her, but Julian's father was a friend of Darling Daddy's and his brother was one of Darling Daddy's lawyers, and so she had often seen him socially.

George rather looked down on Julian, but the last few Saturdays at Monsieur Alphonse's had helped her appreciate the attraction of a polite and kind young man who was well off to girls who came from the same background as Janet and Rebecca. Seeing Janet's reaction to David this afternoon left no doubt in her mind on that score.

Julian was a little like David but without the confidence and experience. Julian could no doubt afford to treat the Tart to meals and the cinema in return for sex. He would be amenable to only seeing her once a week or so as well. He was also just clever enough to give Rebecca someone useful to revise with. She had little doubt that Julian arriving well-dressed was down to Rebecca encouraging him not to follow the crowd.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Even if Julian was too afraid to notice that Rebecca was willing, for a metaphorical shilling, to make a man of him, Rebecca was not stupid. Dom and Pete had warned her that she knew George and Joanna hated her and would likely smell a rodent of unusual size if two friends of Joanna's boyfriend tried to pick her up. That was even before Joanna had indulged her Bitch mode and gone the full Joan Collins on Rebecca.

She supposed that she could redirect Aimi towards Julian, but she was meant to be part of George's birthday present tonight when she took his cherry.

Dom led her into the garden, sat her down in the gazebo and offered her a cigarette. "Nil desperandum, Joanna. I think we can make this work for us."


Dom checked that no one was in earshot and then spoke quietly to her.

"First, the plan with Bess is going well. Me, Gareth and Pete can keep her from being snaffled by any of the sixth formers, if only because the most eligible are going after Claire."

"I suppose that's true. The wacky baccy and the Pimms have removed what few inhibitions she has. You'll be glad to know that she's already obsessed with threesomes. Still, there is a downside. It didn't help with Rebecca that after I called her a tart, Bess told her to dress like one at school and asked her for tips on pleasing men. Surely, there's no chance with Rebecca now."

"Remember what we told Gareth and David. Bess was to be the catalyst to make the party memorable. We are all happy that she is more than oven-ready to spread her sexual wings and legs. In relation to Rebecca, we told them as revenge for her humiliating George and being a prick tease at the prizegiving earlier that week, we would help you cockblock her at the party."

"OK -- so how does that help?" She hoped that Dom had a plan. The DP Team normally relied on David's planning and ability to improvise, and they could not call on him here.

"It was already agreed that you would treat David badly tonight so as to encourage Rebecca to vamp him to spite you. He will pretend to be interested, and you would then call him to heel at the end of the party."

"I see that worked for what he and Gareth thought we were up to, but what about my plan."

"Some of the things which Claire said today suggested that Rebecca might be up for having sex with us if she thought that it could be ring-fenced from the rest of her life."


"Be even more of a bitch than you planned to her and him. David will ask you to apologise to her, and you will do so insincerely, making it clear that it is only not to spoil the party. This will give me and Pete the chance to complain to Rebecca about what a bitch you are and how bad you are for David. This might get her to drop her guard and accept an invitation to the flat next Saturday."

"Why Saturday?"

"You'll be at work, and we'll arrange for David to go to the library. We can tell him that our next target is a shy girl who won't want anyone listening to her being debauched, at least the first time."

She pouted a little about this but suspected that this was a more realistic plan than her original one.

Dom continued, "Look, we'll try to do her tonight, but that will be difficult now as she will be on her guard. It's always a problem trying to score with two women simultaneously. Frankly, Bess would not mind, but I doubt that we could get Rebecca to agree to a foursome."

"But what about Julian?" She explained her concerns about the potential attraction of Rebecca for Julian.

"He is, according to David and Gareth, head over heels in love with Claire."

Joanna thought about it. David and Gareth were better than the rest of the DP Team at spotting hidden emotions. "That makes sense. But Claire isn't interested in him."

"She definitely likes him and she was worried when he was late to the party. I saw her face when Julian walked in with Rebecca. She wasn't overjoyed by the sight of her holding his arm. Perhaps she's reconsidering him now that someone else is making a move on him. We will need your help, though."

"In relation to Claire? She likes me, but we're not bosom buddies."

"Not with her, but with her suitors. Between you and the Slut Squad, we'll also need to cockblock Claire so she settles for Julian."

"I'll think about it. Let's see what happens."

She also had a fallback plan. If the Tart didn't agree to visit the DP Team next Saturday (or the one after), she would make a real show of reclaiming David and accuse the Tart of being so jealous of Joanna that she had tried to steal her boyfriend.


Bess was chatting with some of her classmates and was eating some food. She felt a little tipsy, and Pete had suggested that she line her stomach. She then noticed Gareth trying to catch her eye. She excused herself and joined him and Dom. Gareth whispered, "I think It's time we watched La Belle Claire and her suitors."

Richard, who was a tall, brawny man, had his arm around Claire's shoulder. They were surrounded by some other rugby types, David, most of Joanna's friends from the crammer and a distinctly pensive Julian.

Richard was saying that it was a privilege to follow in Ronald's footsteps and hoped that he could be as good as Ronald had been. Gareth whispered, "It sounds as though Ronald also chose Richard to be his successor with Claire as well as the captaincy of the Rugby Team."

She giggled. Gareth was right. Richard and the rest of the Rugby team assumed Claire would agree to him taking over, and he had not bothered with romance. Certainly, Claire's smile looked rather fixed as he discussed the next match of the season and how they valued the support of Miss Summers.

Suddenly, Richard lost his train of thought, and he and the other rugby players were staring in the same direction. Claire looked around and saw that Rebecca had leant over the back of a sofa where two nerds were sitting. She had parted her legs and bent over so that her skirt rode up and the tops of her stockings could be seen.
