John and Jill Ch. 08


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"John, can we move into your office?"

John led Charlie to the office and motioned for him to sit in a chair as John sat in his behind the desk.

"What's this all about, Charlie?"

"John, there's no good way to put this solve the direct, I hate to tell you this, but Amy has been killed in an accident."

"What, when, where?" John said as he stood up please hands up to his face and busted out crying. "She just left me not 45 minutes ago. How can she be dead?"

"Apparently a semi-truck driver fell asleep, crossed the center line and hit her head on. It looks like she died instantly. It took a while to get her out, but the paramedics rushed her to the hospital and they're trying to save your child. I can drive you to the hospital, you're in no shape to drive."

"When did this happen, Charlie?" John asked, his voice choking with the lump in his throat almost visible.

"About a half an hour ago out on Route six, about a quarter-mile from the post office. I'm sorry, John."

He helped John out to his cruiser and opened the door for the passenger side. As John got in, he asked Charlie, "How about the other driver, Charlie? Is he going to make it?"

"Actually, John, it's she and she is a basket case emotionally, but only has a few injuries. She's a mother of two kids and her husband is a disabled veteran, which is why she's driving truck. She was filling in for another driver when this happened. She had to be sedated before they could even get her to go to the hospital. It was simply just an accident, just a dumb, senseless accident."

"Thanks for taking me to the hospital, Charlie," John said as he put his hands to his face and sobbed all the way during the trip.

When they reached the hospital, Charlie led John to the triage desk and the deputy gave his information to the nurse, who referred him over to the clerk for data mining. The clerk began typing into the computer and asking John for Amy's information. He gave all the pertinent information and was led into a small room off of the emergency room doors. Charlie and a nurse sat there with him, and was finally joined by little dark skinned doctor in a white lab coat, with green scrubs on. He stepped up to John and offered him his hand. John took the proffered hand in his and shook.

"Mr. Trainor, I'm Dr. Pagani, the ER physician that tried to save your baby. As you already know, your wife perished in the accident, dying instantly, mostly from head and chest injuries. In rare cases, when mothers are as far along in their pregnancies as your wife, there is a chance we can take the baby in an emergency C-section to try to save the child. In this case, we were successful, in saving the fetus, and the baby actually breathed on his own for a few minutes, but he also had major injuries from the accident in utero. I'm sorry to say, that your baby died five minutes ago. We tried everything we could to resuscitate him, but couldn't save him. I'm so sorry.

The very compassionate looking nurse asked John if they had a name for the child and he answered, "Peter Enis Trainor," as the nurse scribbled the information down on a form she was carrying on a clipboard. She asked John if he needed anything and he said no. They led him back to see Amy and the baby for him to identify them. Although being cleaned up for identification, the injuries to Amy's face were so massive that she hardly looked like herself.

When the staff took him back to the family room, John stood weakly and started mindlessly pacing back and forth. The only person he could think the call was JJ. His son answered on the second ring and after he realized what happened, told John he'd be there as quickly as he could. John was totally at a loss as to what to do. In a brief moment, his entire life was ripped apart. The love of his life and the spark of the future were both gone.

When JJ arrived to be with his father and had a pretty young Hispanic woman with him. He finally got his father to sit down and sat beside him with his hand on the shoulder.

"Dad, I'm so, so sorry. I loved Amy like a second mother and I know she loved you more than anything. I just don't know anything else to say, except I'll help you in any way I can. Oh, I'm sorry, Dad, this is Carmella, my girlfriend. I was going to bring her to the store to meet you and Amy this morning after my second class. I'm sorry."

"Carmella, it's very nice to meet you, even under these circumstances," John said as he took her hand. She pushed it away and grabbed John in a fierce hug, showing her compassion during his time of loss.

She then turned to hug JJ and began crying. Both father and son did their best to comfort her. She just looked at both of them and said, "I'm so sorry for your loss, Mr. Trainor."

John just hugged her softly and said, "I know dear, I know. JJ, your half brother died too. They tried to save him, but he only lived a few minutes," he said as he broke into tears again. Both JJ and Carmella hugged him until he regained his composure.

John wiped his tears away and said, "Oh my, I've got to contact Erindova and the guys at work."

John called the store and talked to Frank, telling him of the accident and death of his family. He got Frank to look up Erin's work and home numbers and called her. Erin was inconsolable upon learning of the death of her beloved sister. She said she would catch the first flight she could and would be there soon.

JJ helped his father with all the arrangements for the funerals of his stepmother and brother, while quietly grieving in his own right. Carmella was always by his side while he helped his father with the arrangements, including choice of caskets and burial plots at the local cemetery. John decided to place his beloved bride and never known son by Petor and his wife. The plots were open and he bought five.

The day of the duel burial was a humid, but cool rainy day under the grayest skies John could remember. The dank day mirrored John's soul, matching his feeling of loss and loneliness. His beloved first son was standing at his side with Carmella on his other. John spent most of the service, by the Russian Orthodox priest, comforting Erindova. John always knew there was a special bond between the sisters, but didn't know how affected Erin was going to be. He always felt a strong bond with Billy, but they were never as loving. Emotion was never strong in the Trainor household when he was growing up. He knew that George loved both of his sons, but he showed it more than said it, not being prone to displays of affection.

As George walked over to his son, he openly hugged him and said, "John, you didn't deserve this and neither did your loving wife. I sometimes wonder if there is a God in heaven."

John just told his father that "He would make it, that Amy would want him to go on." George just looked at his son with compassion as Billy, Marissa, and his nephews gave their condolences and hugged John and JJ tight.

Erin was having a hard time keeping herself composed, and John thought she might be dehydrated from all the tears she shed. He never expected her to be totally disabled with grief, because she had never acted like this at Petor's funeral.

John noticed Mac coming through the line of mourners to pay their respects to the family and used this time to back away for a few minutes to speak to the priest. When she finally cleared the line, John went back to his place. He also saw Jillian under a white umbrella up a slight hill overlooking the gravesite. He knew Amy had a friendly relationship with both Jill and Mac, but he still couldn't get over their betrayal. However, he did appreciate the fact that they came to pay their respects to his wife and second son. He also watched as JJ and Carmella went over to talk to Jill.

Neither Jill nor Mac came to the reception after the funeral either. John was glad because he felt he should deal with Erin and didn't have any time for dramatics. John and JJ took Erin back to their home shortly after the reception was over to get her squared away. John felt it best that she stay with him and JJ during all the parts of the funeral. He felt she needed to be around family that could care for her and they were the only close ones left. It was hard on John to be around Erin because every time he looked into her eyes he saw Amy. Erin was a shorter more voluptuous black haired version of his wife, which was not lost on him. John felt he needed to go on with life and further Amy's family business.


The next three months were a walking daze for John. It was hard for him to concentrate on some custom work he was doing, which thankfully, his apprentice could help him with. Although he was robotic in his actions, he managed to keep the store and his own business in the black. He was smart enough to know he was compromised and refused to take in any new custom work.

At the start of the fourth month, an unexpected impetus brought him back to life. He was working in the shop one day and Frank came to get him to tell him he had a visitor. After removing the shop apron and dusting off, he went out front and was shocked to find Erin standing there.

"Erin, what are you doing here? You should have called and I could've met you at the airport. It's good to see you, you look great, but then you always did."

"I drove down, John, I didn't fly. It's nice that you say I look good, John, because I feel like crap. I haven't felt good since I left you here. I mean, look at you; you're a shell of your former self. You've got to move on with your life, John," she said as she began crying, "She wouldn't have wanted you to live your life in the past. She would've needed you to go on with your life. I shouldn't have left you this way."

"With all due respect, Erin, what could you do?" John asked as he held on to her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. "You've got your life in Chicago and this business is here."

"That's what I came to talk to you about, John. I quit my job and I want to come back here and work in the family business. I've been away long enough. My grandfather and Amy would've wanted it that way."

John looked at her pensively and said, "What about the big city girl and the bright lights and partying? This ain't Chicago and I think you would get bored very quickly."

"John, I've had enough of that and I want to come home and this IS my home."

"But what would you do here, Erin?"

"There's a lot I can do here, John. I can still sell furniture."

"You've been out of here a long time, Erin. Do you think you have the drive needed to sell furniture?"

"John, I'm still a quarter owner of the business, or so my shares say. I know you're the majority owner now, but please just give me a chance to show you what I can do. Let me take these two customers coming in now," as she left to go over to greet a young, well-dressed couple who walked in to the show room at that time.

"Welcome to Rans Furniture and what may I help you with today?"

The man looked at her and said, "My wife and I have just moved into the area and were looking for a dining table and chairs for our new house. We'll be doing a lot of entertaining in my new job, so we'll need a rather large one. We need it sooner rather than later."

Erin never missed a step and graciously showed the young couple over to that section of the store. John just watched in awe as she looked like she been selling furniture forever. He walked over, as unobtrusively as he could, so he could observe her selling style.

"You like to see something more modern or traditional? We have Todd Creek, Liberty and Broyhill. We also have more traditional Amish and Cornish furniture as well. May I ask what your names are? Mine's Erin."

"I'm Justin and she's Heather," he replied. His voice trailed off and Erin noticed his attention going to one of John's custom tables. "What brand is this? I love the craftsmanship and this oak looks so strong."

"Oh, it's strong all right, the strongest and it's built right here by our own master craftsman on the custom side of the business, Forest Fine Furnishings; 3F."

"How much is this table?"

"Well this is just a display piece that we use to show customers are custom work, but this one is $4000," Erin said as she looked up at John who was standing with his mouth wide open.

"Honey, that's awfully expensive, isn't it?" Heather said to her fixated husband.

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart, I've got the money from the signing bonus my boss gave me. Besides, these things like our heirloom materials, built for life and something we can pass on to our children."

"What is it with these chairs, buffet and this beautiful matching china cabinet?"

"Well these are our display models to show what you can have custom-made," Erin said as she looked at the placard lying on the table. The entire dining room would be $12,000, but with free delivery and set up."

"Done. When can you deliver it?"

"Let me check with Frank, our warehouse and delivery manager and I'll let you know. Is it local delivery?"

"No, we live in Fullmer. We were sent here to look by our decorator, Jillian, from Visions by Jillian. Do you know her?"

"We've met. Are you sure you want this model and not something custom-made? It takes longer but the wood could be anything you like."

"No, this one will be fine, Erin, we need it right away. Besides, this beautiful piece of furniture is exactly what I want. It's okay with you isn't honey?" Justin said as he looked at Heather, who just nodded in agreement.

John spoke up and said, "I can deliver it myself this afternoon if you needed that quickly, as long as there is someone there that could help me, I'll bring it myself." John had important things to do, but felt he could skip it to help this young couple out. Besides, it was the least he thought he could do for someone who appreciated his work that much. In the mood he was in, it would be good to help out a young couple starting out.

Erin took back over, saying, "Justin and Heather, meet the creator of this furniture you love so much, John Trainor."

Justin shook John's hand excitedly while saying, "You do masterful work Mr. Trainor. The lines and the construction on your furniture are beautiful. Your craftsmanship and scrollwork on the cabinetry of the buffet and china cabinet are beautiful. This looks like something made two centuries ago. Don't worry; I'll be there to help you. I worked my way through college delivering furniture part-time."

John gushed at the compliments and left them to Erin to complete the paperwork of the sale. To say John was overly impressed would be an understatement. He realized Erin would do well at the store, but was apprehensive having to work with her because of her looks and personality. She was so much like her sister, only with more effervescence. When the paperwork was completed and the young couple gave the address for the delivery, John took her aside.

"You made a good sale, Erin. However, you actually gouged them. That set, if they would've waited for me to make it for them, was only normally $10,000."

"You saw his face, John. Do you think they thought I gouged them? Besides they really need it right now."

"No, Erin, they were pleased, but I don't like to feel like I cheated anybody."

"John, I've been the furniture business for years, you didn't cheat anybody. That's not in your nature anyway. But you don't seem to realize what your work is worth."

"You're probably right, Erin, Amy always told me I didn't charge enough for most things I made. I just was afraid to price myself out of the sale."

"Don't worry, big boy, I'll save you from yourself."

John looked like he'd almost been slapped by Erin when she called him "big boy" the way Amy used to. At that moment he realized what he was letting himself in for.

"Okay, Erindova, you'll do. You've got the job," John said as Erin jumped into his arms almost knocking him down. John couldn't help but notice her ample breasts pushed up against his chest. The warmth of her hug and the excitement he felt at her soft touch, unnerved him just the same. John decided he was going to treat her as he would a little sister. That was the only way he felt he would be able to keep his sanity.


After John delivered the furniture to Justin and Heather's beautiful home, he decided to stop by Chief's Galley to get one of his famous burgers. While sitting there drawing on a napkin a design that popped into his head, he noticed a shadow come over his table and work and looked up to see his ex-wife.

Jill sheepishly asked, "Do you mind if I sit here with you while I eat?"

John just looked at her pensively and said, "No, Jill, feel free."

"Always the smooth talker, ay John?"

"I said you could sit down, what more would you like?"

"Nothing, John, nothing at all. I just think we could at least be friendly to one another."

"I noticed you at the funeral that day, Jill, thank you for coming," John said as he remembered the things Amy said to him about his ex-wife before she died. Maybe it was time for him to forgive and move on with his life. He just felt it took too much energy to keep disliking someone. Maybe it was time for a change.

"John, I was so sorry to hear about the death of your wife and your son. She was always so gracious when working with me and I know you felt the loss hard. I'm so sorry that you lost her and Peter."

"Well there must've been some reason that fate or the man upstairs didn't want me to have her or another son. I mean, look at me, I'm 39 years old; could you imagine me with an infant at my age?"

"Well as a matter of fact, John, I could see you with an infant at your age. I remember how loving and nurturing you were to JJ when he was a baby. John, you can't go on with this feeling of being down on yourself. You're a good man, John Trainor, and you've got a lot to offer people. Look at you; you're a successful businessman and an artisan at the same time. Just look how talented you are and what you're passing on to other people. I've never sent anyone to your store that has complained about their furniture. JJ has always been proud of the way you've conducted yourself and your fine example as a father. Don't ever doubt that."

"Well, his mother is a good example of a business woman, as well."

"I sure hope he has learned from my personal mistakes, as well. I don't think you should have to suffer for your personal mistakes all of your life, but I am. I'm sorry for them every day," Jill said as she gazed at John with tears forming in her eyes.

John noticed the beginning of tears, and tried to diffuse the situation quickly by changing the subject.

"I sold an entire custom dining room to some customers you sent to us today. I just delivered them. Actually, I should say, Erin sold them."

"Is that Amy's younger sister? I thought she lived in Chicago and was some genius web designer or something?"

"Yes she was, but she quit her job and wanted to come back to the furniture store. She feels it's her family legacy and wants to be involved in the business now. She grew up around that furniture store before she went to college, and you should really see her salesmanship. She's a natural."

Jillian noticed a sparkle in his eyes when John talked about his sister-in-law and actually flashed a thought of jealousy through her mind. Although she realized it was too soon for John to be thinking about another relationship. She knew John was very cautious about such things and wouldn't take a chance this early after his second wife's demise.

They enjoyed their meal and, as they finished, Jill took her shot, "John, why don't you have dinner with JJ and I this Sunday?" she asked cautiously. "I'd like to talk to you about some things having to deal with our son."