Johnny Goode, Lead Guitar


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Brandon asked, "Did you say something to them?"

"Nah. A few weeks ago, they spoke to me about the family situation. I ended up telling them that I thought it was beyond repair. I thought they would leave it at that. Done deal, too bad."

"Oh, Johnny. Oh Johnny. Please get them back." Joy was quietly crying.

"I'll file for divorce tomorrow. If they hear that, they may come back because now it would be over."

"You jerk! You can't divorce me. I haven't done anything."

"I was just saying that it might be a way to get them back here. We'll likely be divorced anyway, tour or not. You don't like me very much now, and certainly don't love me. So, let's not wait until it happens."

"All right, Johnny. You know I love you. I loved you the first time I heard you play, and I love you more now. Please do not divorce me. Please."

"Joy.....okay. Have you got Mookie's number?"

Johnny called Mookie and asked him to return, and bring the rest. After an intense discussion in which Johnny promised that the participation of the three would not cause the marriage to break up, Mookie agreed.

Johnny reasoned that if Joy never went on the tour, she would always blame him. He couldn't see how they could continue, if she blamed him for thwarting her dreams. On the other hand, maybe there was a chance that she could do the tour and not cuckold him. Not a big chance, in his opinion, but not zero. So, he made it clear to all that he believed the tour should go ahead. He told the lawyer to hold off on the divorce papers.

Rehearsals finished up, and off they all went. At that point Johnny had paid almost no attention to the remaining rehearsals. He'd look in at the end, to see the finale. Always bothered him.

Johnny arranged to be able to see all the concerts on his smart TV. Philadelphia was first, with two shows. He watched with interest. The band was very good. They got good reviews, but not ecstatic ones. No matter, all the venues were sold out.

There were two places where Johnny paid special attention. At the end of the first hour, Joy and Brandon had a back and forth on a medium number, with a good hook. They ended it with a harmony duet.

And, of course, the grand finale at the end of the encore. He watched that carefully as well. He saw nothing in those first two shows that made him question Joy's fidelity.

They had a single show in Harrisburg. Same deal, no alerts.

On to Pittsburgh. The first show in Pittsburgh also caused Johnny no worries. But when he looked at the duet at the end of the first hour of the second Pittsburgh show, he knew it was a done deal. She hadn't lasted too long.

Johnny had arranged for Moe and Jinny to stay overnight on days when the tour had a show. He informed them that he was going to be gone for a while. He had prepared his pick-up truck. He got his small duffle, already packed, and drove off toward Pittsburgh. It would take about four hours to get to the arena. Joy's RV would be around back, in a secure area.

Johnny got to Pittsburgh at about three am. He found the compound, and saw Joy's RV. He had left his cell phone at home, but he had a small camera. He parked the truck near a back part of the fence. He got the horse blanket out of the bed, threw it over the barbed wire. He climbed the fence, dropped to the ground. He looked for security, and saw none. Why would there be any at that time? Maybe cameras. He had worn a hoodie, in case.

He walked quickly to the door of the RV. He knew that Joy had changed the electronic combination because he had seen her do it before she left. He used a device he bought to pick up the code and open the door. The process made no obvious sound. He went inside, quietly. He slowly walked down the short hall, peered into the bedroom door.

The two of them were naked, with Brandon spooned around Joy. They were out, soundly asleep. Johnny took a couple of shots -- photos -- with the camera set for low light. Then he went back down the hall. He had seen an ice bucket on the table inside the door. It still had half melted ice and two open bottles of wine. He put the wine aside, carried the bucket down to the bedroom.

Johnny was pretty pissed off, to say the least. He was in reaction mode. He dumped the ice bucket's cold contents directly onto the two lovers. That provoked hysteria. Brandon leapt up. Johnny hit him in the head with the bucket. He dropped like a sack of cement. Johnny looked at Joy for the briefest of moments, seeing her bewilderment.

Johnny dragged Brandon off the bed. He kicked him in the nuts twice. Joy came aware, shouting, "Don't kill him, Johnny. Don't kill him!" She tried to lunge at Johnny, but he easily shoved her back onto the bed.

"This is on you, bitch." That was said in an eerily calm voice. Joy shrank back. Johnny pulled Brandon's right arm out from under him. He set the hand onto the floor. He stomped it into a formless mess.

Johnny looked at Joy. "He fell down the stairs. If I see cops, you're both toast. Otherwise, this is all. Have fun on the tour."

Johnny dragged Brandon to the door. He opened the door, left Brandon halfway down the stairs. Head first, hands out. He tossed one of the wine bottles on the ground, and the bucket on the floor of the RV.

Johnny trotted back to the fence, climbed over into the truck bed. He pulled the horse blanket off, jumped out, back into the cab. He drove away at a sedate speed. He was headed home.

Johnny went on automatic pilot for a while. He idly wondered how long it would be before the cops came to him. Maybe they'd stop the truck. He hoped that he would get back to the farm. He just followed signs for D.C. After maybe two hours, he began to come back to alertness. He found that he was breathing shallowly, and quickly. He started to tremble, violently. He pulled over into a rest stop. It was starting to get light out. He just sat there for some time. When it was full light, he wasn't trembling anymore. He started the truck and drove home. No police paid him any attention.

Johnny got to the farm at half past eight. The kids were just heading off to school, and he gave them a hug. Jinny made him toast and eggs for breakfast, and he was able to eat. After that, and some coffee, Johnny wondered what to do until the police came.

He decided to record some violin. It might be his last studio work. Amazingly, it went really well. Somehow, the intensity he had tamped down came out in the music. He was able to relax. He thought to himself, what happens happens. He began to sing the Doris Day song. Then he laughed for quite a long time.

Johnny did some wood chopping after the recording. He had lunch, ham and cheese. He chopped more, then serviced his acoustic guitar.

It was almost time for the kids to be dropped off. Johnny fired up his computer, googled Brandon. There was a story there about how he had fallen down the stairs, broken his playing hand, and sustained other injuries. His tour with the All-Star Rock band was suspended. Refunds would soon be arranged for the next month's shows. Johnny smiled. But he still expected the cops.

Johnny went to the bus stop to get the kids, who had heard about the tour. They wanted to know when mom would come home. Johnny said he didn't know. That reminded him to check the phone for messages.

He got the kids their snack, set them to their homework. Then he used the phone locator to see where Joy's phone might be. It was still in Pittsburgh, at the arena. He couldn't assess the meaning of that. He decided to call. The phone went to voice mail.

"Joy, I heard the tour is suspended. I wondered when you might get here. The kids asked." That was it.

Jinny made burgers and cole slaw for dinner. A favorite around there. After dinner his cell phone rang. It was Joy.


"Hi, are you okay? Are you home?"


"And the kids?"

"Okay, wonder when you'll be home."

"I spent a long time speaking to doctors, and Bright."

"Yeah. How's the boy friend?"

"Brandon is not doing well. He has a concussion, severely swollen testicles, and his hand is a total mess."


"Is that what you have to say?"

"Yep. The kids will ask me when you're coming back. They heard the tour is suspended."

"I'm....undecided. I feel bad about all of this. I'm a little afraid."

"Well, let me know when you know. This is a safe place for you. No worries. Probably won't be able to stay all that long."

"Why? Wait. We can talk when I get home. I'll leave today. The tour can't be resurrected, unless we get another lead guitar."


"Fuck you, Johnny."

"And you." He hung up.

Joy drove in after two am. She parked and stayed in the RV. In the morning, Johnny got the kids off to school, telling them not to wake up their mom. Then he went to the studio and made another violin recording. Bach. It went very well, again. He saw Joy through the glass as he finished.

"What's up, Joy?"

"You son of a bitch! Damn you."

"Yeah, you and lover boy lasted less than a week. Screw the both of you. He had it coming, and you as well. But, I couldn't do it to you. Anyway, I didn't kill him like I promised."

"I was stupid to go. I see that. All of you knew that, too. Brandon just waited until I had to have him. I apologize to you for....everything. I kept the cops off you."

"Thanks, how did you do it?"

"They saw him on the stairs -- the ambulance guys. We had him taken to a small, private hospital. They tell me he may never play again. You shouldn't have done that. Not all of it was his fault."

"Nope, it was mostly you. I don't buy it that you intended to avoid the sex. I think that was an integral part of why you went. And I call total bullshit on you. Lies and deceit."

"The only one deceived was me. You already had some plan, didn't you? For when you saw that we had fucked."

"Did you think I would just let it go?"

"I wasn't thinking then, when we finished that show. Thinking with my twat. Dumbass bitch."

"So, then you did it again. You would have kept right on until someone stopped you. Big thrill, fucking the rock star."

"You're a rock star. You should know. What now?"

"Are you shopping for a new lover man? Who would it be?"

"Bright ran down a list of guys. Not really gonna work. Listen, I meant it when I said I was sorry. I itched for action, and I thought I could handle it."

"And I was just supposed to stay home minding the kids? Well that's what I intend to do now. You can get a place nearby. Maybe rent the one lover boy had."

"I can't stay here? Why not?"

"I told you what would happen if you left for the tour. We're history. You need to get another place to live. I'll give you some time. You can hook up the RV."

"Johnny, can't we just put this down to stupidity, and work it out? I do love you. I never loved anyone else. Certainly not Brandon."

"No working it out. You had just loads of warning. You ignored it all. When are you going to do that again? No way to tell. When you get restless and want another cock."

"That's not what it was about. I was restless. I wanted action, audiences."

"And great sex with a star."

"Yes, I guess so. Sorry. You stopped it quickly."

"Not quickly enough. You can hook up over there by the well."

"No chance? None?"

"No. Sorry."

Joy stayed for three weeks, then rented a small place about two miles away. She slept in the RV the whole time. When she moved, the kids were sad. But she could see them every day.

Johnny had her served about a week after she moved. That night she came over, crying. He let her come into the house.

"Can you change the papers to irreconcilable difference? Adultery is bad for both of us. It hasn't hit the papers yet. It could be changed. I asked the lawyer."

Johnny thought about it. He called the lawyer and had him withdraw the papers and substitute irreconcilable difference. They settled quickly. Neither of them was poor, and the custody provision was agreed. Joy was only a short distance away. They'd have joint custody, with Johnny as the primary custodian.

Johnny put out his classical violin album, which was very well received, and actually sold quite a few disks. He made some money, which he donated to the local orchestra. Then he played a concert with them. He was quite happy preparing for that, and after as well. Joy came to the concert with the kids.

She brought them home, and Johnny arrived soon after. Joy was allowed into the house, now. The kids went up to bed. Joy sat down on the living room couch. She looked up at Johnny.

"Who woulda thought? Johnny Goode, classical musician. I.....oh, damn."

"What? Are you okay?"

"Not really. I need you to fuck the shit out of me. Johnny, I need it bad. I haven't had it since the tour." She stood up and dropped her dress to the floor. It was a short dressy number, chosen for the concert. It was backless. When it came off, she had just her panties on, and she shed those in a hurry.

Johnny couldn't help himself. He had had no sex since Joy asked him about the tour. Beating off was not making it. He dropped his trousers, took off his shirt, shoes. He shoved Joy over the couch and fucked her like the slut she was. She had multiple orgasms before he filled her up. Her clit was constantly rubbing on the back of the couch. It was a position that they'd done before. There were faint stains on the back of the couch.

Johnny came around and sat on the couch.

"Oh, Johnny. Thanks." She was on the floor in front of him. She crawled to him, took his flaccid cock into her mouth and cleaned him up. In the process, of course, he got hard. She kept on with the sucking, making it a blow job. She brought him off and swallowed all his cum. She stared up at him after, licked her lips.

"Any time. Any time. We can be fuck buddies, any time."

Johnny groaned. She licked his cock again.

"Stop. You'll kill me. I have to think about this. You have to go now. Go home. I'll see you in the morning after the bus leaves."

Joy pouted but left.

Johnny picked up his clothes and staggered to bed.

The next day Joy was at the house bright and early. The kids hadn't gone yet, and were glad to see her. She walked them to the bus.

Johnny had thought a long time about what to do with Joy. He was never going to marry her again -- that he knew. He wasn't going to ask for exclusivity from her, nor promise her that. But fuck buddies? Maybe. Certainly for a little while. Like today.

When she came back from the bus, he motioned her upstairs. She attacked him and he fought back with gusto. She ended up on top. He knew she liked that best. He had been determined to deny her that. But....circumstances dictated otherwise. He had a cramp in his thigh, and she used that to her advantage to mount him. Then they fucked. Joy kept coming on him, more than she had before. He came so hard that he almost bucked her off. Magically, the cramp was cured.

They showered and got dressed. Jinny and Moe were there, and gave them knowing stares.

"It's not what you think, guys," said Johnny. "We're going to the studio. Needed to freshen up first." That got him laughs all around.

They did go to the studio to talk.

"Joy, I want to be absolutely clear about this. You're a terrific fuck. I can't resist that, although maybe I should. We will never be married again. I will not promise to be faithful to you. I don't expect you to be faithful to me. You can fuck whoever you want. Bareback for all I care. But if you do, I expect to know, so I can get the proper tests. Okay?"

"Yes. Same here. If you fuck some other slut, you have to let me know."

"Also, you can't sleep over. I don't want the kids getting the wrong idea. Maybe when they're at camp or something. Only other sluts can sleep over." He started to laugh, and so did she.

The next day Johnny got a call from Ginger Baker. (But which one? Find out in part two.)

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oldtwitoldtwit3 months ago

A lot of musical info in this, but the plot is good, the characters feel that they could be real, just lacking that little bit in the descriptions

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Enjoying the story really really, it is such fkin bullshit

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 1 year ago

Enjoying the story, Thanks for your writing.

rlrmiller1951rlrmiller1951over 1 year ago

if they swore they won't have sex,and he knew they would not be able to keep their word, why not hire a bodyguard as a pussy chaperone? simple way to save his marriage. Of course that would ruin the story as the author wanted it to flow. good but predictable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

LOL why did he bother divorcing her. Unneeded cuckold drama. always a way to cuckold but not really.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Violence and being nice to his ex even though she doesn't deserve it gets this one 3 stars. Would be 4 if it wasn't for those two things. She cheated without any justification and he basically shrugs and lets her off the hook.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Cuck Johnny is still being nice to the whoring ex wife!! From one whore to the next, Ginger

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2over 2 years ago

The betrayal was inevitable, the forgiveness was way too quick, even with the divorce. She acted like a disrespectful cheating skank, and he was quick to let her into his life. Especially with no remorse. Weak

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Violence is unacceptable. The main character should be in prison, not the hero.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why are all your men in your stories pussies? He divorced the slut and then took her back in his bed. What the fuck is the matter with this author? 1* for this pathetic shit.

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