Josh and Abi


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There were a few seconds of total silence. Joshua, still sitting cross-legged on the floor, still with Abi's foot resting motionless on his swollen dick, didn't move a muscle. He sat there, watching Abi's impassive face, trying to process what he had just heard.

There was no way he could have misunderstood or misheard her. She had really said that she wanted him to... Jesus, he could hardly process the thought. Eat her ass? This was Abigail! Abi, who he laughed with at parties. Abi, who was so well put together and stylish. Abi, who always had witty comment to share. Abi, who was clever and kind. He couldn't even imagine doing something like that to her. And they hadn't even slept together; they hadn't even kissed! The closest he had ever been to her physically was rubbing her feet for a few minutes.

How the hell was he going to get out of this situation? He couldn't exactly stand up and leave suddenly, let alone with a throbbing hard-on bulging in his pants. And wouldn't that be rude to Abi, anyway, to leave abruptly like that? Could the word "rude" even apply anymore, now that she'd made this sudden and bizarre request?

It was one thing to give her a foot rub, but as if he was going to kiss her butt, out of nowhere. He had never done that to anyone before. He had never even thought about it in fact. It must be so humiliating to kiss someone's ass. It was hard to imagine something more degrading. No, it didn't matter if it was rude or not, he would just leave and try to forget this encounter ever happened. So what if seemed rude? They were way past rude.

Without saying a word and without breaking eye contact, Abi slowly took her foot off the swelling in his pants. Then she turned around and lay belly-down on the couch. She took one of the throw cushions and put it just under her hips.

Joshua still didn't move. Abi's ass was really something, he realized -- pert and full and round. He had always found Abigail attractive, but he hadn't particularly noticed her ass before. But now, clad just in bike shorts and sticking up in the air like that; she had an incredible butt. It was a shame, he realized, because he really would have liked to perform the first part of Abi's request -- to pull her shorts down and get a good look at her naked ass, maybe even give it a hard squeeze. But the next part; obviously he couldn't actually kiss her ass. Just because her ass was beautiful didn't mean he wanted to actually put his mouth there, where it would be musty and sweaty and degrading. But strangely, as he imagined the reality of actually bringing his face right up to her ass, his dick twitched in his pants again. Jesus, he was hard. What would it actually be like to kiss Abi's ass? Her feet hadn't been gross or anything. In fact, rubbing her feet had felt great, even though he hadn't really thought of himself as a foot guy in the past. And her ass was probably just as smooth and clean, more so even. Could he actually do it? He might never get a chance to see her ass again. This evening, this moment, it felt so happenstance and random, like they were two leaves caught in the breeze that tumbled together for a moment before whipping apart again. Did he really want to walk out on the chance to see Abi naked, to feel her skin under his hands, to kiss her skin, to feel its goosebumps under his lips?

He had already come this far; and it wasn't like anyone would know, anyway. In this one, private moment, maybe he could kiss the globes of her ass, and enjoy it.

"Well?" she said. Joshua didn't say anything. "Look, you are under no obligations here, Joshua. I've just told you what I want, that's all. I don't pretend to know what you want. That's totally up to you. But you should make a decision now."

Joshua stood up slowly, his dick still rubbing against the inside of his pants. He crossed over to the far side of the couch. He looked up slowly, first at her feet, closest to him, then her firm, toned legs, then her gorgeous round ass, propped up by the throw pillow and perfectly outlined by the skin-tight stretch of the bike shorts, then her back, and then the back of her head with her long hair falling over the far arm of the couch. The thought of actually kissing her on the ass seemed easier to contemplate now that she was facing away from him. Was he actually going to do this? He could still leave; the door was right there, and leaving would be easier now too, without Abi watching him. But looking over her body laid out in from of him, he thought about arriving back at his dark apartment, alone. He thought about wondering what it would have been like, in this moment, to throw caution to the wind and see where this went. How long would he wonder for? How many nights, home alone, would he think back to this moment? Would he wish he had gone for it?

He was holding his breath again, he realized. It was as if he could feel the boundary between going forward and backing out, the space between doing and not-doing. And for a moment he let himself float in that space, surfing the feeling of potentiality. It felt peaceful, as if hovering in the space between choices was better than any of the choices themselves. He breathed out. Doing nothing was a choice too. Time to act.

He stepped forward. Then he leaned over and hooked two index fingers into the waistband of her bike shorts. As his fingers touched the bare skin under the waistband, he felt like he had begun running down a steep hill, so steep he couldn't possibly stop, even if he wanted to.

He gently, gingerly began tugging down the waistband of her shorts, shifting one side down slightly, then the other. Now he could see the top of her underwear -- black, a black thong, lacy. He kept on tugging down her shorts. The underwear hugged her skin, her incredible skin -- slightly tan, smooth, but covered with goosebumps. Her underwear disappeared between the globes of her ass, full and muscular yet still soft looking. And then he was past the roundest part of her ass and now the shorts slid down much more easily, and he pulled them down her legs and off, over her feet.

Her ass was magnificent. Her thighs looked beautiful. Her pussy was still hidden, but all that separated him from it was a single layer of thin fabric. He couldn't believe this was happening. He leaned forward slowly -- his dick prodded the arm of the couch -- and pulled his face in close. The scent of her body was incredibly exciting. He put one hand on the couch on either side of her butt and hovered just a few inches above her naked ass. He could feel the endorphins pumping through him. He was going to do it. Slowly and delicately, he planted a kiss on her left ass cheek. It was firm and taught but still moved slightly under his lips. He could feel the warmth of her body, the texture of her skin. He was floating in a pool of adrenaline.

"Were you listening?" Abi said without turning around. "I said I wanted you to take off my shorts AND my underwear."

Joshua straightened up and licked his lips. Abi sounded serious. He hooked her underwear and pulled it down, slowly at first as the fabric gradually shifted out of the crack of her ass. It felt so intimated to be undressing her like this. He negotiated the underwear over her legs and feet. Abi was naked from the waist down. He couldn't process the fact. Her ass, her pussy, naked in front of him. He had a momentary urge, a raw urge, to tear off his clothes and jump on top of her, but even as the thought arose he knew such an act would smash this moment into a thousand irreparable pieces. He leaned forward again, inhaling her body. Her asshole must be just inches away from his face. He shivered. He planted another kiss on the cheek of her ass, using his tongue a little this time against her soft skin. At the same time, he placed his right hand on her other ass cheek and squeezed.

"Joshua! I didn't tell you I wanted you to kiss my ass cheeks or squeeze my ass cheeks. I told you I wanted to eat my ass. Do you know what that means?"

Joshua looked up at the back of her head.

"I want you to kiss and lick my asshole. That's what I want, that's what feels good to me. You can use your hands to spread my ass if you need to, but what I want to feel is your lips and tongue around my asshole. Do you understand?"

Joshua felt disgust when he heard her say the word "asshole", but his dick was straining in his pants harder than ever, and he felt the first bead of pre-cum wetting the tip. He knew he couldn't stop now. In that moment, it felt like he would do anything that Abi wanted, anything to make her feel good. He planted his hands on her asscheeks and gently spread them apart. All he could see was a halo of darker skin, inviting him to spread her cheeks further. And then there it was, a perfect, rippled ring. It looked delicate, pretty even. He brought his face in closer. He could smell her body, the faint, salty smell of fresh sweat, a clean earthiness, and beneath it the unmistakable smell of sex. Was she as excited as he was? He knew without asking her that he wouldn't be permitted to touch her pussy to find out.

Taking care not to squeeze her ass cheeks in his excitement, he brought his face even further in. Was he really going to do it? Kiss her here, the most intimate place he could imagine? He licked his lips again. His cock felt like it might burst. He leaned in the final couple of inches and placed his lips right around her asshole.

"Oh my god, yes," Abi said loudly, and he could feel the muscles in her back and legs tense up. "Yes, fucking hell Joshua, kiss my asshole."

He finished the kiss and his lips made a soft smacking noise. Then he planted another kiss on her asshole, a little firmer this time.

"Yes, yes, that feels so good," she said.

He kissed her for a third time, the firmest yet, this time letting his lips part slightly and his tongue linger for an instant on the warmth of her asshole.

"Joshua!" she said, louder now, "Fucking hell, yes, kiss it like that. Holy shit that feels good."

Joshua's mind felt blank, but in a way that felt good. Every time Abi moaned in pleasure, he felt a thrill and his dick twitched against the couch. He felt lost in her responses, like he was reacting to the noises she was making without thinking about it, like he was vibrating in response to them. Some part of his mind, detached from the rest, was aware that he was licking someone's asshole, and how strange that was. But most of him was just reacting, reacting to Abi's voice and body, experiencing the contractions of her body, and its clean, electric taste.

He kissed in rhythm now, letting his tongue rest on her asshole as she moaned longer and louder.

He felt Abi's hand on his and he paused.

"OK Joshua, now I want you to lick around my asshole, circle it with long, slow licks."

He started again, slowly, circling her asshole with his tongue, concentrating on the goosebump texture of her skin. He felt her hand leave his, then felt her hips shift, and realized she must be rubbing her clit. Her moaning grew more urgent. The part of his mind that was still analyzing what was happening was surprised that he didn't feel jealous of being shut out of this part of the experience, of not rubbing her clit himself, or even being able to watch her doing so. But he didn't feel jealous, all he felt was excitement, heady sexual excitement that rose up from his crotch and coursed through his body. Every few orbits he would allow his tongue to drag lazily across the very center of her asshole, and each time she would gasp softly. Her hips were rocking bath and forth now, slowly, in rhythm with his circling tongue.

He sped up his circling, and her hips sped up in response.

"Jesus, yes Joshua. Now I want you to make long licks right up the crack of my ass and over my asshole," she said, sounding short of breath.

He pulled back slightly and pushed his tongue between her cheeks below her asshole, being careful to avoid her pussy where he hadn't been told he could lick. The smell of sex filled his nostrils. He took one slow, wet lick right up her ass crack and over her hole.

"Yes Joshua, just like that, lick my fucking asshole. Show me how much you like it."

That was all the encouragement he needed. He started another lick, faster this time, increasing the pressure as he passed over her hole.

"Fuck yes, fuck yes!"

As he performed each lick, he had to shift his torso forward to reach the top of her crack, and as he did so his dick pressed against the end of the couch arm. Even that basic stimulation filled up his world with pleasure in his current state, and he licked faster, Abi still rubbing her clit in time with his motions, his cock rubbing against the couch in the same rhythm. Jesus Christ, he was so fucking turned on. But he didn't find himself wanting to grab Abi, flip her over and push his hard dick into her. Eating her ass was the source of his arousal, and all he found himself wanting was more of that, more of her ass, more of her heavy breath, more of the bucking of her hips against his face and her panting moans.

He steadied himself with a hand on the small of her back and found it slick with sweat. He was going much faster now, and it felt raw and savage to be licking her like this. He could feel her hand moving under her, on her clit, and that was going much faster now too.

"Joshua, I want you to kiss it, make out with it, show me you love it."

He dove back to her asshole and started kissing it passionately, rubbing it with his lips and tongue. He did love it, he realized, in this moment at least, with Abi's panting getting faster and more ragged, and her hips rocking more violently.

"Jesus christ yes, use your tongue like that. I can't believe you're actually licking my asshole!"

He knew that she was playing; it had been her idea, her request for him to do this, after all. But the idea that he was the debauched one, that she couldn't believe he would actually do the things she asked, fitted into some gap in his sexual consciousness he had previously had no idea was there, like the needle of a record player falling into its groove. In that moment, the idea of her being disgusted by the things he was doing drove him wild, sent electricity throbbing up and down his body. And he responded by kissing her asshole more passionately than he had ever kissed anyone, anything before. He drove his tongue wildly against her hole, probing, massaging, showing with every thrust and twist that there was nowhere else in the world he'd rather be in this moment, nothing he'd rather be doing.

Abi was rocking her hips desperately now, and Josh could feel her ring tighten against and around his tongue as she grasped for more sensation to take her over the edge.

"God yes," she shouted, "worship my asshole." And with that, he drove his tongue fully into her ring, and as he did so he felt her whole body stiffen, and she let out one loud, long shout. He felt her ring pulse around his tongue, and he stopped driving it in and out and just held it there, filling up her asshole, holding onto her body with his hands as she jerked and shook as the orgasm washed over there.

He stayed like that for at least thirty seconds, as the contortions of her body died down, becoming intermittent spasms, and then she was still. He gently pulled out of her and for the first time since getting on the couch she turned to face him, his face still hovering over her naked ass. Her face was bright red and running with sweat, and her expression was inscrutable.

Once she caught her breath she turned over, swung her legs to the floor, found her bike shorts and pulled them on, not bothering with her underwear. Joshua sat on the couch next to her. His erection was clearly visible through his pants, and there was a wet spot where pre-cum had leaked through. Abi looked at him with that same impossible-to-parse expression, looked at the bulge in his lap, then glanced back at his face, clearly waiting for him to break the silence.

Joshua sat in an endorphin haze. He couldn't believe what had just happened, and now that Abi had her shorts back on, it felt even more like a dream. He was turned on, perhaps more turned on than he had ever been. He wanted desperately to take his cock out of his pants and have Abi take it into her mouth, or her pussy, or just touch it for a moment even; it felt like he might explode with the smallest amount of stimulation. But it also felt like this moment was impossibly fragile; like that time in the morning lying in bed just after waking, when he was dimly aware of the previous night's dreams, but knew that as soon as he sat up and began his day they would dissipate, like the fog of hot breath on a cold day. And the risk of spoiling this perfect moment -- of saying or doing the wrong thing, of breaking whatever spell had brought them together like this -- felt too great. So he sat, not speaking either, looking at her beautiful, flushed, impassive face.

After a minute the tiniest curl of smile bent the corner of Abi's mouth, as if she had confirmed to herself some inner suspicion. And then she stood and took her coat from the chair in the kitchen, and as she moved he saw none of the tension or urgency of the last hour, but only the informal practicality of everyday life.

"Let's head to the brewery, I'm dying for a beer," she said with such ease and nonchalance that Joshua really could have questioned what had just happened, if not for the bulge in his pants and the taste of her ass on his lips.

And with that, they gathered their things. Abi turned out the lights, and they stepped out into the cold, crisp air of the fall night.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That was by far the most erotic story I’ve read, absolutely perfect. I can only hope for more.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Good premise.

OK eating ass. But too quick after rubbing her feet. And not much of her doing anything to his cock and balls to get him in the mood.

And nothing with her breasts and nipples.

Four stars.

WillieTurnerWillieTurnerabout 1 year ago

Wow! An excellent story with a long, but not too long build up. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Thanks Yvette. Abi could have told him to jerk his cock and shoot his cum on the floor in front of her. I certainly did. That was wonderful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I found this story and have read others along the vein of a dominant woman with an accommodating man. I tried to be that way for women.


ashlandlitashlandlitover 1 year ago

This is a wonderful story. I love licking a woman’s asshole and often it’s my first fantasy when I’m attracted to someone. Please write more!!

incenseincenseover 1 year ago

Very nice and hot story of anal love !!! My fav sexual activity, to lick, kiss ,sniff and tongue fuck a delectable female asshole !!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved the build up to actually teasing her ass. It reminded me of when my wife let me explore her ass with my tongue. 😈👅

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice story, and I would add, it was told as if this really happened. It might be interesting in a few chapters from now, if Joshua discovers the real reason she likes her feet and ass done. It could be because for the last few months, that’s what Joshua’s older sister has been doing for Abi. Possibly a threesome is brewing, and Joshua didn’t know he was going to be asked to eat his own sister's pussy in just a few weeks. Possibly his sister has been doing his Ex Sally as well.

SoCaNoCaSoCaNoCaover 1 year ago

A very comfortable story. I like the characters. Looking forward to Ch.-2

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very good story! I hope there is more to come, or cum, and that Abi continues to control that poor guy. I would like to read that she controls him and does the tease and denial thing with him perhaps even with some bondage. The more she does it and doesn't let him cum the more frustrated he will be.

vkseverinvkseverinover 1 year ago

great first story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

More please!

Will527Will527over 1 year ago

Okay, I have to say this - the story was fantastic, hot as hell and just what some guys like to do. But that's just it - it seems so real that this must have been written by a guy. Am I right?

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