Journey of Discovery

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Camping trip leads to beautiful union.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/24/2020
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The lights were bright in my eyes as I stepped on to the stage and was handed my diploma. Four short years at Rimming University in the books. I turned to the auditorium crowd and did my signature point with both hands to the side. I had played football and was a defensive end, starting the last 2 years. After every sack I had my signature point to the crowd. I heard a bit of a clap and left the stage to return to my seat.

After sitting through a boring speech from a renowned psychologist and senator Dr. Cockring about our futures we were free. I found my parents in the sea of purple gowns and strewn hats on the floor.

"Hey guys, it's over! On to bigger and better things!" I said to them as we group hugged.

"We are so proud of you! Congratulations!" My Mom said to me as she put her hand on my face.

"Ok, get going we know you want to party this one out and the last thing you want to do is hang out with us any longer." My dad said smiling.

I found my two buddies and co-defensive captains, Chris and Larry and we headed off to the strip. The strip was just off campus and had around 10 bars and restaurants where we settled in the for night.

"Hey Jake, Larry and I cannot make the camping trip next week. We both got called up early to go to officer basic training." Chris let me know.

We had planned a one-week camping trip up in the Sawtooth mountains in Idaho, hiking, fishing and drinking lots of beer. We had a small camper that slept a couple but between that and tents and were going to make the most of it. "That sucks, well I will have to see if I can find another willing participant!" I told them as we clanked the glasses together in another cheers to one another.

The night wore on and we went to at least 5 bars, recounting the last 4 years the glory we shared on the football field and the bedroom with the women we met after games, in class or on the strip. We were pretty recognizable and leaving this going back into the real world was a stress for each of us but we had no choice. They had both joined the military and I was going to be looking for a job with my engineering degree.

I took an uber back to my apartment where I knew this was the last weekend and after I woke up I was going to pack and return home which was only about an hour away. I drifted off to sleep.

It felt like two hours later I awoke to my phone screaming at me. I looked over it was 1130 in the morning and it was my mom calling. I answered, "Mom, whats up?"

"Hey I am outside your door I thought I would come help you get packed up!" She said all awake and perky.

"Ok, hang on let me get dressed and brush my teeth and I will let you in." I replied still tired and mad she woke me up, but happy I did not have anyone else with me in the apartment.

I took care of myself and let her in. I had a modest one-bedroom apartment with a small kitchen and living room, nothing great but good enough for what I needed. She strolled through handed me a coffee and a sub sandwich, knowing I would but hungry.

I set those things down and she grabbed my arm and hugged me and repeated how proud her and my Dad were and how happy she was I would be moving back home for a little bit.

"We missed you, I have missed you a lot!" She told me as she pouted some.

"Well hopefully I am not going to be home for long, I need to find a job!" I replied.

My Mom, was 42, having me at 20, an only child. She stood around 5'7", dirty blonde hair down to her shoulders and not thin but also not hugely curvy. Probably C cup breasts and firm long legs. She could have passed for early 30's especially when she had makeup on. I was a little more imposing at 6'2", 220 pounds and I work out regularly with short dark brown hair, very well built.

"Hey, Mom guess what, Larry and Chris fucking backed out of next week. They got called up early. I still want to go camping though even if I go by myself. We already had the campground reserved." I complained.

"Well you can still use the camper. Come to think of it, your Dad is out of town next week on a trip for work. Maybe I can tag along, we have not hung out in ages?" She sort of asked but did not ask.

"Ok, seriously, you want to be cramped in that thing with me, hike, fish, um drink beer? If you want be my guest." I laughed.

"Well I am not sure about the beer part, I can bring wine and I can do all of that, and we will be outside a lot anyway so cramped part is nothing to worry about." She said inviting herself.

We packed what we could and left the furniture behind as it belonged to the complex I was renting from. We loaded up both cars and headed home.

We drove the hour through beautiful tree lined mountains and arrived back in Boise.

"Home sweet home!" Mom yelled as we got out of our cars.

We got most of the stuff inside and let Dad know of the camping plan change. He seemed all for it. He was off to Chicago for some meetings with his company. He works for a bank in town and they frequently have to travel to talk about investments they have made and how things are going.

I spent the next couple days catching up with old High School friends, managing not to get into much trouble, drinking and cleaning up the camper and packing some of my things in it. It was small maybe 16 feet. As you enter there is a little dinette to the right a kitchen in the middle and what amounted to a queen bed in the rear with another bed you could fold down above it. There was no bathroom unfortunately but where we were going had bathrooms.

"Hey Jake, can I put some things in here too?" My mom asked as she was holding blankets, towels and some clothes for hiking, swimming and a few cans of bug spray.

"Sure, want me to pull your bed down, no way I am sleeping on the top, I am too big." I replied.

"Whatever you better get your ass up there, Momma gets the better bed, Son! Just kidding I can climb up there if I need to." She laughed.

We all ate dinner together that night and went to bed early knowing we all had to depart in the morning. My dad was still congratulatory and told me to look after my Mom who could hold her own I am sure. He wished he could join us but on short notice was not going to happen.

The next morning dad was already gone. I came downstairs with my last bag and saw mom making breakfast. "How about one more meal in civilization, Jake?" She turned and joked.

She looked great wearing a tank top that clung to her chest with a small button up shirt over top and unbuttoned with jean shorts on that were not that long. I wore my standard T-shirt and cargo shorts.

"I am so excited to get out of here for a bit, I am not even that fond of nature but it will be a blast. I packed like 7 bottles of wine; I hope that is enough!" She said in a really good mood.

The eggs and pancakes were awesome. I really missed home cooking. We chowed down and I ran outside to hook the truck to the camper and we were ready. We both jumped in and were off for a few hours drive to the sawtooth mountains. We caught up along the way talked about college, she talked about her substitute teaching jobs and how she was looking forward to a summer off.

After 1 in the afternoon we pulled into Poonflower campground. We were assigned spot 69 right along a stream and with a view of the mountains. We drove in what seemed like circles but landed at our spot. Mom jumped out and helped me back in. I pulled the camper off the truck and we set the site up, chairs, blankets, carpet and opened all the windows to air the camper out.

"Ok Mom, I am thinking this is a bit more girly than Larry and Chris would have had it but looks nice." I said as I set up the gas grill.

"What do you want to do first?" Mom asked.

"Pour you a glass of wine and grab me a beer and maybe just walk around see what's going on here and relax, sit out, build a fire and just enjoy the view. We have the rest of the week to wear ourselves out in the hills." I let her know.

We had several people walk by our site and comment on how cute the camper was. It seemed like having a dog was a prerequisite for this place, we did not have one. I went over to start the fire while Mom went to the truck and poured some more wine and pulled out some blankets. I heard a couple walk by and make some small talk with her, which seemed to be happening more and more as the afternoon wore on.

Then a couple walking their dog stopped and said hi to us, must have been early 30's and the woman was so cute, short probably 5 foot, curvy as all get out and long blonde hair. She looked at Mom and said, "You won the marriage lotto, younger and amazing looking!"

Her partner slapped the side of her leg, "Janice, really!" He said apologetically looking at us.

My mom responded not missing a beat, "He is an amazing husband and maybe father one day!"

I was choked up but responded, as I thought she was super-hot "And thanks for the compliment Janice, very sweet of you."

We exchanged names and they told us they were at site 34 if we wanted to join for a drink and watch the stars. We accepted the offer but would see them later as we were still setting up things.

"Mom, are you crazy!" I said.

She walked over to me and kissed me on the lips, "Let's play along I see how you were looking at her. Plus, this could be fun, if you get uncomfortable tell me we will stop."

We kissed again a peck on the lips. "Ok, we will have some fun with it, you are still crazy." I swigged more beer.

We walked down to the creek and put our feet in, sat around and talked some and laughed a lot over the comment that couple made. I made dinner, a couple steaks and some potatoes. It must have been closing in on 8 in the evening the sun starting to go down.

"So, hubby, site 34? What do you think?" Mom said with a tipsy tone.

"Sure, let me hit the bathroom and change into something else. I will be right back." I was a bit weary but agreed.

I came back with a long sleeve T-shirt and some shorts. Mom had also changed into a longer grey tank top, still tight but down to her shorts with some cleavage showing. We grabbed a few drinks and headed over to 34. The path circled around; it was hard to follow the numbers going down everything was in rows. We finally got there.

"Holy shit Mom, that RV is huge." I said.

"It looks amazing, and by the way it is Maria from here on out, we cannot use our regular names for each other." She kissed me again on the lips as she smiled.

"Hey Janice!" Hey Bill!" I yelled out. "We decided to drop by and say hi!"

"Welcome have a seat we seem to have a broken chair but the large papasan chair should fit you both it may be a little tight. Awesome you brought some drinks." Bill welcomed us in.

"This is an awesome rig you have, jealous!" I said looking at Janice.

She smiled back and offered me a tour which I was not going to pass up. She had changed into a sweatshirt and still had her amazing tight shorts on, her hair pulled back.

We popped back out and mom was sitting with her legs crossed in the papasan chair. "Mind if I join you Hun?" I coy fully smiled at her. I slid in to the chair she sat back down, half on my lap and half laying back against open chair.

We chit chatted for a couple hours. They told us how they met, their love of camping how they bought the RV and sold their house and live rather cheaply. We made up a story of how we met at college, Mom returning as an adult to learn and how we were lab partners who just hit it off and after a couple years got married. How we loved our adventures in our little camper.

"Well Mr. I think I am ready to head back to lay down, been a long day." Mom said looking at me as Janice and Bill were getting touchier feely and kissing on and off. Then she whispered, "Ok I can feel you is that for me or Janice? Do not answer that."

"Sure thing Mrs." I replied as our lips met, this time pressing together and with a desire to open and let our tongues touch but they did not.

We said our goodbyes and made plans to hang out again another night as they were going to be there for a few more too. As we were leaving Janice yelled out, "You go momma!"

We looked at each other, fuck did she know? Or was it just an age reference. Either way we held hands and made our way back to our camper. It was closer to midnight than we thought. The stars looked beautiful. Mom was tipsy but not overly drunk.

I looked over at her, hair hanging in the breeze, looking beautiful. "Thanks for coming with me this might have been boring without you!" I kissed her again.

She replied, "Well if I was not here I am thinking, Ms. Janice may have snuck into your camper and had my new hubby for a midnight snack." She laughed and kissed me back again on the lips.

We went inside the camper and I plugged my phone in and played a little music low. I took my shirt off and went down to my boxers, what I normally sleep in. I turned around and my mom was a little stunned.

"Umm a little warning would have been nice." She said with wide eyes.

"Oh my god I was not thinking, this is how I always sleep, it's just habit." I told her. "I can get more on."

"No, it is ok really you look amazing I never imagined you so chiseled." She said as I was facing her my dick outlined in my boxer briefs down my left leg. "And by the way there is no way I am climbing up into that bed and falling off tonight so consider yourself having a roommate in bed."

"You are not so bad yourself Mrs. and welcome" I replied.

Mom took her shorts off and climbed into bed with her long tank top still on I climbed over her to the far side, her closer to the door.

"I am sleeping closer to the door so I can fight Janice off you in case she comes over." Mom joked at me.

"Oh, shut up, I would take my new wife any day of the week." I poked back.

"You are too sweet Jake. I love you" She said pouting her lower lip,

She rolled over and I laid facing up staring at the ceiling semi hard now. "You know what Mom, this was fun and a different kind of fun than I would have had with the guys, thanks for coming with me." I said as she rolled over.

We made eye contact and our lips made lip contact and finally we broke free and our tongues met. We kissed intensely for a few minutes, no words just kissing. Her hand made its way down to my boxer briefs running up and down the outline in them eventually making her way under the elastic to grab him feel his whole 7-inch length.

We boke our kiss and she smiling at me said, "Is this what those college girls have been treated with over the past few years?"

"Well since I met my wife there yes and yes!" I felt like being playful.

"Are you sure you want to do this Mom? We are doing something very wrong and very beautiful." I asked.

"Not your Mom on this trip remember, as long as we can do that we can do anything." She replied as she took off her tank top and bra.

I was lovestruck, they were so perfect probably a C cup, medium size nipples, just perfection and I went right in kissing both of them, suckling on them one at a time as she continued to stroke my and lower my underwear until I took them off and freed my guy. I unbuttoned her shorts and we wiggled them off too. We were naked now, nothing between us kissing and touching and in heaven with the faint smell of campfire smoke in the air.

I slide a finger then two in and massaged her pussy with my fingers. Bringing them to our lips I tasted then she did and our lips met again kissing. I positioned myself over her, her hand still on my gliding him slowly into her. Our eyes fixed in a gaze; I took my time burying myself deep inside her.

"Welcome home I cannot tell you how much I missed you, Jake." Mom confessed.

"I love you and this is amazing, never imagined us and this." I said as our tongues danced.

I began rhythmically moving ever so slightly faster until I could hear our thighs slapping against one another. The warmth and wetness were amazing, no one had ever gotten this wet on me before. I slide to the side as I stayed inside her, us kissing as much as we could our lips magnets for each other.

"Mom, I would love you on top but one problem, I need to put that bed up and lock it in to place. I do not want to leave you." I said.

"Go for it just do it quick." She said slapping my arm.

I snapped it into place laid back down and she climbed on top looking amazing.

"You are so beautiful, I am jealous!" I said.

"You are too hunny, and don't be I am yours now as long as you want it." She said back leaning down kissing me again.

She sat back up and rode me as I squeezed and lightly spanked her hanging boobs. I was on the brink of cumming and let her know and exploded inside her. We must have been going for an hour before I let my first one loose. She collapsed on top of me.

"Did you come Mom?" I asked.

"Did you not feel how wet I was I think at least four times." She replied panting.

"I love you Mom; I think I am in love. I met some nice girls at college but nothing like this." I confessed.

"I am in love too, took you four years to meet the love of your life huh?" She poked at me.

"I still think Janice is hot!" I said laughing and kissing.

"You are a brat, I never said her or someone else I approve of cannot borrow my cock." She said putting one finger over my lips.

She rolled over and pushed her ass against me as I picked up my hardness and slid into her from behind. We slow fucked the rest of the night probably passing out around 3 or 4 in the morning.

This was more meaningful and fun that it would have been with the guys. I made a discovery and hopefully a fun new journey, but one with lots of questions once we went back to reality.

To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very confusing. Was the whole story fantasy. What did he mean 'once we went back to reality'? was that going home? Why not ask questions and talk about anything they wanted to, they were in the camp for a week.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
How many pairs of shorts is she wearing?

She took off her shorts and climbed into bed, then he unbuttoned her shorts again,

HragsHragsalmost 4 years ago
More... More... More chapters !!!!

O yeah, nothing like mommie pussy

DunkirkDunkirkalmost 4 years ago

Great. He needs to keep fucking his "wife"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Only Complaint...

For me it ruins it with the sexual innuendo fake names. But a quick copy, paste, find & replace, and the story was a fantastic start. But I agree with another comment, don't swap.

sabra16023sabra16023almost 4 years ago

Great story that calls for more chapters. Thanks

Crusader235Crusader235almost 4 years ago

Nice start, let the games continue!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Great storyline but it needs more character development. It reads like an outline. Hopefully that’s helpful criticism

DreamswrittenDreamswrittenalmost 4 years agoAuthor

It may just go that way

Frankie1952Frankie1952almost 4 years ago

More please but dont ruin it by having them swap with the other couple.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

But the campsite, really?

MaxDecattMaxDecattalmost 4 years ago
Getting there....

Your story has legs, let us see where they take us..........

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