Journey of the Next Door Valentines


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She moved closer, sat next to my hip, now smiling, calmly. She lightly poked at my scrotum. I told her, sweetly, "Go ahead and touch and feel anything. But the two testicles inside there...please do not squeeze them. You remember what you did to that teacher you kicked."

"Oh!" she said, and then started giggling as she gently lifted my scrotum, before moving to lightly petting my rigid penis. Looking, she saw the glistening drop of precum on the top of the crown. She pointed and asked, "Pee?"

"No" I said, "That is precum. It is sort of like when you get wet between your legs." Her eyes widened at that answer, and she calmly reached out and dabbed the precum on her finger. She looked at it, sniffed it, and then thoroughly surprised me when she dabbed it on her tongue, with a giggle.

"Hmmmm..." she said, "Salty, but not like soy sauce."

I grabbed her shoulders, and spun her flat on her back, holding myself above her with my arms. She gave a loud squeal and then grinned. She thought I was going to kiss her and closed her eyes. However, I started kissing her cheek, then her closed eyes, her chin, licked up her ear, kissed her neck below her ear, and then her throat. At first, she softly chuckled a couple times, but then I could feel her muscles sag and she went from a sharp, "Oh!" to a series of smoother purrs of "ooooohhh".

"Now it is my turn to taste you!" I whispered, as I raised my head to look at her face.

Her eyes popped open, anxiously looking down over her chin as my head kissed down to her breast, and then sucked in her nipple. My weight stopped her single buck, but the gasp and sudden inhale were right in my ear. Her breathing was speeding up again, and it increased further as I left that breast and kissed across to the other. When I flicked that nipple with my tongue, she held her breath and really started squirming. I could feel her grip pulling at the sheets underneath me. My suck got an agonizing whine from her.

"My," I said, "you certainly are very sensitive."

"Is that bad? I can try to be still!" she said, in a whining tone.

"No, no, my love. It is wonderful. Every sound you make, every little motion you do, is a joy to my heart," I said, thinking her poetic words were infecting me, "Please be free to express whatever you feel."

"Good...because it is very hard to be quiet, or still, with your magic touch on my skin. My mind just wants to sing with the happiness your touch makes in me, and my body screams, 'More, more, and MORE, Please'!"

Then your wish is my command, princess. "More" is what you will get. I delicately kissed down from between her breasts to nearing her navel.

Suddenly realizing where this may end, Koki gasped, "Your cannot..."

I kept kissing lower, my chin brushing the first of her pubic, and then I sat up.

"You would do this!?...No!...Yes!...Why?!"

I pushed her ankles apart, and moved between her legs, pushing her thighs apart, with some resistance. Her hands went to her face, smothering the long squeal as she shook her head, side-to-side.

I lowered my face, my tongue playing with the pubic hairs on her mons. Koki was now giggling anxiously, which was still smothered by her hands. She started squirming her hips, as my tongue tasted the edges of her labia. She let out a huge gasp when I probed my tongue between her labia, contacting the warmth within. As I drew up, across her button, she jolted slightly upwards on the bed, and I heard and felt her hands slap flat on the mattress, just before her hips writhed across my nose. I moved up to compensate for her now higher position.

I rose to look at her face, "Do I need to explain the 'Why' to you, now?"

She quickly shook her head, gasping, "I know now, this is what my body has been asking for! A fire grows in me to give you anything, if you just do not stop!"

I didn't stop, after that. My mouth, my tongue and my fingers worked as much magic as I could conjure. Slow, fast, soft, hard, gentle, then deep. She simply melted into breathy pleading, in Japanese. Eventually, the pleading tones grew sharper, the words shorter and louder, her face strained, and she then began to vibrate, like nothing I had ever created in a female before. When Koki came, there was one long, high appeal of "Chad!", and she just folded up, like a human origami, with her chest heaving. Continuing spasms ran through her glistening body, mostly causing her legs to try to kick out, straight.

I happily watched, while her pleasure dissipated, slowly stroking her body. Her hair ran over the edge of the bed. Then I had to laugh, as her first English words in some time were, "Am I alive, master?!"

Putting my face near hers, I said, "Yes, my love. You have survived. Tell me when you are ready to continue."


"Unless you want to stop, here, I do have at least one more idea," I chuckled, as I stroked her leg."

"My body! Then, no control. Crazy mind, with wild ideas, and so many questions. Now, my mind is slower, and I am filled with love. All of it is so strange, but so very, very nice.

"Come on, let's unfold you!" I said. I gently pulled her legs straight, put her arms above her head, and rolled her onto her stomach. Her mind did not seem to want to give up its bliss, and barely offered any help. I started a light massage of her shoulders after I had moved her hair aside. She let out a big sigh, and then closed her eyes. I continued with her back, arms, hands, back again, thighs, calves, and lastly feet. Then I swatted her butt.

"HEY!" she mumbled, with her cheek against the pillow. Then she rolled on her back. "You said no BDSM!"

"Sorry," I laughed, "but it was just too cute! Now, do you want some food, or should I continue with your 'education'?"

"I do not need food. I just need more of you!" she grinned, "So what do we do next?"

"The big S-E-X," I said, giving her my best hungry expression.

Quietly, she asked, "You mean you, inside of me?"

I nodded, and her eyes trailed down to my partially aroused penis. Her hand quickly covered her mouth, "But it is broken! Did I break it!?"

"No!" I laughed, "Just touch it!"

She slowly reached down and poked at it, which initiated a little expansion. "It goes up and down??"

I nodded again, "Put your hand around it."

She cautiously enveloped it, and smiled up at me, as she felt it expand further.

"Move your hand, up and down," I requested.

She sat up and then then moved her hand in short strokes, and my penis firmed up, quite nicely. Now, she was curious, as she felt the hardness, underneath the sliding skin. She released her grip, looked closer, and used a finger to trace the blue veins. "Is my touch pleasing?"

"Very pleasing," I confirmed. She smiled, broadly.

As her focus was on me, I slipped my hand over her thigh, and brushed her pubic hair. She looked down in surprise, but then just said, "MMmmmmmm", as she wrapped her hand back around my shaft. I shifted, turned her face and kissed her, while my hand started to rub across her still damp nether lips. That caused a slight gasp through the corners of her mouth, but she quickly resumed the kiss, and brought her tongue into play.

Her breath was quickly increasing, as was the wetness on my hand. I moved to nuzzle her neck, as well as pressure her to lay on her back again. She released me, and sank to the bed. My own breath was increasing in depth and speed, as kissed, sucked, and nipped at her breasts. Her legs spread, giving me full access, as her hand wrapped the back of my neck, and as her cooing got louder and louder. With my hand, I cautiously brought her to point of pleasure where she was distractedly speaking in breathy Japanese, again.

I slowly rolled between her legs, my hardness fully ready. I removed my hand, and my penis rubbed across her wetness. With a bid of dazed look, her eyes looked down, and then anxiously looked up at me. Searching my face, she asked, "Is the time now, for my innocence to leave?"

I looked at her, warmly, and nodded.

"Then I am ready," she said, and widened her legs.

As I started to enter, her brows showed concern and she winced. She was certainly tight. I had never been with a virgin before, and hoped I was being gentle. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Koki sighed, "My body tells me that the pain is not important. Please continue."

I eased into her, watching her face with each short bit of progress I made. Once I was well within her, I looked at her again, and she looked lost in contentment. "Okay?" I asked again.

"Very okay," she sighed, "With you within me, my body tells that this is the happiness is has always sought."

I gave her the first, gentle stroke, and she squirmed and whimpered, happily. I went into a slow rhythm, and her head eased back, with her mouth falling open. I kissed her breasts, as well, and her head slowly rocked, as she whispered in Japanese. A faster, firmer rhythm brought some tension to her face. As I continued, her hips began to oscillate, including pressing against me, as she whined. Knowing I was nearing my climax, I picked up speed, lightly slapping against her.

Her eyes opened, with a look of desperation, and then she nodded to me. I came loudly. The end had taken my focus from her, and I noticed only her groans and whimpers. Coming back to reality, I felt her hips still forcing herself onto me, and saw her eyes remained closed. I moved a hand to her clit, and quickly swirled it with my thumb. Her eyes opened in shock. She only lasted a few seconds before she grabbed me in tight hug with her arms and legs, and shook with the spasms, both external and internal.

As the spasms retreated, she released me, but then pulled me down on top of her. Her face was look of astonishment. Still breathing deeply, she said in a shallow voice, "I would not have believed the world contained this much pleasure. Now I understand my innocence." A tear slowly trickled from one eye, before she continued, "I think that, now, I can learn to forgive my mother. I asked why she would have a child if she did not want it. But, I can see how much power this pleasure has, and I can hope she had this pleasure, as an exchange for her unhappiness."

Koki slowly pushed me off of her. As my limpness slipped out of her, she looked down, "At least it died happy." I couldn't help laughing at that. She looked up at me, "Sex is messy, but I think I like that, as it is your 'mess'!"

"Chad?" she said, suddenly looking serious, and I stopped laughing.

"What is wrong, Koki, my lovely?" I asked, watching her face closely.

"Chad" she repeated, and turned her face down. "I know what I want for my future. Is Kokomi in your future?"


Two days later, mom called and said they would be back today. She said not to worry, she would make something for dinner, whatever it might be. Dad and she would be home around 6 PM, with average traffic. I told her not to worry about it. I hung up and kissed Koki on the cheek. "Well, it's tonight," I said, "Shall we go to your place now?" She nodded.

When it was close to 5:30, mom called, "Hi, dear. We will be home in half an hour, if your father doesn't blow his lid...[Howard, yes, the truck driver is an idiot, but just slow down and let him go!]...See you then."

"Sure, mom. I have taken care of dinner, so relax."

"Uh...okay...[Howard!]...See you soon, I think."

When my parents pulled into the garage just before 6 PM, I went out and met them. I grabbed both their bags and followed them in. "How's Aunt Sharon?"

"Better than I expected. I finally got her to take the pain killers, and now she is trying to do too much, in her boot, and on her crutches. But, Stewart surprised me, and has really pitched in." Then mom let out a big sigh, "I just want to get off of my feet!"

"Damn truck driver!" dad grumbled, "Thought he owned the fuc..."

"Howard! Stop it!...So, Chad dear, when is dinner?"

"Well..." I hesitated, "I would like it to be in about a half hour..."

"Fine, fine." Mom interrupted, as she landed on a kitchen chair, and dad opened the fridge, reaching for a beer.

" the Timmons' house."

"WHAT!? Oh, Chad! We are tired. And we haven't cleaned up." Mom said, rather exasperated. Dad looked at me curiously, pausing his hand on the bottle, yet unopened.

"It's nothing formal, whatsoever. Just Blackjack Pizza. I even got the Santa Fe one, with Jalapenos added for you. Pleeease?

"What is so important that this can't wait?"

"Pleeeeeeease, mom...and dad?"

"Howard?" mom sighed.

Dad shrugged, "Sure. I hate seeing the boy beg."

"Okay," she sighed, "Dear, let's go and get cleaned up, at least a little."

"Your jeans are fine," I added, as they walked down the hallway.

With them in the bedroom, I called Koki, "There coming...Okay...yes, me too."

Then I called Blackjack Pizza, "Hello...the order on hold for Charles Shearborn...please put it through, and don't forget the jalapenos on the Santa Fe...40 minutes will be fine."

In a half hour, my parents were ready. "Do we have to stay long?" mom asked.

"Just long enough to eat," I assured.

Dad rang the doorbell, and Tricia answered the door, with Cal behind her. "Come in, come in," she said, and gestured us through.

"Good to see you both...oh, and Kokomi back there, too. So, what is the 'special' occasion, Trish?" mom asked.

"You'll have to ask the grinning girl back there. This is her idea...not that we aren't glad to have you here." Tricia said.

"Please be seated," said Koki, gesturing to the living room. "Dad, can you provide the drinks?" she asked.

"Sure, dear. The usual for everyone! ...Good. Koki? Chardonnay? ...Gotch ya."

Just as Cal was coming back with the drinks, the doorbell rang, breaking the silence in the room. I got up, answered the door, tipped the driver, and brought the 3 large pizzas into the kitchen.

Koki stood up, bowed, and said, "Would everyone be so kind as to come to the kitchen and choose their meal? We have the pepperoni with onions, the Jackpot, and the Santa Fe, with the yummy jalapenos."

Our parents got up, served themselves on paper plates with plate holders, added flakes and Parmesan as desired, grabbed napkins, and returned to the living room. Koki & I were last, and when we got to the living room, our parents were discussing Aunt Sharon's recovery. That continued through most of the first slices, until Dad tried to talk about the truck driver, and mom cut him off.

Tricia spoke up first, "So, we have you...both, I thank for this tasty dinner. You have our attention, now. Was there some other reason, Koki?"

"Hai" said Koki, as she stood, and bowed again, and her ponytail, again, drifted to her side. "I have asked you here because I wish to make my life understood by all of you." Then she turned to her parents and bowed again. "To my American parents, I assure you of my love and gratitude. I am so sorry if this story causes you any pain, but I think it is necessary for all to be told." She went on to tell of her mother's rejection and the schools', her father's visits and their end, and her sorrow. Many of her words had her poetic quality. Apologizing, she left the room, and came right back with a box of tissue, offering it to everyone. Mom, Tricia, and Cal accepted.

Then Koki continued about the death of her mother, the frozen money, getting ready to leave the school for an unknown future. Then she glowed, as she told of the Timmons' request for her to come to America.

"I was rescued from an empty future by my distant family. In a short time, they have given me everything that I lost hope to dream of; love, recognition, acceptance, praise, and a home. They will be my mom and dad forever!"

Tricia grabbed another tissue, burying her face into it to stifle her sobs, and Cal dabbed his eyes.

"There is one more person in this room that I owe my life to," she said, with a wonderful smile, as she turned to me. I was a bit puzzled, as we had not talked about this. "My new parents saved me from my fate, and showed me all the kindness they had, and filled such a dark place in my past."

"But, it is Chad that has freed my happiness, and showed me the future. I thank you, Hazel and Howie, for raising this wonderful man. His care for me, his kindness, his patience, and his gentleness with my lost soul, have let me say goodbye to the 'old' Kokomi and to start again, as the 'new' Kokomi Ishikawa."

I was considering asking for a tissue.

"And, with your, further, permission..." she paused, to shift and look at me, before turning back to my parents, "I would, most humbly, ask that you would allow me to use the name of 'Shearborn'?

The two-beat pause of consideration was scary. Tricia broke the puzzled silence first, "You don't want to be a Timmons? Why would you...OH, GOD!!...You...Chad...Shearborns...dear GOD...when?! You aren't pregnant are you!? ...Where will you live?...HOW will you live?..."

"Tricia!" Mom said, with a big smile.

Tricia's momentum couldn't stop that fast, "WHEN? ...I'll need a new dress! ...there are so many plans! Where will you have..."

"Trish," Cal said, gripping her arm.

"I...I know...shut up Trish...but this is unbelievable! ...They're getting...shut up, shut up!" Tricia finally stopped, and drew in a deep breath.

"It would be our honor to include you in our family," my dad said.

"Yes, oh yes," mom added, "But you are only 18! Are you really sure...And you aren't...well...?"

Koki grinned, and shook her head. "Not pregnant, but deeply in love."

I stood up next to Koki. "Mr. & Mrs. Timmons, will you accept me as a son?"

"Of course," smiled Cal.

"Absolutely. We just gained our first child, now we will have son! ...This is...shut Trish, shut, shut."

With that last clear confirmation, I pulled a ring from my pocket and put it on Koki's ring finger, "Then I present my fiancé, Ms. Kokomi Ishikawa-Timmons."

"Timmons?" Cal asked.

Koki nodded, "With your approval, the 'new' Kokomi would like to change her name, before the wedding."

"OOOOooooh!" sobbed Tricia.

"Of course. Again, it would be our honor," Cal said.

"Son?" Dad asked, rather flatly.

"Yeah, Dad?"

Dad shifted, and bent forward, "Assuming that ring is not costume jewelry, where did you get the money for it? I think it a reasonable question."

"I almost cleaned out my savings, dad," I responded, stifling my smile.

"That doesn't seem too smart, given that she can't live in your dorm room, for the next school year, plus," dad scowled, "You aren't thinking of something stupid like dropping out of college, are you?"

"No dad. We will get a place in Utah until my schooling is finished. Koki will try to get into USU. She wants to be an artist. And, if necessary, she will transfer to a nearby school if I get a job after school."

"IF?!" Dad huffed, "What magic is going to make this happen, as we can't afford that!"

Koki fought her smile, and put a hand over my mouth to cover the smile she knew was imminent.

"Honorable father-to-be," she said, laying on the Japanese formalism, "I mentioned my mother's assets were frozen, as you would say. Well, they have been thawed, if that is the correct term. I have my mother's money now, and of this morning, that was nearly 800 million yen."

"But the damn yen ain't worth a nickel...actually not even a penny...I think!" Dad chided.

Placing his hand on Tricia's arm, to deflect her coming utterance, Cal interjected, "Howard, that is still nearly 800 million pennies...and, if my conversion calculations are correct, well over $7 million US dollars!"


"HOWARD, Really!!"


The End

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KahunaSamuraiKahunaSamurai3 months ago

One of the best stories here on Lit; read it already twice; well done, very touching — thanks so much for your work!

alfabloodtypealfabloodtype9 months ago

Brilliant story! Thank youu. 5 star!

Richard1940Richard194010 months ago

Different, but I liked it . 5* Thank you

stewartbstewartb12 months ago

What a wonderful story ... 1st time ... 2nd time ... "read it again Sam".

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A very good story! I'm sure I'm not the only one it wrung a few years from. Nicely done.

LivingWordsLivingWordsover 1 year ago

Excellent story, plenty of emotional depth and still manages to be fun.

nighthawk22204nighthawk22204over 1 year ago

Great story, lots of love in the leading details, however it accelerates to a rapid conclusion, omitting the intimate details we are all looking for her on Literotica.

rbloch66rbloch66almost 2 years ago

The amount of love depicted in this story is mind-boggling! Thank you for this wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I liked it. Thought it moved a little fast, but still believable. The plot centered on a touchy topic, but it was nice watching the characters make their way through it while growing and maturing.

Only thing that didn't quite feel right was how quickly Koki learned English, especially the informal version of it, but I am willing to chock it up to poetic license.

Nice job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Absolutely a fantastic story.

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