Judge Not Pt. 01


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I looked at the large clock on the wall, one she had picked out as we decorated so many years before. "Hell, she has been gone for hours and hasn't tried to call here at all. Has she tried to call the kids on their phones?"

Mom shook her head.

"Then I guess that's that. She has chosen them over us. The ball is in her court. I assume she went to the Marshall's house but I don't know for sure. Her phone is still here. I don't even know if she took her purse or keys with her."

Finally I ushered my concerned parents out of the house so they could go home and get some rest. It was about an hour's drive to my old hometown. It was about ten p.m. so I put in a call to Allie's parents. It was a hard phone call to make as they are decent people, as all of her family is.

I let them know that Allie and I were going through a rough patch. I didn't give them any particulars about the lesbian love fest I had interrupted. They really didn't need to know all the particulars. It had been hard enough when my parents saw the video. I just let the Billings know that Allie had left the house and I had not had any contact with her this evening. Dave was quick to ask just what was going on. He kept at me until I finally told him. "I caught her with two lovers in our bedroom this afternoon. She will tell you that I threw her out but I just told them to leave. She didn't try to talk with me, beg for forgiveness, nothing at all, just left with her lovers. She left her belongings, her car, her phone and everything else here. She literally walked away with nothing. I think I know where she is at but I'm not sure. I wanted you to know that this isn't my fault but that she might be calling you for some help."

That shut him up. Well, almost shut him up. He sputtered for a bit and I could picture his face getting red as his blood pressure shot up. It must be a hard thing to have your son-in-law call and tell you that your daughter is a cheat and a slut. Finally he got control of himself. "What about the kids?"

"I don't know, Dave. Right now they are sleeping but not very well. They called my parents for help when they found me sitting on the floor of the kitchen. I am sorry to say that I didn't handle myself very well. After I stopped their love fest I went to the kitchen and started drinking before she left the house. I'm afraid I wasn't setting a very good example of an adult when they got home. I am sober now and we'll get by. I may be calling you to pick them up sometimes while Allie and I get this ironed out."

Dave agreed and assured me that they would be available as much as possible and maybe the kids might come to their place this weekend if it could be arranged. I thanked him and hung up after saying good-bye.

Now to find a place to sleep. I couldn't stand the thought of sleeping in the bed where I watched my wife getting fisted. I could barely step into the bedroom and get some clothes to sleep in. The dildo in the middle of the unmade bed screamed out at me and provoked an image of my wife writhing in uncontrollable lust at the hands of the two lesbians. I almost puked on the floor at the mental image. I quickly left the room and pulled the door shut without doing anything to change the way the room looked. It would have to wait until I could handle myself better.

Thank goodness the couch was a large long one. It was hard changing position but at least my feet didn't fall off the couch and I could stretch out fully. My sleep was fitful at best. In the morning I found that my sleep must have been deep enough for someone to enter the house as Allie's phone was now gone and her car was missing from the garage. I had to look hard in her closet later to see that she, or someone at least, had packed some clothes to take away.

I got the kids up for school and we had a cold breakfast. I forced myself to shave and shower in the master bathroom. I hurried through the bedroom and only on my return trip after my shower did I realize that the dildo was now gone but the bedding was still mussed. I had the nasty thought that Allie must have needed the dildo so her lovers could continue their pillaging of her body. I had another question about whether Richard had now partaken of her charms. I mentally shrugged and got dressed and left the room.

I dropped the kids off at school, Becca at her grade school and Jason at the middle school. I then went to work and tried to figure out what my next move would be.

I called a friend and got some recommendations for an attorney. He had gone through a nasty divorce after his wife caught him fucking his secretary. He recommended William Blevins as a good family lawyer. Blevins had been his wife's attorney so he knew from personal experience what kind of shark he was.

I also went to the bank on my lunch break and withdrew half of the savings and about half of the checking account balances and moved them to new accounts with only my name on them. I talked with the bank manager about credit cards and he told me that I would have to pay off the balances to get them cancelled and, even then, Allie might still insist on the cards remaining in effect since they were joint cards. He advised me to pay down the balances some and then call and request that the limit be lowered to just a few dollars above the balances. He said any excuse was valid to the credit card companies but he advised me to tell them that I had just been laid off. The limits would be lowered immediately.

That proved to be a good thing to do. Within a few hours I got notices that Allie had tried to use the cards to buy some things but the cards were refused as the balances were too close to their limits.

Allie never tried to contact me and she didn't even try to call the kids. I could understand not talking to me as she had betrayed our marriage vows but to not call the kids was almost criminal in my eyes.

I called her office that Thursday to see if she had come to work. Her secretary said that she had called in sick and then she wondered why I was calling. I didn't enlighten her but thanked her and hung up.

I kicked around the idea of changing the locks on the house but then decided against it. Actually I didn't need to change the locks. I had put on keyless entry locksets a few years ago for the kids and all I really needed to do was just change the codes. If I came home and the place was bare some night then I would use that to drag her into court.

I met with Mr. Blevins on Friday after another fitful night of sleeping on the couch. I was able to remove the bedding from the bed and get it all washed up but I wasn't quite ready to occupy the bedroom again yet.

When William (call me Bill, please) met with me we immediately hit it off. He was very vocal about cheating spouses needing to pay for their mistakes. I hadn't decided on whether to divorce Allie yet so we talked about the realities of ending a marriage. I found out that Allie would most likely get the house, custody of the kids, and even some 'separate maintenance' or alimony to maintain her lifestyle. I had to laugh at her being able to maintain her new lesbian lifestyle but sobered up quickly when I made mental calculations of how I would possibly live if we split up. I wouldn't be in a cardboard box under the train trestle but it would not be a grand existence. At thirty-five years of age I could look forward to dating again but, did I want to?

Since Allie had not made any attempt to call or contact me or the kids William suggested I call the cops and report her as missing. I could let them know where I thought she was at and they would check it out and then report on how she was doing. "It doesn't hurt your case to have the judge believe you still care about her well-being."

When I told him where I thought she was dwelling (or hiding if you want my honest opinion) and showed him the video he became very thoughtful. We had started out seemingly very close and comradely but suddenly Bill was distant and quiet.

After a long uncomfortable silence I finally asked him what was wrong. He started as though he hadn't realized how the meeting had changed.

"Oh, I am sorry, Cal. When you mentioned Judge Marshall's name and how he might be involved in your marriage woes I started to think about a cousin of mine. She had been the Marshall's nanny for a few years when she was just eighteen or nineteen. She went from a very outgoing wonderful girl to a drug using shell of her former self. Even with serious therapy we never could find out what had made her change. I always wondered about Richard's wife and her current living arrangement and whether her proclivities had something to do with Rachel's downfall."

He stopped and looked at me. "Hell, I don't know why I bring this up. It probably doesn't have anything to do with the current situation and certainly would have no affect on your marriage or divorce. Please disregard any of my musings."

I decided to put off any divorce proceedings for the time being. I did stop at the local precinct and file a missing person's report. The sergeant taking the report seemed bored until I told him where I thought Allie might be. His eyes perked up at the mention of Judge Marshall's name. I don't know if that was bad or good but he suddenly was quick to have a car sent to the good judge's residence and check on Allie. He showed me to a quiet room and got me a cup of coffee while we waited for a report.

Thirty long and lonely minutes later a detective came in and sat down with me. He introduced himself as Hiram Wilson. "I know, it's an unusual name in this day and age but it is a family name and I have gotten used to it. But, let's get down to your visit here today. I understand from the sergeant that your wife left your house on Wednesday and sometime that night returned and removed some items as well as her car. Is this correct?"

I nodded and explained. "Wednesday afternoon I discovered my wife in bed with two women from the neighborhood. I told her to leave with them. The women were Lindsey Marshall and Ronnie Walton, who live just a few blocks from me. Since she left she has not made any attempt to contact me. That I can understand but, what is hard to understand, is that she has not made any attempt to contact our children and that is totally foreign to her."

"Have you tried to contact her in any way?"

"No, I have left that up to her until this point."

"Could you try to contact her right now, please?"

I dialed her cell phone and it went to voice mail immediately.

Hiram nodded when I told him that she wasn't taking my call. "I wondered. A patrolman was sent to the Marshall residence to check on your wife. He spoke with the judge and the judge assured him that. . ." He paused to look up my wife's name. "Here it is. He assured the patrolman that Allie was fine but not able to come to the door at the time. Since there was no evidence to make the patrolman believe that a crime was being committed, he had no choice but to leave the premises. The judge knows the law extremely well and can use it to stymie us."

He leaned back in his chair. "I don't know what else we can do for you at this time. We have been assured that your wife is in good health and she is at the Marshall's home. She is not, therefore, technically missing, just not at home. Did you check to see if your wife went to work today?"

I nodded. "Yes, I called mid-morning and she was at work today after missing yesterday. When I asked how she seemed her secretary seemed surprised at my question and told me Allie had appeared to be fine."

"I guess this is as far as we can officially take this matter. I am sorry we couldn't speak directly with your wife. In these cases the patrolman will usually tell the wayward spouse exactly who had filed the report and that he or she should at least let everyone know that they are well. Hopefully she will be getting in contact with someone in the near future."

With that the police involvement in our lives was over and I headed home to get the kids some supper.

Both of the kids had cell phones that had limited numbers they could call. They had both Allie's and my numbers along with their grandparents' numbers. I had them both try to call their mother. They did so and left voice messages. We, all three, sent text messages asking her to contact us. I also asked her parents to call her and text her. There was no response over the weekend.

The kids were down most of the time as they loved their mother. I was perplexed and worried. Allie might be a cheating slut but she was and is a good mother. I couldn't see how she could not contact her children.

The kids did go to the Billings' home for the weekend and Dave assured me that they would keep the kids very busy with chores and activities so that they didn't have time to dwell on their mother. I was glad. Our kids are great kids and loved to visit their grandparents. They had not gotten to that age where they were bored at grandma and grandpa's.

I, though, was bored. I took care of the house and got the bedroom completely cleaned and aired out. I moved the furniture around so it didn't seem like the same room. I know, I know, it really was the room I caught my wife fucking in but I could trick my mind into thinking it was all new and different. Our house is full of items that remind me of Allie. Hell, as a matter of fact, even the garage, the domain of men worldwide, reminded me of her when I looked at the spot her car normally occupies. I had to just learn to ignore the hints and reminders of our married life.

I took care of the lawn and after that it was beer-thirty and I had a couple to rehydrate. Then I did something I had told myself to not do. I drove over and parked across the street from the Marshall's house. There was nothing to see but I just sat there and watched the front of the house. No one came out and there were no visitors while I sat there for better than an hour. Since the neighborhood was now well-established I couldn't spy on the backyard without alerting all of the neighbors and the Marshalls, like so many others, had a tall fence around their backyard for privacy.

I drove to the market and bought some food to prepare a light meal and then went back and parked across the street again for an hour. Still no activity. Finally I got out and walked up to the door. I was silently berating myself for not doing this sooner. I rang the doorbell and Lindsey answered the door. I made sure to stand back from the door far enough to reassure whomever answered that I was not intending to force my way in. I figured that Richard would have the cops on the way as soon as he knew I was there.

"Good afternoon, Lindsey. You look well." Actually she didn't as her face became kind of ashen when she saw who it was standing on her porch. I went on. "I was wondering if I could have a word with Allie, please. The kids are sad that she has not contacted them or tried to come home."

She looked over her shoulder before answering. "I'm sorry, Mr. Myers, but she is a little tied up at the moment and cannot come to the door."

"Since when am I 'Mr. Myers', Lindsey? We have known each other for years."

Her color was coming back. "Since you told us to leave your house, MR. MYERS, we don't really know you at all. Now, unless you want to be arrested for trespassing, please get off my property." She promptly shut the door.

End of Part 1

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OlefishermanOlefishermanabout 1 month ago

First a Judge that might be involved in a divorce proceeding would be referred to the judicial tenure committee, the attorney that didn't know that would be disbarred and his insurance company would pay the maximum malpractice premiums he had. His partners would find him and break his legs. The former Judge would be looking at a prison sentence for malfeasance of office of not less than 10 years. You don't hear about judges serving the time because they commit suicide. So the author takes a pretty good story and shot cans it because he or she is lazy and won't do a little research.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Stupid, just stupid in every aspect.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief10 months ago

Fiction or not, sure sucks to be Cal. Kind of like he's playing against a stacked deck and being delt a crappy hand. Not sure how this can be drug out for three chapters but I'll keep reading for a while.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Farmer, it's logical, real life idiocy to have the character say he loves her. He may, after the shock clears, think he lives her, but that's a self-protective delusion. The woman he did live love is no more. The girl now is one of the pod people. That she has abandoned her children might even raise the question of human development. As for getting custody, her chances might be decreased in that she she left without comment. Made no effort to contact ANY member of her family-hence proof of abandonment. Marshall would have been forced to recuse himself as he would be called as a material witness. The Bar Association would censure him if he didn't.

Farmer, you have the ability to be a brilliant writer. You appear to have thrown creative judgment to the wind here. Please read your work, I should have been a cowboy.

Get back on track. So far this work is trash.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow, this is absurd! You don’t get drunk, you immediately post the recording online, and contact the media. Someone will love the story of a woman abandoning her children for a corrupt judge. Once the reputations of everyone involved have been destroyed, THEN you go for the divorce, keeping custody of the children!


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

1. The guy ALWAYS drinks himself into a stupor.

2. The mother is ALWAYS incredulously stupid; "Can't you find a way to get by this?"

3. The cuck still "Loves her" after what she has done. Really? Get real.

4. She gets everything? Not after the court sees the videos.

5. Reconciles? Get real.

6. The guys attorney is always a shark then proceeds to take his money in exchange for telling him he has no rights or options and that there is nothing he can do.

Please try and be creative. Don't use the same tired, repetitive, boringly predictable, template as 75% of the other writers of Loving Wives.

Don't you find that boring? Go for a little creative realism in your story. It will pack a much bigger punch.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 2 years ago

You were able to keep the level of redneck garbage out for 1 page. That is "rich."

"I am not ashamed to admit it that I sank down on the floor with the opened bottle of bourbon in my hand and I started to cry."

The lies down on floor and waits for children (12 and 10) to find him. Now that is a quality story to expect from a BTB moralizer, "Farmer's Son". You also lost ability to make your character moralize which is what you keep on doing as moronic as it is. I can understand that a man can throw up (LW cliché), fall down on his knees (another LW cliché), run out of house (another LW cliché) etc. But for grabbing a bottle you need a conscious action or you need to be an alcoholic and in both cases you lose "moral high ground".

It seems that all heroes of this redneck writer needs large amount of alcohol. I am just wondering is this because the writer himself is alcoholic or a juvenile that thinks "grabbing a bottle" is "cool."

The rest of legal BS of your story, as pointed already, is utter absurd crap. It could sound "clever" to you but you apparently have no idea about "legal" items you are trying to use in your idiotic story.

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

Being the father of a lawyer l can assure you this is absolute crap, the worst of fiction. Given the Judges wife and her live in friend are involved the Judge has no choice but to recuse himself. Otherwise the lawyers acting for the husband would have the judge brought up before the courts and have him removed as a judge from the case and in fact his job.

Any outcome of the trial would be tested in appeal, and when the facts known the case thrown out. This is applicable in ALL fifty states.

I could not let the author get away with this sort of bullshit

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Such crap even if it is fiction. The man behaves like a total wimp and all he can do is get drunk and cry! Arrange a fatal accident for the bastard Judge and fuck up his wife and her lover!!! Disgusting that the protagonist comes across as totally helpless!

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