Jugs Ch. 06


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I stopped what I was doing and looked at them. "What?!" I exclaimed and they laughed harder.

"OK, this is bullshit!" I said.

They were both laughing hysterically at me, tears running down their cheeks. This was starting to really piss me off and I said so. That brought a round of increased levity. They were hanging on each other, barely able to breathe. I could feel that my face was blood red and I turned and angrily continued cleaning the pool as they settled down. I was still steaming mad when I heard Calida's voice.

"Peter?" Calida called softly and I ignored her.

"Come on, Pete." I heard Traci, "look at us."

I turned and was stunned to see both of them with their breasts exposed. What a sight! Traci's huge, pale white, tits with the big hard nipples and Calida's smaller, perfectly formed, darker orbs with the pebble sized nipples. Then they shook them at me before covering up, laughing again.

"OK, what the hell is all this about?" I demanded. They were both still giggling and I was about to lose it.

"Calm down, Pete," Traci said, "I told Callie to look at you and laugh and to watch how mad you would get. It was just funny to see you get angry over nothing. Then we flashed you and you got more pissed over that. It just was really funny seeing you get mad at seeing naked boobs."

I stood there for a moment thinking what a fool I had made out of myself and started laughing. "You two are crazy bitches, you know that?" I said shaking my head.

Calida got up and climbed into the pool with me. "You're not mad at me are you?" She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"No, Traci put you up to it." I answered. "I know you didn't mean anything by it."

I finished with the pool and threw three floats in. I climbed on one and held one of the others for Calida. Calida waded deeper into the pool, her suit becoming transparent in the water. Before she climbed onto her float she dipped down into the water and got her hair wet. When she came back out her suit was so transparent it was like she was naked. She climbed on the float as I held it. Traci stayed out and just watched us. I grabbed Calida's hand and pulled her to me. We held hands and floated quietly for a few minutes and I realized Traci hadn't gotten in.

"Trace, aren't you getting in? I cleaned this partly for you, too." I called.

She looked shy and embarrassed when she answered me. "I didn't want to intrude on you guys."

Calida spoke up. "You won't be intruding, come on in."

Traci waded in and climbed on the last float. She stayed clear and soon I realized that she was deliberately staying away. I looked at her and waved her over. "Come on Traci; come closer so we can talk without shouting."

Traci paddled over and grabbed the side of my float and then we all relaxed. I finally pulled her hand free of the float and loosely held her hand. I was actually quite happy, holding hands with my two favorite women in the world. We floated and talked and listened to the music. Pretty soon Traci started to get up and I stopped her.

"Where're you goin', Trace?" I asked.

"I'm starting to burn and I'm gonna get some sunblock." She said.

"Don't move, I'll get it." I said as I slid off the float. I went and got the sunblock and waded back to Traci. I started to hand it to her and Calida intercepted it.

"I'll put it on, OK Traci?" Calida said quietly.

Traci picked up her head and looked at me wide-eyed; I shrugged and then Traci nodded to Calida. Calida squeezed some lotion onto her hand, warmed it between her hands and then gently started rubbing Traci's shoulders. Calida added some more lotion to her hands and slowly started working down to Traci's chest. Each time she would get done with the lotion she set it on Traci's belly. She flicked Traci's shoulder straps off, nearly exposing Traci's nipples. I heard Traci moan lightly as Calida worked the lotion into her breasts. The cool water did not inhibit my hardening cock as I watched the scene unfolding in front of me. Calida had worked her hands under Traci's bikini top and was clearly stimulating her nipples. Traci reached up and loosely grasped Calida's wrists. Calida stopped and looked at Traci.

"If you're sure about this Callie, let's move over to dry land." Traci whispered. "I don't want to fall in the water."

Calida nodded and Traci slipped off the float, taking Calida's hand as she walked to the side of the pool. I was rooted in place watching this scene unfold. They climbed the steps and went over to the loungers. Traci untied her top, exposing her tits, and dropped it to the deck. She lay down on the lounger and held her hand out to Calida. Calida took her hand and knelt for a moment next to the lounger. She looked at Traci's tits and Traci was very still, allowing Calida to make up her mind. Slowly, Calida's left hand came up and found Traci's left breast. Soon the right hand came up and closed on the other breast. She rose and sat on the side of the lounger. Traci sighed softly as Calida experimented with the feeling of another woman's breasts. First she cupped them as if feeling the weight and then felt the smoothness. Calida started rolling Traci's nipples and the hard, long nubs grew even more. Calida seemed content to play with Traci's nipples as Traci squirmed around on the lounger. Calida was bent over Traci's chest and Traci grabbed her head and pulled her into a kiss. Calida's hands never left Traci's tits as they kissed, continuing to squeeze and probe. Traci let go of Calida's head and her hands drifted to Calida's tits, massaging and squeezing, mimicking Calida's actions. Traci pulled away from the kiss, reached up and pressed Calida's head down toward her tits. Calida, confronted with Traci's tit in her face, froze. I held my breath, watching. Calida's hands fell from Traci's tits and she started to back away, Traci allowing her to go. Calida stood and looked at me wildly and ran from the patio toward the kitchen.

Traci looked at me and said, "I'm sorry Pete, you need to go to her."

I raced out of the pool and grabbing a towel slipped and slid into the kitchen in time to see Calida clear the corner into the foyer. I heard footsteps running down the hall towards the bedrooms and the slamming of a door.

I quickly dried off and followed. All the doors in the hall were open except for Meghan's room, where Calida was sleeping while she stayed here. I walked up to the door and stopped. I could hear muffled sounds of crying and my heart went out to her. I knocked softly on the door.

"Calida? Are you OK?" I asked. There was silence on the other side of the door. I raised my hand to knock again and the door opened and suddenly she was in my arms, her face buried in my chest.

"Ppppetttte, I, I, I'm ssssorry!" Calida sobbed. "I, I, I shshshouldn't hhhhave rrrrun out llllike ththat!"

I picked her head up away from my chest, kissed her on the forehead and smiled gently at her.

"There's nothing for which you should be sorry." I said quietly. "You just were freaked out by kissing a girl for the first time. It WAS the first time, wasn't it?" I started teasing her a little, waggling my eyebrows.

She seemed to relax and giggled, then slugged me. "Asshole."

"Aaaah, normalcy." I sighed. "But, you didn't answer my question, little girl. WAS it the first time?"

"You really are an asshole. Do you know that, Peter?" Calida teased. "Yes, that was my first time. It kinda freaked me out, but then again, it didn't. Traci is so beautiful and sexy that I couldn't help myself, I wanted to touch her, feel her and taste her and that freaked me out more and that's why I ran." Calida buried her face in my chest again.

I stood and just held her for a moment. Then I started walking her towards the bed. We sat and I held her while she trembled in my arms. Soon she raised her tear stained face to me and smiled.

"Peter?" She asked quietly.

"What?" I asked a question in return.

"Do you think Traci hates me, now?" she asked in a whisper.

"No, not at all. I'll bet she's a little sad that you ran away, that's all." I answered.

"How am I going to face her now?" Calida asked.

"Just go out there and smile at her and if she asks, tell her the truth." I explained. "She'll understand."

"OK," she said in a small voice.

"It's getting to be about time to eat, so I'll go start the grill. Why don't you go out and talk to Traci? It's probably best if you do it quickly, we're all together for at least another five days." I said.

Calida started changing into some clothes as I waited and watched, enthralled by her body. Lil' Pete took notice and responded. Calida noticed Lil' Pete noticing and shook her head.

"Jesus, Peter, does ANYTHING not turn you on?" Calida said laughing.

"OK, that's not fair, you were just molesting my half-naked sister, now YOU'RE naked and I'm NOT supposed to respond?" I protested. "You've got me so hot right now, my dick hurts!"

She started giggling when I started answering and now she was standing there, in just her panties, laughing at me. I was not unhappy, 'cause, well, her boobs were out there naked and jiggling with her laughter. It was actually a pretty nice moment. I took two steps and grabbed her and kissed her. Her arms wrapped around me as we stood and swayed and kissed. She broke the kiss, pushing me away.

"You go now; I want to finish getting dressed without you drooling on me. You make such a mess when you do that; I would need to change my clothes again. Go!" She ordered while giggling.

I left to start the grill. When I got out to the kitchen Traci was in there looking at stuff in the fridge. I walked up behind her and slipped my arms around her waist. She stood and leaned back into me.

"Everything OK with Callie?" She asked.

"Yeah, it was the first time kissing and touching a girl, so she freaked out." I answered. "I think she's gonna come out and talk to you about it, so take it easy on her, OK?" I nuzzled her neck before letting her go.

She purred a little and then stood away from me. "No problem. I didn't want to scare her; I thought that's what she wanted."

"Trust me, I think it was, but, she started thinking about it and that's when she split." I said.

I went over and started the grill to get it ready and then got the burgers out. Traci got the stuff out to make a salad and cut the veggies for the burgers. We were well into preparing dinner when Calida came out.

"Hey, Traci," Calida said softly. "Could we talk for a minute?"

Traci set down what she was doing and they walked out of the kitchen into the living room. They were gone for quite a while and came back all smiles. I raised my eyebrows in question and they both shook their heads at me. The burgers were done and we sat down to eat. Traci and Calida acted like nothing had happened and though I was confused, I said nothing, figuring Calida would fill me in later, but she never said a word. After we ate all of us cleaned up and then went out to watch an old movie on TV. I sat in Dad's recliner and Calida sat on my lap, snuggling down into my chest. Traci sat on the couch across from us, her legs tucked under her. It was nice, homey.

I must have fallen asleep because Calida was on her feet shaking me. "Peter, come on, it's time for bed."

I mumbled that I was coming and looked over and Traci was gone. We went down towards the bedrooms and Traci's door was closed and there was no light under it so I figured she was in bed. I stopped outside Calida's room and kissed her and started to head to my room and she held my arm, stopping me. I looked at her and she smiled.

"Aren't we sleeping together?" Calida asked sweetly. "I kinda liked sleeping together."

"Yeah, I just figured since we're both working in the morning, you would want to sleep alone." I answered.

"No, I want you in my bed as much as I can have you." She said seductively.

"You'll get no argument from me." I answered.

We went into her room and she went into the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes down to my boxers, turned off the light and got in bed. Calida stepped out in a tiny baby doll nightgown, which was barely covering her pussy, stopped in the door and her body was backlit by the light in the bathroom. Goddamn she was hot and my dick responded immediately, poking through my shorts.

"Hey, beautiful, whatcha doin'?" I asked softly.

"Just lookin' at the man I love." She said quietly. "What are you thinking?"

"That I must be the luckiest guy in the history of the world. I have wanted you my whole life and here you are. You are beautiful, hot AND you want me. It cannot be any better than this." I replied.

She partially closed the door so there was a little light in the room and then walked to me with a suggestive roll to her hips, her hands tugging at the hem of her nightgown. I knew she was naked under it and she was driving me crazy. Standing beside the bed next to me, she covered her breasts with her hands and bent to kiss me. I reached up to touch her and she danced away. She twirled and the hem floated up to reveal her naked pussy and succulent ass. She came back to the side of the bed and grasped the hem of the nightgown, pulling it over her head. As she revealed her body I slid up and captured her butt in my hands and pulled her to me. I pressed my face between her lovely breasts and kissed her chest, feeling the warmth of her body next to my face. I pulled her down and rolled with her onto the soft bed, her soft laughter filling my ears.

"Wow, a little excited are we, Peter?" she giggled.

"You teasing little minx," I growled, "You know exactly how excited I am. God you are making me sooo crazy!"

I kissed my way down her body to her navel and tongued the soft hole, causing her to start squirming. As I licked and teased her, I again slid my hands down to her butt and pulled her tightly to my chest. I rubbed my breastbone into her soft center, feeling her wetness smearing across it. I continued slipping and sliding down to her burning core and found myself staring into her unfolding, weeping womanhood. Her hands drifted up to my head and pulled my face into her. I immediately began slurping her pussy, pulling her as hard to my face as I could. I worked my fingers into the crack of her ass, touching her rosebud for the very first time. She squealed and her hips twisted away.

"Peter, what are you doing?!?!?" She asked nervously.

"Trying to make you feel good. Relax, trust me you'll like this." I said, trying to reassure her.

"OK, but I'm still not sure...." Calida said hesitantly.

Rather than just going straight back to it, I slid back up and started kissing her. I rolled over on my side and kissed her lips, nose and eyelids and nuzzled her ears. I gently placed my forehead against hers and looked into her green eyes. She relaxed and I pulled her into a deep kiss and then started a slide down her luscious body. Swirling my tongue around her nipple I slid my hands down her sides to her ass, gently gripping her cheeks. I pulled her pelvis tight to my chest and rubbed against her pussy in a circular motion. Her breathing changed and became more labored as her arousal increased. Further down I slid, stopping at her navel, kissing, licking and nuzzling her tummy. She giggled as I lightly licked around the sensitive skin at her ribs. Her breathing sped up again as I continued my journey, licking lightly and teasingly at the top of her mound.

Finally, my head was between her legs and I was facing her weeping pussy. I softly licked the lips that were unfolding like a beautiful flower, the lips and labia varying in color from light pink to deep red. Sliding my hands down from holding her cheeks to spreading them made her hold her breath nervously in anticipation. I continued down until the fingers on my right hand found her pussy, my left thumb slipped to her little star, causing her to wriggle away, just a little. I fixed my lips on her swollen clit and the held breath was expelled in a sigh. I wet my fingers in her increasingly sloppy pussy and returned to her ass. Again she tensed and started to wriggle away, but I tried to hold her firmly, but gently with my left hand as I circled her little hole with my forefinger. The wriggling away slowed and started to become a squirm. I increased the pressure with my forefinger until just the tip popped in. Her hips bounced a little and when they returned to the bed, the finger was forced deeper, until finally, I was in as far as it would go. I stopped moving my finger to let her adjust to the invasion. I then increased the suction on her clit and she responded by squeezing her ass on my finger and I clearly felt it. I started slowly withdrawing my finger and her ass was grasping at it and it felt like she was trying to keep it in. I pushed it back in as I inserted the thumb in and pinched and rubbed between them and lightly bit her clit. I thought I was ready for her to come off the bed, but I was wrong. All at once, she pushed down with her legs and her body rocked back on her shoulders and she screamed, her pussy and butthole clamping down on my finger and thumb. My head was knocked back and I was momentarily afraid I had hurt her. Her body was tense and she was shaking, before suddenly relaxing and falling back to the bed, my thumb and finger being pushed out. I was stunned by her reaction. She lay there trembling and her eyes seemed to be unfocused. Finally she came back and her eyes met mine.

"Wow, baby, that was something." Calida whispered, giggling softly. "I guess you were right, I DID like it. Come here."

I slid up beside her and she grabbed my head and kissed me as she rolled me over on my back and impaled herself on my raging erection. She continued to kiss me as I gently moved inside her. Holding her tightly to me, I started to thrust more urgently into her. She started rocking above me and meeting my thrusts and after all the visual and physical stimulation I was not going to last long and I starting spurting deep into her cunt. I grabbed her hips and thrust one last time and held her there. Her lips never left mine and as we relaxed she pulled away from the kiss, her eyes sparkling.

"Was that OK?" She asked shyly.

"Holy shit, that was GREAT!" I exclaimed and pulled her into another kiss. We lay there kissing and caressing and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up early the next morning a little disoriented. I think that was the second time I had ever spent the night in Meghan's room and it took a minute to figure out where I was sleeping. I looked at the clock and scrambled out of bed, waking Calida in the process. She looked at me, startled.

I explained my haste. "I'm sorry; I need to be in early today, the boss wanted me to meet him for breakfast. Traci can take you to work, OK?"

"Sure," was her sleepy reply.

I took a really quick shower and left. I got to the restaurant in record time and walked in with five minutes to spare. I saw my boss and the regional manager for the store was with him. I walked over and sat down trying to remember what I had fucked up.

"Hey, Pete," my boss Stan said, "have a good weekend?"

I couldn't suppress the smile. "Oh, yeah, I had a GREAT weekend!"

They both laughed. "Ahh, to be eighteen and single again." Greg, the regional manager said.

We ordered breakfast then. I ordered poached eggs and toast because I was nervous and didn't want to order anything that would upset my stomach. The server brought our meals and while we ate we didn't talk about work, we talked about sports and general stuff.

When we were done and the server had taken away the used dishes Greg pulled a file out of his briefcase. I could see it had my name on it and I immediately regretted eating anything at all. I got nervous and my stomach became queasy. I really needed this job for spending money this fall after school started. He opened the file and even though I can read pretty well upside down, the smaller the print, the more concentration it takes. This was pretty small print and I figured it would be bad form to sit there staring at his file. It was a good decision because when I looked up he was watching me with a smile on his face.