Jugs Ch. 06


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"Nervous, Pete?" Greg asked.

"Yes, sir." I answered.

"That's one more thing Stan." Greg said, looking at Stan before turning to me. "Did Stan tell you to call me sir?"

"No sir. I was taught to respect my superiors. I was also taught that to show respect, you address your superiors with 'Sir' or 'Ma'am'. You are my boss's boss and you deserve my respect and I will address you with 'Sir" as long as you are my superior. Stan will tell you that I address all the people for whom I work are addressed this way." I explained.

"I know, Pete." Greg replied. "Stan and I have talked about this. We've also talked about how you do exactly what you're told to do, how you take initiative and do things that need to be done without being asked or told, how you are extremely polite and helpful with the customers and how if you don't understand how something works or is supposed to work, you ask the necessary questions to understand completely."

"Something else that impressed me this morning was that you got to this meeting five minutes early for a 5:30 am meeting. Unless I'm mistaken, Stan didn't tell you the purpose of this meeting this morning, did he?"

"No, sir." I answered. "Stan told me to be here for breakfast at 5:30, so I was."

"You didn't question why?" Greg asked.

"No, I've heard that he sometimes has meetings with employees at breakfast and that's what he was doing. Stan's very good about not chewing ass in front of everybody, so honestly, I figured I had done something wrong and he wanted to tell me about it." I explained.

"So you came here expecting an ass chewing, and got here early?" Greg asked.

"I'm sorry I used that term, but, yes I did." I responded. "If I'm gonna get one, being late is just gonna make it worse, so why delay?"

Greg said, "Let me put your mind at ease. You are not in trouble; as a matter of fact it is quite the opposite. As you may or may not know, our company has a management training program. As a matter of fact both Stan and I are graduates of the program. Anyway, Stan and I have discussed this at length and we would like to offer you a position in the program. I have spoken to my boss and he's on board with this. What do you think?"

Stunned into silence I had no response; I just sat there with my mouth hanging open. Of all the things I expected this morning, this was not on the list. I was not aware of the program, let alone that I was being considered. I gathered my thoughts as a million questions came to mind.

"First of all, thank you for considering me for this program. Secondly, I have some questions that my dad is going to want answered, not the least of which is about college. He REALLY wants me to go and I don't think he'll be happy about me skipping out on a college education." I said.

Greg smiled and said, "That's not a worry. We actually require our trainees to attend and graduate from college with Business Degree and we help with tuition. More correctly, we reimburse 100% of your costs as long as you maintain the equivalent of a "B" average. We also require that you work twenty hours a week in the store while attending school."

"Uhhh, that's a problem." I said, "There's not a store in Bloomington."

Greg said, "Yes I know, that's why we want you to go to school here. We've gotten you accepted and you will need to register for classes next week. Obviously, this is all contingent on you accepting our offer."

"How much time do I have?" I asked. "I really would like to talk to my parents and they're both out of town until the weekend. My dad's playing golf in Myrtle Beach and my mom's at a lake cabin without a phone."

"Will a Monday deadline give you enough time to make a decision?" Greg asked.

"Yes, it will, but won't that create a problem for the candidate that's next on the list? If it creates a problem for them, I will step aside." I said.

Stan beamed proudly. "Didn't I tell you he's a great kid, Greg? There is no list, no second candidate, Pete. We are given the latitude to recommend as few or as many as we find worthy. Pete, let me tell you honestly, I have been in this store for almost five years and I have never recommended anyone before. I knew I would recommend you about a week after I hired you, because I've never had anyone take to this like you. You're a natural for this business and I think you'll be very successful."

As he talked I could feel myself turning bright red. I hated compliments then and I still do. I thanked them for recommending me and left them to talk. I looked at my watch and we had been there for about three hours. I was bursting to tell Calida, but, she and Tracy were already at work. There was no-one I could tell. I went to work and threw myself into it so I wouldn't think about it all day. Stan wanted to show me some inventory stuff and I stayed late. It was almost eight before I left and another half hour before I got home. Calida and Tracy met me at the door, concerned since I had been gone for almost sixteen hours. We went into the kitchen, where the girls had kept a plate warm for me. I hugged and thanked them both and as I sat and ate I explained the reason for the early and late day.

Calida shrieked and hugged me again, exclaiming that this was great, now we wouldn't be apart. Traci commented how Dad would be ecstatic at not having to pay for college. I thought this was going to be a decision for Mom, Dad and I, but evidently I was wrong. We sat for a few minutes after I had finished my dinner and then I said I was exhausted and I was going to bed. Calida followed me in and asked if I wanted company.

"If you want to snuggle, we can, but if you want more, I'm really not up to it." I tiredly explained.

Calida smiled and said snuggling was fine with her. As she did the night before, she went into the bathroom and changed. I pulled off my clothes and got between the sheets. Calida came out wearing one of her dad's old football jerseys and slipped into bed beside me, snuggling up to me. After kissing me on the cheek, she settled down beside me.

"Peter?" Calida whispered.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Why didn't you just tell them yes?" She asked.

"I guess since Dad is helping me with the cost of college and I won't be going to the same school as him anymore, I thought he might want the courtesy of being asked his opinion." I explained. "I really want to do this, but, I didn't want to disrespect him. Why do you ask?"

"I thought maybe you wanted to sow some wild oats at college and didn't want to stay home with me." She said quietly.

"I do not have any wild oats to sow and for your information you are not going to get away from me that easily. I waited too long for you and I'm not letting go." I said.

Calida giggled and squeezed me. "Gee, you know the right things to say to me."

"It's not hard when it's what I feel." I mumbled as I was losing it. "I gotta sleep, babe."

She reached up and kissed my cheek again and said goodnight.

Tuesday and Wednesday were repeats of Monday without the early meeting. I worked early and late and came home bushed. I saw Calida for about an hour each night before passing out in her arms.

On Thursday, at about one o'clock, Stan told me to take the rest of the day off. I went home, cleaned the pool and then floated until about four. I got out, put on a tee shirt and gym shorts and went back out to the kitchen. I started the grill and had dinner ready when the girls walked in. They both squealed excitedly at seeing me at home. We ate dinner and then the girls said they would clean up. I went out to the living room and put on Miles Davis 'Kind of Blue' and sat back in the recliner with my eyes closed.

"Peter." I heard Calida's voice. "Are you asleep?"

"No, I'm just letting the music wash over me." I said.

"Dance with me Peter. Hold me and dance with me." Calida was holding out her hand. "We've never danced together."

"OK." I said simply.

Now, to call me a dancer was a gross overstatement. Especially, a slow dance. I put my right arm around her and took her left hand in mine and start shuffling. Calida stopped me cold.

"No, we're not doing this!" Calida said sternly. "You're going to do this right!"

"OK." I again said simply.

She showed me what she wanted me to do. We started sliding around the room more smoothly. Suddenly, I heard applause and we spun around to see Traci clapping.

"Unbelievable!" Traci exclaimed. "I cannot believe you got him to do that!"

Calida hugged me and reached up and kissed my chin. "He does it because he loves me!"

I stopped moving and Calida stepped back. "What am I, a show pony? I CAN hear you, you know!"

They both started laughing and Traci said, "Pete, we're teasing you. Besides, from what I see in your pants, it's not like you don't like it!"

I had been concentrating so hard on Calida's instructions I didn't realize that I had an enormous erection. Evidently, her body rubbing sensuously against mine while we were dancing had caused this situation.

Calida said, "Nice Traci, I was enjoying this and now you've gone and made him all self conscious!" Then she put on an exaggerated pouty face, cracking me up.

As I was laughing I pulled her to me and kissed her. Then we started gliding around the room again. OK, maybe gliding is an exaggeration, but you know what I mean. I stopped us in front of Traci and I asked Calida if it would be OK if I danced a little with Traci. She stepped back and laughed and clapped. We went around the room a couple of times and then we stopped in front of Calida. Traci kissed me and handed me off to Calida. Calida snuggled in closely and we went around more slowly. I kissed her and she started rubbing against me a little. We came back to Traci and once again Calida stepped back. Traci mimicked Calida's moves and we were kissing and snuggling around the floor. We arrived at Calida and Traci snaked her tongue into my mouth taking me by surprise and my eyes flew open and hers were twinkling evilly at me.

This time as Traci stepped back Calida took her hand instead of mine and they were off dancing. A couple of spins around the room degenerated into a slow shuffle, (which had originally gotten me in trouble, but I digress) and soon they were simply making out. Traci's hands slid to Calida's fine ass and were gently rubbing and stroking. Calida had pulled one of her hands up and under Traci's t-shirt and I could see her hand working Traci's tit. My erection was now throbbing in my shorts and I didn't know where to look, Traci's hands, Calida's hand or their lips. Gradually, they became aware of their surroundings and slowly parted, both looking a little embarrassed.

They both put their hands out and I joined them in an awkward three-way dance. We shuffled around the room kissing and touching and holding each other. We somehow were each kissing the other two at the same time and it seemed natural, right. I was incredibly aroused and I know Traci was because I could smell her sweet aroma. The music stopped and a new CD started and Calida stepped away. Traci and I each still had one arm around the other and Calida took our free hands in hers and tugged. She headed to the bedrooms and she stopped in front of Meghan's room and I murmured that we should go to Mom and Dad's room. I didn't speak too loudly because I didn't want to break the mood. We went into their room and Traci lit some candles and turned down the bed as Calida and I held each other.

Traci didn't hesitate. She seemed to know what Calida wanted but also knew Calida was still hesitant so she started undressing Calida. She worked slowly and I assumed it was so Calida didn't feel rushed or forced. Calida held onto me the whole time Traci was not only undressing her, but caressing her, cooing softly to her and kissing whatever part she had most recently unclothed. Calida was totally relaxed, compliant and totally at ease with Traci's ministrations. Finally, Calida was naked and she seemed to be glowing. She turned to Traci and lightly kissed her on the lips before repeating the undressing on Traci that Traci had just performed on her, including the kissing and caressing and cooing. When she was done she stepped up to Traci and pressed her body to Traci's and kissed her deeply. Their lips parted and they held each other and then turned their heads to me, their cheeks touching, their hands sliding to each other's waist, with their pussies pressed together and their nipples touching. It was the identical pose that Traci and Meghan had struck just weeks earlier in the kitchen. It was incredible. They turned back for a brief kiss before parting and stepping to me. Calida got on her knees and tugged at my shorts and Traci pulled on my t-shirt. In an instant, I was as naked as they were. Traci leaned in and kissed me, her breasts bouncing against my chest and Calida took my painfully hard cock in her hand and after swirling her tongue around the head, kissed it.

Calida rose and took one of my hands and Traci, the other and led me to the bed. I felt like this was a dream as they pushed me gently to the bed. They climbed in on both sides of me and held my hands firmly to the bed. I easily could have escaped, but didn't try as this was far more interesting than anything I would have imagined. As if in a really naughty ballet, their breasts started dancing over my body, nipples barely grazing my skin. My cock was screaming for attention and as a set of boobs would come close I would thrust my hips into the air only to have the owner move them beyond my reach. I was in exquisite agony. As they were tormenting me they would stop above me and briefly kiss, tongues dueling. This went on for countless minutes before they relented and began rewarding my throbbing masculinity with firmer, lingering touches with their firm nipples and incredibly soft breasts. Each of them began to pause in their deliberations to lightly kiss and suck the crown of my cock. It was enough to make my cock pulse, but brief enough to avoid the point of no return. Traci paused and went all the way down to the base of my cock and gently took one of my balls into her lips, lightly licking the skin. Releasing it, she moved up to the base of my cock and caught it between her lips, again tickling and teasing with her tongue. She slowly made her way up the shaft until she caught the purple head firmly with her lips. Opening her mouth just the tiniest bit she reversed course and began inching my dick into her mouth, scraping lightly with her teeth down the entire length. I felt my pulsating member bump the back of her throat and suddenly she was gone. I nearly screamed in frustration when she pulled off but before she appeared above my face and gave me a deep lingering kiss.

Calida took over where Traci left off, teasing my cock with her soft full lips. She tongued the bottom of my cock as she sucked it like a lollipop, and then she was gone, only to appear above my face to kiss me also. At that moment my cock was smothered in Traci's tits as she wrapped them around it. She began a slow, deliberate, tit-fuck that was astonishing. Calida continued to kiss me as Traci's tits stimulated me and the deep tingling started.

"Ahhhh, Tttraci, I, I, I'm gonna cum!" I gasped.

Traci sat up, stroking my cock and Calida joined in with rubbing my cock, as it started to erupt, the white cum coating their tits. They continued to pump my cock as the eruption slowed. Traci let go first and held her cum covered hand up to Calida. Calida started greedily licking it off and then bowed her head to continue to lick the cum, now from Traci's tits. Calida's lips now found Traci's nipple and she suckled it like a newborn. Traci's hand went to the back of Calida's head and softly rested there. I scooted out to the side of the bed to give them some room. Traci swung around and lay down with her head on the pillows. Calida's lips never left Traci's breast. Calida finally lifted her head to briefly kiss Traci on her way to Traci's other breast. Our eyes met momentarily and Calida smiled dreamily, obviously well into the moment. Calida's lips fastened to Traci's breast and her hand drifted down Traci's body, hesitating at the top of the mound. She rubbed there for a short time, not venturing further as Traci's hips began to respond and seek more contact with Calida's fingers. Finally, Traci moved enough that Calida's fingers slipped over the mound and made contact with Traci's sloppy cunt. Calida's hand jerked back like it had been shocked, then she rubbed her fingers together, kind of experimenting with the feel.

Obviously finding something to her liking, she plunged her fingers into Traci's drooling honeypot, causing Traci to sigh contentedly. Calida rubbed and squeezed and started masturbating Traci furiously. She released Traci's tit and moved her head down to watch her own hand. As she repeatedly thrust into Traci she moved down so that she was lying between Traci's legs, her face inches from Traci's open cunt. Calida withdrew her hand, much to Traci's vocal disappointment, and looked closely at it. Her hand was bathed in Traci's honey and it glistened in the candlelight. Her tongue tentatively slithered out to barely touch the dripping juice and, as I knew would happen, her eyes flew wide open. She practically shoved her whole hand into her open mouth, devouring the rest of the sweet nectar. When it was gone, she grabbed Traci's hips and buried her face in Traci's shimmering cunt, much to Traci's surprise and delight. Traci's hands went to the back of Calida's head and gently directed Calida where Traci wanted and needed attention. Calida was not being quiet as she was slurping and issued a couple of snorts which cracked me up, moaning and plunging her tongue into Traci. I could no longer be an idle bystander and I reached over and took one of Traci's nipples between my fingers. My cock had never totally retreated and was now back at full strength as I watched the love of my life devour my sister. I scooted back to Traci and began kissing her as I twirled her nipples and Calida attacked her passionately. Traci's breathing was labored and I could feel the increase in her heartbeat as she approached her climax. Suddenly, her legs clamped around Calida's head as she moaned into my mouth. I sat up and she took a deep shuddering breath as the throes of her orgasm swept her away. Finally, her legs fell away and she let go of Calida's head. Calida came up sucking wind as she was apparently being suffocated. She crawled up to Traci and presented her shiny face for a kiss and Traci obliged. I crawled over Traci and snuggled up to Calida and began cleaning her face like a cat, which caused both she and Traci to break out in a fit of giggles. We lay there for a few minutes as they caught their breath and then Traci started kissing Calida in earnest. I continued to lie quietly watching the two of them make out and then Traci started sliding down Calida's body. She didn't spend nearly the time on Calida's tits that Calida spent on hers, but I knew that Traci had been dying to get at Calida's pussy. Traci roughly pulled Calida down so that Traci was standing at the end of the bed eyeing Calida's pussy.

"Pete, I want you to fuck me while I fuck the love of your life!" Traci growled.

I froze. This was not what I expected and I didn't want Calida to freak. I was staring at Traci and I didn't move or make a sound. I felt Calida's hand on my chin and I finally looked down at her.

"Peter, I know what I said, but, this isn't competing with your family, it's participating WITH Traci. Besides, I REALLY want to see you fuck Traci, once." Calida explained breathlessly before drawing me into a deep kiss.

I got out of the bed and slid in behind Traci, pausing before I plunged into her waiting, wide open pussy. "Are you sure?" I asked as Traci slid her tongue into Calida's split, finishing by sucking on her clit.