Jumping at Shadows


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We had a wonderful time together and those seven hours produced a design for a rambling five-bedroom home that would actually be quick to build and yet look attractive if it was built to the specifications we set.

It was so late that I had to apologize and offered to take Bethany home. She smiled and accepted, but mentioned that we should get together again. My answer was to offer a list of possible ideas and times, at which Bethany giggled, before accepting the idea of a picnic for the coming Saturday.

I turned in our finished design the next day and promptly forgot about it. I had just the one final term to go and the post-graduate classes proved to be a bit more difficult than I had expected. Bethany and I had started dating, which proved to be a very different experience than with Janet or Trish.

With Janet and Trish there was a lot of physical contact and both loved when I initiated kisses or hugs. Bethany seemed extremely shy. She always dressed nice, but even after four weeks of dating I had never received more than a very brief kiss on the lips. Other men might have given up, but the looks Bethany gave me whenever she thought I was not paying attention seemed to be filled with longing and hope, so I stayed.

The term was done except for finals when Professor Huffman called me to his office one Wednesday. I turned up to find Bethany already there along with a man in a suit. The professor looked at both of us and nodded. I was about to ask what this was about when the man spoke.

"You are Bethany Miller and Don Cochran, correct?" he asked.

I looked at Bethany and then replied. "I am Don and this is Bethany. Might I ask why we were called here?"

Bethany had a look that made it clear she was just as confused as I when Professor Huffman spoke. "Do you remember the contest? The design one where I recommended you two work on it together?"

I shrugged, but Bethany responded. "Certainly. But what does that have to do about calling us here?"

The man cleared his throat. "I guess I should explain. That contest was more than just a contest. My client wanted a special house designed, but did not like the designs offered by three different firms, so he asked me to come up with an alternative. Professor Huffman and I came up with the idea of a contest to see if anyone could develop a design compatible with my client's demands. In the end more than one hundred entries were made, but your design was perfect. So I want to make an offer."

I looked at Professor Huffman. "So that design was not just for a contest? It's actually been used?" I asked.

Professor Huffman shook his head. "Well, its still being built, but I've seen photos of the progress. Give the builders another three months and the house will be ready to be lived in."

I wanted to protest, but the other man in the room spoke up. "Don't worry. The contest money might not equal the amount a top architectural firm might be paid for that design, but it's not bad either. Besides, you should listen to the offer I have.

"You see, I worked at the second firm the client visited, but the senior partners refused to listen to him and provided only fairly standard designs which fit neither his budget nor his requirements. I had some ideas but was told if I brought them up, I would forfeit any future dreams of partnership in the firm.

"The client naturally rejected their design and actually talked to several other firms before he remembered my protests during his initial meeting with the firm I worked for. He returned and we discussed the possibility of me designing his home, but my contract with the firm prevented me from producing any alternate designs. That is why I came up with the contest idea."

The man continued. "Well, your design proved to be exactly what the client wanted and he's been talking to his friends, but if you are hired by a larger firm, that creative flair you displayed would be quickly stifled. I have been working in the field for nearly twenty years and it didn't take me long to realize that talent like yours and others needs freedom.

"Well, I've already told my firm that I'm leaving and going to open a new independent firm in Phoenix. I wanted to offer the two of you partner positions in the new firm."

There was a long moment of silence before Bethany spoke. "But, partner positions take years to earn. Everyone tells me that you have to put in at least ten years to get one."

The man nodded. "In a traditional firm, especially an older one, that would be true. But this would be a brand new firm and your talents and vision will guide it from the start. I can provide backup as well as plenty of contacts, and I already have a surprising number of interested parties who have heard about the one house you did design, so it's a pretty good opportunity."

I looked over at Professor Huffman who was nodding and smiling. I had a multitude of questions, but the majority felt mostly petty and small so I spoke up. "I need to complete my finals, but I cannot see any reason to say no. Just let me know where the office is and I'll try to be there a week after finals, but it may take a day or two more."

Bethany looked at me as I spoke and then immediately said. "Count me in."

The man, Fred Longren proved to be well prepared and pulled out a number of legal documents pertaining to establishing an architectural partnership in Phoenix. Professor Huffman called the department secretary to notarize the signatures as Bethany, Fred and I signed to indicate the formation of Desert Bruin Builders. Fred was the senior partner as he was risking a considerable amount of money to establish the firm, but we had barely finished signing everything when he passed over four sheets of paper.

"I had high hopes you would agree, and took these on at risk. The clients are not asking for anything too fancy, but do you think you can design those?"

I looked at the sheets and they were requirements and requests for the design of three homes and one small ten-thousand square-foot strip mall.

"The strip mall might be a bit difficult since Bethany won't be able to work her magic," I answered. "But if she cannot make the insides of the houses sing to the clients' hearts I'll be surprised."

I was looking at Fred as I said that and although I heard Bethany gasp I did not turn to look at her. I looked at the clock and realized that I was about to be late for an evening class so I dashed out of the room without saying more. Bethany called out that she would call me later as I sprinted out of the building.

We only had a short time before finals, and both Bethany and I found ourselves swamped with last-minute study sessions and term projects. We did manage to meet for several lunches and rushed out two of the house designs. The other house and the mall would require more time than we had, but when we reported this to Fred he let us know that both clients had given us a late July deadline so we could complete those after finals.

My parents and Janet's both showed up for my graduation although Janet was going to need two more terms to complete her classes.

My muttered remark of, "Spent too much time with her panties on the floor and feet in the air did she," resulted in Steven giving me a black eye, but later that night my father admitted that he had been hearing similar rumors throughout the construction staff the previous summer. Janet seemed to be happy to let any man take her to bed, and her grades were falling rapidly.

Mildred also sought me out after graduation. She apologized both for her husband's actions which left me with a black eye, and for all that Janet had done to me.

"I don't understand it," she told me. "When we can get her sober and talk to her she still claims that what happened that first night was some terrible mistake, but how can I believe that? She was home for ten weeks last summer and there were maybe three days she did not find some guy to spend time with, and considering the looks of some of them, I doubt it was for the conversation. I wish you could talk to her. However, I expect all she'd do is try to drag you to the nearest bed and you are far too honest to do that."

Mildred placed a fond hand on my arm and then watched as I walked over to Bethany who was standing alone. She had no one to come and congratulate her, and I pressed her to come meet my parents, but she told me she had to hurry off and start packing up her apartment.

My father was a bit disappointed that I was not going to be staying with the company, although my younger brother already was a foreman after skipping college and going straight to work for the company. However, once he understood the opportunity that I had in front of me, he proved to be surprisingly supportive.

He had arranged an apartment rental for me through a friend of his, and brought a few workers out to the campus just to help me pack up my apartment. It turned out to be a very fast process with dedicated workers and it was only early afternoon when I turned my keys over to the manager and watched the U-haul with most of my goods head east. I was planning on following after one last evening with a few of my friends from my years at the university.

I was relaxing at the student union with a few of my old roommates when Jason, the manager from the firm I had worked at for the last two summers, walked in the door and strolled over to my table.

"So, I hear you got snatched away from me," he bellowed.

My friends were suddenly quiet, but I knew Jason and stood to look at him.

"Well, can you blame others for seeing the sterling worker you had and making an offer?" I replied.

A couple of my friends looked at me in shock when Jason started laughing.

"Nope. I can't blame anyone for trying to get you to work for them. And Fred is a good man. Just wish I'd thought of it, because you are going to make a lot of money," he said

I stepped away from the table and Jason gave me a manly hug. "Still wish the firm could have made a better offer, but they are too traditional."

As we broke the hug I shrugged. "Well, without Bethany I don't think the offer gets made. I know how to set up the measurements and rooms, but she makes the designs come to life."

Jason laughed. "Modest as always. Someday you'll realize that you have a lot of talent yourself. However, I heard you were about to head off and figured that I had to give you a celebratory night out. Bring you friends if you want, but let's go."

I had no idea what he had in mind but followed him to the parking lot where he handed me a printout from Yahoo! Maps and told me to meet him at that address. I noticed a couple of my friends had followed and after a short discussion about transportation, I jumped in my car for the thirty minute or so drive.

I nearly turned around and drove off when I arrived at the address and realized that Jason's celebration was going to occur at one of the region's topless dance clubs.

I had a box sitting in the glove box of my car containing the ring I was hoping to give Bethany once she arrived in Phoenix and felt like I would be betraying her if I went inside. My friends, who knew nothing about this, kept up the pressure and finally Jason's promise to pay for the drinks got me to go inside.

I had been in some of the clubs before, although mostly the ones allowing nude dancing since you only had to be eighteen to enter them. It is a weird quirk in California law that topless clubs can serve alcohol, but you must be twenty-one to enter, while the nude clubs do not serve alcohol, but you can be eighteen and enter. This club, like most, looked like nothing on the outside but the inside, while not well lit, was not the smoke-filled dive some bars are.

The place was jumping and had two different stages going, plus a surprising number of ladies working the crowd seeing if they could talk someone into a lap dance. I tried to concentrate on nursing the beer Jason ordered and keeping my cool as my friends took to whistling and catcalling as the dancers went through their paces.

The ladies themselves were attractive but I just could not get into the scene. That was when the announcer called out that we were going to receive a special treat.

"Tonight, in a rare double dance, Savanna and Jade!" he cried out as the previous girl, a buxom young Hispanic lady, disappeared into the back. The crowd actually roared in anticipation as some electro-pop number started up.

As the girls came out wearing something that might have been called a schoolgirl outfit, I could feel my heart sink through the floor. I did not recognize one of the ladies, a leggy Asian girl with a big smile, but the other lady was none other than Bethany. Instantly I could see my dreams and beliefs shattering.

Robotically I pulled out my money clip and looked at it. Bethany had given it to me just before finals, saying that she wanted me to have something special. She always told me that money was tight. Instead of searching for something expensive she had found a simple money clip and had my initials embroidered into the leather covering. I had been so happy to receive it, but right then I wondered how many lap dances she did to obtain the money to purchase it.

The dance Bethany and the other girl went through was mostly tease, but included plenty of posing and grinding. Both ladies managed to bring roars from the crowd with their moves, and the crowd's mood was building. They finished by mashing their breasts together while kissing each other deeply. I had to question if that was legal, but the crowd was going absolutely crazy.

I felt a moment of intense rage, but the crowd between the stage and my body prevented me from rushing it. Instead I stood and threw my money clip towards the stage and turned to stalk out. Bethany and the other lady were grabbing their discarded garments and preparing to leave the stage as I stormed out of the club.

Jason and my friends must not have noticed me leave, because none of them followed me into the parking lot. I really was too upset to drive but I could not remain. I took one deep breath and suppressed a sob as I started my car and left the lot leaving a trail of rubber behind me.

I do not know what time it was when I left the lot, but sometime around three in the morning I found myself driving on the freeway just outside of Phoenix. I really did not want to stop, but my brain was screaming for sleep, so I took the exit to my apartment and made the short drive to my planned new home.

When I entered I found that my father must have stopped by with his workers, because all of the items they packed in the U-haul were out and carefully placed in the various rooms. The bed was not made, but at the time I just wanted a place to crash and fell onto the mattress to fall asleep.

It must have been close to noon when I finally awoke. I had originally planned to spend a day setting my apartment up before arriving at the new office, but looking around the apartment I was reminded that I had hoped Bethany would move in and help me decorate and the thought of working alone did not appeal. So after a brief search through some of the boxes to find my main drafting tools and taking time to freshen up, I staggered to my car for the short drive to the office.

Fred seemed honestly pleased to see me and reported that earlier that morning one of the two drawings Bethany and I had finished proved to be exactly what the client wanted.

"I'm lining up the builders and supplies now to get them a final quote, and we have an attorney arranging to get the city approvals we'll need to start construction," he raved.

I found myself smiling at the news. "Well, I'll get on the strip mall then. I have some ideas for the layout based on what you've sent me. The overhead picture of the lot really helped me get an idea for how everything will need to be placed. It's still going to take a week or so though."

Fred waved me off. "Great. If we can win that it will really help us bring in clients."

I stepped out from Fred's office and found the desk he had reported would be mine. With a small firm space was costly, so the office only had the one private office which Fred used. Bethany and I were set up with individual desks, and there was a small conference room for making presentations to potential clients and builders.

It was planned as a rather cozy environment and despite the darkness in my heart that I felt each time I looked over at Bethany's empty desk, I found that I went to work with a will.

Trying to design the right building for the strip mall proved fascinating and intense. The client wanted the building to be able to accommodate anywhere from four to six stores of various sizes, and yet wanted something that would have the right look for the odd-shaped corner lot the mall was to go on.

I got very wrapped up in my work. I wanted the partnership to win this contract, so I was taking great care with the placement of every wall and door, trying to come up with the perfect design. I was looking over one section of the building trying to decide if I wanted to square up a corner or allow the wall to run parallel to the edge of the lot even though that would distort the one corner I was working in. I got so into this puzzle that I never heard the door open and it was only when I looked up that I realized someone had entered the office.

The young lady with black hair was smartly dressed, and I was about to ask her what she wanted when I realized that it was Bethany's partner from the strip club. I now found myself wanting to say something nasty, but there was a look of pleading in her eyes that stopped me.

"You going to talk to her?" she asked me. "Or will you shut her out just like you did Janet and Trish?"

I looked over at Fred's office, but he was absorbed in a phone call and did not appear to be paying attention. "What about them? I did nothing other than decide that listening to claims of innocence held no interest for me after I found them giving rather intimate caresses to other men."

The young woman looked puzzled and then shook her head. "You have no idea. You really don't get it, do you?"

I shrugged. "What's to get? In both cases the incidents happened after an agreement had been made to date exclusively. They broke it. I just decided to walk away. I don't remember Bethany making any promises to me."

I said this while looking over at the engagement ring box which I had brought in and set on my desk when I arrived. I had no idea what I wanted to do with it. I figured that I would probably be seeing about returning it to the store, but I found that thought painful.

The lady looked at me again. She seemed to be thinking things over as Fred finished his phone call and hung up noisily. "Who's out there Don? Anything I can help with?"

"She's a friend of Bethany's," I shouted back. "Sadly, this visit is not about any new buildings today."

Fred laughed. "Oh, we might get a few people in here looking for work. I figured we could use someone to run the office and answer phones, so I have a few ads out. But that will probably start next week, since most of the ads only start running on Friday."

I was going to answer him when the lady suddenly took my arm. "There are going to be no interruptions," she growled as she all but dragged me into the conference room. I was trying to protest, but a look at the fury in her eyes quieted me down and I took a seat in one of the chairs.

"You are such a typical clueless man," she snapped as she closed the door and stood next to it. "You think that people don't talk about what happened with you and your two exes'? They are sorority girls, and rather popular. Bethany learned of your history with them two days after she met you for the project."

"What?" I replied. "Why would that happen? It's been years."