Just a Jab Ch. 19

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John's story hits the headlines.
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Welcome to the latest instalment.

Please start reading this series from the first chapter.

To date:

John Smith had an injection of contaminated testosterone, causing his cock and balls to permanently enlarge and over produce sperm. He now needs frequent sex to survive, receiving help from old and new friends. He has just found out information about his parents. The drug company has offered a substantial cash payout instead of going to trial.

All sex participants are 18 years or older.

All people, activities and anything resembling facts are a figment of my imagination, and may not match anything in real life.

Yes, if this does look like a harem story, because it is one. If this genre does not interest you then read no further.



March 2016, a few months later.

John was having a quiet rest in the lounge room, having just returned from the vet clinic where Pixie was to give birth to her litter. She would need expert care to safely deliver her puppies. Maria had volunteered to stay with Pixie to help however she could. His peace was disturbed by banging on the front door. Janet answered it to invite in a very angry Nancy and her two daughters.

Janet welcomed the trio, "Hi Nancy, Elissa, Donna," watching the visitors with a curious look as Nancy stormed past her.

Linda's sister in-law spoke quickly as she passed Janet, "Hi Janet," then yelling out, "John, Linda, get here quick."

Donna and Elissa smiled and answered Janet, "Hi."

Elissa paused, closing the front door behind her, while she advised Janet, "Keep this locked, the vultures are starting to gather in the street," then turned the deadlock to emphasise her words.

Nancy walked directly to the nearest TV, which happened to be in the lounge room, and switched it on before she spotted John as he was sitting up, "Hi John, Linda. HURRY"

John was bemused at her behaviour and started to laugh, receiving a dire look from her, "It's not funny, John. This is serious and will affect us all."

She turned back to adjust the channel to the Morning Today show as Linda arrived asking what all the row was about. She stopped at seeing her brother, Mike, on the screen being interviewed by the show's female host. Everyone knows the one, she has the big tits that almost match her ego. Best known for her fake blonde hair, fake tits, fake lips and fake arse. She appears on almost every local reality show and TV ad possible.

Linda sat beside her hubbie, with Janet settling on his other side, as Nancy moved aside giving them a view of the full screen. Across the bottom the ticker tape scrolled continually with the words, "Sex Cult exposed in city suburbs."

Nancy filled them in on what she had found out, "My children's idiot father,"

Donna interrupted, "Hey, don't blame him on us. you married the idiot."

Sounds of vehicles stopping in the street and people talking and yelling to each other, got everyone in the room to the front window where people gathering in the front yard. Cameras were being set up as well as those remote broadcast vans parked along the street. That moment the house phone started ringing, which Bronwyn answered as part of her household duties.

"Hello, Smith residence. Bronwyn speaking. How may I help you?"

A minute later she slammed the phone down, turned to the others stating, "Why is a radio station ringing us about our sex lives, asking if we could make a statement. He mumbled something about us having a sex cold."

John said the only thing that came to mind, "Shit! Come see this Bron," waving her into the room to watch the TV.

As though the phone call was a signal, knocking on the front door started together with the door chime ringing. The knocking continued, sounding as though more than one fist was being used. John had a quick peek out the window getting camera flashes through the glass into his eyes before he retreated. Nancy had been more prepared than the others and stepped over and closed the inside blinds and drapes. The room grew dim without any sunshine streaming in.

John then went to the front door and opened it, calling for the reporters to leave the property. Their response was to yell out, asking him questions. He quickly closed and re-locked the door. Linda had better articulation and asked Nancy to continue.

"Well as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, my idiot ex," looking at her daughters who nodded in appreciation of her changed description, "has decided to get his revenge and blab all to whomever will listen. We can assume big tits there paid him the most to sit and ogle her plastic boobs on TV. Oh and Bronwyn the guy on the phone would have said cult, not cold."

Getting a question from Janet, "What revenge and what is he blabbing about?"

Nancy continued, "Glad you asked. This is a repeat of the earlier interview as it rated so well. I happened to catch it after a friend told me about Idiot being on TV. Idiot was upset that John would not join his little golf club and save it from financial ruin. He had finally got his wish to be invited to be a member, then it all hit the fan. With all the politicians and other prominent dickheads getting into trouble over that porn scandal the club lost many of its best financial members. It's gone bankrupt and is closing down. Idiot had it in his head that his lovely club should have been saved, and the only one who could do it was John. But you refused to join, John, so in his head it's all your fault. Then he heard you might have had a part in exposing the porn scandal. No idea how or why he would think that, but he took it as true. So you get a second nail in the coffin. Finally the lazy, good-for-nothing Idiot took some money from my family's company and used it to prop up the club. They found out and sacked him, immediately and with no benefits. Between just us he is lucky to still be breathing. That was the third nail. The final nail was the divorce papers he received which will leave him with zero from the marriage, thanks to the prenup he signed. He has been chasing skirt for a long time and thought he was getting away with it. I just couldn't be bothered doing anything about him until now. So I got him on the adultery clause in the contract, although I guess the theft would have worked out just as well but it was not made public knowledge.

"So he thought he had a huge score to settle with you, John. Of course the divorce was your fault too. My apologies in that part, I used your problem to taunt the idiot to make him feel like the worm he is. I sort of spoke of your oversized thingie comparing it to his wee little wiener," using her thumb and pointer finger to show a small length, "I never dreamed he would use your health as a lever for his vengeance. He has sunk lower than ever with this."

The phone had continued ringing unabated and the knocking had become sporadic through her explanation. They sat for almost an hour, occasionally checking the front yard as more reporters and crews arrived. John had been trying to think of some way to make this all go away, without success.

Feeling depressed he muttered, "I just hope the others are being left alone. I'd hate to think they are being pestered, some places are not very tolerant of staff finding themselves in controversy, even if not their fault."

They all looked at him, nodding in agreement when Janet spoke quickly, "Oh god, we need to warn everyone what is happening. Keep them from turning up here. No sense everyone being subject to the horde on our doorstep."

To a group response of, "Definitely," "Good thought," Let's do this," they each grabbed their mobile phones and split up who to call. Some they could only leave a message and hope they understood it, or at least ring back as soon as possible. The last call John made was to the lawyer who had been taking care of his interests. Tania Wrightway listened to him without interruption before asking her questions. She advised he stay hidden and definitely no statements until she could get more information and work out his best way forward.

The sudden turmoil heaped upon them had an effect on John who now needed his treatment, and Linda took it upon herself to help him. Their latest visitors were fully aware of his condition and how they had to treat it, but for some reason John was hesitant about being too obvious in front of them. Linda felt funny as well with her sister in-law and nieces in the house, despite sharing many sexy times with John and other women. She whispered to Janet and Bronwyn that she would just go upstairs and quietly fix things for John. They had barely left the room when the two women laughed at their friend for being so uptight all of a sudden.

Nancy was in the room watching the TV and was curious about them laughing, "What's up, has something happened?"

Janet responded, "It's just our square pair who were a little worried about you knowing John needed his treatment. They didn't even want our help. Guess you being here has them feeling self-conscious."

Nancy joined in the laughter, "Oh dear. They can be such prudes about certain things. Did they think I would call them rude names and leave in a huff if I knew they had sex," then she paused and thought about things, "Linda is well and truly pregnant and I thought she had to be careful about things in case any over the top activity caused a problem. Is she going to be alright with John, and will he be able to get sufficient treatment to last long enough afterwards?"

Bronwyn had been listening and, after glancing at Janet, could see neither had thought of that. She put a hand on Janet's knee and commented as she stood, "Let me go up and help. I'll call if he needs anything more than that. Thanks Nancy for thinking of that. We had been too caught up in the other problem."

Meanwhile John and Linda were in a dilemma as they soon realised their mistake. John needed full relief or else he would need another treatment too soon. Linda was far too pregnant now to risk his ardour being turned loose on her. They hugged naked on their bed for a while until Linda saw that he was becoming too fidgety. Letting go of the hug she slipped down and took his cock in her mouth, determined to give him as good as she could. Alternating the blow job with squeezing him between her boobs he was able to let loose a good amount.

Just as he was covering his wife's head and upper body in his seminal fluid Bronwyn entered, smiling as she said, "Oh goody, you warmed him up for me."

The two were startled at being joined, but Bronwyn stripped her clothing off, naked before reaching them. Without any further ado she shoved Linda over to make room for her and mounted him, breathing a sigh of relief as he opened her up.

She dreamily mentioned, "Hot damn, I love that. Lucky for the two of you I was ready to drive before I got here."

She kept up her talking when not grunting as his cock was pushed bit by bit into her vagina. Even after months of this she was still a little too small, and needed convincing down there to let him in all the way. She often said that is all part of the fun and let her have a longer time with him than the others.

She rested a moment when she finally hit bottom, and decided to let them know how silly they had been, "Listen to me you pair of dingbats. You both know that Linda cannot take the full bounce, but like a couple of morons you get all funny just because we have visitors. You do realise they all know what we do with you John. Your sister in-law and nieces are adults, and I doubt they are virgins. If they were not sure before then Michael is telling everyone all the gritty details of our lives here. Although I think he has some funny ideas about things, I don't recall any voodoo rituals, or John drinking the blood of a virgin's monthly. Lucky that got mostly bleeped out or we would have all the goat followers wanting to join us. In future please leave it to the experts who can help you John. We are not embarrassed by any of this, so you shouldn't be either," then seeing a look of guilt on their faces she continued, "Besides, I get the impression you would have three new very willing helpers. All you have to do is ask. You don't think it was necessary for all three of them to rush over here just to tell you about what the idiot is doing, do you? One of them could have just rung."

Linda and John looked at her with wide eyes before they blushed at the idea of Linda's family wanting to help John as well. Bronwyn could tell immediately exactly what John thought about it, regardless of what he was denying.

"You really are lucky I am here, it feels like you just grew another ten centimetres John. Come on baby, give it to me."

By this time John had tipped over into full ardour, losing part of his humanity to his sexual side. The thought of his wife's sister in-law and nieces wanting to be with him got his motor revved, even if he wouldn't admit it. He grabbed Bronwyn by the hips and flipped them over with her underneath, and went the full animal on her. She giggled and laughed the whole time, enjoying every push, pull and shove. In time she let her animal side loose as well to give back as good as she got, which resulted in the inevitable orgasm. She squealed in joy as her climax raced through her body, accompanied by his loud grunts and final groan as the last of his spunk left his body. They collapsed at the end, devoid of any strength to do anything but rest. Linda helped by pulling John off Bronwyn onto the bed.

In the lounge room the four women, who had ostensibly been watching TV, heard the wailing from the bedroom and each smiled. One knowing what Bronwyn had gone through, three wishing they could experience it for themselves. After cleaning up the three returned to the lounge to be faced with smiling faces and knowing looks. It was then John and Linda realised it was pointless trying to be discrete.

Janet advised that John's company had rung to let him know the media hounds were sniffing around. Needing to work without this type of interruption they hired a security team who were able to keep the reporters at bay. They were also sending someone to John's house to keep him safe and secure. Half an hour later the front door was guarded by a very dominant looking man in uniform. He talked to them to say he would stay by the front door and keep everyone back.


They received many phone calls on the mobile phones during the day. Most were from his female group making plans to not be caught up in any media frenzy. Matt, John's friend, security expert and fellow sufferer, contacted him to advise he was upping the security on the house, phones and internet. This was already done remotely from his own office. He also said that the media had started nosing around his place, but he had gone into hiding at his own safe house.

Later in the day Sophia and her twin daughters had arrived at their house, next door to John, as they finished their respective work and lectures. Apart from some reporters trying to get interviews on what it was like living next door to a sex cult, they were left alone. John was relieved that they hadn't been directly associated with him and his problems. Despite John wanting them to stay in their own home, they were adamant that they would arrive later after sunset. By then it would be difficult to detect them sneaking over across the back yards. He was glad that his brother in-law didn't know everything about his life. Most of Mike's information was conjured up by his imagination anyway.

Dr Philipa Kendall rang, "Hi John, I've seen the news reports about you. I'm so sorry this is going on, you must be hurting so much from this. How is Linda going, is the baby okay. I'd hate to think if the stress of this is causing problems with the pregnancy."

"Hi Philipa, We're coping okay. Just keeping our heads down at the moment, hoping it all blows over quickly. How is it for you, any unwanted attention from reporters?"

"No, all quiet for me John. The hospital media people have taken all queries so far and stalled everything from getting any further.

"I'm calling to say the hospital in its wisdom wants to stay out of the reports in case they get blamed for anything. They cannot completely remain separate as you were treated here for your condition. They have their legal bods and spin doctors working to put out a release to make sure everyone knows it's nothing to do with them. I've been told to keep quiet about it unless I am asked any specific questions, then try to minimise my answer. Not sure what that means, but they can only do so much. I have to be available for all medical queries as I am your doctor and it would look worse for the hospital if I wasn't made available.

"So at least I'll be able to visit you on the pretext of being my patient. Another thing though, they have made sure that any staff caught up in anything to do with you except for normal medical reasons, would be adversely viewed by the administration. Unfortunately that means any nurse identified as knowing you outside the hospital could be fired. This would stop their career quicker than if they died. I talked to the girls and they are beside themselves with grief at having to ignore you. The headlines have been filled with words like 'cult' which has the administration worried. I think some of the old codgers on the board remember the sixties and what was termed a 'cult' then."

John wiped his palm across his face in frustration, "Crap, their personal lives and jobs come first. They all worked hard to get certified as nurses, to where they are now. I would hate to be the cause of them losing it all. We have tried to contact everyone to stay away from here, and me, as the media hounds are camped in my front yard. They also seem to be turning up anywhere associated with me. I can only hope this all dies down quickly and another story takes their interest."

Saying their goodbyes and disconnecting the call, John was worried about his women and the trouble this could be for them. Janet had been seated beside him through the phone call and placed her hand on his upper leg, getting his attention.

"Darling, we all knew what we were getting into when we joined your therapy group. Nobody, and I mean nobody was forced to be with you. Our eyes were wide open," then with a smirk she added, "as well as our legs, and we all enjoy what we've been doing. We just need to be more careful at the moment. But for all of us the most important thing is that you get your treatment when you need it."

"Thanks Jan. You know how to make me feel better."

It was then he noticed the home phone was quiet, "What happened to the phone ringing, have they given up trying to contact me?"

Jan answered, "No, Bronwyn pulled the plug. It was getting on our nerves. The answering machine was full so she deleted everything. Provided they never get our mobile numbers we should get some peace and quiet. Well, except for the twenty or so vultures hanging around out there on the street. Last time I looked we had a couple of police cars as well. Your good friends, Sergeant Longarm and Constable Aller, are out there keeping an eye on things, and then we have muscles at the front door.

"Kim sent a message to Linda a little while ago to say when she and Sally tried to sneak over through the back yard there were at least two of those small flying things in the air. You know the toy helicopters that work by remote control and have a camera attached. I've seen them used on TV shows to see bird's eye view shots. They can't come over without being seen on the spy cameras. I spoke to Sophia and decided they will have another try later tonight hoping whoever is flying the things pack up when the sun goes down."

"Thanks Jan. I hope they don't take any risks coming over."