Just a Jab Ch. 20

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Final chapter as they look to the future.
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Welcome to the last instalment.

Please start reading this series from the first chapter.

To date:

John's health condition and treatment has become public knowledge making headlines. He is suddenly faced with siblings he never knew existed. His health deteriorates badly and needs emergency treatment on the way home in the limo.

All sex participants are 18 years or older.

All people, activities and anything resembling facts are a figment of my imagination, and may not match anything in real life.

Yes, if this does look like a harem story, because it is one. If this genre does not interest you then read no further.



March 2016,

Linda and Tania had trouble getting an almost unconscious John out of the car, getting help from two security men.

The taller guard explained as they carried him into the house, "It's okay Mrs Smith, we were briefed to watch out for Mr Smith should he succumb to his illness. We're just sorry we couldn't protect him from whatever got him into this condition. Let us take him inside and we'll leave you to look after him. I'll just check though if you need an ambulance or medical help," getting a negative reply from Linda he continued talking as they entered the house, "Wow, wish I could get this welcome at my home," seeing more than a dozen women of various ages looking with concern at John, "What if we put Mr Smith on the couch here and leave you to it."

Linda was relieved to see most of their friends in the house, but remembered to respond to the guard, "Thank you very much for helping. The couch will be good."

The guards left John and returned to the front yard to continue their duties, although both kept looking behind themselves as they went. Not quite believing their eyes that so many beautiful women could be in one place together. They grinned at each other, when outside, at the good luck John seemed to be having, knowing fully about his health and the treatment he needed.

The man in question was only half conscious having had a major shock and the tingles had hit like a level ten earthquake. Philipa immediately moved to check him over, fortunately having remembered to grab her medical satchel. She was worried but tried to hide her concern, even though she knew they would all be worried about him. It had been some time since he had lost control and passed into a coma, this time it was just as bad except for the quick treatment he received in the car.

Linda explained what had happened, even though they had all seen it occur live on TV. Tania found herself at the centre of many heartfelt thanks, getting hugs from them all. It was all so weird to her, that she had trouble coming to terms with what she had done and how they all were glad she had fucked their man. They were actually thanking her for fucking him, which was the opposite of any reaction you would normally expect to receive. Even more unsettling, she could feel his cum leaking into her panties, and noticed that many of the women sniffed as they hugged her. A few women who had not been around the last couple of days even rubbed their crotches against her. It was like they could detect his cum in her panties and were trying to get some for themselves, directly to where they wanted it. She found herself being turned on more than she had been by the overt sexuality of the situation. She was certain that if they hadn't been clothed and this situation was allowed to proceed unhindered they would be tribbing her just to get their share of his cum on their pussies.

Linda was concentrating on the doctor and her patient, but Janet noticed how the women were acting. She knew they would be missing their turns with John like they were addicts to his love, the cum being their fluid of choice. She still had a sore pussy from having to treat him more than normal and could think clearly when around him. Thus she knew they would all need to be with him sooner rather than later. She could also guess that they were fortunate that his current regression will need many bouts of sex to set him right. Smiling to herself she pulled Bronwyn out to the kitchen on the pretence of getting some refreshments.

"Bronnie, we have many women who have been locked away from John who I believe need him to be close," getting a thoughtful look from Bronwyn and a nod in agreement, "I think he is going to need a lot more treatment today to get him over the shock of suddenly learning about a family. There are nine women out there, I think they should get a chance to be with him."

Bronwyn looked at Janet and laughed at the absurdity of her comments, even though they were true and she agreed with her, "I agree, but you have to think it all sounds weird. By the way, did you see what Sophia and a couple of others were doing to Tania while hugging her. They looked so horny that they were humping against her."

"I know, it was a bit funny but she had just taken two loads from John and I suspect she would be leaking like a sieve down there. The others acted like they could detect his cum and were trying to get a share of it."

Bronwyn considered something for a moment before saying, "I think we only feel complete with a load of John's cum inside us, or at least I do. It takes a few days to completely drain out, but normally you get another load before you miss it. I had a couple of times when I had to miss my turn and I felt jumpy and nervy until I could be with him again. Like his cum acts as an anti-depressant or something and you feel mellow and happy with it inside."

"Hmm, you could be right. I've felt the same thing myself now that I think about it. So we need to get John pumping today, and all our friends refilled and happy."

The pair giggled at their new insight as they finished putting together drinks and nibbles for everyone. Jan went out with trays in both hands followed by Bronwyn doing the same. She left that on the dining table to go have a quiet word with Linda and Philipa. Her suggestion was met with laughter and agreement, helping them lighten their grim mood over John. Linda, always being the organiser for all things husband related, organised his removal to the bedroom by Jan and Philipa. She then had a quiet talk with Gloria and Sophia. Their eyes lit up and they quickly left to join John. Going around to each woman with the same message, very soon everyone was more cheerful. The afternoon proceeded with them all talking in the lounge room, pairs taking their turn with John. By the time dinner was ready that night, all the women were eating together with smiles and a very uplifted mood.

The afternoon had been spent discussing the future, with each woman declaring that John meant more than anything else. They would quit their jobs today if they didn't need money to live, then devote their time to John. Tania was interested in what they were saying. She was new to John's charms having only had a one sided sexual encounter with him. She was able to observe as a relatively independent third party observer. Her normal dealings with John had shown him to be a warm caring person, and the way these women spoke of him proved that beyond a doubt. Tania had a warm feeling in her vagina and, in the interests of confirming things, she wanted a more normal sexual encounter with him. She had so many orgasms just by putting his cock inside her, she wondered what it would be like if he was conscious and actively participating. Her panties had become wet again just from being here listening to his harem and thinking about him.

Linda also listened and had a wonderful afternoon knowing her loving husband was being well taken care of, after the horror following the interview and car ride home. She sat back and quietly contemplated a life with just her, John and their baby, including all the other women and their babies that John will father. She had a lazy smile as she dreamt that they were all now pregnant with their bellies swollen, surrounded by older children playing. Then the mayhem that would occur as they saw John coming down the stairs with two more women after getting his treatment. They would have that smile that told everyone exactly how much they enjoyed the multiple orgasms he gave. They wouldn't even need clothes any more and any of his women could sit on his lap at anytime and slide him inside herself for another climax. Linda could see herself cuddling her husband on the settee watching a stream of women take turns on him. He would still need to be careful with the pregnant ones, but that was okay as he had sufficient continuous sex all day that the animal only surfaced overnight in their bed. He had to sleep sometime, she thought, to build his stamina for the following day. They would need enough women who weren't knocked up to sleep with him. A scream from the bedroom brought her out of her daydream making her a little sorry it was over.

By mid afternoon they all decided to stay for the night and for the immediate future. A heated debate had gone on for a while as to whether they should all resign and live with John on a permanent basis, or take any leave entitlements due to them and be with John for a shorter time. Cooler minds prevailed and they agreed to stay here with John, but just take whatever time from work they could get. The local communications tower ran hot as they all contacted their respective work places to get things rolling to take the time off.

The discussions also brought to light that nobody cared about being known to the world as one of John's girls. They also knew John wouldn't be happy with that decision as he was scared of the fallout that could happen to them. The major decision made was to not tell him. As much as they hated lying to him they considered he was less stressed if he didn't have to worry about them.

At the end of the afternoon John was sleeping peacefully in his bed, having pumped out more loads than ever before in such a short time. Philipa had checked his condition and proclaimed the treatment had been successful. His vital signs were within acceptable range, and he was sleeping normally as though he had been through a heavy workout session. His cock was now at rest and she had noted it only had minor inflammation and mild redness. Giving the tip of his cock a loving kiss she left him to sleep off his afternoon exertions. The doctor had carefully checked with every woman after she had been with John, to find his semen supply had not tapered off by much. He was still able to provide a sample much greater than what was considered normal, even after fourteen orgasms in six hours.

If Tania had thought the house was reeking of pussy, cum and sex before, she was now almost overcome with the heavily laced atmosphere while they were eating. So many women's wet vaginas full of semen in one place was overwhelming, and to her surprise she delighted how it affected her.

After dinner Fran and Polly arrived, running the gauntlet of reporters and showing they did not care about any notoriety. The new pair were able to take on the night duty for John's treatment, more than willing and happy for the opportunity. Tania watched them as they arrived inside, seeing they were tense, a little flushed and upset at being hounded outside. They did have a resolute and determined attitude to what they went through. But, as soon as the front door closed, they visibly relaxed. Then she could see the flush creep over them and not just to their faces, it went down to their chests like a bad sunburn. Tania guessed that their olfactory senses were taking a battering as they breathed in sexually charged atmosphere from all those sexual fluids evaporating to float around the house. She also noticed the grinding of the newcomers' mounds against those who already had full vaginas while they hugged each other in welcome.


The next morning brought another day of reporters camped out in the front yard and street. Protesters were prevalent as were the police as they kept control of everyone. The TV interview had been seen by most of the citizenry as it had been broadcast live, then replayed many times fully or just highlights on various news shows. The internet was full of it. The house inmates kept tabs on the front of the house, but remained in seclusion. John had eventually recovered enough to eat breakfast at the kitchen table. He was joined by a few as space permitted.

On his second bite of toast the doorbell sounded at the same time as Janet's phone rang. The guard at the door announced the visitors were the family that was shown during the interview yesterday. John was curious enough to open the door, wondering what scam the TV station was trying to pull. Tania was with him in case they needed anything legal actioned, although she was also just as curious as John. Linda was right behind them and the entry hall was crowded with more curious women. The second thing John noticed, after looking at the man and woman standing at the door, the men operating the camera and boom microphone plus the blonde behind the pair.

John spoke with a touch of anger in his voice, "Sorry folks, the interview was done yesterday. Guard, escort these people back to where they are meant to be. The deal was that no reporters on the yard without prior consent. Tania can you do some legal stuff and get them removed from the street."

"Certainly John, I'll call the police sergeant over and fill out a restraining order against them. They won't be allowed within two hundred metres of here."

Di Clicker spoke up quickly, "Don't go to any trouble, we're leaving. Just thought John might like to see his only surviving family."

Linda pushed forward to speak, "As soon as these media types have gone, perhaps we can have a quiet word with these two people."

Di laughed as she turned away, pulling the man and woman with her, "Sorry, they have contracts with us for everything regarding their story. Without me and my crew present, nothing gets said."

Tania thought quickly before they had gone far and called out, "Did they have legal representation when they signed your contracts. Was it all carefully explained to them before signing," seeing the couple look back with surprise at her she continued, "Did they sign with the knowledge they would be meeting an estranged family member?"

By this time Di was trying to pull them further away, but the woman was resisting and spoke up, "No, we were told it was to collect some big prize in a competition. Neither of us recalled anything we had entered, but they told us it was a big prize and we wouldn't want to miss out."

Tania smiled, "So they lied to you and the contract is not in regards to meeting family members. Ms Di Clicker," making it sound like a different pair of words, Di C licker, "I would like to look over this contract for myself so we can sort this out quickly."

The talk show host turned back, with a look of hatred, to respond with stilted speech, "That won't be necessary, I can see this couple want to talk with their brother and it would be mean of me to get in the way of that."

She let them go and ordered her crew back to the media area. To her chagrin the entire incident was recorded by every video camera present. No doubt it will be on the news telecasts later, she could just hope she looked her usual beautiful and magnanimous self like she always does. Cathy and Richard were like a couple of rabbits caught in the spotlight until Tania waved them forward to join them. The guard even went to them and escorted them back to the house. The crowd in the hallway parting to give them sufficient space to enter and be led into the lounge room. Wide eyed at so many gorgeous women in one place they slowly made their way to a double couch.

Janet looked around at the crowded room with a smile, realising it would be a lot to take in for any stranger, "Ladies, perhaps we can leave John and Linda here with our guests to give them a chance to chat. Perhaps just Tania for now so she can check things are really true. Philipa, could you stay near and keep tabs on John, we wouldn't want another stress episode like last time."

She then went to the pair and introduced herself, "It is a bit crowded here at the moment. I'm Jan, John's assistant from when he was working, and his and Linda's friend. This is Tania, John's lawyer. She was at the studio yesterday for the interview. And over in the corner is Philipa, John's doctor. we are all friends of John and Linda, Philipa just needs to keep a medical eye on John while you are here. Yesterday he had a major health episode after the shock announcements at the interview and almost slipped back into a coma. We were lucky that we could get him quick treatment in time to stop that occurring. I'll leave you now to have a chat with him," then as she was turning away she swung back to them, "Sorry, forgot my manners. Would you care for a drink or something to eat?"

Introductions over, Janet left to get some drinks, to be met by Kim and Sally with trays of refreshments in hand. She smiled to herself at how the younger ones let curiosity take over as the twins rushed to meet the family.

Catherine was the first to speak although her voice barely carried across the room, "John, I'm sorry this was all sprung on you. To be honest it was a surprise to us as well. We really didn't know about any of this. Mum and dad never said anything about their lives from before we were born. When we were little it was always, 'We'll talk about it when you're older', then it became, 'It's a secret we aren't allowed to share with anyone, even you.' They never even intimated at there being another part of our family. I would sometimes hear mum crying at night with dad comforting her and they would whisper things when they thought nobody could hear them. I got the impression mum had lost something. Then when I was a little older I thought she might have miscarried or the baby died young or at birth. So I stopped pestering. I really believe they thought they had lost a child, so maybe they were told you had died or something. What did the TV people mean about a car crash?"

John was quiet as he tried taking in what Catherine was saying. The mention of them thinking he had died was something his mind could accept as to why they were never re-united. That also meant somebody had lied to keep him away from them. He missed the last question and Linda answered.

"When John was eight they were involved in a car accident. They were all taken to hospital where John was bad enough to need multiple operations and a long recuperation period to recover. By the time he was well enough he was told his parents had both died as a result of the accident and John was put into the foster care system. He managed to do well at school and received a scholarship for university, and here we are. If I remember properly, you had two children, is that right?"

Catherine was startled at that, "I, damn, yes I do. Now I feel horrible about them. The TV people have them in care in a van out in the street. Give me a moment and I'll get them," and she started to get up, but was stopped by Tania.

"Catherine, let me get them for you," then in a sarcastic tone, "I'm certain it just skipped their minds that they still had them, certainly not to force you to go out to get them and be forced into an interview or anything. I'll be right back, with your children," then before leaving she turned back to ask, "I'm sorry, but what were their names again?"

"Josh and Carmel, thank you Tania. I really didn't want to face that mob out there, they give me the willies."

It took a short while, but Tania did return with the two young kids. They ran to their mother and climbed onto her lap, staring at the strangers in the room. By now John had sorted out his mind, and he and Linda were having a good conversation with Catherine. Philipa was sitting back alert to those in the room to see if she could pick up on any clues that this was a fraud or scam, or if the two new visitors were really John's siblings. She did notice that the woman, Catherine, was talkative and pleasant, whereas her brother was quiet and withdrawn. She thought taciturn was perhaps an appropriate adjective for him. His main preoccupation was to look around the room at everything, at one time he got up and walked around, checking first if it was okay to stretch his legs for a while. He actually went around the room looking closely at all the decorations and wall hangings. John and Linda had some nice items on display showing they were fairly wealthy with good taste.