Just a Little Magic Ch. 04


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"Okay." I was so pleased to hear that I could have sex with Eva again that I missed something Janine had said - something that turned out to be important.

"When are you going to see her?" asked Janine.

"Thursday night."

"Don't let her wear you out. And take Friday night off, 'cause on Saturday you're mine."

* * * * *

At the end of April, it was time for exams. I'd studied a bit, just to get familiar with the material - so that I'd have at least a clue about which questions and answers went together. I didn't knock myself out, though; the only way I could fail would be if they locked me in solitary confinement.

I'd just finished the second-last one, and was leaving the building, when I heard someone call my name.


It was girl, with light blonde hair, and blue eyes. The girl next door type.

"I'm sorry -" I began.

"It is Peter, right? Are you still a magician?" The girl smiled shyly. And suddenly, I went back three years, to a birthday party for 15 year-old girls. And this one girl had asked me how I had learned to do magic tricks - to which I'd replied 'Family secrets'.

"Sandy's birthday party?" I asked. "You said I was mysterious."

She nodded, and smiled.


"You remembered." She looked pleased.

"I'm amazed that you remembered - after all this time. Gosh... that show was so awful."

"I didn't think so." she said.

"You were very kind, that day. I remember that very well. My friend Sammy kept telling me afterwards that I should have asked you out."

"You should have." said Michelle.

I didn't quite know what to say to that. She didn't leave me hanging, though.

"Are you a student here?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm in... Business."

"Really? That's odd. I should've seen you before this."

"Oh - I... I really don't spend much on time on campus. I'm... "

"Do you do still do magic?"

"As a matter of fact, that's one reason why I'm not on campus very often. I'm still practicing to be a magician."

"Seriously? You mean... professionally?"

"I've had a few gigs. Nothing great, but... it's a work in progress."

She hesitated for a second - and then took the plunge.

"I just finished an exam, and I'm guessing that you're done for the day, too. Would you... like to go for a coffee?"

"That sounds great." I said. "My treat, though."

"Oh, no." she protested. "I'm the one asking you."

"Hey - I'm a gainfully employed magician. We have our pride."

We managed to find a small table at a cafe. Michelle talked to me all the way there, and the conversation never stalled. From the very first, I felt comfortable with her. I didn't have to impress her - she already thought I was special.

"I can't believe that I ran into you today." she said. "I never forgot that party at Sandy's."

"I'm flattered. But I never forgot it, either."

"I can't believe that you remembered my name."

"You were the only person there worth remembering."

She blushed, and smiled. And promptly changed the subject.

"So... you're still doing magic?"

"Are you asking for a demonstration?"

"You - don't you have to prepare, or something?"

"Choose a number between 1 and 20." I said. "Don't tell me."

She did. Yes, I read her mind. Fine - maybe I was cheating. But now I did want to impress her. Yes, I found out a couple of things that I probably shouldn't have. First off, she was a little nervous... because she liked me. Actually, she'd liked me since Sandy's party. Holy Revelations, Batman! Sammy had been right!

She was worried, though, because she knew that when she got nervous, she smiled too much. I could have told her that she looked fine. Through all of that, she managed to choose a number.

"Too easy." I said. "14. That's how old you were when we first met."

Michelle blushed again.

"You know," I continued, "I never got the chance to tell you how important that day was to me. You - and you were the only one - you encouraged me to believe that I could do magic. I didn't recognize you right away, today, but I never forgot you - or your name."

She was too busy blushing and smiling to answer me.

"Let me do some real magic for you, Michelle. If you'll excuse me for a moment, I have to use the washroom. But while I'm gone, would you please tear a few pieces from the bottom of that paper napkin? When I say a few, I mean as many as you'd like. Then hide them under the napkin." I passed her mine. "When I come back, I'll try to guess how many pieces you tore off."

With that, I went to find the washroom.

What the hell was I doing? I leaned on the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. No, this wasn't what Janine wanted me to do. I wasn't trying to get into Michelle's pants. Well, not yet, anyway. But I'd read her mind.

She liked me. She had ever since that silly party, all those years ago. She'd wanted to go out with me then. I was tempted to punch the wall. If I weren't such an idiot, I could have had a girlfriend - a real girlfriend.

I wanted that feeling. That closeness. Don't get me wrong - I knew how incredibly lucky I was to have had sex with Janine - and with Dana and Eva.

But... there were possibilities with Michelle, beyond sex. I wanted to know - could she... fall in love with someone like me? Could I maybe fall in love with her, instead of just making her another notch in my bedpost (or the couch, to be more accurate)?

After splashing some water on my face, I returned to Michelle. She was a little fidgety. She wanted my trick to succeed, but she couldn't imagine how I would ever be able to figure out what she'd done.

"You tore off seven pieces." I told her. "But then someone came into the cafe, and the wind from the door blew one of the pieces off the table. You wanted to find it, but... you didn't want to crawl under the table to locate it. I don't blame you."

"So there are only six pieces there. But you meant to have seven - for good luck."

Michelle was too shocked to smile.

"That's impossible. How could you know that?"

"Just a little magic."

* * * * *

Yes, I asked her out. She accepted - not without reminding me that I should have done so years ago, after Sandy's party.

"But I'll give you a second chance." she said.

I bought myself a second-hand car, so that I could pick her up and take her out. I had a bit more money - I'll explain later where it came from.

Yes, I read her mind. I wanted to take her places she would like. I wanted to avoid doing or saying stupid thing that would annoy or upset her.

Case in point: we were in my car, on the way to the beach, when a Beatles' classic came on the radio. You've heard it: 'Michelle, ma belle, sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble'

I was about to start singing along, when I heard/sensed Michelle's flash of outrage. She reached for the radio, and turned it off.

"Sorry." she said. "I... I don't like that song."

"You hate that song." I corrected her.

"I'm sorry, Pete. It's just that... guys used to sing that to me. Like it was some sort of clever pickup line. You have no idea how many times..."

"Too many." I said. It wasn't a guess. Michelle was a pretty girl - even if she didn't think she was. But her strict, over-demanding parents had undermined what little confidence she had. Her reaction to any uncomfortable situation had become a nervous smile.

She had perfect teeth. But I much preferred to look at her when her face was at rest. In those moments, I saw the girl that I wanted to get to know better: intelligent, caring, and... yes, a little mysterious in her own right.

After our first date (our second, really, if you counted the cafe), she let me kiss her on the cheek. After our next outing, she kissed me goodnight.

Yes, it was pretty tame stuff, after my sexual adventures of the past year. Michelle really liked me, just as I liked her. I enjoyed her company, without expecting it to lead to sex.

Was I hoping for sex, eventually? Of course. But for one thing, there was the simple question of logistics: where? We both lived with our parents. I wasn't about to take her to Janine and Lillian's apartment. She'd have known that it wasn't my home right away. Plus... I just didn't want to go that route.

For another thing, Michelle wasn't as uninhibited as Janine, or Eva. I was only her second serious boyfriend - and she'd never had sex with the first guy. She was still a virgin - nothing for me to laugh at, since I'd been one, too, until only a year ago.

I wasn't going to rush Michelle, or pressure her. And I certainly didn't want her first time to be in the back of my car. Slow and steady progress was the way forward for us.

We held hands in public, and I put my arm around her at the movie theatre. We necked at every opportunity. Then came a day when she invited me over to her house for a swim in their pool while her parents were at work.

We ended up necking on her couch for quite a while. Michelle was wearing a robe (she'd removed her wet bathing suit), and she was more than ready for me to slide my hand inside it. I did, and caressed her small breasts while she chased my tongue with her own.

Michelle was really quite passionate. But she'd carefully defined and delineated each sexual activity, and was determined to grant them one at a time only. We'd kissed, then French kissed. After that, we'd done some petting outside the clothes. Letting me touch her bare breasts was a big step for her. It was the farthest she'd ever gone.

I was willing to respect her boundaries. Which was why I wasn't quite truthful with Janine.

"Are you in some kind of a slump?" she asked me. "Do I have to start going out with you again?"

"No. I mean, I can manage. I... I have a date on Friday."

"A date? So you've seen this girl before?" she said. "Okay - I get it. Not everybody puts out on the first date. But let me know how it goes."


That put me in a bit of a spot. I had a feeling - actually, I was pretty sure - that Janine wouldn't approve of Michelle. I wasn't gaining any sexual experience. But I was learning about dating and romance. I just didn't know how to explain it to my sensei.

Michelle and I had a nice evening out, after which we drove to a romantic lookout, and parked. She willingly climbed into the back seat with me, where we had a torrid make-out session. She readily allowed me to undo her shirt, and to unfasten her bra.

But that was as far as she was willing to go. Below the waist was still off-limits.

"I'm sorry, Pete." she said. "I'm just -"

"You're not ready. I understand. You're worth the wait."

Apparently that was the right thing to say.

* * * * *

Janine was mildly annoyed when I admitted that I hadn't 'scored' on Friday. I tried to tell her that I'd made progress - and that I'd be seeing the same girl again on Sunday.

"Three dates with the same girl? What are you doing? What happened to 'sealing the deal'?"

"I'm working on it."

"Work faster."

Michelle and I had a couple of relatively tame dates. We enjoyed ourselves, but there was nowhere to go where we could repeat - or improve on - our experiences. Michelle was certainly thinking about it. She wanted to, but guilt (thank you, parents) and insecurity held her back.

By the time I drove her home, she seemed to have come to some sort of a decision.

"Pete? Do you want to come for a swim on Thursday?"

"That sounds great. What time?"

"Umm... about 11:00?"

Michelle's parents wouldn't be home from work until 5:30 or 6:00. And my girlfriend's thoughts were very clear: if all went well, she was willing to take the next step.

Thursday couldn't come fast enough. It may sound stupid, but it meant a lot to me. Dana and Eva had both had sex with me. Dana got the reassurance she needed; Eva satisfied her curiosity. They had no further need for me. That's not to say that they wouldn't have fucked me again, if I'd sought them out. But it would've been purely recreational.

It was different with Michelle. My heart and mind were both fully engaged. And the body was coming along - slowly but surely.

She'd bought a new bathing suit.

"You look fantastic!" I told her.

"Thank you." she said, smiling nervously.

I enfolded her in my arms. "Michelle - we don't have to do anything today. And we certainly don't have to do anything you're not ready for. Okay?"

She hesitated again - I could've sworn that she was about to tell me that she loved me. What a rush! I felt like the King of the Mountain.

We swam, had lunch, and then Michelle excused herself to change out of her wet bathing suit. I did likewise.

She returned in a brightly-coloured tank top (no bra), and a pair of yoga pants. I couldn't detect any panty line. Michelle was still a bit nervous, but not as much as she'd been earlier.

We sat on the couch, and began kissing. I caressed her breast through the tank top. She made no protest when I lifted it a bit, revealing her chest to my gaze.

"They're beautiful." I reassured her. She'd been worried that her boobs were too small, and that they were oddly shaped.

"Perfect." I told her, as I caressed her little tits. She gasped a little when I lowered my head, and kissed her breast. She didn't object, though.

Michelle enjoyed all of my attentions, both manual and oral. But that wasn't why she'd invited me over today. I didn't jump the gun this time; instead, I waited for her to tell me.

"I think... I think I'm ready for you to touch me... down there."

"You're sure?"

"Yes." she said, without hesitation.

She wasn't imagining me peeling off her yoga pants; what she had in mind was my hand under them. I was prepared to meet her expectations, while still respecting her limits.

Michelle had trimmed her pubic hair quite closely; there wasn't much of it. She was also delightfully wet. She gasped again when my fingers first touched her lower lips.

"I won't hurt you, Michelle. I promise."

She relaxed a little, as I began a very deliberate, very patient exploration of her pussy. In this case, mind-reading was a very useful aid to pleasing her. I knew right away what she liked, what she didn't, and what she was hoping for. There were, sometimes, little notes of what she feared, but I was able to steer clear, and bring her back to more comfortable - but still pleasurable territory.

Michelle suddenly seized hold of my arm, grasping it tightly, as she came - hard.

It was her first orgasm by any means other than her own hand. I felt privileged to have been her first, in that sense. I was also looking forward to being her first in other ways.

"That was amazing." she whispered. "I've never..."

"Glad you liked it."

"Oh, Pete - I want... I want to do the same for you." She was still a bit apprehensive, though.

"It's alright." I told her. "I just wanted to make you feel good."

"You did! And... I want to make you... come. I want you to come because of me."

She wasn't quite confident enough - yet - to undress me. And I didn't want my erection to jump out of my shorts and slap her in the face - she wasn't ready for that. So I slipped my shorts down, and sat on her couch bare-assed, with my rigid shaft pointing straight up.

"Oh, my God..." It was Michelle's first sight of a cock. She stared at my dick, and then tilted her head to study my balls.

"Do you have a towel?" I asked. "I don't want to sweat on your couch."

"Oh!" She scrambled to her feet, and hurried to the bathroom. That gave me a chance to read her mind a little more. She was a little shocked, and a little intimidated, by her first exposure to an erect penis. But she was also determined to bring me to orgasm. Curiosity and desire outweighed shyness and fear.

I'm no expert, when it comes to handjobs. I had skipped directly from zero to advanced sexual education by an incredible temptress. But having Michelle stroke and manipulate my dick was very nice. It felt pretty good; knowing how much she wanted to please me was even more of a turn-on.

Best of all was the way she stared at my cock as she stroked it. For a moment there, I wondered if she was going to dip her head, and take me in her mouth.

'Next time'. I heard her thought clearly. That pushed me over the edge - I had just enough time to warn her, before I ejaculated all over her parents' coffee table and carpet.

* * * * *

We made plans for the weekend - regular dates, of course, with little likelihood of real privacy, but Michelle was wondering if there was enough room in the back of my car for a repeat of what we'd done today.

She was also wondering if there was enough space to... Holy Oral, Batman! She was picturing herself kneeling, with her lips around my cock.

- Saturday night?" she asked.

"I'm all yours." I promised her.

Friday afternoon I spent with Lillian, practicing my mentalism, and refining parts of the routine that we'd been putting together for a magic show.

Then Janine came in. Lillian excused herself, and left us alone.

Janine came straight to the point.

"So... did you fuck her?"


"Your little high schooler. Michelle."

I was immediately on my heels. I didn't know what to say.

"You knew?"

"Six weeks you've been dating her, Pete. You haven't fucked anybody since Eva. Of course I knew. we were supposed to have a deal. Score with another girl, and you get me. Are you so tired of me already?"

"No." That was simple truth. I would never turn down sex with Janine. She was my teacher, my instructor, my partner in magic shows, and so much more.

"You're not going to learn anything from a little virgin like that, Pete. We need you to become a man of the world. A slayer."

"Janine - I am learning from Michelle. I've been learning about dating, and about romance - it's been a really valuable experience."

She shook her head. "You're forgetting that the women we're trying to save will be 26 or 27 years old. They'll be well past high-school romance stuff. Pete - you have to get your head in the game!"

I couldn't argue with her. I just couldn't find the words. That didn't mean that she was right - it just meant that I didn't know how to answer her.

Janine extorted a promise from me - that I would fuck a girl before the end of the next week. That wasn't going to be Michelle. I knew that. She might - might - be ready for oral sex. But full intercourse wasn't even in the back of her mind - yet.

I wasn't sure how I was going to juggle these problems. I had no interest in sex with other women - yet I had to keep Janine happy. I wanted to be with Michelle, at whatever level she was ready for.

I called Michelle on Friday, to confirm our Saturday night date. She was a little distant - and I wasn't sure why. I just couldn't read minds over the phone. I needed to see her, to be close, to know what she was thinking.

Saturday came. I went to pick her up.

The moment Michelle opened the door, and stepped outside onto the front step, I knew that it wasn't good.

"Peter - I wanted to tell you this in person - I couldn't say it over the phone."

"Couldn't say what?" I was struggling. For some reason, I couldn't read her - it was as if she had walls up.

"I can't go out with you anymore."


"Please don't call me. Don't try to contact me. Ever. Please, Peter. If you have any affection or respect left for me at all - please don't try to reach me."

Then she went back inside and shut the door in my face.

* * * * *

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MarkT63MarkT635 months ago

A little slow...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I'm starting to trust Janine less and less as time goes on. I suspect she has meddled with Michelle and Pete in some way or someone in her family has "talent" and doesn't want her to keep seeing Pete. I'm intrigued but also annoyed. You can't just dangle a cute virgin in front of our faces then take her away. It ain't right!


Yeah, Michelle had 'a wall up, or something'...this was a really strange turn of events; I am not sure what to think about how she, out of left field, cut off the relationship. It was going really well; Janine confronts Pete, and, KABOOM, blown out of the water, just like that. I really do not want to picture Janine in a terrible light, considering the whole plot future...will see where you take this in the next chapter(s)...

Sammy...he DOES NEED more involvement, as Pete's best friend...part of the act, along with Janine...something 'distracting' also!!

Another Five Star chapter!

PurplefizzPurplefizzabout 1 year ago

I’m not I can continue to empathise with our MC for much longer, most (not all) young men of 19 love sex, but not to the exclusion of any personal freedom or as a reward scheme. He needs to keep an eye on the long term “prize” but at the same time needs to have the experiences that build character for later life, he also needs to grow some balls.

LeakyFaucitLeakyFaucitover 1 year ago

Dig the story even though this guy is an idiot/simp. Keep secrets from Fortune teller and mind reading girlfriend monitoring you since birth, sure why not, wait, how did they find out? Save 13 women to include GF/Teacher, nah, this new chic has issues, drop everything, Whew, lot to unpack, but I'll be reading the next chapter so....

dgfergiedgfergiealmost 2 years ago

I'm afraid I'm giving up after six chapters I can't really see where this story is going, too many one stands and I'm all tuckered out

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"why didn't he read what was in Michelle's mind?"

because of this:

"For some reason, I couldn't read her - it was as if she had walls up."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Why didn't he read what was in Michelle's mind?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I am still catching up with this story. However, I already have a hunch and I don't like that feeling. I am afraid that this story will end exactly like your other stories where the main protagonist have a life of many partners, many love, rich experience, but end up being lonely and alone in the end.

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