Just Roomies


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His chest heaving hard, he had his hands dug into my hips, groaning out loud as I worked my pussy up and down along his shaft.

His voice choppy, he murmured, "Ava, you keep that up, and I'm never gonna make it inside you."

Obviously, neither of us wanted that. Sitting up, flashing him a teasing smile, I took hold of him, and carefully eased my way down, laughing at the way his eyes were rolling back in his head, once he'd filled me up to the max.

I could just hear the sounds of the storm raging outside, but I was so focused on making love to my man, it barely registered. Though I realized that I'd discovered the perfect way to get through a typhoon, by enjoying every inch of each other in bed.

"Now that I know how good we are together, I kinda wish we hadn't waited so long to connect," I said, stroking my hand across his cheek.

He turned his head and pressed a kiss into my palm. "I was just thinking the same thing. This is heaven with you."

I grinned. "You think is heaven? Just wait." As I really started to ride him, he groaned, as I moaned, thrusting up as I thrust down. We made love for what felt like hours, as the storm raged on, and I don't think I'd ever felt as happy.

I could feel every vein expanding as he swelled up inside me, his breathing ragged as he dug his hands into my hips and growled. As felt him exploding as he climaxed, I clenched my inner muscles as hard as I could, as he looked into my eyes, and said those three little words that always made my heart soar, when he whispered, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I told him as he wrapped me in his arms and held me tight against his chest.

We slept so soundly that we didn't hear a thing, till we woke up, realizing that the storm had passed and it hadn't hit us as hard as last time.

I was in the shower when Iris phoned, and I hurried to get dressed to tell Andrew. "Iris just called, and you'll never guess who got his walking papers."

Andrew looked up from what he was chopping on the counter. "Who did they let go?"

"Jimmy, the Creative Director."

"Why, because he tried to scare you off, when he said that you were fired?"

"Well, there was more to it than that. Apparently, the reason he was so dead-set against trying anything I suggested, was because he had a little side deal going, where he was secretly getting kickbacks from the printer and production house that he'd always insisted on using. I think Cameron realized that he was up to something when he went behind his back to try to get rid of me. So, he did a little investigating, and when he found out that it had been going on for years, he showed him the door."

"Cameron must have been pretty upset."

"Iris said she'd never seen him so furious, he got so red-faced, she was worried. I think part of it was because he'd thought they were friends, after working together for decades."

Then I told him, my other piece of news. "And just after I'd talked to Iris, Cameron called and asked me if I'd consider working for them as a consultant, since he knew that I'd decided to work with Mavis."

Andrew pulled me for a hug and kissed the top of my head. "I knew you'd land on your feet. You're just so bright, and gifted."

I felt myself blushing as pulled back and looked up at him. "I'm just glad I've got someone so supportive in my life."


That night, after one of the wildest nights we'd ever enjoyed in bed, no surprise, I had the best sleep ever. Though I was a little sore in all the right places, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I waking up.

Still feeling a little dreamy, I reached out for Andrew, but instead of encountering his big hard, chest, I was surprised to feel something warm and soft curled up on his pillow. When I lifted my head and opened my eyes, I couldn't believe that Mittens was in bed with me!

I look up and saw Andrew standing in the doorway, smiling. He nodded at the cat. "After that last storm, I took a drive out to see Olida. She told me that the kittens all found good homes, but Mittens was looking a little lost without her babies."

"But how did you ever manage to catch her?"

Chuckling, he explained. "I bought a cat carrier and discovered that Mittens is pretty fond of tuna. She crawled in and nearly devoured the whole can, while I was closing the door behind her, and locking her in."

I stroked her soft little head, and smiled as she purred her little heart out. "But she seems so calm now. You'd never know she'd lived in the wild."

"Bruce, a friend of mine's a vet. He thinks she had a home once, and was probably left behind when her owners went back to whatever country they came from. Apparently, some people don't want to go through the hassle of having to fly them back, and then having to put them quarantine, when they get them back home. So, it looks like, they just left her behind."

I looked into her big green eyes, feeling so sorry for her. "Oh, poor, Mittens. I can't believe anyone would do that to you, thinking you could manage on your own, they'd just abandon you."

"Well, she's all checked out now, and she's been spayed. I know you said that once you were settled, that you'd like to get a cat. Since she needed a home, I figured she'd fit in here, just fine. Since I think that you and I have settled in pretty nicely together."

Then he showed me her chart on his phone, and I laughed when I saw they'd called her, 'Mittens McPherson.' "Well, I guess you're part of our family now, aren't you?" I said to the little sweetie.

I was rubbing her chin, and thought it was cute that he had a red ribbon tied around her neck, knowing that red was considered good luck here. Then I felt something dangling from the ribbon, and I looked up at him. "Did you put a bell on her, so we could find her, if she hides?" He had a teasing little smile on his face as he shook his head. When I took a look and saw that it was a ring hanging from the ribbon, I couldn't help it, the tears just started to flow. "Oh, Andrew. This has got to be the sweetest thing you've ever done."

He came over to the bed and got down on his knees to untie the ribbon. Then with his eyes on mine, he held out the most beautiful diamond engagement ring I'd ever seen, a sparkling oval solitaire, with a thin diamond encrusted band. "Ava, I realize I'm almost twice your age, and if this something you need to think about, I'll understand...

Before he could finish, I threw my arms around his neck, and said, "Yes, I would love to marry you, Andrew."

"But I had this whole speech prepared."

I shook my head and said, "I don't want a speech. I just want you."

We laughed when the cat jumped off the bed looking put out as he captured my face in his hands. "I love you," I told him as I tugged him onto the bed for a kiss.


It was a bright sunny Saturday. And as were driving along Tai Hang Road, curious, I looked across the car at Andrew and asked, "So, where are we headed?"

"It's such a nice day, I just thought we'd take a drive."

Then I realized where he was turning. "Oh, Andrew, I love this place," I said as he turned down the little roadway that led to what had become our favorite little haunt.

His face breaking into a smile, the moment he recognized us, the waiter waved hello, but then he pointed down at the beach.

And when I looked, I was speechless.

I could hardly believe my eyes. Everyone we knew was there, waiting for us, having cocktails by a beautiful flower covered arch. My mom and dad, his cousin and uncle, Iris, Olida, my friends from the beach, even Gunther and a few other friends were all smiling and waving at us.

"Andrew, is this what I think it is? Are we really getting married here?"

Smiling, he pointed at a white tent and nodded. "There's change room in there. Mavis is inside with the dress she made for you, modeled after your own design."

I threw my arms around him, and kissed him so hard, he laughed as he tried to keep us from losing our balance.

Then he took my hands in his and looked into my eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes. It's absolutely perfect. Everyone is here that we care about. And I love the idea of us marrying right on the beach, looking out at the sea. Andrew, I don't know how you managed to put this all together, but I'm so glad you did."

He nodded at the tent. "Everyone's waiting, so I guess we'd better get changed." Still hardly able to believe it was really happening, I gave him one quick kiss and ran to get into my gown.

I noticed a smaller white canopy with portable toilets off to the side, and I chuckled as I realized that he really had thought of everything.

I took a deep breath to steady my nerves and the moment I stepped into the tent, Mavis threw her arms around me, gave me a big hug, pulled back and asked, "Were you surprised?"

"Shocked, would be a better word. But I'm really happy we're doing this. I just can't believe that he did all this, without giving anything away. I didn't have a clue."

"Well, let's get you changed into that beautiful gown, so you can get out there and get married," she said, helping me to pull my sundress over my head.

Mavis helped me put my hair up, and even touched up my makeup. And when I stood back in my long, white satin off-the-shoulder gown, waiting to see what she'd say, her expression softened as she smiled. "Ava, you look absolutely beautiful."

When I stepped out of the tent, holding a bouquet of white roses, my dad Earl, was waiting for me outside. "Oh, sweetheart." He looked me over, shaking his head. "You look like princess."

The violinist was watching us, I think waiting for Earl to let her know we were ready. When Earl said, "I want to show you something, but I don't want you to cry." He reached into his breast pocket and showed me a picture. "That's your father, holding you in his arms, the day you were born. You can see from the smile on his face, how happy he was seeing you come into the world. Well, I wanted him to be with us today, so he would be walking you down the aisle, too. I know he would have wanted to be here, and at least he's with us in spirit," he said as he tucked the picture back into his pocket.

"Dad, that's sweetest thing you've ever done, to think to have my father here with me today."

I could feel tears running down my cheeks, and Earl heaved a sigh, reached into pocket, pulled out a hankie and wiped them away. He smiled as he looked at me and said, "There, that's better. You don't want that man of yours, to think you're having second thoughts, now, do you?"

I smiled up at Andrew, looking kind of puzzled. "Not when I'm this happy." I kissed his cheek and said, "Thank you Dad, for always being here for me, especially today."

He held out his arm. "Okay, are you ready?"

"I sure am." I nodded at Andrew to let him know we were ready, as he waited with our guests, looking so incredibly handsome in his soft grey tux.

After we'd said our vows, I laughed as everyone cheered, even the old waiter, who had come down to watch us tie the knot.

Mom was crying of course, as she hugged and kissed us, and Earl was pretty emotional, as he patted Andrew on the back, and said, "Congratulations, son. I'm really happy for you both."

I noticed, when we sat down for lunch, that there were white table linens, and delicate arrangements of wild mauve orchids on every tables.

After we'd finished what everyone said was a terrific meal, as they kept raving about the shrimp, I wondered where my dad had gone. Till my mother made me laugh when she said, "He's in the kitchen, trying to get the chef to share his secrets, where else?"

I thought it was sweet when Duncan pulled me in for a hug, kissed me on both cheeks and said, with a little twinkle in his eye, "Welcome to the family, Ava."

Then Andrew's uncle Jack came over to our table, pressed a kiss to my cheek and made me blush when he said, "I think you've got to be the prettiest bride I've ever seen. And you two look so happy together, I can tell that you were meant for each other. And later on, tonight, we're all going back to the hotel for a nice wedding reception."

"Thank you, Uncle Jack." I looked over at Andrew and he just smiled, I guess happy that things had been smoothed over.

Jack leaned in and whispered, "After I put my foot in it and almost broke you two up, I figure it's the least I can do to try and make amends."

I stroked his cheek. "It's okay, all's forgiven."

My mother had mentioned to Andrew that I'd never been to Europe, and that I'd always dreamed of exploring some of the ancient cities. So naturally, I was thrilled to discover, that Andrew planned for us to spend a week in Italy and a week in Greece for our honeymoon. While my parents said they'd be happy to stay at our place and take care of Mittens, while they did a little exploring on their own.


Andrew and I had been married for just over a year, and it felt like we were still on our honeymoon, we were so happy, and still making love every chance we got.

But my nerves were on edge, as I walked into the kitchen while he was cooking breakfast, with Mittens curling around his feet, purring, hoping for a hand out.

Not sure how to broach the subject, I put the stick with the big blue plus sign on the counter and waited to see his reaction.

He looked down at it, and turned and looked at me and just stared. And for a moment I had no idea what he'd say, because we'd never really discussed how we felt about having children.

Then I laughed as he lifted me into his arms, and pressed a smacking kiss to my lips and pulled back and looked at me, wide-eyed. "Baby, are you really pregnant?"

I nodded. "Yes. But I wasn't sure how you'd feel about becoming a dad."

"I can't even describe how incredible it feels to know we've created a life together."

"So, you're happy?"

"Oh, yeah." Wrapping his arms around me, he hugged me tight, pulled back and looked into my eyes. "Ava, I'm happier than I ever could have dreamed of, all because of you."

Smiling into those big green eyes, I was so glad we'd shared that cab, when we'd been thrown together in the typhoon, or none of this would have happened.

We wouldn't be sharing a home with little Mittens, or be happily married, or be expecting our first child together.

And of course, we wouldn't be so deliriously happy in love.

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AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

I'm 6'8" and you brought tears to my eyes. Good job. Btw.. did they name their son Ty (Typhoon)?

SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfun24 days agoAuthor

Typhoon warnings do go up days in advance. But until it almost hits, there isn't much you can do except move things off your balcony that might break a window or hurt someone if they get caught up in the wind.

Storms often change course, so most people keep working till the second last warning goes up, because they know if the storm actually hits the city, they might be off work for at least a day or two.

Some people get together for 'Typhoon parties,' and they usually stock up right before the storm. I've heard of people getting really drunk, not realizing that the storm had changed course, and they still had to go to work in the morning with a pretty bad hangover.

So, there is no guarantee what might happen when a typhoon warning goes up.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Beautiful romantic story . Only one issue though it doesn't spoil the story. All typhoon warnings are normally given several days in advance. So how come they got caught outdoors in both the storms at the eleventh hour.?

MorefuninthesunMorefuninthesun2 months ago

Such a lovely story. There were many tunes I thought the story was going to go but it didn’t go as I expected. For instance, when they first talked about where she worked I thought somehow he or his uncles company owned the company she worked for.

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot4 months ago

Even this 77 year old guy misted up over this one....


The memories of my days of wooing, marrying, then raising a family with the love of my life flashed through my mind as I read this. We even rode out a hurricane once.


Than you for a wonderful experience.


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

OMG what a fabulous story. I was in tears when she ran off. Such a romantic (and believable) stories I've read. Thank you so much for writing it

montydogmontydog5 months ago

Absolutely fantastic! Great story all the way.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Wow, what a great story! Absolutely amazing; well thought out and executed with just the right amount of tease and sex. This must have taken considerable time and work to construct and is one of the most well-written and entertaining stories I've read here. Every character seemed to have their own individual idiosyncrasies and life to them with Gunther being a pleasing surprise toward the end. THIS IS erotica!

OnlyJuan4OnlyJuan46 months ago

Probably one of the top five stories I’ve ever read here… if not the best. Thanks.

mrdata9770mrdata97706 months ago

(12/5/2023) Wonderful story, very believable, and very romantic. Great ending, I loved what you did with Gunther in the end. Thank you.

DerrezDerrez6 months ago

What an absolutely fantastic story.

SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfun9 months agoAuthor

Thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed this. If you would like to vote for this story for story of the year in the Mature category, or check out some of the others nominated for the Readers' Choice Awards for 2022, you can go to the Readers' Choice Awards in Contests and vote.

hellokitty802hellokitty8029 months ago

Loved this story! Normally I'm not much of a fan of slow burn stories, this one is very slow and I have no patience, it's one of the best! The sex scenes weren't as hot as I usually like but that's my own problem 😂 5 stars all the way, definitely worth the read

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