Just the Tip Daddy, I Promise


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Friday at nine fifteen Jodi arrived. Her dad dropped her off but the girl's story would be that Jess had brought her home after school. Jodi produced a couple of very sexy negligees for them to wear and the girls immediately put them on. They were quite sheer in places and came with matching thong panties. Jodi had a red and black one and the one she brought for Jess to wear was white with a lot of lace.

"Part of my Victoria's Secret collection that daddy bought for me." Jodi said.

When Jess was admiring the way it flattered her body in the full length hallway mirror Jodi told her. "Your dad will never be able to resist that, not when we're done with him."

They were sitting together on the sofa watching some soft porn on one of the cable channels and eating popcorn when Peter pulled into the driveway. As soon as he opened the door Jess was up and racing to give him a big hug. He didnt notice her attire at first because he was staring at Jodi in her sheer negligee. She had stood to both greet her friend's daddy and to display her ripe teen body.

"Hi daddy." Jess said, hugging and rubbing up against a stunned Peter.

"This is my friend Jodi from school that I was telling you about."

"Hi Mr. Roberts. It's nice to meet you." Jodi said.

Peter took her extended hand and shook it while he watched her full breasts jiggle beneath the sheer negligee.

"Likewise." He managed to say.

"Did you have fun at the retirement thingy daddy? Here, come sit down. It's been a long day. You've been out since before I got up." Jess said while leading her father to the preferred seat on the sofa.

"The retirement party? Oh yeah." Peter managed after about ten seconds of stunned silence. He was trying to adjust to so much sensory overload while dealing with a mild buzz from the four drinks he had at the bar.

"It was the usual honey. Drinks and jokes and speeches. I had a better time than I thought I would."

"I'm glad daddy. You deserve to have fun. You work hard, so very hard." Jess touched his thigh when she said and emphasized the word hard. She then shared a quick glance with Jodi who was seated on the floor Indian style with her back to the sofa.

Jodi's left shoulder was inches from Peter's right calf and Jess had seated herself on the sofa next to her daddy with her feet pulled up and her head on his shoulder. He was surrounded by nubile teenage flesh and the pheromones were flying.

"Would you like some popcorn Mr. Roberts?" Jodi said, turning and offering him the bucket she had next to her while offering him a convenient opportunity to ogle her erect nipples.

"Sure. Thanks Jodi." Peter said. He then grabbed a fistful and nervously dropped a few pieces into his lap as he brought the popcorn up to his mouth.

"Oh daddy. The butter is going to stain your trousers. Let me sop that up."

Jess reached into Peter's lap with a paper towel from a roll she had nearby and brushed against his aroused state. Drinks or no drinks, any normal male couldn't help but sprout wood with all this stimulation and Peter was not immune.

He got up in embarrassment and said he was going to go into his room and change and soak the butter splotches out of his trousers.

"So far so good." Jodi said when he left.

"I hope so." Jess said.

A few minutes later when Peter returned he was wearing a full set of pajamas with his bathrobe on over it. Jess had never known him to wear this bathrobe which she had bought him last Christmas and supposed he was erring on the side of modesty. He went back to his spot on the sofa and reached down to get another handful of popcorn from beside Jodi.

"We're almost out of that." Jess said. "I'm going to go in and pop some more."

She got up and pranced into the kitchen to do just that, taking the nearly empty bucket with her. Jodi followed Peter's eyes following his daughter's beautiful butt all the way down the hall until it was out of sight. He glanced down at her to see that he'd been caught ogling and quickly thought up something to say.

"So Jodi, where did you and your dad live before you moved here?"

"The last place we lived was North Carolina. We moved a lot. We moved some when mom was alive but more since she passed."

"Jess told me about your mom Jodi. I'm sorry you had to go through all that."

Jodi got up on the couch next to him and gave him a hug from the side and said "Thanks Mr. Roberts. Even though it's been a long time it's still nice to have people who care and say so."

She was pressing her nearly naked body against him and he was glad that he had boxers, pajamas, and a robe between her and his erection.

"It has been tough not having a mom but it has made me and my daddy grow closer. I know I can never be mom for him but I try to make sure he knows he is loved. Your daughter is close with you isn't she?"

"Yes she is. She's everything to me."

"I'm everything to my daddy in every way."

Peter noticed that while they had been talking Jodi had been stroking and squeezing his thigh and working her hand up his pajama covered leg.

Jess then returned holding the popcorn bucket and Peter stammered with the first thing he could think of to change the subject.

"What are you girls watching anyway?"

"Some flick on skinemax daddy. Jodi told me she had watched it with her dad one night and that it was pretty good. Warmed them up nicely. I think it's some take off on desperate housewives." Jess said, standing off to his side with her thong covered pussy at his eye level.

"Down and dirty housewives actually." Jodi contributed.

Peter was still trying to absorb what Jess had said about the movie warming up Jodi and her dad as well as what exactly that was supposed to mean when his daughter interrupted his thoughts.

"Look at that woman daddy. She looks a little like me but I think my tits are nicer. What do you think?" Jess said, motioning with her head to the tv where a buxom brunette was soaping up in the shower, while cupping her own breasts in her hands under the filmy material for her daddy's assessment.

"I don't think it's proper for me to say." Peter answered, while shifting in place to adjust his erection.

"Oh come on." Jodi said. "Its ok to say. It's ok to notice. She notices you. She tells me all the time how hot you are and she's not lying."

"Come on daddy. What do you think. Are mine nicer than hers?"

"Of course sweetie. They are perfect."

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" Jodi said to him while she patted his thigh inches from where his cock was straining against his boxers.

"Hey Jess. What have you got to drink with this popcorn?" Jodi asked.

"Lets go and find out. Come with me to the kitchen. There's something I want to ask you. Daddy, can you pause that. I know there's no real plot but I don't want to miss any of this movie. Jodi had raved about it so."

"I don't know about that girlfriend. My dad and I have never seen it through to the end."

Peter was left to ponder this thought as the duo scampered out of sight towards the kitchen. When he paused the movie the silence allowed him to clearly hear their conversation without straining his ears although he was straining considerably in another department.

"You're dad is hot. No wonder you want to fuck him."

"It's driving me crazy. I know he would love it. Did you see the way he looked at my titties."

"You're right girl. He's probably not getting any. He's also very pent up but he's afraid he'd be damaging you for life. My life hasn't been ruined since my daddy started doing me. Maybe we should tell him I'm fucking my dad. He might not think it's weird then."

"I'm afraid he won't love me any more if he thinks I want him in that way. He might think it's perverted or something."

"No way! Can't you tell he's as horny for you as you are for him. He is so hard under that robe it's not funny."


"Really. Think of him as a man as well as a dad. Did he tell us to cover up these nighties my daddy bought for me? Did he change the channel from that skinemax flick? Did he turn away when you were practically shaking your tits in his face? No, no and no. He wants you Jess. Let him be your first. You'll never regret it."

The two girls then ducked into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of cokes before rejoining Peter in the living room.

"You can start the movie again daddy. I want to see if she gets all that soap off."

"No. You want to see who joins her in the shower. Remember, I've seen this, at least up to this part anyway."

The screen remained frozen as did Peter, trying to process all of the new information he had just learned and come to grips with all the conflicting emotions that information brought up.

Jodi tried again. "Earth to Mr. Roberts, did you hear us? We can start the movie again."

Peter broke out of his trance and hit play on the DVR remote. The movie resumed and the three resumed watching. Jodi, unseen by Peter, took her phone and texted her dad who was parked nearby. A few minutes later the doorbell rang.

"Who the heck could that be at this hour?" Peter muttered as he went to the door, attempting to shield his erection from detection while he did so.

After looking through the peephole to see someone he didn't recognize but who didn't look dangerous he opened it and asked.

"Can I help you with something?"

The stranger extended his hand and said. "Hi, I'm David Parker. You must be Jessica's dad Peter. Is my daughter ready?"

"Ready? Your daughter?"

"Yes, Jodi. She is here, isn't she?"

"Yes. Yes she's here ok." Peter was stammering and stalling for time and trying to figure out how to explain to David why his daughter was nearly naked and watching soft core porn with an older man in his bathrobe. He stood in the doorway, blocking David's view of the living room and had yet to invite Jodi's dad inside. He wanted to fall through the floor but was saved by the bell or at least by Jodi's voice calling out.

"Daddy. What are you doing here?"

David stepped past a stunned Peter and embraced his daughter when she ran up to hug him. David cupped her ass cheeks in his hands as they hugged and Peter stood staring at this display.

"Close the door daddy, it's cold." He heard his daughter say and he closed the front door.

"Daddy, what are you doing here?" Jodi asked again because she hadn't gotten an answer the first time.

"I texted you pumpkin. Didn't you get it?"

Jodi looked at her phone and said. "Oh yeah, here it is, around eight pm."

This was rich because at eight pm she was actually with her daddy and he was pumping her ass full of his come. They had engaged in a torrid sexual encounter imagining the potential for sexual groundbreaking to occur at the Robert's house later on.

"It's ok sweetie. Why don't you get dressed now so we can get some sleep before our morning flight."

There was no morning flight to catch but everyone was dutifully following the script which only Peter was in the dark about.

David said to Peter. "I got an offer for a last minute business junket to Vegas and Jodi has always wanted to go there."

"Wow. Las Vegas. Where are we staying daddy?" Jodi asked as she pulled her sweatshirt on.

"I'm going to make it a surprise baby girl."

"Ok daddy. Anyplace is fine as long as we are in the same room."

To emphasize this point she groped his crotch and then nibbled his ear.

"Alright pumpkin, we have to get going."

At the door He shook Peter's hand and said. "Sorry to break up the sleepover but we really have to go. You have a lovely daughter there. We should all get together another time."

With that they were gone and Peter was left alone with daughter, his erection, and the soft core porn on the television.

"Are you ok daddy? You look a little pale. Why don't you come back here and sit down?" Jess said and then led a shaken Peter back to the sofa.

Jess sat close to her daddy and took his hand in hers.

"What's wrong daddy? Are you angry with me?"

"No. No, of course not Jessie. I could never be angry with you. I just don't quite get all of this."

"All of What?"

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop princess but I overheard you and your friend talking in the kitchen and then I see the way she was acting with her dad and I can't help but think that you're serious about the two of us actually having sex."

"Well daddy I am. I have gone part way with a couple of boys and it was horrible."

"Horrible?" Peter asked, immediately going into protective parent mode. "Did they hurt you princess?"

"No daddy. It wasn't like that. They just didn't know what they were doing and neither did I. Instead I was thinking that it would be better for me to learn from someone who loves me, someone that I love."

"I'm flattered princess but that is something daddies and daughters just don't do together."

"I like when you call me princess daddy. You haven't done that in a long time. It makes me feel like I'm special to you."

"You are special to me. I thought you wanted me to treat you more like a grown up."

"I do daddy. I want you to treat me like a grown up. I'm grown up enough to do this."

Jess said, reaching over and fondling his erection through his pajama bottoms. The robe had opened up and Peter's cock was straining for release under the thin layer of flannel.

"I think you want me to do this. Can I see it daddy? Can I see your cock?"

Instead of waiting for an answer Jess started to fish her dad's cock out of the opening in his pajama bottoms but was having difficulty. Peter made no effort to stop her and when it became apparent that she was having trouble he pulled his own pants and boxers off to free his cock for her inspection.

"Ooh daddy it's so big."

It was only average sized at six inches but it was nice to hear the compliment. Peter hadn't had his cock admired by any female for some time and even though it was his daughter doing the admiring it pleased him.

Jess took it into her hand without objection from her daddy and stroked it a few times.

"Does that feel good daddy?"

"Yes it does princess."

"Good daddy. I want you to feel good. I want to learn all about how to please a man daddy. I'm glad I'm pleasing you."

"This feels wonderful princess but it's not something we should really be doing."

"Why not daddy? It can be our secret. The whole world doesn't have to know. Jodi and her daddy have been able to keep their secret. She was the one who guessed that I was like her in that I wanted you. She was right."

Jess had brought her second hand into play, fondling and tickling her daddy's balls, while she smeared his precum around the head of his cock.

"So that was what this was all about tonight. Making it seem ok for a daddy to be with his daughter in that way."

"It is ok daddy if both people want it to be. I do. I want it to be ok with you. Can I kiss it daddy?"

"Can you what?"

"Kiss it. Take it in my mouth and kiss it and taste it and suck it a little. Can I?"

"You mean, may I?"

"Oh daddy. This is hardly the time to be correcting my grammar, when I'm about to put your cock in my mouth."

"I'm not sure that's a line we should cross."

"How about just the tip then daddy? It looks so delicious. Just the tip? Just the tip daddy, I promise."

Jess then bent over his lap and took his cock into her mouth and started working her tongue around it as she had seen Jodi do with her daddy.

"Oooh yesss baby girl." Peter moaned even though or perhaps because it was considerably more than just the tip that was being fellated.

Peter gently stroked the sides of his daughters head as she bobbed up and down on his cock. Resistance and control were rapidly melting away as a spring snowfall might. She was beautiful and womanly and wanted to do this. Why should he deny her, deny himself? He could see no reason that outweighed his overwhelming need to ejaculate. Nothing seemed capable of stopping him from filling the mouth of his beautiful daughter Jessie with his ejaculate, jizz from the same tap that had helped create her more than eighteen years before. Nothing that is except for the fact that she stopped sucking.

"0h Jessie. I was so close."

"I know daddy, but I want to feel it inside me. I never had one inside me before and I want this one to be the first."

"Oh princess. That is something we really can't and shouldn't do. You could get pregnant."

"No I can't daddy. I'm almost due for my monthly visitor so it's a safe time."

Jess was now up and straddling his lap. Having pulled her thong panties to the side she was rocking her slippery vulva against the underside of his rock hard and saliva slickened cock which was trapped between their bodies and against his abdomen.

"It still would be a bridge too far baby girl. Think about what you are talking about. It would be incest."

"And me sucking your cock isn't? I think that ship sailed daddy. Let me put it in." She said reaching underneath to grasp it and run the head up and down her slit.

"No baby girl we really shouldn't." Peter pleaded unconvincingly. He made no effort to push her off his lap though he could have easily done so.

"Oh daddy please. I need to feel it stretch me. I need to feel it even just a little. How about just the tip?"

"Just the tip?" Peter asked as Jess flexed her pussy above his flared head, kissing it gently with her labia.

"Yes. Just the tip. Just the tip daddy, I promise."

Peter didn't answer but he also didn't move when his daughter sank down an inch and his cock head slowly entered his now no longer virginal baby girl.

"Ooh daddy. That feels so good." Jess said. She had reached around to diddle her clit with one hand while the other held her dad's cock out straight.

Peter used his hands to grasp his daughters hips in order to stabilize her since her legs has started shaking in delight and anticipation.

She sank down an inch further onto his shaft with an accompanying "Ooh" from both father and daughter and then sank down another inch.

As his dick ventured further into previously unexplored territory and she expanded to accomodate him they both experienced delightful sensations.

"Oh daddy. I'm sorry. I promised you just the tip."

"No worries princess. I didn't promise."

Before very long he was all the way embedded into her vice like pussy and her clit was being tickled by his pubes. She rocked her hips and ground her clit against him while his dick was massaging her insides. Jess felt his balls against her ass cheeks and then daddy's hands on her boobs. He was loving all of her and then he took her head and brought his mouth to hers and they kissed, passionately.

"I love you princess. You know that, don't you?" Peter said when he broke the kiss to come up for air.

"I love you too daddy. Now kiss me and fuck me."

Peter took hold of her ass cheeks and brought his daughters pussy up and down on his cock with an urgency he hadn't known for a long time. Jess reveled in the sensations and soon they were both fast approaching orgasm. Peter's first splash of semen triggered Jess when he held her tight against his groin and pulsed inside her.

They held each other tight while their orgasms worked their way through them and eventually Jess climbed off of her dad's lap and softening cock. She leaned over and started cleaning their combined come off of his cock with her hungry mouth.

"Now wasn't that great daddy? I knew it would be."

"Yes it was baby girl."

"You know we have Jodi and her dad to thank for a lot of this."

"I suppose you're right princess. I wish we could thank them some way."

"We'll think of something." Jess said and she noticed that her daddy's dick was hardening again, perhaps spurred by that very thought.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Well written .Loved the plan it fell into place just wright.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Well written and constructed. I agree with others, I'd like to see some follow-up chapters. Unfortunately, it looks like this was one if the last stories posted by this author in 2019. Too bad, I like the writing style. Have read multiple stories by this author and they are all pretty good.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please continue with this lustful tale! An excellent beginning that needs completed. Thanks for the entertainment.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yes, can tell that Jodi and her father are really up for some group activities. I can see the 4 of them taking a tropical vacation in one bungalow.

0ldGriz0ldGrizalmost 3 years ago

This is the hottest story I’ve read in a long while. Please continue. First cum n mouth. First anal. So many ways to keep it going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great story

Please write the next part soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Very good read. Kept me hard the whole time, although I had to *pause* a few times ;) would love to read more. Possibly a daughter swap with Jess and Jodi?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Hope to read more chapters

All I can say is more.....

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