Justin Thyme Ch. 09


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I don't know why, but I instinctively stood and knelt by her chair and gave her a one-armed hug. "I understand. You've been through a lot lately. We're here for you."

She sniffed and nodded. "Thank you, I'm learning that."

Michael sat in the cafeteria nursing a large glass of milk. His sandwich was long gone, but he didn't want to interrupt family time in Susie's room. He did however need to talk with Mr. and Mrs. Collins about future plans. He would of course accede to their wishes, but he had some ideas he wanted to offer. He hoped they would not want him to stop spending time with Susie. He had really grown attached to her in the last few days, especially as the pain meds were lowered and she was more lucid. He was going to follow through on making sure she got the best care possible, but really hoped he could be a part of it. If they did not want him as part of her life he would bow out gracefully, but it was going to leave a bigger hole than he realized.

He had just about decided they weren't going to come down, and picked up his milk glass to kill it off when the door opened and the Collinses walked in. He stood, out of respect, and waited for them to acknowledge his presence. Mr. Collins gave him a perfunctory nod and they walked toward the order point. Michael sat, waiting to see if they would join him, or if he was being rebuffed. It was strange, but he felt almost as nervous as when he was sixteen and met the parents of his first date. The time seemed interminable, but finally they picked up their food and then came his way. It seemed he could breathe for the first time since they walked into the solarium.

Tom Collins asked, "May we join you?"

"Please." Michael pulled out a chair for Madge and they all sat down.

Tom Collins was ill at ease as he said, "I'm afraid we owe you an apology for the way we treated you upstairs. Please understand our feelings at finding our daughter so badly hurt."

"No sir, no apology is needed. Had I been in your shoes I doubt I would have been as polite as were you two. I really meant it when I asked your forgiveness for the wrong I did your daughter."

Madge spoke up for the first time since they met. "Susan has been singing your praises to the skies. I thank you for what you have done for her. You have behaved yourself admirably, and you have our forgiveness, not that it is needed. From what Susan says you were totally not at fault."

Michael hanged his head. "Perhaps not legally, but I still hold myself responsible for stupidity driving that way." He lifted his head. "Please understand, I had never partaken of alcohol before in my life, and I had no idea what was wrong with me. I just thought I was ill."

Tom put hand on his shoulder. "We do understand. Ben Thompson tried to tell us over the satellite phone, but it was hard for us to take in that far away." His eyes were moist and he had to stop and clear his throat. "Susie is our only child. She means everything to us, and to think of losing her, or having her maimed was more than we knew how to handle. Then when we found you with her and that you had been staying with her caring for her was a bit much for us to take."

"I didn't want her to be alone, and with you gone there was nobody else."

"You must be exhausted, sleeping in that terrible recliner every night!" Madge placed her hand on his and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Nobody would have expected that of you!"

"You mistake me. I didn't do it because I thought somebody expected it of me. I did it because I thought it was the right thing to do. I wouldn't have wanted to be alone, and with you unable to return, I thought it was the right thing. By the way, I'm really sorry about messing up your cruise."

"But what about your job? How could you get out of work to do this?"

Michael gave her a little grin, knowing this question would come up. "I don't work." He held up a hand to forestall the next question. "I designed and wrote some software and sold it, and I have written a couple of apps that have done well, so I don't really have to work. I do try to keep myself busy and productive, though, and I'm not a rich layabout or playboy. My time is pretty flexible."

Tom looked at him curiously. "What kind of software? A game or something?"

"Actually, no. It's a technical piece used by stockbrokers and some of their clients. It tracks stocks in their portfolios, following trends and margins and other technical data."

"Really? My broker just talked me into buying some software, but I'm having trouble understanding it well. What is your called?"

Michael named the piece to Tom's amazement. "That's the stuff I just bought! You look a little young to be doing that kind of work. How did you get into that sort of thing?"

"My dad had trouble keeping up with his investments, and was always frustrated with them. I got curious and started with the idea while I was in high school. After I showed it to his broker I ended up writing two forms of it, one for the professional and one for the end user. I sold the rights to the personal 'home' version and licensed the professional version. I'll be happy to help you with yours if you like. I'm actually working on a new version of it that will be a little more user friendly than the first version."

Tom shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe a guy as young as you writing something like that, and all of the supposedly smart people in the industry not coming up with anything. How old are you, anyway, if you don't mind me asking?"

"That's not a problem, sir. I'm nineteen. I turn twenty in a week and a half."

Madge said, "Susan told me what you did with the roses. I think that was really sweet." Michael just shrugged. "I really think sending them around to all the rooms the second time, but putting Susan's name on them was extra sweet." Michael grinned.

"Well, she wouldn't let me give them all to her, so I figured they came from her, not me."

"I'm really glad we get to know you. You are indeed a different kind of person than we had in mind all week. Susan thinks you can walk on water."

"Not really, although I try to follow the one who did."

"What about your parents? Are they around here?"

"No, they live up in Phoenix. I like it down here away from all of the hubbub, so I got my own place down here. I try to live quietly and without a lot of fanfare." He glanced at his watch. "Susie is probably awake and wondering if I've deserted her by now, although I may have let her stay out in the solarium to long. Shall we go see? And when we get a chance we need to discuss what the next step is for her."

"Oh, we definitely want her to come home! We'll make a room for her downstairs."

Michael nodded. "I was sure you would. I've already arranged for a hospital bed and all of the necessary equipment. All I have to do is tell them where and when. I've also arranged, per your approval, for home care nursing around the clock. I know you will want to do for her what you can, but I also recognize the needs of work and other responsibilities. If you would allow, I would also like to continue to be of service to her."

Tom broke in. "We appreciate all you have done, Michael, but it isn't necessary for you to go that far. The insurance will cover most of it, and we can take care of the rest."

"No, sir. With respect, the insurance won't cover 24hr. care, and I think she needs that, and I don't want to totally disrupt your lives for what I did to her. I promised her I will do all I can to get her back to full health and then to get her strength and mobility back. I've arranged for physical therapy by the folks who provide therapy for the Phoenix Cardinals, and for the ASU football team to step in when she is ready for them." He hanged his head again and half whispered, "I've ruined her life, and it is up to me to make it as good for her as I possibly can."

Madge, in a move totally uncharacteristic for her, leaned forward and cupped his face in her hands. She looked deeply into his eyes and said, "Michael, my dear, you have not ruined her life. It was an accident, and you have gone way above what you should have done in caring for her. You don't have to do any of this."

"Oh, but I do. I could not live with myself if I did not."

Tom said, "Shall we go see if she is awake yet? We can work out these details later. I'm curious, though. How did you arrange for the Cardinals' trainers? I didn't think they did work outside the team."

"Dad is associated with them. He pulled some strings for me." Michael left it there. He didn't think that was the time to go any further.

The three of them walked into Susie's room quietly, but she awoke when she heard them anyway. "Mikey! They found you. I'm so glad."

Michael walked to the bed and squeezed her hand. "Hey there, Little One. Sure they found me, and we had a nice talk. We decided to put you in a nursing home in a group ward until you get a better attitude." He gave her a grin and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"See what I have to put up with, Mommy?"

"Yes, dear. We've noticed. You have it so tough, Susan. It's amazing you can bear up under it."

Tom spoke up. "There is no way we can get a room sorted for you before tomorrow, sweetheart. Can you bear this place for one more night?"

"I get to go home tomorrow? That's wonderful!"

"It will be in the afternoon, probably. Michael said he has a hospital bed and all the equipment lined up, and nurses, too, but it will take us a little time to clear out the office and get it ready. I'll just have to move my stuff into the dining room for a while. Will that room be OK do you think?"

"Oh Daddy, I don't care where. I just want to go home!"

"Can I be of any help to you moving things in the morning, Sir?"

"That might be a good idea, if you can spare the time. I don't think Madge should try to help me move my desk. By the way, the name is Tom. I'm using your software. I don't need someone of your caliber calling me 'Sir'. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir!" Michael said with a grin. "I have nothing but time, if Susie can get along without me for a couple of hours."

"That goes for me, too. You can't call me 'Sir', either. I much prefer Madge."

Michael looked at the floor for a moment before replying. "I thank you," came out as a whisper. "I'll try." He looked up through moist eyes, and Susie could see the relief in them. "What time would be best for me to be there?"

"I think about 8:30 would be early enough, wouldn't you, Madge?" She nodded.

"That should be early enough. Will that leave you time to get the equipment delivered tomorrow?"

"I have the medical supply place on standby. They have promised me priority delivery with two hours' notice. About 10:30 work for that?"

Tom nodded. He bent down and gave Susie a kiss on the cheek. "I think we had better get home and be sure it is still there. I don't know about your mother, but I'm pretty tired. You get plenty of rest tonight, and we'll come see about breaking you out of jail about noon. OK?"

"Thank you, Daddy. I love you."

"I know, Sweetheart. I love you too."

Madge leaned over the side rail the best she could and gave Susie as much of a hug as she could. "I love you, Susan. I can't wait to see you at home again."

"I know, Mommy. I love you, too, and thank you for understanding."

"What's not to undertand?" With a quick kiss to the forehead she turned to go, but stopped in front of Michael. Grasping both of his hands in hers she looked searchingly into his eyes and said, "Thank you for caring for my daughter. Until you have one of your own you have no idea what that means to me," and with tears running down both cheeks she hurried from the room.

"Wow, Michael. I don't know how you did it, but you have won Mommy over! I have never heard her tell anyone other than some very close friends to call her 'Madge!' She is always 'Mrs.', especially to someone younger!"

"I was just honest with her, and I think she recognized that I really care about you. She puts on a good front, but she's a warm and caring person underneath."

"That's sweet of you to say, and thank you. I really get to go home tomorrow?"

"You'll have to get along without me in the morning."

Susie suddenly looked sad.

"What's the matter, Little One?"

"That means you won't be there with me all the time. I've really gotten to like having you around."

"Oh, I'll be in and out. I'm not abandoning you."

"I know, but it won't be the same. I miss you when you aren't here. That's going to be lonesome."

Dad got everyone's attention and then turned to Mary Winters. "Mary, please tell Ben what you found, and let's get his advice."

"Well, Bill and Cynthia," (that's Dad and Mom), "came over to help me clear Paul's stuff out so I could talk to a lawyer on Monday about a divorce. When I went into the closet he had been using to get a bag to put his stuff in I pulled out a large empty duffel, but it was heavy. I couldn't figure out why it weighed so much, and I found a false bottom that had five packages wrapped up in plastic in it. Bill said it looked like drugs. I also found some money, not a lot, but some money was stacked in there in between some of the packages. How do I handle this without getting myself arrested for drugs?"

"I don't think that will be a problem. You found it in his personal effects, and had no prior knowledge of it. As for the money, I don't think I'd say anything about it, and just use it for minor purchases here and there. I'd call it payback for everything he has put you through. I don't think I'd be putting it into an account, though, that might draw attention. How much was there?"

"I'm not really sure. I didn't count it, but I'd guess there was two to three thousand."

"I'd say when these charges get attached to the others you won't have to worry about seeing him for a long, long time. Good riddance to bad rubbish as my mother used to say."

Mary's shoulders sagged with relief. "Maybe the money will be enough to replace the carpet he decorated for me. Bill was kind enough to cut it out and take it out of the house for me. I hardly slept at all last night with it there."

"I would suggest you call the Police Dept. just as soon as you go home. You don't have to say when you found them, but I wouldn't wait any at all."

"Could I trouble you to come with me? I hate to ask it, but I don't have a lawyer of my own. I'll be happy to pay you for your time."

"I don't charge family, and it seems I've come out of retirement." He grinned at her. "I'll be happy to go with you. I'll take care of the divorce filing for you, too."

"Thank you so much. I don't know what I'd do without your family." Steph leaned over and hugged her tightly. I was glad to see them restoring their relationship.

Moving Susie home was not as difficult as it might sound. The wheelchair Michael had bought for her moved her from her room in the hospital downstairs where she was loaded carefully into a wheelchair accessible van for the ride to the Collins home. Along with the hospital bed and indoor equipment Michael had arranged he had also ordered a portable wheelchair ramp that was set up at the front door.

"I'm really sorry it has to go in the front. I know it isn't very pretty."

Madge laid a hand on Michael's arm and said softly, "Michael, I don't care what it looks like. I just want my little girl back in my home. She is what matters." He was starting to recognize that behind her rather formal and almost stiff manner was a very tender, caring person.

"I wanted to set it up by the side entrance, but the inside doorways weren't wide enough to maneuver her extra-wide chair. Hopefully we won't need it for long."

The van carrying Susie backed slowly into the driveway to be greeted by her parents, with Michael standing back behind them. One of the home health care nurses awaited them in the remodeled office that would be Susie's room for the near future. The van driver wheeled Susie carefully up the ramp and into the house rolling her on in to her new room, where she was greeted by another two dozen rose bouquet. "Mikey, you shouldn't have!"

Michael just grinned at her. "There were no other patients to share them with, so you'll just have to endure the opulence. I did share, though. There is a matching bouquet on the dining room table." Susie just shook her head.

"You spoil me."

"It's no more than you deserve, Little One."

Michael helped the nurse move Susie from the wheelchair into the bed, where Susie settled in with a sigh. "I didn't realize how good it could feel to be back in a bed again. I'm pooped!" Madge leaned over her and kissed her forehead.

"Welcome home, Susan. You just rest a bit, and then we'll have a bite to eat, OK?"

"Some of your chili, Mom? You have no idea how badly I want some food with flavor! That hospital food is just so bland!"

Madge laughed. "Not for lunch today, Susan, but maybe for tomorrow, OK? I don't know that I have the ingredients, but I'll go to the store for them this afternoon."

"Oh, goody! Michael, you haven't eaten until you've had Mom's chili. I promise you won't think it's bland!"

Michael stepped over to the bed. "I have to go run some errands and do some things. May I drop back in this evening?"

"May you drop in? May you? You'd better, Michael Borden!" Tom and Madge exchanged looks with each other at this exchange. Susie definitely was developing feelings for Michael. Tragedy usually was not a good beginning for relationships, and they had no idea of Michael's feelings, although he obviously cared for her.

Tom had remained mostly in the background quietly, but he stepped forward now and reached a hand out to Michael. "Here, take this. Feel free to drop in anytime, and don't bother ringing the doorbell. Just make yourself at home. You are welcome to work from here if you wish. I know Susie enjoys your company, if you aren't tired of hers."

"Thank you, Sir. That is more than kind. I certainly appreciate it, and I'll try not to wear out my welcome."

Madge laid a hand on his arm once again and said, "You cannot wear out your welcome after the way you have cared for Susan. You are welcome in my home any time."

Susie smiled up at Michael, but her eyes were obviously drooping.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

You write a good story but some of the worst sex scenes ever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A lot of the writing is good, but some things disrupt the experience.

One, totally agree with earlier comments about formatting breaks between scenes.

Second suspension of disbelief. The transition from Steph and the police to the next sex scene. You find out your best friend/lover was almost raped and is on the way to you for emotional support and your first reaction is to go right back to getting jiggy? How would you not find that a mood killer? Surely you'd want to talk about it, discuss ways to support your friend when they arrive.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Still loving the story, but would really like to see more contractions used... A lot of it just reads funny without them :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
well done

Someone mentioned about the process of going from one character to another. May i suggest a simple way of doing it, although it may not be proper in "writing leagues".


Triple space and just add as many lines as you feel necessary, as I just did and everyone will know something happened.

ChasBChasBabout 10 years ago
Great Series

'Sorry I missed this when it first appeared, but certainly better late... This series is turning into quite a fine prospect as a novel - though it would be a rare publisher who would touch it because of society's silly prejudice against sex between relatives. People might want to be careful about reproduction, but sex for love or pleasure is just sex, and few other mammals worry about it. So far, this series is a favorite, and I wish I could buy the book. I do agree with those who complain about the lack of some kind of break between scenes. Sometimes I need to stop and go over a few lines to know where I am in the story, and that is distracting. Occasional spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes don't bother me much, but the lack of breaks do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Im enjoying the story

Thank you it is a good read.

Can I make one suggestion?

When you move from one conversation/location to another break up the narrative somehow - maybe with several stars between the paragraphs **** or double spacing - it is a little disconcerting sometimes to go from a sex scene to the hospital room without notification.

As I said I enjoy it as it is but just an observation.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
slight issue

I think you should have a space in between scenes. its a little difficult sometimes when your reading and it switches from one group of characters to another.

ausvirgoausvirgoover 10 years ago
What no wild animal sex?! :-)

I love the fact that you don't get into anal sex (it's not my thing and many stories seem to insist on including it as though it's not erotic enough if you don't have the girls going wild for anal), and that you resist the temptation to throw in girl-on-girl sex (I 've no objection to it, but it's more real the way you have the girls love each other without making love to each other).

I think though that it might be more realistic with teenagers for there to be at least the occasional passionate pure-lust sex once the relationship's established, with the romance more in the afterglow. I could be mis-remembering, but I just don't recall any scenes like this from the story - it all seems to be sooo romantic.

ausvirgoausvirgoover 10 years ago
This story is WAY too addictive!

Love the story, but it's made me neglect other things, including sleep. Now that I've caught up it might be better, as long as I don't have to wait too long for the next chapter.

I agree the key-giving seems a bit too soon to be probable, but these stories are full of improbable things. Admittedly, Michael has demonstrated impeccable character, been very generous and helpful, received glowing character references from people the parents trust, and clearly has no need or desire to rob the place, there will be a someone there 24 hours a day (homecare nurses), and their injured daughter clearly needs him around, but it would still be more believable if they'd waited a couple more days before giving him a key. On the other hand, stranger things have happened!

savealsavealover 10 years ago

I enjoy the depth of the characters and the full range of emotions you portray in each and every chapter. I do think the parents giving him a key is possibly a little too much; it could be possible though just saying it doesn't seem very probable. I look forward to the next chapter as well as any future stories you may have outside this series.

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