Kat, Full Novel


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So, she browsed for a while, waiting for something to catch her eye. She wanted something nice, elegant. Price didn't really matter; she had plenty of money. In fact, her auction houses had been doing particularly well, and she found herself with a sudden influx of cash that she hadn't had before. Even her watchdog group had found a way to minimize spending, so it was eating her funds a little less. Smiling, she continued to look, satisfied.

And that's when she found it.

Kat, Chapter Nine

She was in darkness. The blindfold her Mistress had placed on her was silky and black, and blocked her vision completely. She knelt before her Mistress's bed, waiting, silent. There was a rustling to her right, a crinkling, though she couldn't tell what it was. It reminded her of the crinkling of wrapping paper on Christmas morning, all those years ago, when she'd been a child. When she'd been happy.

The rustling continued for a moment, before her Mistress said, "When is your birthday, sweetie?"

She thought for a moment. She had to think about it. It'd been so long since it mattered that she'd almost forgotten. "April twentieth, Mistress."

Mistress Alexa tsked. "Darn, we missed it. Well, either way, here you go. You may take off the blindfold."

Kat eagerly reached back and undid the small knot behind her head, pulling at the bow and letting the blindfold slip from her eyes. She had to blink to adjust to the soft morning light, her eyes a little blurry, but when they adjusted, she saw her Mistress sitting before her holding a small parcel on her lap, wrapped in blue wrapping paper that sparkled. Kat stared at it for a moment, confused, before Mistress Alexa reached out and handed it to her.

"Here you go. Wasn't sure what your favorite color was, but everybody likes blue," she said with a satisfied smile. "Go on. Open it."

Kat stared at the little gift. It was the first she'd gotten in such a long time that she almost wanted to give it back, to refuse. But she thought back to Cobb's words, how he'd spoken about disrespecting her Mistress, and decided against it. So, carefully, she began to peel back the paper in long, thin strips.

After some ripping, she finally saw a hint of fabric. Reaching in, she felt its softness, pinching it between her fingers and rubbing it. Quickly, she tore off the rest of the paper, a childlike giddiness rising within her heart. More and more, sapphire blue fabric began to show. She pulled it from the last of the paper, holding it up and examining it.

It was a small blue dress, tight-fitting, with a small little ruffle skirt that looked like it would go to her knees. It was a V-neck cut, with small sleeves on the arms that ended in gossamer fabric. She stared at it, a small smile rising on her face. It was beautiful. Truly beautiful. It shone in the light, sparkled. Kat stared at it, mouth agape.

Without thinking, she said, "Thank you Mistress, I love it."

Mistress Alexa giggled, saying, "I'm glad. I figured, well, since I didn't know when your birthday was, we might as well celebrate it tonight! So I got you this, and I'd like you to wear it to dinner tonight."

Kat lowered the dress and folded it on her knees. "Dinner?" she asked, looking up with doe eyes.

Her Mistress nodded. "I thought we'd go get something to eat. Tell me, what is your favorite type of food? Seafood? Mexican? Just let me know, and that's what we'll have tonight."

Instinctively, Kat's mouth started to water. She hadn't been to a restaurant in so long, and the thought of tasting restaurant quality food again made her stomach growl. It would be invigorating, she thought, to go to a restaurant.

"Seafood, Mistress. I love seafood."

Mistress Alexa patted Kat on the head. "Seafood it is. Make sure you get your chores done today first though, okay?"

"Yes Mistress," Kat said, nodding.

"Good girl. Now go on, go ahead. I know you want to try it on."

Kat stared down at it, then up at her Mistress. "N-Now?"

Mistress Alexa shrugged. "Sure, why not? I'll even close my eyes."

She did so, covering them with her hands, and added, "Alright, you're safe to change now."

Kat eyed her suspiciously for a moment, but looking at the dress sent butterflies into her stomach. She quickly peeled off her maid uniform, stripping down to her panties, and slid on her blue dress. It felt breezy, soft to the touch, and light, but it fit so well that she wasn't afraid of it being too little clothing.

"Done, Mistress," she said, kneeling once more.

Mistress Alexa opened her eyes and inspected Kat. Then, she smiled and said, "Stand up and spin around. I want to see the back."

Kat did as she was told, standing up and turning around.

Her Mistress chuckled. "You're so pretty, you know that? Here, face me."

Kat turned back around and knelt down before her Mistress, smiling and blushing, turning away to hide them both. "Thank you, Mistress."

Mistress Alexa rustled Kat's short black hair. "That's a good girl. I like it when you smile. It's pretty."

Kat only blushed harder. "T-Thank you, Mistress."

She chuckled. "Anytime. Now, go on and get out of that and back into your uniform. You have some chores to do missy."

"Yes, Mistress," Kat said, slowly forcing the smile off of her face. "Right away."

Kat finished her chores quite expediently that day, all the while filled with a strange, childlike joy. She'd gotten a present for the first time in so long that the concept almost seemed foreign to her. Yet she remembered it fondly, even if it was only just that morning. Something strange had happened there, when she took the small parcel from her Mistress. Something... nice. Like feeling a deep nostalgia for something one once loved dearly.

She couldn't help but continue to smile through the day, and even Cobb had noticed it, remarking that she seemed to be in a fine mood. He looked happy for her, but more importantly, she felt happy. It was strange. Happiness was strange. She wasn't supposed to feel happiness. Slaves didn't feel happiness. That's what her old Master made her feel, at least. And she'd come to believe it.

Still, she felt it for the first time in so long that she refused to stifle it. She didn't see her Mistress for the rest of the day, but that was just as well. She didn't want anyone to ruin this perfect moment she finally found for herself, even if it was only temporary. It was hers, her moment to enjoy a sliver of life for at least one more time before returning back to reality. The giftless reality. The unhappy reality. Life.

Now, as they neared the restaurant, Kat found herself reflecting on the day fondly. Her new dress matched her collar and her hair very well, and she honestly found that she enjoyed the look. They pulled into the restaurant's valet parking, and she felt a little stiff. Being out with her Mistress seemed to do that to her.

The place was a rather nice building, with beautiful windows overlooking a small front herb garden and a long green awning stretching out from the entrance. There, they stopped and handed the car over to a young man dressed in a red and black vest with a black collar around his neck. He took the keys and drove off, leaving her and Mistress Alexa standing on a carpet that rolled out of the restaurant.

It was right in the middle of the city, and Kat paused to take a look at all of the skyscrapers that surrounded them. This was surely an expensive place if it was able to afford all of this space downtown. People passed them as Mistress Alexa patiently waited for Kat to snap back to reality and rush up to be by her side.

Then, together, they walked into the restaurant. The maitre d'restaurant greeted them with an amiable smile, and asked how many. Kat took a look around the place. Rich redwood tables covered with white cloth dotted the restaurant floor, full of people in suits and nice dresses. A pianist in the corner was playing a nocturne, filling the air with sweet, low notes. The soft murmur of a crowded venue floated through the place as servers walked to this table or that. The smell of seafood wafted into her nose, making her mouth water and her stomach grumble. It was then that she noticed her Mistress's hand on her shoulder.

"C'mon Kat, this way," She said. Kat followed her, inspecting her as she did so. Mistress Alexa was dressed, oddly, in a black suit with a blue tie. It fit her well, though, and made her look professional. Business like, even. Kat had to admit that it was attractive, how it showed off her curves and yet made her seem intimidating.

They were led to a table in the corner, near a window. Mistress Alexa took a seat at the table, and Kat knelt on a small pillow beside her, as she was directed to. There were two seats at the table, but, as her Mistress had explained in the car, it was common etiquette to kneel first, and only sit at the table when the food came.

The waiter gave them both menus and asked what they wanted to drink. Mistress Alexa took a glass of iced tea, and Kat simply took water. He nodded to them both and scurried off to get their drinks.

Mistress Alexa looked down at Kat, who, in turn, was looking around the room. A few other slaves knelt by their Masters' and Mistresses' sides, and one or two were eating at the table. They all seemed so well kept, so well dressed and cared for. It left her baffled.

"Nice place, isn't it?" Mistress Alexa asked.

Kat blinked and looked up at her, offering a smile. "Yes Mistress. Very nice."

She decided earlier that she would make an effort to be more cordial with her Mistress. After what Cobb had said, and after this morning, she felt almost obligated to be so. So, she mustered what she could, and did her best to be polite, active, and convivial.

"This place has four and a half stars, so it's pretty nice. Not the best I've had, but then again, there aren't many good seafood restaurants around here," She said. The waiter came back with their drinks and politely set Mistress Alexa's down on the table and handed Kat hers. Then, he asked if they were ready to order. That was when it hit Kat that she hadn't even glanced at the menu.

Thankfully, her Mistress hadn't really either. "Not yet, thank you," She said. Kat looked up to her, then to the waiter. He simply smiled at them both and offered them more time, before leaving again.

"Get whatever you want sweetie," Mistress Alexa said. "I'm personally eyeing the salmon."

Kat looked down at the menu and paled. The prices here, the prices, they were absurd. Kat scanned the menu for something cheap, anything cheap, but failed to find something. Eventually, she settled on the shrimp linguini, setting the menu down and taking a sip of her ice cold water.

The waiter eventually came back and took their orders. Mistress Alexa decided on the salmon with lemon butter sauce, and she got the linguini. Then, he took their menus and left them again. For a while, they sat there in silence, Kat looking around the room in awe, and Mistress Alexa looking at Kat with... something in her eye. Something warm.

Then, Kat's belly rumbled, and she clenched it, willing it to shut up.

Mistress Alexa chuckled. "Hungry?"

She nodded. "Yes, Mistress. I skipped lunch."

"Well why'd you do that?" her Mistress asked.

She looked up to Mistress Alexa and shrugged. "To finish my chores."

Mistress Alexa simply smiled at her. Kat tried smiling back, but it felt weird. Forced. Wrong. So she simply turned away and continued to people-watch. Mistress Alexa put a hand on her head and started to scratch, and despite herself, Kat hummed softly.

"Kat, come on up and sit at the table," She said.

Kat looked up at her, then to the other slaves around the room. The only ones at the tables were currently eating, but then again, Mistress Alexa never really did seem 'conventional'. So, Kat stood, bowed, and sat across from her Mistress.

"Thank you Mistress."

"Anytime. I actually wanted to talk to you about something. Something important," she said.

Kat tilted her head to the side, as if to ask without speaking. Mistress Alexa giggled at that.

"Sweetie, one day, and it doesn't have to be today, but one day, I want to love you and have you love me back," she said.

Kat felt like a bombshell had been dropped on her. Somewhere deep inside of her an alarm bell rang, but her Mistress didn't seem to notice her squirming.

"I want to know who you were, who you are. I want to trust you and I want you to trust me. I'm hoping that one day we can get there," She said, closing her eyes and smiling.

Kat gulped dryly, and reached for her water. Taking a sip, she stared at her Mistress carefully, evaluating her, the situation, and thinking of what to say. Nothing was coming to mind, though. It was a complete blank. She took another sip, while the awkward silence filled the air. Eventually, her Mistress let her smile fall as a worried expression befell upon her face.

"Um," She said, "Are you alright, sweetie?"

Kat blinked. "Yes, Mistress. But... why?"

Mistress Alexa stared at her for a moment, eyebrows furrowed. "Why what?"

"Why," Kat began, softly trailing off. "Why do you want that?"

An expression of relief washed over her Mistress's face. "Oh," she chuckled. "Why wouldn't I?"

Kat eyed her suspiciously. "Because I am property, Mistress."

So there it was, then. She was doing what Cobb said. Bringing it straight to her Mistress herself. The cold, daring question. She continued again, "Why would you want that from property, Mistress?"

Mistress Alexa sighed and smiled sadly. "Oh sweetheart, you don't get it. I understand, but you simply don't get it. You seem to have it in your sweet little head that you're some thing."

Kat paused, looking down. Mistress Alexa watched her for a moment, and then continued, "You're not a 'thing' to me. You never were."

Just then, the waiter returned, carrying their food on a silver platter. He set it down on a small stand he carried under his arm and set their plates before them. Kat eyed hers, her stomach silent and appetite gone. Her Mistress watched her, thanking the server without glancing at him. He nodded to them both, and walked away, clearly sensing the tension.

"Kat," She said, sighing. "I don't know who your last master was, but whatever he did to you was awful. I will never treat you like that. You deserve better."

Kat looked down, frowning, eyes blank. "But... why?"

"Because," her Mistress said, picking up her utensils and placing the napkin they came wrapped in on her lap, "I am your Mistress. Your Owner. I get to decide what you deserve. And I think you deserve better than that. Now, no more of this. Eat, sweetie. Let's enjoy tonight, okay?"

Kat stared emptily into her food. Was this a tear that was forming at the corner of her eye, or were her eyes just that dry? She blinked it away. No more crying, she thought. Especially not here. She took a deep, shaky breath, and let it out slowly.

"Yes, Mistress," she said, beginning to eat.

After they'd gotten home, Kat had had a long, hot bath, and gone to her room. It was late. Despite being well fed - and the food was delicious, to say the least - and bathed, she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed, the moonlight filtering in through the window illuminating her room with its ghostly pale glow. She looked out her window, at the moon, which was shrouded by thin clouds, mind blank, simply staring.

The night echoed in her mind. Her Mistress's words rang in her ears, that she deserved better, that she shouldn't have been treated the way she was treated. But... why? Kat couldn't shake the question. Why did she deserve better? She was... well, she was property. There was no reason to be allowed better, much less deserve it. Only, she had been being treated better. It was true. She rolled over, cursing under her breath. How could her Mistress tug on her heartstrings like that, she thought. What gave her the right?

Oh, right. She was property. Her heartstrings belonged to her Mistress to play and pluck as much as she pleased. And Mistress Alexa was playing them like a harp. Kat tossed and turned, thinking, and eventually, she found she couldn't just lay there and ruminate. So, she stood up and, in her silky blue pajamas, decided to pace the halls again.

She stepped out of her room, quietly closing the door behind her. She looked around. The house was dead silent at this time of night, and her only company were the shadows on the walls. So, she started to pace, wandering the empty halls and listening to the sound of her own footsteps. Every so often she'd pass the stairs that led down into the foyer. The house was huge, and its separate wings gave her ample room to walk.

She must've walked for nearly an hour before she heard it. She was approaching her Mistress's door, something that would usually make her uneasy, but tonight, her mind simply felt blank and tired and she was more interested in simply wandering than thinking. But then she heard it. Soft sobs came from within her Mistress's room, making Kat pause in the quiet. She listened intently, just to be sure she hadn't imagined it, when another small sob came from within the room.

Kat leaned against her Mistress's door and listened, careful not to make a sound. She listened, and could hear shaky breaths and gentle sobs from within. She held her breath, as if even breathing would alert the Mistress to her presence. She felt like she shouldn't be here, or like she should knock, or like she should've just stayed in bed. She wasn't sure. But the crying from within filled her heart with a sad feeling, something that ached. It made her hurt, too.

She gnawed at her fingertips as she listened, wondering if she should do something. But all too quickly, the crying died down, and the room was silent once more. Kat stood there for a moment, listening, before kneeling down and waiting. To see, she supposed, if it would resume.

It didn't. She knelt before the door, finally thinking, but it was deep into the night. In the quiet of the house, she found herself dozing quickly, finally, and soon, the sandman came and drizzled sleep into her eyes. Her eyelids grew heavy, her body, tired, and soon, she'd fallen asleep there, kneeling beside her Mistress's door. Waiting for something.

What that something was, not even she was sure of. But it was something. And so she waited.

Kat's eyes slowly opened the next morning. Rays of warm sunshine filtered in through a nearby window, shielded by thin crimson curtains. Oh, she thought, it's morning. But this was not the hallway she fell asleep in. This wasn't even her bed. The silk sheets were just as crimson as the curtains; Kat felt very comfortable in this place. Of course, she knew it was her Mistress's bedroom, and the confirmation of that came from the gentle snoring next to her. Kat glanced over at her Mistress, sleeping peacefully.

She immediately froze, heart skipping a beat. Her Mistress must have found her asleep outside her door. Why did she bring Kat into her bed? Would she be punished for eavesdropping? She didn't dare move a muscle, afraid of the potential consequences. However, Mistress Alexa stirred beside her. Kat paled.

But then, Mistress Alexa's arms reached out and embraced Kat, pulling her in close.

"G'morning," her Mistress mumbled sleepily, still face down in the pillow, hair splayed out, hiding her expression. Kat could not tell if she was angry, however, being cuddled was a good sign. So far.

"G-good morning, Mistress." She didn't dare say another word, waiting with baited breath to be scolded.

Mistress Alexa groaned, beginning to rouse more. "Found you outside my door last night, care to explain that?"

Kat gulped and fidgeted nervously. "I, um... I couldn't sleep Mistress, so I was walking the halls, and I just... kinda fell asleep there," she said. "I'm sorry Mistress!"
