Kate Pt. 01


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"I'll tell you what," I told her, "I want you and Sarah to check into the Loew's Vanderbuilt Plaza, on West End Avenue. I'll pay for everything."

"There's something you're not telling me, baby, and it's got me scared," she said, tears beginning to fill her eyes, "Why can't we just stay here?"

"Because you're safer there," I told her, "I'm going to be doing some surveillance on Tyler Martin's ass tonight and I want to make certain that the two of you are safe. If I put you in one of the penthouses there, the hotel's security staff will guard the elevator to your suite, and that way, no one can pass by them except for me; okay?"

"All I ask is that you be careful, baby," she fearfully replied, "Do you promise me that nothing is going to happen to you?"

"Yes," I replied, with all certainty, "I promise you that absolutely nothing is going to happen to me. Besides, Kevin is going to go with me. Now, does that make you feel better?"

"It does," she smiled, relief clearly written across her face, "And now that I know that Kevin will be with you, I'm not worried at all."

"Good," I smiled, handing her one of my credit cards, "I've already contacted the hotel and they will be waiting for you as soon as you get there. Once you're checked in, I want you to call room service for anything you need, and please don't leave the room until you hear from me, okay baby?"

"I love you," she told me, firmly pressing her body against mine while also wrapping her arms around my neck, "Please come back to me safe and sound, okay?"

"I will," I smiled, softly patting her beautiful ass, "Now I want you two to pack an overnight bag, and then I want you to take my car and get going."

"Really," she wildly grinned, "You mean you're going to let me drive your baby?"

"No," I grinned, "You're my baby; the Corvette is just my car."

"This is going to be so much fun," she giggled, "I can't wait to drive it."

"Uh huh," I teased, "Just remember, you break it, you buy it."

"Puh-leez," she sarcastically giggled, "I think you know better than that, Mark."

"Get you're your pretty little asses moving," I chuckled, lightly swatting her beautiful ass, "I've got a cab to catch."

"I love you," she whispered, "And I'll see you soon, my love."

"I love you, too, Kate..."


After I safely saw Kate and Sarah off, the cab came to my house and picked me up. From there we went over to Elm Hill Pike to a place called Enterprise Rent-A Car, where I got an inconspicuous white Ford, Taurus which was perfect for my needs.

From there I drove over to the Vanderbuilt campus where Tyler Martin's frat house was, and then I sat and waited. God must've been smiling on me, because not more that ten minutes had passed before I saw that asshole come walking out of the house and get into his White, Mercedes Benz 350sl and took off, headed for God knows where.


I followed him to Ruby Tuesday's over on Donelson Pike, where he got out of his car, walked in, and then went straight to the bar.

I guess now would be a good time to describe Tyler Martin. He stood somewhere in the neighborhood of six feet, four inches, to six feet, five inches tall; and if I had to guess, I'd say he weighed about two hundred and ninety, to three hundred pounds. And while he was formidable in appearance, he still didn't frighten me one bit.

He was a typical big, dumb ass, redneck, jock sonofabitch who was not able to count to twenty unless he was bare footed or wearing sandals; and how he ever graduated from high school, much less college was way beyond me. He might've been a menacing sight to your average person, but like I just said, not to me. I knew that he was nothing more than a drunk, fucking asshole, who'd earned his money the old fashioned way...he'd inherited it.

Just the thought of him touching Kate, not to mention what he'd done to poor Sarah, made my skin crawl; but now was not the time to strike...well, not yet anyway. I still had to make sure that Mike Dodge and David Linder were nearby to witness what I'd planned to do to the mother fucker.

So, for the rest of the night, I made sure that I was around Tyler to more or less watch him and get to know what places he liked to haunt the most, and then tomorrow, I would let Mike and David know that I'd found him.

The reason I was going to do that was because, until I got their asses, too, they would be accountable witnesses for the purposes of prosecuting Tyler Martin for not only raping Sarah, but also for committing aggravated assault against my precious Kate; and, I was going to make him pay dearly for that in the moments right before the police arrived to arrest him.


That night when I got home, I made it a point to call Kate and Sarah, not only to let Kate know that I was alright, but to also make sure that they were both safe and secure.

"Hi, sweetie," Kate anxiously answered the phone, in the hotel suite I'd put them up in, "I've been very worried about you. Are you alright?"

"I'm perfectly fine, my love," I reassured her, "How are you and Sarah doing, are ya'll okay?

"We're good," she softly replied, relief in her tone of voice, "Especially now that I've heard from you."

"I need you to listen closely, my love," I told her, "I want you guys to stay put and don't leave the suite tomorrow, and then I promise that I'll see you tomorrow night, alright?"

"What're you up to, Mark?" she nervously asked, "I know you, and I can tell by the sound of your voice that something is going on; and from the way you're acting, it's more than likely dangerous."

"I need you to trust me, Kate," I reminded her, "You told me that you would, remember?"

"I do trust you," she sniffled "But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to worry, dammit."

"I love you with all my heart, Kate," I tenderly replied, "And I promise you that nothing is going to happen to me, okay?"

"Okay," she said, seemingly satisfied for the moment, "But you'd better damn well keep your promise to me. Do you understand me?" and then she began to softly cry, "I don't want to lose you, Mark...I just can't, baby; okay?"

"Shh, it's going to be alright, my love," I quietly soothed her, "I swear it will...I need you to be strong for me now. Promise me that you will, not only for me, but for Sarah, too. She loves both of us very much and we don't want to worry her now, do we?"

"No, you're right," she quietly sniffled, calming down, "Just be careful, and always remember that I love you very much, baby."

"I know you do, and I love you, too," I told her, "And I promise to be very careful."

"Okay then," she said, yawning, "It's late and I'd better get some sleep...I miss you."

"Aw, sweetie...I miss you, too..."


The next morning, I met with Mike Dodge and David Linder in Mike's office at nine o'clock. They seemed like they were both happy to see me, but I still didn't trust either of them as far as I could throw their criminal asses.

"Hi, Mark," Mike grinned, shaking my hand, "It's so good to see you back."

"Hello," I calmly replied, "You, too, Mike, and also you, David."

"Hi, Mark," David smiled, "We're very glad you came back."

"Now that I'm here, there's something that we need to discuss," I told the two of them, "And it's alot more important than the Gaylord Entertainment project so; I'd like to get right to the point."

"Alright, I'm listening," Mike agreeably smiled, "What is it?"

"I found the man who assaulted Kate," I announced, suddenly receiving their undivided attention, "But you're going to have to agree to let me handle it my way before I tell you who it is, alright?

"Agreed," Mike firmly stated, "And I speak for David as well."

"He most certainly does," David replied, anger in his eyes, "Now who is it?"

"It's Kate's ex-boyfriend, Tyler Martin," I told them, "I've already devised a plan to get the sonofabitch, and I need the two of you as witnesses who are willing to testify that he attacked me first. Are we clear on this?"

"I don't have a problem with that," Mike seethed, "And I'm sure David doesn't either...do you, Dave?"

"No, I don't," David growled, "But you'd better damn well at least maim that motherfucker before the police can get to wherever this is going to go down to arrest him."

"Don't worry about that," I quietly told them, "I've already got that end of it covered."

"Where is Kate," Mike asked, "Is she safe?"

"You don't need to know where she is," I replied, "That way, if you get asked; you can honestly say that you don't know...you, too, David."

"Alright," Mike replied, "That's very smart thinking...so; when is it going to happen, and where do you want us to be?"

"Yeah," David agreed, "What time?"

"I want you to stay by your home phone, Mike," I told him, "I'll call you and let you and David know where to be this evening," and then I stood up and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute," Mike demanded, "When are we going to talk about the Gaylord Entertainment deal?"

"After I take care of the situation at hand," I coldly replied, "In the mean time, just do as I ask," and then I walked away.


"You're going to do what," Kevin asked, astounded by what Id just told him, "You know that you're walking a very thin line where the law is concerned, don't you?"

"Not as long as you're there when everything happens" I chuckled, "You're going to have to deal with the fact that I'm not about to let Tyler Martin slip through my fingers, Kevin...I promise you that I won't be breaking any laws in the process."

"I don't want to be there, Mark," he told me, "As a matter of fact; I don't want to have any part in this. I'm a Cop for fuck's sake, and I love Katie too much to get involved in any of it, and that's something that you're going to have to deal with."

"I understand, Kevin," I calmly replied, "I really do; but like I just told you, I promise to God that I'm not going to break any laws whatsoever."

"I know you won't, kid," he began to laugh, "But it sounds to me like you're going to bend the hell out of a few of them though."

"Maybe," I grinned, "But at least I won't be breaking them."



After he left the safety of the frat house on the Vanderbuilt University campus, it was nearing eight o'clock in the evening, but he didn't go far though. He pulled into a club called "The Third Coast" which was a well known party club for the younger, college age crowd.

The moment I got there, I called Mike at home and told him where I was. He assured me that he and David would be there within the next thirty minutes. I guess they both must've been standing by Mike's home phone, ready and waiting to hear from me. It didn't matter, just as long as they both got there soon.


I was very surprised when Mike came up to stand beside me twenty minutes later, letting me know that he and David had a table waiting for the three of us to sit down at. Once I took a seat and had a drink in my hand, I noticed that Tyler was flirting with every girl he could, and having zero luck.

I thought it was hilarious as hell watching that dumb fuck getting rejected, but I wasn't there to laugh at him, I was there to seriously kick his ass, as well as get him arrested for the things he'd done not only to Kate, but to Sarah, as well. My chance came when the hostess seated six very pretty girls at the table next to ours.

I quietly leaned over to the next table with a one-hundred-dollar bill in my hand, and paid one of the girls to "accidentally" bump into Tyler and make him spill his drink on himself. So; with a solid assurance from me that I would be right behind her to back her up if he started raise hell with her, off we went so that I could cast my wrath on Tyler Martin's vicious ass, as well as bring that worthless piece of shit to justice.


It took no less than ten seconds before the little sweetie bumped into Tyler which, of course, made him spill his drink all over his nice shirt.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she gasped, "Please, forgive me...it was an accident, I swear.

"Hey, God dammit," he drunkenly slurred, as he'd been throwing drinks down his throat, one after another since the moment he arrived, "Why don't you watch where you're goin, you stupid little cunt."

"Eat shit, you asshole," she spat, reaching over and slapping him in the face, very hard at that, "I said I was sorry, and don't you ever call me that again, you stupid fucker."

I hadn't paid her to slap him, nor had I paid her to cuss him either, I guess she really didn't like being called what he'd called her. However, he lost his temper all the same.

And in doing so, he raised his hand to hit her, until I quickly stepped in between them, and then looking directly into his eyes, I angrily growled, "Only a dick head hits women, and besides, the lady tried to apologize to you; you fucking prick. I dare you to try that shit with me, asshole."

"Fuck off, hippie boy," he laughed, and then tried to take a swing at me.

Of course I wasted no time in moving out of the range of his swing, making him miss me by a long shot, and then I bitch-slapped him, and then laughed and told him, "Is that all you've got? You even hit like a fucking girl, you little bitch!"

"I'LL KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKER," he raged, and then after crouching down, he tried to charge at me, only to be met by my foot in his face as he passed me by when I quickly stepped out of his way.

"Call the police, NOW," I told the bartender, who immediately jumped on the phone.

The moment that Tyler Martin got back onto his feet, I quickly grabbed two handfuls of hair, and head-butted him as hard as I could, directly in the nose, splattering blood all over his face, and me, making him wilt like a dead flower after a funeral.

However, it didn't end there, as I began to repeatedly kick him as hard as I could right in his face, stopping only after he closed his eyes. The one last gift I gave him was when I landed on his shins with all my weight, using both of my knees to shatter the tibia and fibula bones below the knees of both of his legs; guaranteeing that he'd be spending many months in a wheel-chair learning to walk again, if he ever walked again at all. The good thing about it all, was that I wasn't going to need justification for beating him so badly because of the fact that he was about to attack a defenseless girl for a little bit of nothing. Besides; I had a whole club full of witnesses that all heard him tell me that he was going to kill me.


Chapter Twelve

As it turned out, everyone there all knew who Tyler was, and nobody liked him because of the way he treated people. Both Mike and David gave their statements to the police, as well as girl that I'd paid to bump into Tyler. Of course she gladly left that part out of her statement, giving me a kiss on the cheek and calling me "Her Hero".

She invited me back to her apartment that night, but I very nicely declined, telling her that I had a very beautiful fiancée who I loved more than anything, and I would never dream of hurting her by doing something like that.

"That's a very admirable quality," the girl sweetly smiled, "I wish more guys were like you."

"There's more of us around than you think," I kindly told her, "All you have to do is just be patient and let them come to you, instead of going out to look for them. I promise you that it'll happen when you least expect it."

"I sure hope so," she softly replied, "And I also hope that he's kind and handsome, just like you."

"What a nice thing to say," I smiled, gently brushing her soft and pretty cheek with the back of my hand, "Thank you."

After the ambulance came and took Tyler to the hospital, the police informed us that two warrants had been sworn out against him and that as soon as he was out of the hospital, he would be going directly to jail, but that he would also be on the security floor of the hospital. Then they thanked us and left, as did we, leaving not very long after they did.


"Oh, my God, Mark," Kate cried, the moment she saw me at the door of the hotel suite, covered in Tyler's blood, "You've got blood all over you, baby, are you alright?"

"I'm perfectly fine," I grinned, pulling her into my arms, "This is Tyler's blood and not mine."

"Please tell me that you got him and he's gone for good," Sarah began to cry, coming up behind Kate, and then throwing her arms around the both of us, "Please, Mark."

"Shh, it's alright now, Sarah, sweetie," I gently soothed her, now holding both women in my arms, "He'll never bother anyone again, I promise."

"Oh, my God," Sarah bitterly wept, "I've been so afraid for so long, and I can't believe that it's finally over with."

"It's over, honey," Kate proudly smiled, "You'll never have to worry about that fucker again, because after we both testify at his trial; they're going to lock him up and throw away the key."

"You can bet your ass, they will," I laughed, "They'll throw him under the jailhouse..."


The next morning, I called Mike and David from the hotel, and told them that I would be at Mike's office in an hour.

"That's great," Mike excitedly replied, "Are we going to talk about the Gaylord Entertainment project today?"

"Yes, we are," I stoically replied, "But like I said, I've got a couple of conditions that I want to talk about first."

"No problem," Mike answered, "I've already told you that you can have anything that you want."

"We'll see," I said, "I'll see you soon," and then I hung the phone up.

"What conditions are you talking about?" Kate asked, the moment I set the receiver back into its cradle on the telephone, "If it's more money that you want, I'm fairly sure that he'll bend over backwards to accommodate you."

"It's not just that," I told her, gently kissing her lips, "If you remember correctly, I'm going after his head, too."

"What're you going to do, Mark?" she asked, "Please don't do anything foolish, because I know Mike very well. If he gets pushed into a corner, he can be very dangerous, baby."

"I know that," I knowingly grinned, "I'm going to give him just enough rope to hang himself with, and then I'm going to pull the noose tight, leaving him with only one way out...through me."

"Oh, my God," she quietly said, tears beginning to fill her eyes, "Please be careful, baby...dear God, what're you going to do."

"I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Kevin when he asked about my plans to take Tyler Martin's ass down," I gently told her, "If I don't tell you what I have planned, then you can honestly say that you don't know a thing in case you get questioned by the authorities, or anyone else for that matter...not that that's ever going to happen anyway."

"Don't you get yourself hurt, dammit," she sniffled, "I can't lose you, Mark; and like I told you last night...I won't lose you. Do you understand me, you crazy fucker?"

"Oh, so; now I'm a crazy fucker, huh?" I chuckled, "What happened to being the love of your life?"

"You're still the love of my life," she smiled, still sniffling, "It's just that I think that sometimes you act like you've lost your mind, especially by doing the things I've seen you do, as well as the risks I've seen you take."

"And every time I told you not to worry," I said, "I came out of it without so much as a scratch, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did," she quietly replied, "All I'm saying that you're tempting fate too often; and I'm worried that the odds are going to catch up with you, baby; that's all."

"I've only tempted fate once, since you've known me," I reminded her, "And even then I was doing something that we both know was the right thing to do. Besides, didn't you yourself say that Mike and David were both, a couple of evil assholes?"

"Yes," she answered, "But I didn't mean that I wanted you, or anyone else that I know for that matter, to be the one to bring them down. You should let the law handle it, Mark."
