Kate Pt. 01


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"Then I'm sure that I'll love it, too," I smiled, getting up to walk over to where Kate stood, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind her, and pulling her against me, "I love you, Miss Kathryn Nicole Meyers, soon to be Powers."

"I love you, too, Mark Powers," Kate sweetly replied, turning around in my arms to hug me, and then tenderly kissed my lips, "I'll love you for the rest of my life, baby."

All of a sudden we heard someone, a female, sniffling as if they were crying, and turning to look behind us, Kate and I saw Carolyn wiping her pretty eyes with a piece of tissue.

"Mom," Kate asked, concerned, "What's wrong, and why are you crying?"

"Nothing's wrong baby girl," she affectionately smiled, "I'm just so happy that you two are in love with one another, that's all."

"I love him very much, Mom," Kate softly replied, "And I know that he loves me, too; and one day we're going to give you some beautiful grandchildren to spoil rotten."

"Yes, our children will be very beautiful," I proudly told Carolyn, tightly hugging Kate against me, "Especially if they look like their mother."

"Aw, sweetheart," Kate tenderly cooed, "Their future father is the most handsome, loving, and beautiful man that I'll ever know so; don't sell yourself short, my love."

"Thank you," I smiled, "Is there anything that I can do to help?"

"As a matter of fact there is," she teased, pulling a large knife from out of the butcher's block where I kept them, "You can start chopping up the onions, garlic, tomatoes and bell peppers."

"Damn," I chuckled, "Me and my big mouth, huh?"

"You asked if you could help, silly," she giggled, "I'm just taking you up on your offer."


I began doing the chores I was assigned, but before I could even finish cutting up the tomatoes, Carolyn and Sarah ended up taking over and running me out of the kitchen, telling me words to the effect of I was being entirely too slow.

"Besides," Sarah giggled, "This is a woman's work, and you'll end up making a big mess more than anything else."

Of course I conceded and Kevin and I went into the den and found a basketball game on the television that was much more interesting than what was going on in the kitchen.


About an hour later, as well as after smelling the aromas coming from the kitchen which were only making Kevin and I all the more hungrier, Carolyn walked into the den smiling and announced that dinner was being served in the dining room.


When I arrived in the dining room, I saw the china my grandmother had given me beautifully adorning the table, along with the Waterford Crystal I'd bought right after I moved into my new house.

"I hoped that you don't mind my using the good China and Crystal, Mark," Kate sweetly told me, "I think it looks good on the table, and I wanted to make this special."

"That's fine, sweetie," I grinned, "After all, it's going to be yours once we get married."

"I love you," was all she said, simply kissing me as she seated me at the head of the table.

With Kate on my right hand and Carolyn on my left, Sarah sat on the other side of Kate, and Kevin took the seat on the other side of Carolyn, leaving the seat at the far end of the table vacant.

The spaghetti was delicious, along with which, Kate made garlic toast, while Sarah and Carolyn put together a rather nice salad to go with everything else. We ate until we could hold no more. However, the real treat was the chocolate pie that Sarah had made, unbeknownst to Kevin and me.


"Wow," I grinned patting my stomach, "I don't think I could eat another bite, even if you paid me to."

"You girls did an excellent job," Kevin agreed, "Thank you for inviting me, everything was delicious."

"Did everyone get enough to eat?" Kate sweetly asked, "There's still plenty left."

"No, I'm full, honey," I softly replied, "But thanks for asking just the same..."


I did the dishes after Kevin and Carolyn went to their respective homes, declining both Kate and Sarah when they offered to help me clean up.

"You girls did all the work," I smiled, "I think it's only fair that I do the dishes and clean the kitchen."

'That's very sweet of you, my love," Kate gently told me, hugging me from behind while I stood at the sink, "I love you very much, Mark."

"So do I," Sarah grinned, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek, "You're a good guy, Mark; and I hope that I meet someone just like you one day."

"You will, pretty girl," I told her, "I don't know how I know it, but you will."

"Thank you," she chirped, "I sure hope so."


That night as I lay next to Kate, I smiled to myself as I thought about all of the things that I'd been through in my life up to that point. Of course I was still very worried about how all the bullshit with David Linder and Mike Dodge was going to turn out; but then again, I could somehow feel that it wasn't going to be as much trouble as I originally thought, especially now that Kevin Braid was going to help us.

What was at the foremost front of my mind though, was Tyler Martin. I was planning on going after him in the next few days, and Kevin and I hadn't yet mapped out how everything was going to go down.

Still though, Kevin had told me not to worry about it before he left earlier that evening and that we would be getting together to talk about it tomorrow. So, with that in mind, I snuggled up next to my beautiful Kate, and then shortly afterward, fell into a restful sleep.


I woke up the next morning to the feeling of Kate tenderly kissing the underside of my throat while she rubbed her naked body against mine. Needless to say, my cock was as hard as iron and no sooner had I opened my eyes when she slowly climbed on top of me, grinding her pussy against my cock, and purred, "Mmm, make love to this morning baby, okay?" and I proceeded to do just that.

I still, to this day, love the sight of Kate's hot tits, bouncing while she rides my cock, but not nearly as much as I do the look in her eyes when she cums...and she's always done a lot of that, ever since the first time we ever made love.

However, now that we've been together for so long, she almost always likes to...Ooops; I'm getting ahead of myself again, sorry...


After Kate and I had taken a shower, which, the shower itself was an experience that I also still love to this day, we both smiled when we discovered that Sarah was in the kitchen making breakfast for us.

"Good morning, guys," she teased, "I thought that I was going to have to come into the bathroom and throw a bucket of cold water on you two."

"Oh hush," Kate giggled, pouring us each a cup of coffee, "Is there anything I can do to help you, sweetie?"

"Actually there is," Sarah smiled, "Can you preheat the oven while I finish making these biscuits?"

"I sure can," she smiled, handing me my coffee as I walked into the kitchen.

"Damn, girl," I told Sarah, sniffing the aromas emanating from the kitchen, "It sure smells good in here."

"I'm happy to hear that," she giggled, "Take a seat at the kitchen table, because breakfast will be ready in a few minutes."

"Good," I smiled, "I'm starving."

"Typical man," she giggled, "All of you think with your stomachs."

"Whatever," I laughed, smacking her on the ass and making her squeal as I walked by her to get to the table, "And you girls can be such bitches at times, too."

"You'd better watch it, buster," Kate giggled, "You like it, or else neither one of us would be here so; shut up."

"That's right, Katie," Sarah teased giggling, "Tell him, girl."

"What is it," I playfully groaned, "Do I have "Bust My Balls" written across my forehead this morning, or what?"

"No, not this morning," Kate smiled, leaning down and kissing me, "You have it written there all the time."

"Yeah, right," I laughed, "Whatever."


After Sarah had finished cooking breakfast, the three of us sat down and ate Scrambled eggs with sausage, as well as biscuits with sausage gravy. To say that it tasted wonderful would be the understatement of the century. With Kate and Sarah doing all of the cooking, there was always something good to eat at my house, and I felt very blessed to have the both of them there.

Even though Kate and I were lovers, I still loved Sarah, too; only in a different way. However, I could tell that she was beginning to get lonely, and why not? She was still young and beautiful, and in my opinion, I feel that every woman deserves to be happy, especially my precious little Sarah.

After I dealt with the matters at hand, I was going to discuss the issue with Kate, and see if there was someone that we could possibly introduce Sarah to; but it had to be someone that was worthy of being with a young woman such as her; that much was certain.


Later that morning I heard a knock on the front door; and knowing who it was, I went to the door to find Kevin standing on my front porch with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, Mark," he grinned, as we shook hands, "How're you doing today?"

"I'm doing very well," I grinned, ushering him into the house, "Come on in; I just brewed a fresh pot of coffee."

"Good deal," he knowingly laughed, "But you and I both know that either Katie or Sarah brewed the coffee, and not you."

"Whatever," I chuckled, "Does it really matter?"

"It sure as hell does," he teased, "You know that women have a special touch when it comes to these things."

"Yeah," I laughed, "I guess you're probably right...come on in and have a seat in the kitchen."


"Okay," Kevin began, "We're here to discuss the issue of how we're going to deal with Mike Dodge, are we not?"

"Of course," I said, "But Mike's not an idiot so; how're we going to go about this? I mean...we've got to be very careful ya know."

"Yes, I do know," Kevin replied, "That's why I want you to make amends with him and find a way to get back into his good graces."

"You mean that you want me to kiss his ass," I unpleasantly replied, "Don't you?"

"Look at it this way," Kevin explained, "If you want to take his criminal ass down, then you're going to have to humble yourself before him; and, you're going to have to be very convincing. After all, didn't you just tell me that he's no idiot?"

"Yeah," I sulked, "I guess you're right; but even though I've got to do it, I don't have to like it, do I?"

"No, he chuckled, "You don't have to like it...you've just got to do it, that's all."

"Shit," I disgustedly replied, "I guess I'd better get myself ready to eat a little crow...shit."

"Aw, come on kid; don't look at it as eating crow," Kevin teased, "Look at it as eating a nice juicy slice of humble pie. That way it might go down a little easier."

"Ha ha, very funny," I acerbically told him, "You're not the one who's going to have to deal with that slime ball."

"Maybe not," he gravely replied, "I'm the one who's going to be there to save you're your narrow little ass when the shit starts to hit the fan so; keep that in mind the next time you decide to get all holier that thou, alright?"

"I'm sorry Kevin," I said, realizing he was right, "I forgot who I was talking to for a moment...I'm really sorry."

All of a sudden I remembered that Mike had asked me to come back and work on the Gaylord Entertainment project, and that I'd told him that I needed some time to think about it before I gave him an answer.

"I just remembered something," I smiled, "It might not be as hard as I thought it would be to get back into Mike Dodge's good graces."

"Is that right?" Kevin smiled, "Tell me what you mean."

I went into detail and told him about how Jake Anderson and Bobby Hanson wanted me to do the Gaylord Entertainment job for them and that Mike had called me and practically begged me to come back. I also told him that Mike was waiting for me to call him and let him know what decision I'd come to concerning whether or not I was going to take the job or not.

"Well, now," Kevin laughed, "It looks like you're not going to have to eat humble pie after all."

"I'm going to do the job," I said, "But there's something else that I want to take care of before I do this, and I'm going to indirectly need your help."

"What do you mean?" he quizzically asked, "And how are you going to need my help?"

"I'm talking about taking Tyler Martin's ass down," I said, "I will not kill him, not unless he pulls a weapon on me; and from what Kate tells me, he's that stupid."

"I understand," he replied, "But how does that concern me, and what did you mean when you said that you were going to indirectly need my help?"

I decided that the best thing to do was to tell him the truth; and the truth of the matter was that I was going after Tyler Martin with the intent of killing him, but only if I could legally get away with it.

"I can't condone that," Kevin said, once I told him what I was going to do, "That's First Degree Murder you're talking about, Mark."

"Not unless he pulls a weapon on me," I replied, "And you and I both know that the law, especially where it talks about self defense, says the same thing."

"You're right about that," he pointed out, "But the law also says that someone with your Martial Arts skills should be able to disarm him, too."

"You're right," I agreed, "But not if I've been wounded first. Besides, this asshole also studied Karate for a year, and according to Kate, he has no discretion about using what he's learned at any given opportunity so; that changes everything now, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it does," he said, "All I'm asking you is to be careful, Mark. I don't want to see anything happen to you, that's all."

"I'll be alright," I knowingly grinned, "While I would dearly love to take this asshole's life, I think that it would be better for everyone if he spent the rest of his life in a wheel chair. Do you know what I mean?"

"You should be careful about doing that, too," Kevin warned, "You're putting yourself into a situation where you could possibly be charged with aggravated assault, and that, too, is a major felony that could easily land you behind bars for a minimum of five years, Mark."

"Once again, it's a case of self defense," I confidently smiled, "And that's only if he draws first blood, and I intend to let him do just that, and afterwards, I'm going to lay waste to his rapist ass."

"Just be careful, Mark," he sighed, "And make damn sure that you have at least two witnesses."

"No sweat, Kevin," I grinned, "But I'm asking you to not say a word about this to Kate, okay?"

"Okay," he told me, "But only as long as you don't break the law."

"I won't," I smiled, "I promise you that I won't."


Chapter Eleven

After Kevin left I got into the shower and had just begun soaping my body when the shower door opened, followed by a very horny, as well as a very naked, Kate. My cock immediately began to get hard the moment I saw her big tits deliciously bouncing with every step she took.

"Hi, baby," she hungrily purred, pressing her tits against my side while grinding her hot pussy against my hip, "Have you got enough room in here for me?"

"You know I do," I smiled, wrapping my arms around her as I pulled her against my front, "Damn, you feel so good, Kate."

"I love you, Mark," she smiled, reaching down and grabbing my cock, which was standing at full mast, "I'll bet you that if I bent over and put my hands against the wall that you could stick that nice big cock in my pussy from behind so that we could have a quick fuck. What do you think, baby?"

"Mmm, I think you're right," I replied, gently turning her so that I was facing her back, and then slowly shoving my cock up her hot, wet hole while she was bending over, "Oh, shit, that feels so fucking good."

"Ungh, ungh," she quietly grunted, "That's it, baby, shove that big fucking cock up my hungry wet cunt. Ooo, yeah, fuck me, baby."

And needless to say, it didn't take long before I was filling her up with hot scalding cum, deep into the recesses of her sweet tight pussy, again coating her vaginal walls with my seed that morning; while her muscles simultaneously squeezed my cock as she came, only making it that much more pleasurable for the both of us

"Wow," Kate heavily panted smiling, "Look at us, two minutes into it and we're both cumming like a couple of inexperienced teenagers."

"I wouldn't say that," I grinned, "I think that we both got so excited over one another, we just couldn't help it."

"I love you, Mark," she softly told me, standing up and turning around to press the front of her naked, wet body against the front of mine, "I'll always love you, baby."

"And I'll always love you, too," I tenderly replied, "I can't begin to tell you how glad I am that we met."

"I am, too," she giggled, "Even thought I was such a bitch to you at first."

"Don't worry about it, my love," I grinned, "To tell you the truth; I wouldn't have it any other way."


After we both cleaned up and then stepped out of the shower, we gently dried one another's bodies, paying close attention to each other's genitals, taking a little extra time to taste the essence of each other.


"It's about time you two got out of the bathroom...again." Sarah giggled, "What is it with you two and the shower? I thought I was going to have to come in there and throw another bucket of cold water on you two to separate you."

"What is it with you and buckets of cold water?" Kate giggled, "You're obsessed."

"No, I'm not obsessed," Sarah grinned, "I had to do that to one of my boy dogs when he got stuck to the neighbor's girl dog."

"So, what're you trying to say?" Kate asked

"Nothing really," Sarah giggled, "It's just that you two remind me of those dogs that day."

"You are such a bitch," Kate laughed.

"Oh no," Sarah teased, "You're the bitch, because you're the one who's been getting stuck a lot lately," and then she began to laugh like a little girl, with Kate following closely behind her.

I simply shook my head and laughed.


"Hello, Mike," I replied into the telephone, "I've decided to take you up on your offer. But there's going to be a couple of conditions before I come back to the office."

"I don't care, whatever you need or want, you've got," he excitedly replied, "Please, Mark, just come back...we really need you here, my friend."

"We'll see how much of a friend that you think I am," I warned, "You haven't heard what I want yet."

"Like I said before, Mark, I don't care what you want," Mike replied, "Just please come back, okay?"

"Alright, I will," I told him, "But I've got something I need to take care of first, and then I'll be in on Monday of next week."

"Next week," he asked, "Why so long? Why can't you be here tomorrow?"

"I thought you just said that you wanted me back," I replied, "You told me that I could have whatever I needed and now you're already beginning to give me a hard time, and I'm not even there yet."

"You're right," I'm sorry," he apologetically replied, "We'll see you next Monday, Mark, is that okay?"

"There's a good reason for it, I promise you," I told him, "Until then you're just going to have to trust me. Oh, and by the way, I want to meet with you and David, first thing in the morning, alright?"

"No problem," Mike smiled, "Would nine o'clock, in my office, be alright with you?"

"Perfect," I told him, "I'll see you then," and then I hung the phone up before he had a chance to say anything else."

"What're you up to?" Kate asked, after I was off of the phone, "I can tell by the sound of your voice that it's not good so; tell me that everything is going to be alright, Mark...please?"

"Everything will be just fine," I assured her, "But I'm asking you to blindly trust me, my love; can you do that?"

"Of course I can," she uneasily replied, "I'm still going to worry though."
