Kate Haunted Manor House Ch. 03

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Kate visits the manor and gets fucked out of time.
10.9k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/03/2019
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Sexual acts depicted in the story are committed by adults over eighteen years old. It is an erotic horror story and includes described scenes of graphic sex including anal and incest. It is predominantly girl on girl until the erotic horror occurs. If that is not what you are looking for don't read on. Kate takes until Chapter 4 to vanquish the specters from her past and claim the Estate. But she gets an erotic taste of what is to come. This story will stand on its own but reading Chapters 1-2 will get you up to speed or get something else up or wet.


My name is Kate and I teach English Literature at a prestigious private associate college for women. My area of expertise is the Romantic Period (1785-1832). I have a concentration in the Gothic Period that concerned itself with elaborate tales of mystery, suspense, and superstition.

Interested in this time period and my heritage I did one of those ancestry tests. I got my results and had very high Celtic blood percentages. My DNA had identified me as the only surviving heir to a large estate; manor house, lands and accounts. The property would soon revert to the Interior Ministry if unclaimed. I had flown to Dublin to appear to a Solicitor to pursue my claim. I planned to see him today.

Most of my female students have led lives of privilege but loose themselves in the gothic stories, especially when the evil males force themselves on the heroine. In the weeks leading up to this trip I too had very erotic gothic dreams of being flogged then taken by force and fucked hard and deep. I met a young Irish Sixth Year female student on the plane over to Dublin. When I told her the name of the Estate was Ravenwoods she nearly came in her seat.

She held my hands and said that in the lesser know most erotic gothic Irish novels it was rumored that Ravenwoods was the manor house the stories were based on. She said her girls' gothic reading group knows the stories all too well. She said they scare the devil out of them but at the same time they cream their little fannies in erotic fantasies. When she said that last part she brought my fingers under her skirt to touch her soaking wet gusset.

That led to under blanket orgasms in the 'lights off' back of the plane. By the time we fell asleep I had a new orphan eighteen year old submissive in love with me. Before all that had started I had seduced the stewardess into cumming in her panties in the aisle next to me. I also had the aid of an unknown woman after she used the bathroom. In the dark of the plane I claimed her panties also. It's just a way I manifest my dominance.

So that leads us to this morning. The lights came on for breakfast and my new ward woke up. She reached up and gave me a morning breath kiss. The fact that both our tongues tasted like each other's pussy juice did not stop my little Fiona from showing her new found love for her Mistress.

"Good morning, Mistress Kathrynne, what are your plans for today?" she said stretching her big tits in my direction. She had forgotten she had unbuttoned her blouse and had popped her bra cups during 'lights out'. The morning light through the plane window gave me an appreciation of her young firm breasts. Her aureoles were a dark pink and her fat nipples were a dark rose.

"Well my princess Fiona, first I think you better button up or you're gonna give an unintended show to anyone coming down the aisle to use the bathroom." Fiona blushed then laughed and closed up those beautiful breasts. "I've texted my college Proctor and he will call and persuade your Proctor to release you into my guardianship. Then I need to discuss with my Solicitor adding you to the Ravenwoods Estate as my ward. Would that be ok?" I asked.

Fiona's eyes lit up then tears started flowing and she kissed me all over my face and deeply our lips met for some time. She finally kissed my lips softly and pulled back and her eyes went wide. I turned around and saw a strikingly beautiful dark haired amber eyed woman standing by my seat. She had a wide smile on her lips and her eyes twinkled.

"Thank you, Mistress Kathrynne, for last night. It was so erotic being taken in the dark. I had to slip a pad under my dress since I lost my panties somewhere and I creamed myself all night. My dreams were so erotic. And thank you for your gift of the pretty stewardess. We talked and I have time before my meeting for a little rendezvous at her layover hotel. Funny word, 'layover' as I plan to lay all over that body now that I appreciate her even more in the daylight. My name is Morgan by the way," she said then leaned down and kissed me deeply. I ran my hand up her skirt and felt her wet pussy. She moaned then shimmied then let out a deep breath.

She asked why I was in Dublin and I told her of the issues with Ravenwoods. At the stating of that name her eyes got very focused on me. "On the plane last night I had very focused erotic dreams of an earlier time. I dreamt of carriages and riding crops and being tied up and disciplined. I was fucked several times by a dominate man and a weak clergyman. I tell you I came so hard several times last night it woke me up each time. The elderly man sitting next to me kept breathing in my orgasm scent. I reached my hand into his lap and squeezed his old chubby each time I woke up. He thanked me this morning for the best flight in his life. We laughed and I gave him a sweet kiss."

"You don't know me but I think we are in tune in this mis-adventure. I feel I can safely tell you I am a witch and specialize in erotic horror and haunting events. If you find you need me give my mobile a call and I will drop whatever I am doing and come to your aid. By the way your ward looks like a liquid breakfast. I would be very appreciative if you would share her. By the way she has a dormant power that I could bring out if given the chance," she said mysteriously.

"Come here witch child," she whispered and pulled Fiona into a deep lasting kiss. Morgan was mumbling as her breath filled Fiona. When she pulled back Fiona's green eyes shown with a new brightness and purpose. "I have given your ward a protective spell and warmed her witch powers which will get stronger as the days pass. Be on your guard while at Ravenwoods and its town of Ravenduff. I shall do some research on your behalf. Here is my card. Call me soon. Goddess speed for now Mistress Kathrynne and your beautiful ward Miss Fiona," she whispered and kissed me again and returned to her seat.

As we deplaned we were last off. I walked up to Mairead as she stood by the door and pulled her tight against me and kissed her deeply. I passed her off to Fiona and she kissed her also. "Wonderful flight, Mairead! It was our pleasure to fly with you! Be sure that you're nice to Morgan today," I said and gave her another quick kiss and grabbed her ass. The pilots and other stewards looked on aghast.

"Thank You, Mistress Kathrynne, for choosing our airline and I hope you enjoy your stay here in Dublin," Mairead said and gave each of us a quick kiss. She spun around and looked at all the men staring at her and said, "WELL?" and walked off to finish her landed plane chores.

As we walked towards the luggage claim area I told Fiona to text me her legal name, address and passport number as I had something to discuss with the Solicitor. I pulled the two now moist and very scented panties out of my bag and held them as we walked. "Mistress whhaaat are you gonna do with those?" Fiona asked. "Watch!" I said.

I saw that elderly man from our flight sitting by himself so I walked up to him and dropped Morgan's panties on his lap. "Here you go Da, a little gift for ya!" He brought the black lace panties up to his face and took in a few deep breaths. He smiled brightly at me and whispered, "I think I spent the night with this scent ma'am. Thank You, thank you kindly!"

I next saw a husband being hassled by his nagging pretentious wife as he tried to juggle controlling his two kids. I saw that she had walked out of the ladies' bathroom primping and looking around to see if the men were checking her out. I walked up to the husband and put Mairead's sexy pink panties in his hands. I whispered, "Play along. Your wife wants to be dominated. Just embarrass her here in public. Maybe slap her ass and she will be your toy for the rest of her life. I think also her mother can be turned."

So loudly I said, "Here, your wife left these with me after she was in the ladies' bathroom for all that time. She tasted wonderful," I said laughing and moved behind the husband. I heard the wife scream, "I never did that!" Then I whispered, "Go spank that bitch!"

The husband gave the kids to his MIL then walked up to his wife and yelled, "I know you dressed in pink panties today. I also know you loved that sorority stuff in college. Now bend over, pull up your dress and show me you still have your pink panties on!" His wife looked at the business men gathering around the husband so she tried to bluff him off.

He growled and grabbed her long hair and tugged her to turn and bend over. With his hand still pulling on her hair he raised her skirt up her back with the other. The wife did have her pink panties on but in the tanga style so most of her ass cheeks were on display. The husband gave each ass cheek a few quick hard swats and the business men cheered him. His wife actually moaned.

He pulled his wife up by her hair and growled, "Now you better damm well behave on this trip and don't give me any crap or I'll warm your ass over my knee," he warned her. "Same goes for your harpy mother," he said looking over at his MIL. She had shocked eyes then she lowered them to her lap and her crossed hands. She peaked over her eyebrows and her face turned bright red.

"Ok, yes!" his wife said softly rubbing the sting out of her ass. "Yes, What?" he said louder. His wife looked at her shoes and said defeated, "Yes, Daddy!"

"All right then. Go make sure your mother understands!" The husband got another round of applause. We walked away smiling.

"Mistress Kathrynne, you are the very worst!" Fiona laughed. We got our luggage and called for an Uber. I dropped her at the walkway to her school and I went on to the Shelbourne Hotel and checked in and went up to my suite. I unpacked and took a quick shower, but took some special time to rub one out. I used the hand shower head to spray a neglected clit. I shook through that quick orgasm and moaned against the shower wall. I dressed and caught a quick bite to eat in the Lord Mayor's Lounge. I called my Solicitor Eoghan Mac Gabhann and confirmed my meeting at his office on Church Street near City Hall. I caught a short Uber ride and was soon at his office.

Mr. Mac Gabhann is an extremely handsome man! He had the dark Irish on him, swarthy looks, black hair and blue eyes the color of the ocean after a storm. He was a head taller than me and his hand shake contained immense power. His voice has so deep and his accent so prevalent he reminded me of the main character in those gothic novels and my pussy began to weep. I just stood drinking him in and building scenes in my mind for my next several erotic dreams.

"Shall we begin Kathrynne Anne Raven?" he asked richly and it sounded to me more like "Can I Fuck you Kathrynne Anne and ravish you?" I would have said YES to either one!

He told me the Ravenwoods Estate and surrounding lands and property is worth about €10,500,000 or roughly $14 million. "The bank accounts and investments come to an additional $5 million. Now the Estate also owns the entire town of Ravenduff and all tenants pay a monthly lease that brings in roughly $200,000 per year. I have to advise you that those leases are a bone of contention to the town people. Those leases go back hundreds of years and have been passed down through original families."

"Ok Eoghan this is what I want. I will willingly assume title to the Estate. I want a will drawn up giving Fiona O'Reilly, information provided, full rights as heir should I pass on. In the meantime I want her officially designated as my Ward with full rights and privileges to use the Estate as her home. And finally I want you to work on a "right to purchase" for each of those leases in a five year buyout plan. That will help me turn around the issue with the local people," I spelled out to my Solicitor.

"That's all very generous Kathrynne Anne but there is one last condition. Once you move into Ravenwoods you must stay for thirty consecutive nights in the manor house," and pausing for effect, "And you must survive. There have been many rumors by the caretakers and previous potential heirs who did not complete this requirement. The settlement of the Estate will be completed following your notification that you have taken up permanent residence in Ravenwoods Hall."

That sounded very ominous but I told him I planned to go through with the requirements. We said our goodbyes and I gave him my cell number and he gave me his private mobile number. Once outside I got a call from my college Proctor back in the US.

"Fiona will be released into your care once you meet with their Proctor. I'm very sorry to say he will have just one criteria for her release. For as long as I've known you Kathrynne you should have no problem willingly providing him with his desire," he said and laughed loudly. "I should only be so lucky to have that opportunity again when you return."

I immediately knew this Proctor would want sex in exchange for Fiona's release. What I didn't know was if it would be sex with me or Fiona. I took a taxi to Saint Bridget's School for Girls and went in to the front desk. I did not give my name but indicated the Proctor was expecting me. I was directed to the Proctor's office and I went and knocked on a very heavy wooden door. "Come in Kathrynne," said a squeaky voice.

I opened the door and Fiona was stretched across an old wooded desk with her uniform skirt flipped up her back and her panties on one Black & White. The Proctor stood snapping a two inch flap flogger into his palm then he quickly slapped Fiona's ass. Fiona screamed but could do nothing as her wrists were tied to the front legs and her ankles were spread and tied to the back legs of the desk. The Proctor quickly slapped Fiona's ass multiple times and she screamed each time from the pain. He angled his arm and slapped Fiona's pussy lips several times. Poor Fiona screamed but I watched as pussy juice ran down her thighs.

"Go ahead sweetheart scream all you want. The room has been made soundproof over the years. Now the question is who will pay the price for Fiona's release?" he sniveled as he dropped his pants and a fat long cock hung down. "Will this cock go into poor Fiona's ass or into your ass Kathrynne?" he laughed almost hysterically.

His voice was almost girl like and wild as he laughed. He walked up behind Fiona and placed his cockhead directly on her asshole. "I think this little hole has had nothing more than a finger down there. I wonder how she will scream if this big fat cock gets shoved down her ass? So will it be her or you?" he sneered.

"I'll do it! I'll be the payment!" I yelled. "But first sign her release then let me suck that powerful cock. Sit on your chair and hang those manly balls over the edge," I said pretending to plead for his cock.

He ate it up! He signed Fiona's release and handed me the paper. He sat in his ornate desk chair and hung his big balls over the edge. I knelt between his legs and placed his cockhead against my lips. "Close your eyes Proctor. Close your eyes and enjoy the dominance you have over us women," I chanted. He closed his eyes and I took my chance. I pushed his cock up against his abs then did a round up punch directly on his balls. My punch crushed his balls against the sharp edge of the chair. He screamed and looked down and I gave him a round house upper cut to his chin and knocked him out.

I quickly untied Fiona and we flopped the Proctor onto his own desk and hog tied him like he did Fiona. I looked through his desk and found a different flogger. It had a long leather handle and many tails. The handle was wrapped leather and appeared to be about twelve inches long. He also had lube in his desk for the poor virgins he abused so I lubed up the flogger handle and introduced it to his asshole and let Fiona push it all the way in. The Proctor moaned as it went deep and we left the tails to hang down over his balls much like a horse's tail.

We found many photos of his cock half way out of a senior girl student's pussy or ass. We could not see their faces so they were safe from being identified. He was smart enough to only fuck the eighteen year old girls. We scattered the photos on the floor around his desk. We were gonna leave Fiona's panties on the floor for effect. We laughed over and over when I asked her if her name was stitched into her panties. I took the electric green panties and used it to grab the phone and we dialed the local police. Fiona took the phone.

"Hello hi, I'm a young student at Saint Bridget's School for Girls and I just went past our Proctor's office door and he is doing something very perverted on his desk. I'm too frightened to stay can you come over quickly?" Fiona said in a very young girl's voice then she hung up and dropped the panties.

We grabbed her travel bags and Fiona led us out a side door just as the Garda pulled up in front with their sirens blasting and lights flashing. Lucky that a taxi was slowing down because of the commotion and we flagged him down and we went to the hotel. I tipped a bellman to bring Fiona's bags to my room and we went into the Saddle Room for dinner. I told Fiona to spare no expense since if she helps me with the Estate requirements we won't want for money ever. We both had a steak and lobster dinner and delicious wine and desserts.

We went upstairs and I told her she would be sharing my bed until further notice. She jumped into my arm making me stagger backwards onto the bed. Fiona kissed me deeply then began unbuttoning my blouse. She popped my front closer bra and began sucking my tits. My nipples became hard and long as she sucked strongly. She ran my skirt zipper down and roughly pulled my skirt and panties down. My panties had become very wet from her sucking on my tits.

She dropped to the floor and laid her head on my tummy. She took my entire labia between her lips and sucked away the pussy juice leaking out. I pulled her hair up and she looked at me wide eyed. I told her I needed a shower and to do this later.

"NO, Mistress Kathrynne! I owe you for the pleasure you gave me on the plane. I owe you for giving me a chance at a new more exciting life. But mostly because I love you Mistress and want to spend my life pleasing you," she said emphatically.

She dropped her face to my pussy and pulled my clit out with her plump lips. Two delicate fingers went up my pussy and found my g-spot. She stroked that moist pad and sucked my clit until I exploded and sprayed her chin. She dropped her mouth to my vagina opening and drank my warm cum until I stopped flowing.

As I lay there breathing heavily she stood beside the bed and slowly undressed. Her school uniform blouse got unbuttoned then pulled out of her skirt. She slowly pushed the blouse off her delicate shoulders and it fell to the floor. Her bra came off next displaying her full breasts. The skirt was unzipped and dropped to the floor.

This was the first time I saw my new ward fully naked. Her young breasts sat proudly and firm on the young body supporting them. The nipples hardened and pointed straight ahead. Her curly red hair covered pussy was on display for me. Fiona took her fingers wet with my cum and stroked her hardening aureoles and dark nipples.

She turned and bent way over presenting her wet labia and slightly dark backstar of her anus for my inspection. She touched her anus and asked me looking between her legs, "Might you have a toy, Mistress Kathrynne, you'd like to push up here and claim my virgin ass?" I laughed and told her to come cuddle with me.